
Chapter 1363: Bu Tianchi (Part 3)

The First Mother God... Butianchi... Doomsday Judgment... Xila...

These words lingered crazily in Xu Yangyi's mind, making him unable to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

Intellectually, I tell myself that it is true, but mentally I completely reject it.

"Yeah..." He smiled bitterly: "If you look at it as a world of cultivation and are freed from the shackles of myth, this... actually makes sense..."

Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked into his eyes: "I understand your thoughts. However, truth cannot be false. The truth is the truth and will not change because of doubts."

"In my time, there were still some Yahwehs on the earth. But at my level, it is not an exaggeration to say that I am the absolute strongest person under Yahweh. With my strength, it is not surprising at all that I have multiple identities." Her voice was a little proud, and rays of light gathered around her again. In the hazy light and shadow, a voice as clear as an oriole appeared: "Maybe you are still doubting, it doesn't matter, I have another evidence here. It's also me. Only But it’s not that conclusive compared to God’s proof.”

“You shouldn’t doubt God.”

In a moment, the light and shadow settled. A woman wearing Miao costumes and a headdress typical of Miao women has appeared in front of her.

Beautiful, flawless, like the bright moon in the sky. It was so pure that it was difficult to describe it in any words. A pair of blue-green wings on its back, surrounded by yellow spots like stars, were completely composed of aura, and it was so beautiful.

Spreading your wings is like entering the world of spring. The oncoming vitality makes people feel refreshed.

"This is this?" Xu Yangyi really didn't recognize him anymore. He tried his best to suppress his racing heart and asked in a deep voice.

"The Butterfly Mother Goddess is the protector of the Miao people. The Miao people... are a race that is always favored by the gods because..."

"Jiang Ciqi?" Xu Yangyi's thinking was already extremely fast. When he heard the Miao people, he immediately said.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother was stunned and glanced at Xu Yangyi in surprise: "Yes... but I am even more surprised that you can actually know the real name of a Lord Yahweh."

Xu Yangyi smiled silently, yes...a race blessed by the gods. At that time, Chi You was the great god of the Miao people. He led his troops out of the mountains to fight against the Yellow Emperor. Although he now knows that there is something fishy in this, it does not prevent him from remembering Chi You's real name.

"What I know is limited to the non-returning immortal world, so I will tell you what I know about the non-returning immortal world." Nanhua Butterfly Mother regained her composure after being shocked for a moment, and said calmly: "After some things that I don't know clearly, Chi You The great god... never came back. No one knows where he went or what he did. But I received an order to protect his people."

She took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: "This secret order that no one knows comes from the Yahweh of the Xiong family... and the most powerful Yahweh in the contemporary era, Ji Xuanyuan."

She thought Xu Yangyi would be surprised, but the other party was not. Her eyes moved slightly, which was good. Only people like this can have a common topic.

It seems... he knows much more than he guessed.

"I threw myself into the maple forest, and after I was conceived, I laid twelve eggs with 'Bipiao' and 'Youfang', and hatched out dragons, tigers, buffaloes, snakes, centipedes, thunder and Jiang Yang. This is the record of the Miao people, Jiang Yang Yang is the ancestor of the Miao people, so it’s okay for the Miao people to respect me as their ancestor. In the Miao people’s language, I’m also called ‘mother,’ or...” She paused and said slowly: “Spring God.”

Spring God?

Xu Yangyi has been completely attracted by this incredible story. When he heard it, he felt that the name was very familiar.

Spring God...Spring God?

He frowned and remained silent for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his head: "Are you..."

"That's right." Guanghua gathered from all directions once again, and a figure that was far taller than before stepped out of the brilliance.

He has an eagle head, two wings, and is dressed in black robes. He is majestic and five-dimensional, and the huge spiritual power in his body hits the surroundings like a wave.

"Gou Mang..." Xu Yangyi no longer knew what to say, and murmured: "The descendant of Shaohao, with an important name, is Fu Xichen. After death, he became the God of Spring, in charge of the germination and growth of trees. The sun rises every morning Rising from the fusang tree, the sacred tree fusang returns to Jumangguan, with a bird body and a human face..."

Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked at him and said calmly: "So, the incarnation of a high-level monk is not surprising to anyone. Do you still have doubts?"

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly and shook his head, no longer struggling mentally.

Ju Mang... this kind of mythical character actually appeared in front of him, completely shattering the worldview he tried to resist.

Unlike Xiaoqing, Jumang...that's an official myth! The mythical character who created the series! Xiaoqing is just an unofficial history, or even a legend.

This character has indeed lived for too long, and Nanhua Butterfly Mother's explanation is impeccable.

However, he still didn't want to accept it. This was an instinctive reluctance. This world view was so subversive that his instincts were resisting.

"Then, why is it said that you brought the flood?" He asked quickly: "It is recorded in the Bible that God decreed the doomsday judgment, and Sheila was the executor. How can we explain this!"

"It's very simple." The Nanhua Butterfly Mother flashed and returned to the posture of Feng Chai Ling Luo. She sat down and said slowly: "First, the Bible is not trustworthy. After two Ragnaroks, the ancient records are lacking. There are many. It is inevitable that no one has seen the original version of the Bible."

"This is not enough." Xu Yangyi said with fiery eyes.

"So I say it is number one." Nanhua Butterfly Mother said calmly, "Second, think about it, where did the flood spread from?"

Buzhou Mountain...

Xu Yangyi seemed to understand something, but instead of thinking deeply, he stared at the other party.

"Going back to our first condition, 'Heaven' is a physical object. The Supreme Heavenly Dao Zhengshen barrier, Buzhou Mountain, is the core supporting it, or in terms of practice, it is the formation eye. If the formation eye is destroyed, there will be no The barrier of the God of Heaven is completely broken. The sky is overturned and the floods are overwhelming. Of course, all monks in the east and west need to be informed."

"I have the ability to travel between reality and illusion very quickly. The Immortal Realm at that time was much larger than your current is not inferior to Tiragandes at all, so I shoulder this responsibility. "

"I walked on the flood and passed through the Kyushu Forbidden City to the West. The flood came with me. Ignorant mortals naturally record that the flood was brought by me. Is there any doubt?"


Xu Yangyi sighed and finally gave up the struggle in his heart.

That’s all…

True knowledge, isn’t it the process of breaking through cognition again and again?

When the scientific pioneers of the earth discovered heliocentric theory and atoms, they probably felt like themselves that their world view was shattered into pieces.

"Then... why is Noah's Ark here?" He thought for a while and said.

"Because this is Mount Ararat." Nanhua Butterfly Mother said slowly: "Or... it's called Buzhou Mountain. It may not be what you understand, or it may be different from the records you know, but..."

She suddenly smiled: "This is a question you can only ask after you agree to my conditions."

"I have shown enough sincerity, should you decide to agree to my conditions?"

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then cursed in his heart for being cunning.

What did the other person say?

Yes, they talked about a lot, the changes of the earth, the reality of history... But how did he come here, what is this place, why is she here, and why those gem seeds have this effect, did not say a word at all!

She just drew a huge pie, and Xu Yangyi was a hungry traveler. He took a bite, but couldn't eat the filling.

If you want to know more, the real content, you have to pay the price.

"Please tell me." He cupped his hands and spoke while suppressing the eagerness for knowledge in his heart.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked at him with squinted eyes, and a complex light flashed in her eyes that made him a little frightened.

She holds her cheeks at an angle and spreads her jade arms horizontally, exuding a cat-like laziness.

"What I'm talking about is because I've experienced it, so I know it all." She suddenly smiled: "However, these things are strictly prohibited from being leaked."

A warning sign quietly rose in Xu Yangyi's heart, and he was about to use the Seven Star God to do a calculation, but suddenly found that the opponent's spiritual energy was surrounding him from all directions, like threads, pervasive, but suppressing him and unable to move.

"Why do you think I'm here?" She continued to smile, but her smile made Xu Yangyi extremely wary and he couldn't help but take a step back. However, the Nanhua Butterfly Mother stood up and smoothed her black hair elegantly, with a faint blush on her face. Smiling sweetly: "Because... I know too much."

"This is my responsibility and my destiny. I don't want to resist. At least, I can still go out occasionally. Although I am traveling through dreams and no one but Yahweh can see me, at least I am not facing this sky full of peach blossoms every day. And A certain being has promised me that as long as I reach the state of Yahweh, I can break this barrier."

"There is hope only when you are alive. But..." She walked forward with a smile, stood in front of Xu Yangyi, gently touched his strong chest with her bare hands, and said softly: "Don't you think it's very empty here?"

Xu Yangyi answered cautiously: "This... is a good place to cultivate one's moral character."

The other party's actions were too ambiguous, and he had a very bad feeling.

Nanhua Butterfly ignored his change of subject, stretched out her fingers gently, slid along his chest muscles to his throat, and gently drew circles on his Adam's apple, feeling the male hormones that she had not experienced for tens of thousands of years, and then drew When she reached his plump lips, she smiled and said, "I said, I don't like forcing others to do things."

"My request is all you need to do, and you will definitely be able to do it."

"You are so smart, you must have guessed what my conditions are now. Right?"

Xu Yangyi almost cursed her.

He overlooked one thing...perhaps this was already the inevitable outcome when he set foot here.

A woman who has been imprisoned for a hundred thousand years...

A creature that can only travel through dreams and talk to illusions...

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will be boring, no matter how cold the heart is, it will be lonely, and no matter how desireless the body will be, it will be intolerable.

She... needs a man.

And he actually rushed in with his head covered!

Haha... It's really something that you can be satisfied with just by yourself, and you can definitely do it.

"He looks good, but I don't like those white-faced scholars." Nanhua Butterfly Mother's hands exuded a faint fragrance, like peach blossoms, gently caressing his face, teasing his neck through his long black hair. : "Bone age...a little over 600? You are really young, a monster of a generation...You can reach the late stage of Sainthood at over 600 years old...You are very good, I am very satisfied."

She smiled happily, like a lady, and took two steps back. She looked completely different from the ecstasy she had just for a moment, and said calmly and generously: "Now, have you made your decision?"

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