
Chapter 1366: Stealing the Master

That's a rune.

A rune that exists in memory.

It is extremely complicated, but even if it is not a physical object, it is just a reflection in memory. But it also reveals a kind of faint divine power that almost makes people faint just by looking at it.

"Jinse Confused Shadows..." He touched the talisman with a hot breath: "Even my realm among the sages is simply elusive. This... is the killing move of Nanhua Butterfly Mother. I saw it at Tianjian Villa back then. The decisive battle between the Butterfly Mother and the Trapped Dragon World Spirit!"

At that time, he made rubbings of this talisman, but he couldn't understand it because it was too complicated and he didn't have the Infinite Truth. So he put it aside. If he hadn't met Butterfly Mother again, he would have almost forgotten this move.

Everything in the world is composed of talismans, and countless talismans form runes. I don’t know how many talismans there are, and the runes they form are countless. It's impossible for anyone to figure out all the rune combinations. But as long as you understand a magical power or the rune composition of a skill, you can completely master this skill.

Now, he wants to steal his master!

Once the situation deteriorates, he must be prepared to fight his way out. Pure strength will never be able to compete with Digital Taixu, not to mention that the Immortal Sage may come in person at that time. The only way is illusion.

Jinse's illusion is the highest level illusion he has seen so far.

Moreover, this ultimate move was not used by him at all. In other words, it is not used by his body.

Demonic body.

Although because of the many things I had to do before, I didn’t practice for the first time until now when I returned to the Seven Realms. But it is not without success. He has already tried to understand that the interval between use of twenty minutes of Taixu is half a day.

His current strength is absolutely invincible among the saints, but it is not enough to face Taixu. But... what about using the power of the Demon Taixu to promote Jinse's enchantment?

The infinite truth operates immediately. This is the Lord of Runes, ranging from the universe to the individual, all-encompassing. This rune, which once made the world spin at a glance, finally began to unveil its mysterious veil.

Rustling, rustling... The runes that were like the ocean before and couldn't be seen at all shook slightly. Then, countless twisted and connected runes seemed to turn into snow in the spring sun, quietly decomposing, just like the sea was divided into droplets of sea water, reflected in the Black hole pupil.

Analyzing, reading, distinguishing one by one, thinking about the meaning of this talisman here. The training time was always long and fast. As he was completely immersed in closed eyes and meditating, the day passed quickly.

The next day, the third day... In the afternoon of the third day, he finally opened his slightly red eyes again.

"As expected..." He smiled, pinched Qingming's point, and then his sore eyeballs felt a little better: "I still can't understand."

"If the composition of the talisman is expressed in terms of the earth, it is that atomic clouds and electrons constitute atoms, atoms constitute neutrons, and neutrons constitute matter. Originally, the first thing I saw was matter, but the infinite truth allowed me to see it.' Neutron. 'But..." He stood up, twisted his body, and said, "In my current realm of infinite truth, I can only see 'atoms,' and the talismans that make up Jinse's shadow. Most are 'atomic' below."

The realm is not enough.

The strength of the body is not enough, and the realm of infinite truth is not enough.

However, he did not panic, this was what he had expected. After expanding his chest and taking a deep breath, he touched the storage ring and countless magic crystals exploded, like thousands of stars dotting the surroundings.

All the magic crystals obtained in the Battle of the Abyss are here, a total of 4.27 billion, and the rest are with Mao Baer, ​​although he has no hope for those magic crystals at all.

Can you get it back once it's in the dog's hands? What a joke!

Putting aside distracting thoughts, he looked deeply at these magic crystals and murmured thoughtfully: "There is no way. The realm of infinite truth increases with the level of the body. Every time the level increases, the demon body changes accordingly. But now, because I swallowed Kendra Mo’s consciousness when I left Tiragandes, my demonic body changed without the Infinite Truth, while the Infinite Truth still remains in the realm of the Saint.”

There is a mismatch between the skills and the body.

Therefore, he never used Infinite Truth when he was in the Taixu Demonic Body. To use a common saying, it is: this knife is too light.

"People" are needed to cooperate with "weapons," rather than the integration of humans and weapons.

It's not that it can't be used, but it's just that it would be in the way. The Zunsheng in the form of someone else complements each other. But if the body is not respected, it cannot aggravate this "sword."

Because of this, the combat effectiveness of the Taixu demon body is actually equivalent to that of ordinary Taixu, because there is no infinite true version of Jeet Kune Do to use, and there is no native skill.

"What if..." His eyes flickered, hesitating: "What if I forcefully push the truth of infinity in my demonic state?"

"Then... the infinite truth at this time has broken through the shackles of the 'Sage' and can advance!"

"Once you advance to the infinite truth of the Taixu realm, you should be able to break through the enchantment of Jinse. But..."

He sighed slightly.

Taixu form... only has twenty minutes.

When the Infinite Truth breaks through, you suddenly find that you have fallen to Zunsheng. What will happen?

He doesn't know, but... he can try.

This is not a big mistake caused by a disordered practice. This is common sense in the practice world. It is not a case of retrograde meridians or going crazy. There are many remedies. With 4.2 billion magic crystals in hand, he can try one.

Do it or not?

A battle among the Ten Thousand Sects of Towering City is about to begin. Do you want to take the risk?

After a few seconds, his eyes became firm. He didn't think any more and took a deep breath. A huge demonic energy suddenly hit the surroundings, like a storm hitting the shore, and the surrounding talismans flickered.

Rumble... In the surging demonic energy like gunpowder smoke, a four-meter-tall black figure, covered with scales, swinging a thick and short tail, appeared in it like a demon god.

Not missing a minute or a second, twenty minutes, every minute is extremely precious. He immediately forced himself to enter the state of practice, and forced the practice to be carried out according to the operation of the infinite truth.


In an instant, there was a crisp sound around him. He frowned slightly, without opening his eyes, and tried his best to absorb the talismans rushing from all directions.

Therefore, he was fully focused and did not see that when he began to impact the Taixu realm of the infinite truth, it was not like before, one talisman after another emerged from the void and entered his body, but...

A dense, unknown chain of rules formed around him!

Runes are concretized!

Each plane has a different way of cultivation, regardless of superiority or inferiority. The seven realms of Chinese heritage have never had this. They prefer to call it contacting the way of heaven, distinguishing yin and yang, and dividing the five elements. At the same time, the hexagram in Xu Yangyi's pupils slowly rotated, and the chains on all sides clattered. As the hexagram rotated, cracks appeared little by little, and then collapsed. The collapsed golden talismans entered his eyes.

The talismans that flowed into his eyes appeared strangely in Xu Yangyi's mind, like fluttering butterflies falling into the long river of memory. He began to see the process of the generation and growth of these talismans and understand them from the source.

Silently, five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes... twenty minutes.

Not a minute more, not a second less, just when twenty minutes arrived, his whole body of magic suddenly flashed a dark light, and the surrounding terrifying magic energy rushed into his body like a funnel. The fluttering butterflies in his mind paused, and then began to dissipate quickly.

With a long sigh, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes. He felt that he could see the world more clearly and see what was under the "atom", but this feeling was fading away quickly. Like sand on the fingertips.

"Still not working..." He sighed with some regret. Just when he was about to stand up, suddenly, his body shook violently. The next second, his upper body in human form was completely black and doubled in size!

Swish! Two violent sounds, a tearing pain behind him, two huge demon wings suddenly grew and waved wildly.

"This is..." A bad feeling surged into his heart, and then, an indescribable pain broke out without warning in his limbs and bones!

Ka! The nails on both hands suddenly grew a foot long, but he could no longer care. The severe pain rushed into his mind, making him roar loudly.


It didn't sound like a human voice at all. The void collapsed layer by layer in all directions. If it weren't for the strong ban of the Yan Guilai, the surrounding walls would have been shattered! He suddenly hugged his head and knelt on the ground with a thud.

"What on earth is this..." He didn't care about the severe pain. In his red eyes, the hexagram spun desperately. He immediately looked into his body. He gasped immediately.


Big collapse! The genes and talismans in his body all began to collapse!

The cold feeling followed him like a shadow. He didn't dare to believe that in any method, when practicing, the realm would drop at most and he would spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. It would only take a month to recuperate. His physique could even be fully recovered in a few days. It was a very light injury for ordinary cultivators, but the infinite truth began to collapse his entire gene chain!

"How could this happen?" He didn't expect this result at all. If the gene chain collapsed completely, he would either turn into ashes or become an unknown monster. Neither of them was acceptable. In a hurry, he shook his hand with all his strength, and the magic crystals on all sides shattered together, and the terrifying magic energy rushed into his body like a tide.

Swish... As the magic energy entered, the severe pain finally subsided a little. But he didn't relax at all. He could feel that a strange rule was spreading wildly in his body, devouring everything he had.

The devil's energy could only delay it, but it couldn't stop it at all!

The genetic talisman collapsed, and this was the disappearance of the "human" characteristics. With another roar, barbs appeared on his back, and the whole person was about to completely turn into a demon.

Here, on the Yan Guilai, on the Yan Guilai, which had just suffered a mass amnesia... Once it becomes a creature that the Seven Realms have never seen and cannot be restored, the consequences will be disastrous!

The most terrifying... is to be identified as Taichu.

In the eyes of the Seven Realms, only Taichu can transform species.

"Om..." At this moment, the restriction he had set up before trembled slightly, and a strong spiritual energy appeared outside the practice room. At the same time, two saint-level consciousnesses quietly touched the restriction. Then, the voice of the Venerable Qingdeng sounded: "Daoyou Benlei, are you... okay?"

No answer, because he could no longer answer. The collapse of his genes made him almost speechless, but letting him in at this moment would have the consequences of...

"Daoyou, the merit and weapon library has been opened, and the merit points from the last battle have been counted. As the leaders of the three sects, we must personally hand over." A voice that they had never heard of sounded. They were so close that they could already slightly feel the terrible power gushing out of the forbidden area.

The cultivator hesitated: "Daoyou... are you... okay?"

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