
Chapter 1365: The world is like a chess game

Xu Yangyi's figure rushed out of the space vortex impatiently. The starry sky outside made him take a deep breath and glanced at the rapidly disappearing vortex behind him with lingering fear.

You must be cautious and cautious when meeting single female cultivators in the future...

His body was a solid body in the world of Noah's Ark. After appearing, he turned into a spirit body again. As an unknown wind slowly blew towards the distant Goose Return, he wiped away the non-existent cold sweat and his expression became solemn.

The Nanhua butterfly mother knows a lot.

She may not know the general trend of the entire galaxy, but she knows better than anyone else the general trend of the earth and what role the earth plays here. And that was exactly what he wanted to know most.

However, the other party had no intention of saying anything.

Don't look at the other party's pleasant appearance and talk a lot. In fact, if you listen carefully, you will know that the other party has not disclosed his needs from the beginning to the end.

Double cultivation?

No, that's just entertainment, an inevitable product of loneliness.

A monk who has been imprisoned in Moutian Pond for 100,000 years, when he sees the first creature coming in, doesn't he ask what's going on outside? Moreover, they are humans on the same plane as themselves. Don’t ask if these gods are still there? She doesn’t need training resources?

She wants something.

However, he did not speak directly, but used words to ask Xu Yangyi to take the initiative to ask step by step. It was only now that he had completely calmed down, and he realized that he had unknowingly gone from "entering the Butian Pond for the first time in a hundred thousand years, most likely to give Die Tian The role of "mother brings help" and becomes a "tireless true knower".

Change of position between host and guest.

"Cunning guy." He took a deep look at the endless void behind him, floating through the cabins layer by layer like a ghost. All the monks on the Yan Return were still in a pause for a second, until he returned to the original place, there was an invisible earthquake in the void. After a while, time turns again.

Everything around him came alive. Xu Yangyi glanced at the ground for the first time and suddenly discovered that the ten Bulbasaur seeds... no, the gem seeds had completely disappeared.

This point was not even mentioned by Nanhua Butterfly Mother.

"I'll go back if I'm sure, so I'm confident?" He narrowed his eyes and looked at Chu Zhaonan maliciously.

Good height, good looks, good figure. Should we use him to fill this hole? It's so convenient and easy to use... It's so easy to use that I want to use local materials...

"Brother, your eyes are very strange. I have a bold idea." Zhao Ziqi's eyes flickered. Then Xu Yangyi slapped him away and said in a deep voice: "Feel carefully. Is there anything wrong?"

The two frowned slightly, then closed their eyes, opened them after a few seconds, shook their heads at the same time, and looked at Xu Yangyi in confusion: "No. What's wrong with you?"

Memory wipe...

Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes, hiding a hint of fear in his eyes: "No..."

"What happened?"

He shook his head slightly. There was a faint uneasiness in my heart.

He knew a lot about Yahweh, but the only one he had any real contact with was mammon.

And Mammon... has a very distinctive feature, which is memory erasure.

What can be remembered is only what it allows.

He was not sure whether this was something that all Yahweh could achieve, or whether it was the particularity of a certain Yahweh. If it was the latter, then...

His body felt a slight chill.

Emperor Wa's Mending Lake, Nanhua Butterfly Mother said that this is Ararat Mountain and Buzhou Mountain, but the topic was immediately stopped. Mamen is also here, and it is the real body! A true devil! The first generation of Yahweh!

Even...the Great Mother Goddess is here.

This former battlefield of the gods may still hide something. Something... enough to bring Yahweh together.

"Butianchi..." He looked towards the roof of the cabin, as if he could see the void through here: "Nanhua Butterfly Mother must know something... I... really have to go back once."

"Pluto's decree." At this moment, an extremely obscure voice sounded in Xu Yangyi's ears. His eyes flashed and he looked at Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi questioningly. The two of them nodded calmly.

Can all the saints hear it?

Before he could think about it, the voice in his ear was a little urgent and he immediately continued: "It is an oral instruction. It must not be resorted to orally, and it must not be known to a third party."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Yangyi's keen consciousness clearly felt that a silent force that would have been invisible if his consciousness were not so strong was quietly lingering around him.

It's very weak, the quantity is very small, but... the quality is unimaginably high!

Invisible and formless, like an invisible person opening his eyes, not looking at Chu Zhaonan or Zhao Ziqi, but clinging to him.

Too weak...

He glanced at Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi from the corner of his eye. Chu Zhaonan did not respond, but Zhao Ziqi frowned slightly, but returned to normal immediately.

The voice in my ear was silent for a moment, and then asked solemnly: "Do you... remember?"

"What?" Xu Yangyi frowned and said, a little confused: "This junior does not understand what Lord Jiehai Wang means."

The other party did not answer. Three seconds later, the voice said again: "Pluto's decree, from now on, the Yanguihui is not allowed to enter or leave, and it is temporarily designated as a forbidden area. It will arrive at Towering City in a week. At that time, all the saints will go to meet the saint. Another , Three days later, the merits of this battle will be tallied and distributed. As the leader of the three sects, fellow Taoist must personally hand over the results."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, an inaudible sigh came from the void, and the wisp of spiritual thought had disappeared.

In my ears, after the edict was delivered, the voice became relaxed: "Fellow Taoist, we are so happy."

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "Why are you so happy?"

"Facing the Holy Immortal Mountain..." There was a trace of unconcealed excitement in the voice, and the cold light in Xu Yangyi's eyes could not be seen at all. He smiled and said: "Pilgrimage to the Great Sage and listen to the imperial edict. What an opportunity is this? Even if I wait, in my lifetime It’s a great blessing to see the true face of the Great Sage! Once the Great Sage comes and gives you some guidance, we will be spared ten years of detours.”

Xu Yangyi held his hands behind his hands. The wind blowing by his side made him feel a little cold, but his smile was like the spring sunshine: "Oh? Never?"

"Of course, unless the Great Sage lives a thousand years, or is called upon to meet the Saint, no one can see the face of Heaven! Among the seven realms who have seen the true face of the Great Sage, there may only be five kings, two queens and seven supreme beings who are qualified to meet the Saint! If it weren't for the emergency situation and the visit of the Immortal Sage, how could we have such an opportunity?"

Is it?

A sneer appeared at the corner of Xu Yangyi's mouth, and he changed the topic calmly: "Lord Pluto's decree is..."

"I don't know." The monk who delivered the order also said in a doubtful voice: "How can I speculate on Senior Taixu's thoughts?"

After chatting for a few words, Xu Yangyi was slightly impatient, but the other party didn't think that this time the Yanhuihuan was attacked, too many people saw clearly the strength of this person, and no one wanted to get close to him. He didn't want to have another enemy. After all... the chain of seven realms may not necessarily cause trouble to the other party.

After three full minutes, the other party resigned with a satisfied smile. His face had become completely serious.

Not good...

There is only one Taixu here, that is Jundali Pluto, and... the other party has already felt the disappearance of his memory, and has begun to doubt himself.

Maybe the other person can't remember what memory he lost, but this signal is extremely dangerous.

Why did such a big thing happen to the Yanguihui as soon as the newcomer arrived? And the one who performed the best was undoubtedly the first to enter Taixu's field of vision.

This will definitely be investigated, no doubt about it.

However... they can't stand the investigation!

It's not that this matter can't withstand investigation, but their background. Before they had enough strength, he didn't dare to think about the consequences of leaking that they were from the earth. Even figures like Dan Zun Taixu and Zhong Liquan can only remain anonymous, what about them?

Like a light on your back, a cold blade on your body, facing the Holy Mountain, this is not a reward, but...

Thorough investigation!

"Damn..." He rubbed his temples, the world was like a new chess game, and this change was simply unexpected.

Especially...the place for this thorough investigation is still in the damn Towering City!

Although he has not yet met face to face with the towering Song family, he already knows from his understanding what a behemoth it is. Ten thousand clans are fighting in Towering City. At this moment, the heirloom family is extremely powerful! They are people who have been to Feiliuhai. When they see this opportunity, they might let it go?

It just so happens that it's an unsolvable knot.

"The most important thing now is to improve your strength." After taking several deep breaths, he forced himself to calm down. He didn't plan to tell Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan this news. He was still unsure of the specifications of this thorough investigation, so there was no need to cause worries. Everything will wait until Towering City.

Straightening his thoughts, he has entered a state of absolute calm. Once exposed, he must be prepared to forcefully open the gate to Tiragandes in front of Doppo.

Although the teleportation array has not yet been established, if you go there rashly, you will probably enter the space turbulence, and even be confused among the stars for who knows how many years, but... there is no way.

"As for the improvement in strength..." He finally showed a smile and murmured: "Nanhua Butterfly Mother... I really want to thank you."

"You reminded me of something I had forgotten for a long time..."

Just do what you said, and turned into a ray of light and flew into the practice room. The layers of restrictions and the door suddenly closed together. The talismans in the room all lit up, and he immediately entered a state of practice. A breath of pure spiritual energy enters the body, and the pores that have been closed for a long time suddenly feel opened.

"Buzz..." The void in the room seemed to be swallowed by a ferocious beast. It opened and shrank, and the boundaries were blurred. It was as if invisible air waves were beating around, and strands of white aura were like mist and mist. There was a burst of rain coming from the body after a long drought. moaning.

Even though he can transform into a demonic body and absorb hundreds of millions of demonic crystals in the storage ring, his body is still human. He calculated that compared to spiritual energy, demonic energy would be lost by about 1%.

For Zun Sheng, 1% is already a huge number. Moreover, this is a small loss in a week.

The spiritual consciousness enters concentration, the soul wanders on the spiritual platform, and the heart is like still water. Soon, he was completely immersed in it. It's like falling into the stars and wandering around, like a fish in water.

Going deeper and deeper, passing through the sea of ​​consciousness shrouded in white mist, sinking into the depths of memory, searching desperately.

Countless pictures flew before his eyes, and his consciousness was about to leave, moving further and further inward, wandering in the long river of memory. Finally, his eyes lit up and he stopped in front of a golden light.

"It's really here!"

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