
Chapter 1360: The Beginning of Chaos

This is the blow launched by Xu Yangyi carrying Chaos' legacy, which is a shock to the Changsheng Sea.

Due to the limitation of realm, Xu Yangyi's body will be torn apart if it is too huge. The Taixu realm can still escape, but other Taichu will not have such good luck.

But seeing the green light sweeping, all things are in spring, and vines actually crawled out from the cracks of the Yan Guilai, filling the whole body, sprouting tender buds and blooming flowers in the galaxy without air and water. After a few seconds, the Yan Guilai actually became a stone wrapped in flowers.

The beginning of chaos.

The spring sun melted the snow, and the huge Taichu army became countless dust and disappeared under this blow, drifting to all nearby planes. The next second, they were like seeds, making these planes visible to the naked eye. A layer of green, followed by colorful flowers blooming.

Spring is in the air.

"This..." The consciousness of the Hades Jundali has broken through the Yan Guilai, and he looked around in disbelief. Looking at the green planes and the blooming flowers, the whole person has become sluggish.


A loud earth-shaking sound was heard, visible to the naked eye, and all planes trembled together. The Wild Goose Returned shook, and a dark spiritual palm crossed the void and rushed out of the Wild Goose Returned. In a place millions of meters away, it left a huge palm print with a radius of millions of meters!

There were dense stars inside, and they were constantly born and destroyed, as if a passage to the plane had been opened.

"Holy Realm!?" All the Taixu and Zunsheng who saw this scene took a breath of cold air.

The Holy Realm was created right in front of their eyes!

And it proved their previous inference that the Holy Realm... is a power created by a realm of transcendence and saintliness, which cannot be broken for tens of millions of years.

"What is this?" Xu Yangyi, who was about to lose strength, also looked at this scene in astonishment and took a deep breath: "Holy Land?"

"No!" He immediately denied: "It's not the Holy Land..."

"What on earth is this? In this palm print, I felt chaotic spiritual energy, as if... there was a different space behind it, which was already in ruins. This palm just shattered its appearance and revealed the true appearance of this space. And..."

He closed his eyes. All this was not seen by him, but the first time that the Seed of Chaos automatically responded to him and revealed information.

"Someone..." His voice was trembling slightly: "There... There are creatures inside!"

"There is a powerful existence there... and it is very familiar... I have seen it... I have seen it!"

Countless pictures flashed in his mind, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the palm print covered with stars in astonishment: "Nanhua Butterfly Mother?!"

He did not move. The current situation could not allow him to solve this doubt. The green light gradually disappeared, and the entire universe was silent for this attack. Suddenly, the Return of the Wild Goose shook, and all the spiritual power was restored again. The communication talismans around him lit up again. Xu Yangyi was about to withdraw his consciousness, but his eyes flashed and he stood up suddenly.

He saw the Goose Return.

Or... the Goose Return at this moment.

Countless vines intertwined and covered its surface, and these vines actually formed two huge wings! With countless green leaves, the Goose Return was suspended!

"Heh..." This sound was not made by him, but by the Seven-Star Dragon King Yue Shanzuo and the Elk Taixu.

They didn't run far. The pressure of this ripple was simply the power of heaven for them, but they soon realized that this was not a human strength at all, but an existence that was almost as strong as the Great Emperor Senluo... no... even stronger than the Great Emperor Senluo. But the carrier was not particularly strong, at least for them.

"One hit... is the limit." Having lived for too long and seen too much, they were able to kill out of the thousands of Taichu who had no intelligence, and were given intelligence for their outstanding military exploits, and finally reached the Taixu realm. They understood a lot in an instant. The Elk Taixu gritted his teeth and said, "I, 'Blue-eyed Deer King' Hai Taotian, will never be wrong... And for Taichu, only we can feel it..."

"Miracle..." The Seven-Star Dragon King took a deep look at the Wild Goose Return. At this moment, even the spiritual power of Taichu could not be felt. They looked at each other, and without a word of nonsense, they flew towards the end of the universe at high speed.

However, just as they rushed out, a light "ding" sound resounded through the galaxy very clearly.

It was the sound of copper coins hitting each other.

"Which Taoist friend?" The two Taixu immediately stopped their escape light. The seven heads of the Seven-Star Dragon King swept the galaxy like a lamp, and said coldly: "Come out and speak."

"There are not many Taixu that we can't see..." The Blue-eyed Deer King was also cautious. They clearly felt that there was a vast sea-like pressure on their side, which was stronger than theirs combined, but with the dead air of a hero in his twilight, but they just couldn't find each other.

What's even more bizarre is that there is no spiritual power counter for this person on the Yan Gui Lai, and it can't be detected, even the Hades Jundali didn't notice it.

"Sha..." The two Taichu's nerves were completely tense, and a soft sound of metal rubbing against something slowly sounded. They understood that someone was drawing a sword against them.

Alone, he drew his sword against the two Taichu Taixu!

"Arrogant." This insult made the Blue Eyed Deer King cautious and furious: "Cowardly rat, do you really think you can..."

"Blue Eyed Deer King." Before it finished speaking, a voice sounded in the void: "The 32nd deputy commander of the Void Legion, who destroyed the important town of the Rebirth Tree 7,000 years ago, and was inseparable from the Seven-Star Dragon King Jiao Li Meng, and his men killed countless people."

"Unfortunately, you are unlucky and met me today."

Before he finished speaking, a wine gourd was thrown out of the void, and it immediately turned into an endless sea of ​​void, completely isolating this space!

"This is... the realm of nothingness!" The Seven-Star Dragon King was stunned, and then exclaimed: "Five Kings..."

What answered it was a bright sword light.

I don’t know where it starts and where it ends, just like the stars in the sky, bright and bright.


Yanguihui, main control room.

"Can't you remember?" Lord Qingdeng looked deeply at the Nascent Soul in front of him, who bowed and said, "Sir, yes, what happened just now... I really don't know this junior."

"That's all." Jundali Pluto's voice came from the darkness: "This is already the seventy-second monk you asked about, and all the memories below the third level have been erased. This is already an established fact."

No one spoke, and after a long time, an old woman Yin Zun bit her lip and said: "What on earth is this... I can only feel that all the breath of Taichu has disappeared, as clean as if it has never been here!"

"It can destroy Taichu silently, even..." She raised her head and glanced at the scene. In the distance, a huge palm print spread across the sky, announcing that the gods had come.

"If we can find it, we in the Seven Realms will have hope of destroying Taichu!"

Jundali Pluto didn't speak either. After a few seconds, his voice sounded again: "Immediately investigate the photo taken just now to see if there is any record. If not..."

He paused and said in a cold voice: "Inform the Great Sage immediately. This may be a treasure, or it may be a person, which is too important to the Seven Realms. And it must be among the newcomers. Lord Honglian, you investigate immediately The details of all the monks, from birth to now, no matter what skills or treasures, cannot be left behind. "

He suppressed his smile: "This matter is too important. You should understand the seriousness. Never leak anything! Go ahead."


The newly restored spiritual power system is re-operating, and the pictures of the battlefields have not been sent over yet, so they don't know that in passage No. 7... no, in all the passages, all the monks are looking at the ground in astonishment.

Channel 7.

"Potato, look at this." Chu Zhaonan squatted on the ground, gently touching the ground with his hands. Just in front of him, there were ten fist-sized, gem-like seeds suspended in front of him.

It was covered with runes, showing a pure power that didn't belong to Taichu at all. And it exudes a faint blue light, filling the passage, like stars in the sky.

It looks like spiritual power, but it is not spiritual power.

"I've never seen anything like this." Xu Yangyi had returned to his human form and frowned at the ten gem seeds, but did not touch them. After experiencing the eternal fine gold and almost being frozen, he would never do it. The car overturned a second time in the same pit.

Under the feeling of spiritual consciousness, these things do not belong to any power. It is not spiritual power, it is not the power of flesh and blood, it has no life, and it does not belong to demonic energy.

He is also well-informed, but this thing does not exist in any corner of his knowledge.

But somewhere deep down, there was always an urge in his heart to touch these things. He looked at the expressions of Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi calmly. The other party definitely did not feel this way.

Zhao Ziqi looked at it for a long time, then suddenly pointed at the fist-sized seed and said, "I probably know what this is."

Xu Yangyi suddenly had a bad premonition, and then this premonition came true.

"Miao Frog!" Zhao Ziqi shouted.

Chu Zhaonan wished he could slap this embarrassing thing down, and said bitterly: "Don't talk's obviously Bulbasaur!"

Xu Yangyi has a dark face, you two have a wide range of hobbies... I remember them very clearly... How old are you! He almost forgot, okay?

"What's going on..." Before he finished speaking, his hand was already holding a gem with a frown on his face. The next second, all the gem seeds burst out with brilliant brilliance, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

how so?

At this moment, he looked at his hand in astonishment. He... didn't even think about moving it, so he held it naturally.


He looked at his body. It was like a meteor shooting straight towards the bulkhead, and he couldn't control it at all! Just when he was using his spiritual power to prepare for the coming impact. But I didn’t feel it at all!

"This..." He opened his eyes wide and saw that he was like a ghost, slowly coming out of the bulkhead, slowly flying towards the universe, getting further and further away, getting bigger and bigger.

The target is the palm print of the god that just appeared and was struck by Khaos with one blow!

From the perspective of his "ghost", at this moment, every place, every person, and every spiritual power passing by maintained a tendency to stop.

Chu Zhaonan still pointed to the location of the gem seeds, even though it was empty.

Zhao Ziqi was still talking and didn't move at all.

The same goes for countless monks. This minute, this second, is like being wiped off the Goose Return.

Time stops!

Brush... His speed became faster and faster, and finally turned into a meteor, rushing directly into the palm print at an unimaginable speed.

There was no expected impact, no obstruction, and the surroundings in front of him suddenly accelerated, becoming a strange blur. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes. Looking around in disbelief.

Behind him was a space vortex, directly connected to the outside world. Before he could take a closer look, a voice that was more shocking than him sounded not far away.

" could you come here?"

That's a woman.

Wearing a cyan battle armor, with sixteen wings spread out from behind, it was exactly the same as the scene he had seen before!

Nanhua Butterfly Mother!

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