
Chapter 1367: Recombinant Genes

Not good.

Very bad.

Xu Yangyi still had a trace of clarity, his teeth were clenching. The whole person was already in the form of a pure demon, and it was different from the black demon body!

He could feel that the monks outside had already become suspicious. He knew very well how powerful his spiritual power was. Although he was ready, the other party was too close, and here... the location was too bad.

Still no answer, outside the house, the Qingdeng Venerable frowned and said to a venerable saint beside him: "It seems that fellow Daoist Benlei is not here, should we come back later?"

Next to him was a Yin Venerable, with triangular eyes and a hooked nose, but with a badge of four swords piercing the sun on his chest.

The towering Song family!

"How can it be not here?" The Yin Venerable did not leave. In silence, he lightly tapped his fingers, and suddenly, runes ran in front of him, forming a magnificent rune wall. Flashing with a blue-black light.

This is exactly the restriction set by Xu Yangyi, but... the restriction at this moment is trembling slightly, and the entire restriction is shrinking like breathing.

The two people's eyes suddenly shrank.


If it was cultivation, this situation would not happen at all. No... In any case, it is impossible for the restriction to be impacted by spiritual power like this, unless it is a demonic possession, or the spiritual power is extremely unstable.

"Daoyou Benlei." The voice of the Qingdeng Venerable sounded solemnly: "What's wrong with you? Do you need help?"

No... Go away! !

Xu Yangyi roared wildly in his heart, and the divine light in his eyes was a little scattered. He felt that the process of his collapse was too painful. Suddenly, a sharp pain ten times more violent than before pierced into his spiritual consciousness like a needle. He couldn't help but roared!

Roar!!! Outside the training room, the restriction trembled wildly, and the spiritual nodes were loosened one by one. The Qingdeng Venerable and the Song Family Yinzun looked at each other, and everyone saw the surprise in their eyes.

It's not a human voice...

The voice just now was too beastly, too murderous, and carried unspeakable desires.

"Daoyou Benlei." A dark light flashed in the eyes of Song Family Yinzun, and his face seemed extremely solemn: "Say something, do you need our help?"

Kaka... Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth fiercely, staring at the door, his teeth had stretched out like fangs, interlaced like a wolf, and he used all his strength to say hoarsely: "No..."

The voice was very weak, although he tried his best to be steady, but it was trembling and hoarse in the ears of the two Yinzun outside.

"This Saint... Nothing... Nothing..."

"I'm practicing... I'll come to get it later... Roar!!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly roared, startling Qingdeng Zun, who had just put his mind at ease, and his eyes flashed.

"Open the door." Song Family Yinzun flicked his whisk and said coldly: "Daoyou Benlei has gone astray."

A golden light flashed on his hand, and Xu Yangyi's restriction outside was almost collapsed. As long as they broke the restriction with force, the training room would be unstoppable.

"No!" Just as he stretched out his hand, another hand grabbed him. The Qingdeng Master frowned and said, "Since Fellow Daoist Benlei is conscious, we should not enter. This is the iron rule of the cultivation world. If the other party is practicing a magical power, we will make enemies if we go in. Peeping at the skills and disrupting the practice, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mortal enemy!"

"Mortal enemy?" Yin Zun sneered, without even looking at him, and exerted force with his hand again, and the golden light was dazzling: "With the Cantian Song family?"

"It is indeed a mortal enemy, a mortal enemy."

However, the light just flashed , was suppressed by a green lamp. His eyebrows moved, and he looked at the Venerable Qingdeng: "What do you mean, fellow Daoist?"

"Fellow Daoist...are you going to oppose the heirloom family?"

The Venerable Qingdeng had a flash of anger on his face, but he suppressed it immediately and said lightly: "No, fellow Daoist Benlei is a dragon among men, there is no need to make enemies. You...don't you consider the younger generation of Xu Kunlun?"

"Heh..." Yin Zun turned around and retracted his hand. Just when the Venerable Qingdeng just breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly slapped.


In the training room, Xu Yangyi was already in the worst state. He had just tried his best to say those few words. He was distracted for a moment, and the inexplicable rules in his body became more rampant. His feet and arms were already unconscious. A layer of snow-white talismans turned into a tide of runes from all directions, rushing straight to his head, chest, and dantian.

"Damn it..." He gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist, but he still felt the talisman passing through, and his skin was all cold.

His body was leaving his control, and the soldiers were leaving the king's territory.

He tried his best to resist with his spiritual power and talismans, but he was defeated step by step. He didn't know what kind of talisman it was, and the infinite truth was useless! Looking around, there was only a silver-white, like the powder of stars, comparable to the brilliance of eternal pure gold!

However, just when he was almost desperate, a slight flapping sound suddenly sounded in his weak and painful sea of ​​consciousness.

This sound was so light, but Xu Yangyi caught it immediately. He could only move his spiritual consciousness, and he gritted his teeth and let his spiritual consciousness rush to the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness at full speed.

At the same time, the layer of white talismans stopped surging instantly, as if feeling something. In the blink of an eye, an extreme coldness suddenly burst out from his body, and his body actually absorbed those talismans like a sponge!

He could no longer care about his body. His divine consciousness penetrated through the clouds and mist, and the white clouds and smoke were vast and boundless. He had already seen the end of his sea of ​​consciousness. A clicking sound came from the body of a tall figure. Then, the body emitting a green halo, which was like a planet in the sea of ​​consciousness, slowly stood up and looked at his hand in silence.

This halo was so familiar that Xu Yangyi recognized it at a glance and gasped in disbelief: "This is... the Void Spirit Immortal Body?!"

" a living thing?!"

The tall body, the cyan brilliance, the complicated runes under the skin, and the countless chains sliding from his body, all of this is extremely familiar. He couldn't believe his eyes!

This giant chained within alive...

The immortal body he had been visualizing, the immortal body that had always been integrated with the physical body... was actually alive!

"Roar!!" The virtual spirit giant suddenly opened the broken chains wrapped around his body, and roared like a typhoon passing by. The entire sea of ​​consciousness was washed to pieces, and white mist fled in all directions. Suddenly, Xu Yangyi in the real world breathed a mouthful of blood. After spitting it out, only a helpless smile appeared on his face.

House seemingly endless rain.

He felt that the ethereal immortal body that had always been associated with him was disappearing quickly, but he was not anxious. Would the worst change be worse than his current one?

However, the shock has just begun.

The moment the chains fell off completely, cracks spread all over the body of the Void Spirit Immortal, and then... the latissimus dorsi muscles on his back opened like a carapace, and he lay on the ground, with two huge wings buzzing. .

They were two insect wings, transparent, membrane-like, and the ultra-high-speed vibration was almost phantom, while the face, eyes, and limbs of the virtual spirit slowly emerged with carapace, and the human body began to transform into the appearance of an insect!

Kara! This transformation was so fast that as a piece of it shattered, the skin outside his body shattered like porcelain, and a huge blue ant rose into the sky!

But just when it rushed up to more than ten meters, it suddenly became alert. The white mist dissipated, but it was not empty in all directions. Regular runes surged from the void like a sea tide, but in an instant, they surrounded the Void Spirit Immortal Body. about.

Even though Xu Yangyi was well-informed, he was looking at all this with a dull expression. What on earth is the so-called immortal body?

The silver-white talisman and the cyan ants seemed to have forgotten Xu Yangyi. The needle points were facing the wheat awns, and the regular runes seemed to come to life, rustling forward. It felt like two old enemies meeting each other. Their forgetfulness made Xu Yangyi feel much better immediately, so he found a hint of fear on the face of the dull Void Spirit Immortal Body.

boom! ! In the blink of an eye, rules talismans from all directions rushed in like a tide, completely overwhelming the Void Spirit Immortal Body, but the opponent did not even resist at all.

Countless talismans rotated and danced, forming the ethereal immortal body into a pillar of light reaching the sky in the white mist. With the opponent screaming at the top of his lungs, in the light of dancing spiritual butterflies, the huge immortal body slowly turned into a flying light. Ash.

However, at the moment when he was completely wiped out, a golden light burst out from it and rushed straight out of Xu Yangyi's consciousness. The speed was so fast that even Xu Yangyi could not see it clearly.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked at the stream of light in astonishment. It was a gem seed... a gem seed that was exactly the same as the purified Taichu!

However, this one contains the spirit body of an ant.

At this moment, countless black lights flashed in the sky, and a black vortex carried runes all over the sky, converging into a vast black hole. The golden light didn't even have time to utter a exclamation, and was instantly swallowed up by the black hole.

Devour the talisman!

Sand... As the Void Spirit Immortal Body disappeared, the flying white runes bloomed into white light that filled the sky, making it difficult for people to open their eyes. Just when Xu Yangyi's spiritual body reflexively closed his eyes, it turned into flying stars. The aura point disappears.

"Huh..." In the real world, he suddenly opened his eyes and was covered in cold sweat.

His body has mostly returned to human form. Everything just now was too weird. He immediately sat up and was about to look inside, but suddenly he was stunned.

You can move...

It seems that... the silver-white rule talisman is here to find the Void Spirit Immortal Body. The reason why his talisman collapsed was not actually a collapse, but a flaw. The huge flaw caused by the fall of the saint from Taixu made the everywhere Rule Talisman discovered the giant ant hiding in his body, and then began to attack him.

After restraining his consciousness, his spiritual consciousness immediately rushed towards the swallowing talisman, but suddenly there was a bang, and the door of the entire training room was turned into powder in the golden light of the sky.

His eyes moved, and he suddenly stood up, murderous intent erupting in his heart.


Who dares to come in at this time!

If you disturb your practice, you may fall short if you are practicing your magical powers. This is a great hatred for the monks! Who dares to act arrogantly on his own territory? !

A middle-aged man with an aquiline nose carrying the emblem of Four Swords Piercing the Sun rushed in first. At this moment, countless magic crystals were still floating around, like a long river of gems, and the magic energy had not receded, still surging. His eyes were fixed on the center of the demonic energy, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he shouted: "Friend Ben Lei, I am here to save you!"

Lord Qingdeng turned his back with a livid face behind him. He vaguely felt something, but he couldn't offend either party.

If one side is too strong, the other side is even stronger.

It was all he could do not to look at the scene inside.

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