
Chapter 1362: Bu Tianchi (Part 2)

Her laughter was like a silver bell, disappearing into the void. Her expression became melancholy again, and she looked at the sky with great complexity: "Because... this is the story of our world of no return, or the earth... and I am afraid that I am the only survivor of this story..."

"This is 'our' story, 'our' heritage..."

"Even if it is not recorded in the Book of Hongmeng Contract, it is passed on by word of mouth, and the law is not passed on to the ears..."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, his eyes were burning, and just as he was about to speak, her voice sounded again: "You have a lot of Yahweh's breath on you. Unless you have read the Book of Hongmeng Contract, it is absolutely impossible. I said, don't be nervous, come... let me tell you something that will never be written in the book..."

"Let's start with... this Bu Tianchi..."

Bu Tianchi?

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. He took a breath and looked at the mark of a human body and a snake tail in the center of the vortex.

"You're not wrong." Nanhua Butterfly Mother said lightly: "It's the Tiantian Pond you were thinking of."

"The Tiantian Pond of the First Mother Goddess Wahuang..."

The First Mother Goddess?

Xu Yangyi's heart was beating wildly. On the road to pursuing the truth, there are always invisible traps, but at the same time there are too many unexpected surprises.

He pursued the hidden historical text. The grandeur of the universe intoxicated him, but what he wanted to know more was the truth of the earth.

How many eras did humans who claim to be the spirit of all things have before them? Why did it come to this point?

Did Nuwa repair the sky...really exist?

Nuwa, Wahuang, the mother of the earth, the creator also Yahweh? But if she is the creator god, what is Haotian? And...if this is the Tiantian Pond, the legendary place where the giant turtle was cut to support the sky and the Ten Thousand Gods Stone was refined to repair the sky, why is it in the Seven Realms?

He held his breath and listened quietly.

"First, you need to correct a concept." Entering the topic, Nanhua Butterfly Mother's expression also became slightly cautious: "What is the sky?"

"Maybe in your era, mending the sky is just a verb. But... what if the sky is a real thing?"

"The sky" is a real thing?

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head and looked directly into the other's eyes, but Nanhua Butterfly Mother was calm. She was too familiar with this secret and this story. She knew it by heart and said slowly: "I ask you, if the sky is not a real thing, why do we need to mend it?"

"Even if it is something like a ban, it is made of spiritual energy and is a real thing. It is not the vast nothingness of the universe. Mend the sky, mend the sky, starting from the word mend, in fact, it has already explained everything."

Even Xu Yangyi didn't know what to say at this moment.

This story was earth-shattering from the beginning, completely overturning his view of the universe! Even... more shocking than the Book of Hongmeng Contract!

"Unfortunately, no one has ever noticed the true meaning of the two words 'repairing the sky'." Nanhua Butterfly Mother picked up a cup of tea, and all the creatures in the surrounding Western world crawled down and listened quietly, as if they were used to her talking to herself.

She did not drink, but looked deeply at the void around her, and said again and again with great certainty: "The so-called sky is a real thing."

"Its full name is called 'Supreme Heavenly Dao Righteous God Barrier.' If it is nothingness, there is no need to repair it. If you want to repair it, it is more than nothingness?"

"It has been standing above for a long, long time...even since the formation of the Unreturning Realm, protecting all the creatures in the fairy world. We didn't realize this until it was destroyed. It was also a long, long time later, when the Ragnarok came, that we knew...who created this barrier that can cover the entire fairy world..."

Her voice was smooth and soft, and the complexity of the secret revealed for the first time in tens of thousands of years in her words was difficult to conceal. She spoke quietly: "And every fairy world has a similar barrier. How to say...Every fairy world that can become this kind of plane has its own unique attributes. You have Demonic aura, you have been to the demon plane, their characteristics are cohesion, cohesion of all desires, forming an endless supply of demons. The function of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Righteous God barrier is to hide. "

"It can block this plane, so that outsiders can't see it at all, and can't detect the spiritual power fluctuations in it. This is also the biggest pillar of the Unreturning Realm to become the fairy world. In the long career of hundreds of millions and billions of years, there has been no invasion by foreign enemies. We have slowly developed and have always been proud of the heavens. "

She lowered her eyes: "The eight demon kings... hehe... no one knows that I was born at that time. I have lived longer than anyone imagined, but my realm has not reached the level of Wahuang. Even the Quetzalcoatl doesn't know that it took away only a body of mine. It doesn't even know my existence. "

Xu Yangyi blinked, a little unbelievable.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother... actually lived from the time when Yahweh appeared to now?

This... is simply witnessing the birth, development, and even the first few eras of cultivation of countless civilizations!

"So, I was not driven crazy by the loneliness of 100,000 years. Because this period of time is not too long for me." She breathed a sigh of relief and her expression became serious: "You already know the background of this story, don't doubt it. Now, the real story is about to unfold."

The real story?

Xu Yangyi's mind flashed, and he came up with an idea: "Gonggong hit Mount Buzhou in anger?!"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother leisurely said: "Zhuanxu (zhuan, xu), a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. The king of Gonggong, Shigong at Shui Chu fought with Zhuanxu. In anger, he touched the mountains of Buzhou, broke the pillars of the sky, and the ground was strong, so the sky tilted to the northwest. The sun, the moon, and the stars are all there; the earth is not full of the southeast, so all the rivers and rivers flow back to it. This is the record of your generation’s cultivation civilization.”

"Is this true?" Xu Yangyi opened his mouth, unable to hide the surprise on his face. Even if he knew that Chaos was real and Haotian was real, now that he was told the truth of the myth, he still felt a little hard to accept it. !

These legends...stories from the ancient cultivation era have been passed down from generation to generation for a long time. Just the word "Mending the Sky" says too much. But no one thought about it and there was no evidence.

"Of course it's true." Nanhua Butterfly Mother laughed: "What obligation do I have to lie to you?"

"If you hadn't felt the smell of the Hongmeng Contract Book on you, you wouldn't even be qualified to listen to this story. In the entire Seven Realms, except for you, even the two great saints are not qualified. They can understand one-sidedly what is Yahweh, that’s pretty good.”

"Connect the part of the Hongmeng Contract Book with this story. This... is the truth about not returning to the immortal world."

Xu Yangyi asked: "Then...this is the second half of the Hongmeng Contract Book?"

"It was torn?" This time, Nanhua Butterfly Mother's eyes suddenly shone, but she immediately covered it up: "That's fine..."

"The second half... really shouldn't exist..."

After a few seconds of silence, she continued to speak, but instead of continuing, she looked at the huge square ship: "Do you know what this is?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head in confusion, how could he know.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother smiled meaningfully and shook her head: "You must know... you must have heard of it..."

She clapped her hands again, and this time, countless creatures ran out from below, but they were all a pair!

There are ordinary elephants and rhinos, and there are also many spiritual beasts that are similar to the creatures crawling around. Boundless, a sea of ​​beasts suddenly formed on the deck.

"Look carefully." Nanhua Butterfly Mother took a sip of tea: "The way you listen to this story and the perspective you think about are different from your previous stories."

"Don't care about religion, the pantheon, or even the world or the planet."

"Think of the planet as a cultivation plane, and think of religions and pantheons as faction branches with different cultivation methods. You will have different gains... Hidden in the historical text, there are completely different gains."

Xu Yangyi suppressed his racing heart and stood up, looking over slowly.

Every living thing is a pair. He looked at the distant sea and the whirlpool in the sky. Suddenly, an incredible thought came to his mind, which almost made his eyes black.

"The Book of Genesis... 'All the springs of the vast abyss burst open, and all the floodgates of the sky were opened.'" His voice trembled a little, and he gasped and said: "'The floods covered the earth for 150 days... The water receded from the earth and gradually descended. After 150 days, the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat...'"

"This is……"

"Noah's Ark." The Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked at the sky and her voice was extremely complex: "Gonggong's anger touches Mount Buzhou... The floods overturned from China and swallowed the earth. This is a disaster across the board, so... a Westerner Yahweh, the being named Jesus, built Noah’s Ark as the final salvation for mankind in his eyes... Do you have any questions?”

Xu Yangyi nodded dully, then shook his head suddenly.

Although the Nanhua Butterfly Mother has reminded me, don’t care about religion, pantheon, or even the world or planet. Think of the planet as a cultivation plane, and regard religions and pantheons as faction branches with different cultivation methods. But he still couldn't believe it.

Chinese mythology and Western mythology have such a high degree of unity!

Different locations, the same events, with ups and downs, continuations and continuations, but surprisingly... no logical loopholes can be found.

"I..." He knew that there was no need for the other party to lie to him, but the world view in his heart was strongly opposed to all this. After a long time, he looked at those creatures in trance and said hoarsely: "I... don't believe it..."

"Understood." Nanhua Butterfly Mother stood up: "So, I will show you the final evidence."

Swipe, pull, pull...Endless brilliance gathered from all directions, all concentrating on her. In a moment, the bronze armor and sixteen wings appeared again. Endless divine light surrounds him, like an angel.

"This is my true identity. It is also the biggest evidence." She walked over slowly and stretched out her hand: "Yahweh of the West... gave me a name. You have the legacy of the God of Chaos. You should be able to feel the authenticity.”

"This is God's proof."

It's also the most direct way.

Xu Yangyi reached out his hand without hesitation and held the other person's hand. Suddenly, the seed of Chaos in his chest vibrated. A towering consciousness as majestic as the sky appeared in his mind, and a line of English immediately appeared in his mind.

"Sera..." The worldview was shaken to pieces, and the seed of Chaos flashed slightly. He had no doubt that this was God's will, but... he couldn't accept it at all!

"Sera...Sera..." His mind was almost blank, and he shook his head unconsciously and said: "The nine fallen angels around God...the angel of despair, the angel of killing. Also called the whip of divine punishment, the fourth-level angel... a...butterfly..."

The words I have read in the Bible no longer want to be remembered at this moment, but they quickly come to mind under the reminder of photographic memory.

"The Last Judgment... The World Flood... Three days before the Last Judgment, she caused a flood and heavy rain... She is definitely a woman..."

"You... How could you be Xila..."

The description fits perfectly...

The timeline is completely folded...

The worldview is almost completely overturned at this moment.

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