
Chapter 1369: Internal strife

The Wild Goose Returns.

There was a mess in all directions, and the three sects were stationed around. Many low-level cultivators had quietly poked their heads out to watch the scene of the battle between the saints.

However, no one could have imagined that the earth-shaking battle they imagined did not happen, and it was completely one-sided suppression. There was no battle of several hours or half a day. It was completely different from the battle between the saints they had heard of. The victory was decided in a second!

"Zi... Did you see it? Of course! I thought that the saints could stand alone like the young master, but the difference between the saints is so big? There is no power to fight back... I don't recognize that emblem. It should be from a B-level sect, right? The young master is exaggerating..."

Xu Yangyi didn't care about other people's opinions at all. With his strength, he didn't need the recognition of others at all. In the training room, his consciousness couldn't wait to rush into his body, but when he looked inside, he was stunned.


The flesh and bones showed a white jade color, like the light on the earth, which was exactly the same as before, but... all the spiritual power nodes belonging to the immortal body disappeared without a trace!

For any immortal body, the amplitude of spiritual power is their most basic function. Through the spiritual power of dozens of times of each node, this is also the basis for Yang Sheng to surpass Yin Zun comprehensively. But now it is not visible at all!

How could it be so?

He closed his eyes and felt it carefully, opened them after a few seconds, and murmured in confusion: "No... It's not disappearing."

"If it is disappearing, I can't be so easy in front of a Yin Zun."

The bones have not changed, the flesh has not changed, the skin has not changed... But the power of personal feeling is by no means false. His consciousness swept across the body inch by inch. After more than ten minutes, the spiritual body turned into a stream of light and rushed straight into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The white mist retreated layer by layer in front of him, and with a whoosh, the white dragon emerged from the water, and the eyes suddenly became clear.

"This..." He took a deep breath in astonishment: "What on earth is this?"

It has changed.

There was no big change in the body, but the sea of ​​consciousness was turned upside down!

Originally, his sea of ​​consciousness was like smoke and clouds, and all cultivators were like this. But now, there were vast black smoke and clouds, forming a majestic vortex without stars. In the center of the vortex, a spirit body that was as tall as him and exuded a sacred and mysterious halo was sitting cross-legged in the center of the vortex quietly.

The hand placed on the dantian, the spiritual energy rose, the thumbs were facing each other, and the eight fingers were crossed. The swallowed talisman slowly sank and floated in it, and seven stars shone on the head, hands, chest, dantian, and the joints of the legs. The treasure was solemn, the Taoism was profound, and a spirit body actually gave people a sense of pure mystery.

That familiar feeling, connected to his own soul, came to him. He silently stretched out his hand, and the spirit body opposite slowly raised his hand, one moving and one still, like the two ends of a mirror.

"Soul." He frowned: "How can the soul be here? This is the range of the sea of ​​consciousness."

"And..." The fingertips released spiritual power, and suddenly, seven stars shone in the spirit body, and the strands of spiritual energy gathered into a silver-white hand like the spring of all trees. It stretched out a finger and quietly touched his spiritual energy.

Sand... Golden ripples rippled in the void, everything was so quiet and peaceful, even in such an illusion, there was no evil thought.

"Pure..." He closed his eyes gently, feeling the transformation of the soul, and murmured: "No impurities, this... is the purest soul."

"It's not even spiritual energy, but... it seems to be a pure soul..."

The fingers danced gently, and the soul followed like a shadow. That kind of pure and flawless, like returning to the mother body, the feeling of the birth of the universe, became more and more profound with the ripples.

Unable to understand.

After a few minutes, he rubbed his eyebrows and put down his hand.

The change in the soul was obviously related to the green ant, but he couldn't tell the pros and cons after the change. The strength was about the same as before, and it was probably... just a little more beautiful?

At this moment, his eyes moved slightly, and he immediately retracted his consciousness. Almost at the same time, a black light flashed at the door of the training room, and a paper crane flew in.

"Sage Lord Benlei." A majestic voice resounded through the void like thunder: "The Hades invites you, please move to the meeting hall. We are waiting."

Xu Yangyi grabbed it casually, but did not move immediately, but pondered slightly.

The Hades invites you... The words are simple, but this time is definitely not simple.

Just now, he almost killed the head of the Song family's jade vein, and in a blink of an eye, the Hades sent a letter personally, and it was a private letter. It is more secret than confidential.

The other party does not want to make it public. What is he doing?

Kill first and report later?

"He doesn't dare." Xu Yangyi brushed his robe confidently: "After all, I am also a Yangsheng. Just because this is the Seven Realms Chain, he will not and dare not touch me at all."

A blind man can see his strength.

"So that means peace?" He did not laugh, but his expression became more solemn.

It's nothing to say peace, but if this Hades really does this, the Cantian Song family... this super power of the A-level, the foundation is probably even beyond his imagination!

"Interesting." He snorted coldly and raised his hand. The restriction was opened in the flashing light. His figure turned into a black light and rushed out. The paper crane was faster than him and led him forward.

As the passage ahead became wider and wider, teams of patrolling monks could be seen from time to time stepping on flying swords, in an orderly manner, holding swords and standing. And the layers of restrictions became more and more terrifying, and the terrifying fluctuations even frightened him. Ten minutes later, when the paper crane stopped, he had arrived at a square of a thousand meters.

The fluctuation of the ban reached its peak here. Although it was not visible, a kind of solemn and magnificent atmosphere made people feel breathless. There were mountains of swords and forests of guns in all directions. The complex runes cast a light as bright as day. Three thousand monks with fluttering flags were like pine trees and their faces were like iron. They seemed to be in a mess, but in fact they were guarding a 50-meter-high gate in the center in an orderly manner.

There was no sound.

Even coughing was inaudible. There was only the sound of patrolling monks' magic weapons passing through the air.

At this moment, the paper crane in front of him turned into a stream of light and rushed into the gate. A few seconds later, with a ray of light shining, the door opened and Xu Yangyi flew in immediately.

Inside was a throne under the starry sky.

The round dome, the spiritual power transformed into a vast star map on it, countless green spiritual light points, the phantoms of the illusory giant city were densely covered on it, and countless streams of light flew between the planes. On the other side were dark red dots, also moving at high speed.

In the center was a 30-meter-long round table with 12 chairs beside it. Except for one empty chair, the others were already full of people, all of whom were at the Venerable Saint level.

Behind these people, a monk in a cloak, who was only at the Golden Core level and whose face could not be seen clearly, was standing there quietly.

"What a great honor." The hook-nosed Yin Zun was also sitting there. At this moment, he had an immortal look and his hair was neat. He picked up the teacup and flicked it gently, sneering: "Let all of us wait for you. How can we delay in the military emergency? Your Excellency Pluto, please clarify the canonical punishment and correct the military regulations."

Only his voice was unusually clear. All the Yin Zun slightly lowered their eyes, some tapped their teacups lightly, and some closed their eyes and remained silent. In an instant, no one said a word for a Yang Saint!

The Song family has accumulated so much power!

Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately, which was somewhat different from what he had predicted. The Pluto did not show up, and all the Venerable Saints gathered together, seemingly not for peace. If a Taixu could send a letter in person, and it was not about that matter, then...

He took a deep look at the cloaked monk, then only the front line had changed.

With a flash of light, he landed on the chair. Just as he was about to sit down, the hook-nosed Yinzun slowly put down the teacup and said lightly: "That's the seat of His Majesty Pluto."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi smiled and looked at him: "Does your head still hurt?"

Swish! Suddenly, a series of eyes were fixed on the hook-nosed Yinzun, and his face immediately turned red, as if he had been slapped.

How dare this despicable villain talk about this matter in such an occasion! Fighting is inevitable, and he is as petty as a woman, and will take revenge for every grievance! There is no spirit of a monk!

The two looked at each other tit for tat, and the Qingdeng Venerable finally sighed: "Daoyou Kusheng, why do you have to act on impulse?"

The Kusheng Venerable took several deep breaths. Who here is not second to none? Especially as a branch of the Song family, his status is even more respected. A newcomer who has just arrived can actually enter the hall to discuss matters. Let’s not talk about it for now. Just the two words "Ben Lei" make him want to drink blood and chew bones!

"Your Majesty Pluto discuss matters with his spiritual consciousness, and it’s okay for Fellow Daoist Ben Lei to sit there." The Six Saints Yuan Ling seemed to open one eye from his deep sleep, and said meaningfully: "This is the Goose Return... not Cantian City."

Impartial, neither right nor wrong, most of the saints at the scene have the same attitude.

No one is easy to mess with.

At this moment, a magnificent voice descended like a god: "No need to be polite, the front line is urgent, and the discussion officially begins."

"Fellow Daoist Ben Lei has profound cultivation and will be of great help in future battles. I hereby approve him to participate in the discussion. Who has any objection?"

"Junior has." As soon as the voice fell, the dry voice of Venerable Ku Sheng rang out. This time, even the Six Saints Yuan Ling opened his eyes. Which of the saints is not old and smart? At this moment, they all smelled the smell of gunpowder and looked at each other calmly.

Something is going to happen...

Everyone has a scale in their heart, and they really matched...the branch of the Song family and a powerful Yang Sheng. They originally thought that it was just a conflict of temper, but they didn't expect that when Taixu spoke, he dared to raise an objection!

Silence, as if even the King of Hell Jundali didn't expect it. After a few seconds, he said lightly: "Approved."

"Reply to the lord." A burst of anger burned from the abdomen to the throat. The face of the Venerable Kusheng twitched, and he stood up respectfully, without any disorder in etiquette: "Let's not talk about the strength of Fellow Daoist Benlei for now. However, a stick of incense ago, the junior and Fellow Daoist Qingdeng went to distribute the merits, and then found out..."

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes like lightning: "The identity of Saint Benlei is unknown! The way of cultivation is extremely strange! The power around is really evil! I have never seen it! I have reported it to Cantian City! Please check and prove the identity, and then we can discuss the matter!"

Dead silence.

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