
Chapter 1368: Immaculate

Hook-nosed Yin Zun flipped his palm, and a golden crane shadow whistled out, flapping its wings and blowing away all the black fog. He grabbed it with one hand, but at the same time, the other hand blasted out with fierce wind pressure.

"Looking for death?" Xu Yangyi's voice was filled with rage. He had just experienced a situation where he almost died, and his anger was surging. In addition, someone broke into his practice room while practicing, which was equivalent to slapping him in the face. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was killing people for treasures. His heart was boiling with murderous intent!

Boom! !

The face of the Qingdeng Zun, who turned his back, showed a look of surprise. Behind him, the spiritual power burst out like a mountain and a sea, as if the Yangtze River burst its banks and the yellow dragon danced!

With his strength, he felt that he could not resist at all!

"No!" In a hurry, he turned around suddenly and shouted: "Daoyou, calm down! Don't kill! Don't kill!"

However, before he finished speaking, a figure was already screaming and was washed out hundreds of meters by the flood of spiritual energy. The blood drew a scarlet line in the air, and his body shook. He couldn't resist Xu Yangyi's angry spiritual power at all. He was also washed out 300 meters, and the situation was slightly better.

Bang! The two hit the bulkhead at the same time. The runes on the bulkhead flashed sharply and finally stopped. The hair of the hook-nosed Yin Zun was scattered, the hair crown disappeared, the clothes on his body were torn, and his face was distorted.

He tried his best to stand up, but he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. But before he could adjust his breath, a figure appeared in front of him like lightning, grabbed his head and slammed it against the bulkhead.

There was a muffled sound. With such a big battle, many monks around had quietly stretched their heads out. This loud noise made their necks shrink, and they were immediately pulled back by the elders.

"Who gave you the courage to come in?" Xu Yangyi mercilessly grabbed the other's bleeding head, his palm veins exposed, and gritted his teeth in the other's ear: "Don't you understand the rules of the cultivation world?"

"Then let this Saint Lord teach you well!"

"You..." The hook-nosed monk gritted his teeth. He was in the early stage of Yin Zun, but he had no resistance in the hands of the other party! What's more hateful is... There are so many people in the monks' camp... How dare he? How dare he!

"You... are looking for death..."

Bang! Before the voice fell, there was another smash, this time knocking a groove in the cabin wall. Xu Yangyi stopped talking nonsense, raised his right hand, and when he was about to fall, another soul flew away, but it was definitely not weak. entangled him tightly.

"Can't kill... Daoist friend, can't kill!"

Xu Yangyi had never heard of it before. Yin Zun couldn't be killed? The premise is that the other party didn't provoke him.

He didn't listen at all, punched down, leaving no room for maneuver. Being approached by a Yang Saint, Yin Zun had no spare power to resist. At the crossroads of life and death, the hook-nosed monk screamed, and an inch of his soul flew out of his body. He opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of smoke, which actually bounced Xu Yangyi away.

But even though he was bounced away, the fist wind still descended. There was a loud noise, and all directions shook together, and a violent wind pressure shock wave swept across.

The hook-nosed Yin Zun was bleeding from all seven orifices, his face was hideous, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. With an extremely complex expression mixed with resentment, he stared at the front. Just a foot away, a golden light curtain was shaking.

However, the next second, his pupils suddenly contracted. Dozens of meters away, Xu Yangyi gently twisted his waist, his body muscles were as smooth as a bow, containing the spiritual power that made him despair. The restrictions on his right foot, as solid as the Returning Wild Goose, began to creak, and the cabin was actually cracked with fine spider web patterns centered on his right foot.

How terrifying the power is!

"No! This is the Song family! The head of the Jade Clan!" The eyes of the Qingdeng Master were red. As he shouted, a violent sea of ​​spiritual power rushed towards the hook-nosed monk without mercy. He didn't dare to stop him. In the desperate eyes, he retreated three steps, pressing his eyebrows painfully, and muttered: "You...really want to be an enemy of the heirloom family?"

"Even if this branch is not valued, this is the Song family that has not changed for thousands of years..."

The legs were like dragons, and there was a fierce sonic boom and a sound of breaking in the air. But at this moment, on the emblem on the opponent's chest, the word Song burst into thousands of golden lights, forming a thin light shield. With a loud bang, the hook-nosed Yin Master suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body seemed to be welded to the wall. However, the light curtain did not break!

The Qingdeng Master was stunned, and then a blood mist suddenly exploded on the spot, and the figure had blocked the two of them.

No... He shook his head gently, looked at Xu Yangyi nervously, and said silently.

Xu Yangyi did not continue to move, because he had already felt that a huge divine consciousness, without any cover, turned here quickly.

Is this the face of the heirloom family... He had a sneer on his lips, the Cantian Song family... Sure enough, the face was big enough, a branch head who was not valued, he couldn't kill it! Even Taixu intervened in this matter!

He stretched out his hand, pointed at the other party's eyebrows in the void, sneered, and sank into the training room. The door was shining and completely closed.

There was silence in all directions. After surviving the disaster, the eagle-nosed venerable had no joy on his face, but only boundless humiliation and anger, surging like a tide, and could not be calmed down at all!

He understood...

The other party was saying, be careful with your head.

In this silence, with a click, the emblem on his chest shattered into countless pieces. He grabbed it.

“Ben Lei…” He stared at the gate with gritted teeth, spitting out venom word by word from between his teeth: “You killed Yu’er first… and then humiliated me… You will not die well.”

Lord Qingdeng frowned. He didn't hear what the other party said clearly, but he could feel the deep hatred of the other party. After hesitating for a few seconds, he took a step forward: "Amitabha..."

"Shut up!" The hook-nosed Venerable glanced at him with a livid face, looking at the surrounding areas that he thought he was hiding well, with a shadow of curiosity in his eyes, and a surge of blood rushed into his heart, and he sprayed it all over his chest. He was red all over, flicked his long sleeves, and said in a cold voice: "Everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, it is not your turn to take care of the Song family's affairs!!"


The dim flowing light, like a soul, wrapped around a blue ant, only the size of a fingernail. No one could see it, and it flew out of the Goose Return.

It was just like Xu Yangyi's state three days ago, penetrating everything and no one could detect it. It was obviously flying, but its speed was extremely fast.

It was flying and drifting, and soon it came to the place where Khaos's palm print was struck with one blow, and flew over without hesitation.

Crossing the sea of ​​flowers, flying across the ocean, drifting towards Noah's Ark, and flying towards the Wahuang Black Hole where the sea and sky are the same color.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother was sipping her tea leisurely, then suddenly stood up. Her aura was completely different from when Xu Yangyi was talking to her. It is a majestic and unreachable mountain.

"This is..." Her eyes suddenly opened wide, and she looked around in disbelief, and finally landed on the almost invisible stream of light in the sky. Then, her body began to tremble and her eyes turned slightly red.

With a sigh that was almost choked, her figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the air in the blink of an eye, holding the stream of light cherished in the palm of her hand.

Looking again and again, her eyes were full of emotion, filled with the vicissitudes of long waiting. Then he immediately turned around, knelt down and bowed to the ground.

This murderous angel of the west, the Serah who launched the Great Flood. This ancient legendary Gou Mang. This spring god in Miao mythology was extremely pious at this moment, and he kowtowed several times in the direction of the Wahuang Black Hole.

"Thank you... thank you, Mother Goddess..." Her voice was almost hoarse: "It's been a hundred thousand years... It's been a hundred thousand years..."

"I have reclaimed the barren hills and planted them with lotus flowers...I am here to be with the creatures on Noah's Ark. Please forgive me for my doubts..."

"You have not forgotten me. You promised. Your child has returned..." She raised her hand tremblingly, her chest rising and falling sharply, a rare loss of composure. She closed her eyes with tears as she watched the stream of light sink into the vortex. eyes.

"Yahweh...are you finally ready to nod and accept me..."

There was no time here. She knelt there for who knows how long, maybe one day, maybe two days. Finally, her expression returned to its original appearance, and her figure flashed back to Noah's Ark.

With deep eyes, she looked at the endless dark void, the swaying lotus flowers in the sea, and the peach blossoms in the mountains, and suddenly smiled: "Last year, today, in this door, the faces of the people and the peach blossoms reflected each other's red... It really suits the occasion, and I am all I can’t remember what it was like when I just debuted. In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed..."

She picked up the teacup and sipped it gently, but her hands were shaking violently. Without taking the last sip, I put it down gently. I closed my eyes and didn't know what I was thinking.

"Sir?" After a long time, a voice slowly sounded, but there was no one around.

The Nanhua butterfly mother did not speak, as if she was asleep. After a few seconds, she said in an extremely calm voice: "The queen ants have appeared."

There was no response in the air, and she was unaware of it, so she slowly spoke: "Do you remember that I left a God-Sealing Knot in the realm of no return?"

There was finally a reaction in the air, and a voice replied respectfully: "What appeared this time..."

"It's the eleventh type of immortal body." Nanhua Butterfly Mother opened her eyes, her gaze blazing: "Wugou Immortal Body."

"The child of Emperor Wa, the Twelve Great Witches, turned into ten immortal bodies and was sealed in the bloodline of the God-killer. I took one away. Back then... it was lost in the realm of no return. After all, we must let the First Mother God Nodding, it can only be a person who has not returned to the world. I am just trying my luck."

"I've seen the little guy who came before. He has the shadow of Fengshen Knot on his body, but there is no aura of queen ants. I thought it wasn't him. It seems... something went wrong during the cracking process. Fengshen Knot may be Hatched into something else.”


After a while, Nanhua Butterfly Mother turned around, waved her hand again, and a stream of light disappeared into the air, and was swept away by something unknown: "Every ten thousand years, you can go out once, and this time it's just the right time. Take this thing with you Give it to him and say...I'll ask him to visit Peach Blossom Island."

After a pause, she continued: "Be careful not to be discovered by Taixu. After all... you are just a ghost."

Without answering, Nanhua Butterfly Mother sat down and continued to watch the flowers bloom and fall year after year.

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