
Chapter 1361: Bu Tianchi (Part 1)

The two looked at each other in astonishment, without the airs of a high-level monk against a low-level monk, nor the fear of a low-level monk meeting a high-level monk. This scene was really too sudden, no one expected to see each other here.

Xu Yangyi has seen the Nanhua Butterfly Mother...

The first time was in the Kaiyun Realm. The Nanhua Butterfly Mother broke through the realm with one blow and killed the Dream Walker.

The second time was during the battle with the Overlord. In the Tower of Babel, Nanhua Butterfly Mother and others were still suppressed under the Eight Jedi. A ray of spiritual thought was sent to rescue him. Unfortunately, this ray of divine thought was too much. Weak, scattered by the master.

The third time was after coming to the Seven Realms and when I got the Devouring Talisman, I saw the battle between the Nanhua Butterfly Mother and the trapped dragon world spirit.

He never expected that the two of them would meet again in the Seven Realms of Heaven and Earth.

"I've met senior." Xu Yangyi reacted earlier. He couldn't let a Taixu greet him in this situation, right? Immediately surrendered.

The heart beats faster, and a feeling of meeting Zhong Liquan again comes to mind. I couldn't help but take a few more glances at the Nanhua Butterfly Mother.

Not beautiful.

Compared with Xiaoqing's aloof beauty, Nanhua Butterfly Mother is not beautiful. Even the face can only be described as upper or lower.

She is a bit short and cannot be called a beauty at all. But her temperament is unforgettable after one glance.

Graceful and luxurious.

If I had to compare it to a metaphor, it would be Concubine Yang Guifei of the Tang Dynasty, who regarded fatness as her beauty. She has a butterfly mark on her eyebrows, new lychees on her cheeks, and goose fat on her nose. Apart from her body shape, her facial features are extremely good. Nobility is inherent in every gesture. At this moment, the other party was sitting on a chair made of jade, holding a cup of spiritual tea in his hand. Even though his expression was surprised, he was not confused at all.

"Get up." The Nanhua Butterfly Mother was stunned for a moment. The brilliance lingered around her, and her armored wings suddenly retreated. She was covered with silk, and her golden hairpin swayed with every step, a typical Chinese style. She waved her hand, and a jade chair appeared: "Sit down, for a hundred thousand years, it is really fate that people who have not returned to the world can appear here. I thought I would die of old age here. There is always a person who talks to himself in the air. The language is so good..."

There was unabashed emotion in her voice. Even though she had lived for such a long time, she couldn't hide her excitement because she saw a human being other than herself again, and a human being from her hometown.

This is the nature of living things and it is difficult to hide it.

She harbors no ill will toward herself.

Xu Yangyi didn't know why, but he felt this way in his heart instantly. Maybe it was some small details... After he arrived, the other party had no airs at all, and quietly put away her pressure. Xu Yangyi had felt her spiritual power outside, as majestic as a mountain or the sea, but now it was like a gurgling stream, as warm as jade.

"Yes, it is better for me to be respectful, junior." He sat down, Nanhua Butterfly Mother waved her hand, and a cup of spiritual tea appeared in the void. Her excitement was well concealed by her, and she smiled and said: "There are no seniors or juniors here, only two Friends from a foreign land don’t need to be restrained.”

Full of questions, Xu Yangyi did not rush to speak. Since the other party could keep him here, he would naturally have some answers. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Good tea."

What I drank was not tea at all, but spiritual energy, but the fragrance of tea rolled over and filled my heart.

He began to slowly look around.

This is a small island, full of peach blossoms, with flying spiritual butterflies and thousands of flowers blooming. There are green mountains and green mountains standing in the distance, spreading a layer of pink peach blossoms, and the sweet floral fragrance sways in the wind. It is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

However, there is no sun, nor moon or stars.

Countless fireflies flew among the flowers, lighting up this lonely dark night. His gaze then went away. Beyond the island was an endless water curtain with lotus flowers swaying all over the sky. His sight was blocked by the mountains. Under the quiet night, there are frogs croaking and dragonflies flying, giving people a rare peace of mind.

"I have spent tens of thousands of years taking care of this place, but how can it be judged by you?" The Nanhua Butterfly Mother said with a smile. No one can know the meticulous masterpieces she has made by being alone for tens of thousands of years, even on this small island. She has been transformed into a scene at every step, but she is still alone and admiring herself. Now that someone finally arrived, even she couldn't help but show off.

She was a monk, a true high-ranking monk, but she was still a woman.

"Beautiful." Xu Yangyi said sincerely. He couldn't bear it anymore and tried to test: "Senior, why are you here? Didn't you... ascend with Quetzalcoatl?"

"Quetzalcoatl..." Nanhua Butterfly Mother's eyes fluctuated slightly, she picked up the tea cup, the fragrant tea fragrance took away the complicated look in her eyes, she took a sip and then said calmly: "Yes... I haven't heard this in many years. I’ve passed this name..."

Xu Yangyi felt that the other party's feelings were subtly declining, and she did not take precautions. In fact, Xu Yangyi's cultivation level could not cause any harm to her, and she was reluctant to do anything to her only old friend tens of thousands of years later.

Silence fell suddenly, and after a few seconds, she stood up: "It's too dark."

"Why don't you change a place and drink wine and sing songs? Your visit to my paradise is not in vain."

Xu Yangyi couldn't refuse at all. A majestic spiritual power enveloped him instantly, and in just a moment, the two of them flew into the air.

As soon as he took off, Xu Yangyi gasped.

Thousands of meters away in the sky, he could see the entire Taoyuan Wonderland clearly. The rest of the place was still as beautiful as a dream, but at the very edge, it turned out to be a sea of ​​void like the Kaiyun Realm!

Countless void energy boils there, forming a towering spectacle of sea and sky. Right there... there is an extremely huge vortex!

It is like a black sun, sticking out halfway from the end of the sea, swallowing everything, but it can never cross the Taoyuan Sea. The power on both sides is rolling and boiling, like countless meteorites on the edge of a broken plane. It turned into a belt of stars, with bright brilliance, and thousands of people gathered inside like returning to their clan.

Right in the center of the vortex, there is an extremely clear mark.

It was a snake... no, to be precise, it was the mark of a half-human, half-snake, with the upper body of a woman. You could vaguely see the flying hair transformed by spiritual energy, and the mark was lifelike. But Xu Yangyi only took one glance and felt his heart shake.

Even the seed of Khaos was shaken hard.


Another site of Yahweh... In a place like Kunlun, which is full of miracles, it is not surprising that there are traces of Yahweh.

If it were just this whirlpool, in front of the whirlpool, there was a golden, huge ship with an extremely deep draft, with almost only the edge of the ship resting on the water. Moreover, it is definitely not Chinese style!

It is like a square box, with extremely fine carvings and patterns, but with a strong Western style.

"Is this... the Yahweh of the East or the West?" He took a deep look at it, and the surroundings were filled with flowers. When he reappeared, he was already on the huge golden ship.

Looking around in astonishment, the Nanhua Butterfly Mother was already familiar with it and stopped on the highest terrace. There was also a tea set there. It seemed that the Nanhua Butterfly Mother came here often.

Only when we actually arrived on this giant ship did we feel how huge it was. It's even... similar to Australia on Earth. At least the area covered by his consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg.

What's even more terrifying is the huge whirlpool.

Such a huge ship was barely one-fifth smaller than the opponent in front of the whirlpool! Sitting here, the majestic force emitted by the vortex is blowing on the sea surface like a strong wind. The majestic shore so close is awe-inspiring.

The giant ship was moving, always moving towards the whirlpool, but it seemed that it would never get there. No matter how long it takes, we are still so close.

They both sat down, and Xu Yangyi looked at the surrounding reliefs, decorations, and handicrafts with interest. He was even more certain that this was a Western-style ship. Nanhua Butterfly Mother clapped her hands gracefully, and immediately, countless weird creatures swarmed out of the cabin.

The first one to appear was a unicorn with a rainbow-like mane and a pony tail. It was two tall and it rushed forward with a neighing sound. It looked very familiar with the Nanhua Butterfly Mother and rubbed its head against each other affectionately.

Following closely behind was the crocodile-headed sphinx, whose back half resembled that of a hippopotamus, and whose apparently ferocious face was extremely docile. It rushed to the Nanhua Butterfly Mother like a coquettish creature and licked her palm with its tongue.

"Senior's pet... is really unique." Xu Yangyi smiled awkwardly. The scene was so strange. The Nanhua Butterfly Mother was too oriental, surrounded by a bunch of creatures that didn't look like oriental creatures at all. She was teasing these monsters. , smiled self-deprecatingly: "Pet?"

"'s just...creatures that can never reach the other shore are just keeping each other warm..."

Before he finished speaking, more creatures rushed up.

Some look like a cow, but have the head of a lizard and are covered in scales. Some have human faces, donkey ears, horse bodies, peacock wings and tails, and eyes as blue as sapphires, shining like stars. There are also half-human-sized nine-tailed black cats with typical Egyptian-style decorations on their foreheads.

"This is Amut." Nanhua Butterfly Mother stroked the crocodile-headed monster and said calmly: "The undead that are found guilty will become its food."

"That's the unicorn. That's the High Law. You must have heard their names on Earth."

Seeing Xu Yangyi's confused gaze, she said quietly: "You must really want to know what kind of place this is."

"I will tell you and everything here. However, you must agree to one condition."

"What conditions?" Xu Yangyi asked cautiously.

"Don't be nervous." Nanhua Butterfly Mother gave the other party a meaningful look: "I prefer you to be willing to do so. This condition is easy to achieve, and you only need to move your hands. It is very simple."

Xu Yangyi blinked: "Does this junior have room to refuse?"

"I'm afraid it's difficult." Nanhua Butterfly Mother smiled: "This is an exchange. I never like to force others to make things difficult."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "If it is really within my ability, I will definitely work hard."

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother lightly covered her mouth and chuckled: "Don't worry, little slippery man, the price I will give you will definitely satisfy you. There is no other place where you can hear this story except here."

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