
Chapter 1370: Special Military Intelligence

The eyes of all the sages were shocked, not by Xu Yangyi, but by the cruelty of Lord Ku Sheng's attack.

Is the crime a light one?

It may be light elsewhere, but... this is the Chain of Seven Realms. The opponent is Taichu!

Taichu can transform into any form. In history, there are definitely many Taichu who entered the Seven Realms! The higher the position and the higher the weight, the greater the explosion will be caused in the end! It can be said that as soon as this sentence is said, countless eyes will be staring at Xu Yangyi all the time! He had to undergo a thorough investigation.

This is just one of them. Secondly, an unknown force. Once it is true, it must be one of the opponent's trump cards!

Jumping out of the three realms and not in the five elements, this power is far more terrifying in battle than aura! Because of the unknown, because of the mystery. Also because of the unpredictability, the so-called Dharma cannot be transmitted to the six ears.

This is forcing the opponent to show their cards! Dig each other’s heritage!

The two sides were already at odds with each other. Even if the other party was cleared of suspicion, he had better prepare in advance.

His eyes moved to Xu Yangyi, and the cloaked monk behind him was completely stunned. Xu Yangyi's face was calm, he picked up the teacup and took a sip, blocking the murderous intent in his eyes.

He has already guessed the identity of the other party, no grievances, no grudges, two provocations, jade pulse...

Song Ziyu’s family.

The reincarnation of heaven and earth never expected to break out here.

He's not afraid to get to the bottom of things.

What he was afraid of was...that his identity from Earth would be exposed before he was still young.

"Who told you?" He suddenly spoke, his voice was very calm, and he looked directly into the eyes of Lord Kusheng.

After much deliberation, there was absolutely no third person when Song Ziyu died. And the other party was so targeted because he knew that he had killed Song Ziyu.

"Knowing words make you seductive." The two of them had a clear understanding, but they didn't say it out loud. Venerable Kusheng flicked his sleeves, raised his hands and said loudly: "Junior, please order us to conduct a thorough investigation of Holy Lord Ben Lei!"

"The result is unknown one day, and all his actions are restricted the other day! Merit is prohibited! The three sects are under surveillance together!"

Still no one spoke, the crime was too big and serious. Taichu, a Yang Sheng... once he had doubts, not even the five kings and two queens dared to handle him lightly. After a long time, Pluto's voice sounded again, already wearing a deep tone: "Green Lantern."

"Here!" Lord Qingdeng no longer dared to smooth things over, and stood up to salute with great solemnity.

"Is this possible?"

Lord Qingdeng pursed his lips tightly. Psychologically, he did not believe that the other party had taken the form of Taichu, but...

"Indeed." He sighed, ignoring several gentle gasps at the scene, and replied seriously: "Venerable Ku Sheng broke into the practice room, and the power in the room overflowed. Those powers... I have never seen it before. But The junior thinks..."

"Fellow Taoist Qingdeng." Venerable Kusheng shook the dust lightly and said calmly: "Can you represent His Majesty Pluto's judgment?"

"One thing speaks for itself, another speaks for itself. Right and wrong have their own opinions. If you are so eager to stand up for fellow Taoist Ben Lei, could it be that..." He took a step forward and said in a cold voice: "Are you with Taichu?"

Lord Qingdeng took a deep look at the other person, then sat down without saying anything.

The scene was silent, and Pluto's voice paused again. After another long while, he said: "Ben Lei, do you have an explanation?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi stood up and cupped his hands: "Taoism is my only method. Haven't you seen it before?"

"Being a thief has a guilty conscience." Lord Ku Sheng sneered.

"What qualifications do you have to make this holy king feel guilty!" Xu Yangyi suddenly turned his head and said in a thunderous voice: "The clown who was knocked down by me in a second dares to grandstand in the meeting hall! Who do you think you are!"

"You!" Venerable Kusheng's eyes turned red, his chest rose and fell sharply, he turned around and cupped his hands and said, "Sir! Holy Lord Ben Lei disrespects Taixu! You are roaring in the court, I beg you to be punished by thunder!"

Before Pluto spoke, no one expected that Xu Yangyi sneered and continued: "It's ridiculous. As a monk, I don't dare to speak with my cultivation. I only dare to ask for candy from adults. Do you still dare to ask for a face?"

"You... are so presumptuous!!" Lord Kusheng was furious, with undercurrents of spiritual energy surging all over his body, and his eyes were like daggers. At this moment, Pluto's voice sounded calmly: "That's enough!"

The two looked at each other and looked away.

After the fourth silence, the other sages glanced at Xu Yangyi meaningfully, with a hint of suspicion in their eyes. They were too courageous. Under Taixu's pressure, they explained, and then slapped their hands directly. Is this really a saint? Isn't he afraid that Master Taixu will be displeased?

Moreover... Master Pluto is also very strange, too calm, and his calmness is unexpected. How could he treat a Yang Sage who was questioned as Taichu with care?

What's the matter!

Only Lord Kusheng, who was completely torn apart, did not feel that Pluto seemed to be asking, but in fact it was clear who the balance was facing.

There was no hint of joy or anger in Pluto's voice: "Guhe Babai, you can speak now."

"Yes!" A voice came from behind everyone. Although the monk in the cloak was stunned, he showed extremely good qualities at this moment. He knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "Guhe Army Hongling Camp, Number 800, special military intelligence report!”

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved unexpectedly, and he seemed to understand something. don't need to do it yourself at all. He seems to have not fully adapted to the transition from the demon world to the Seven Realms.

"Sir!" Venerable Kusheng suddenly raised his head, cold sweat suddenly covered his forehead. He stood up again before his buttocks got hot, and held his hands deeply: "I object, Taoist friend Ben Lei is unknown! Special-level military intelligence should not sit at all. Stand here!"

No... There must be something wrong...

This time, even though he was so angry that he almost lost his mind, he could hear something wrong. He didn't even mention asking Xu Yangyi to leave, but directly set the tone... Didn't the other party have even the slightest suspicion?

After being interrupted continuously, a vast spiritual energy instantly filled the meeting hall, like an abyss and an ocean, so deep that even Xu Yangyi felt like he was stuck in a quagmire, and even breathing was greatly hindered.

"Is this the Seven Realms Taixu that is close to the level of the Five Kings and Two Queens?" He seemed to lower his head like other saints, with an obscure look in his eyes: "Very strong... but still far inferior to the princes and dukes of hell, not to mention the level of Xinlu Yade and Kendramo... I don't know how the strength of the Five Kings and Two Queens compares to those monsters."

"You are questioning my decision." The voice of the Hades Jundali became completely cold, and the terrifying spiritual pressure was like a mountain pressing around the Venerable Kusheng. Suddenly, the Venerable Kusheng trembled slightly, sweating like pulp, and gritted his teeth and trembled, saying: "Junior dare not..."

"You already dared!!" A loud shout, like thunder, Taixu cannot be insulted. After repeated provocations, Venerable Kusheng had to do this because he had to break up with Xu Yangyi, but in the eyes of a Taixu, this was overstepping and disrespectful!

Just like the unknown Yawei consciousness that Xu Yangyi met in the Wolf Chief plane at that time, it was normal not to want to trade, but the different status, the ideas generated were completely different.

"Who is in charge of this Wild Goose Return?" The voice of the Hades Jundali carried a hint of anger, but he still did not punish Venerable Kusheng. He said coldly, "Answer me."

"It's... you..." Venerable Kusheng touched the ground with his forehead, his voice was faint.

"Then do you have doubts about my handling? Or..." Hades' voice became colder again: "Does the Cantian Song family have doubts about me?"


"I dare not!" Venerable Kusheng was so scared that his soul flew away, and he almost screamed: "Thanks to the care of all the adults, Cantian City has stood firm. The Song family is only grateful and has no doubts!"

"You are not afraid... You are dissatisfied!!" According to reason, at this point, the Hades Jundali should give Venerable Kusheng a step down, after all, this is a branch of the Song family. But no one expected that he did not calm down at all. The violent spiritual energy was like a tidal wave. In an instant, a small piece of the ground in front of Venerable Kusheng was wet, but he did not dare to move at all.

The roar echoed in the hall, Taixu was furious, no one dared to speak, everyone kept their mouths shut rationally. A magnificent divine sense swept across the whole audience: "Who has any objections?"

No one answered.

"Since there is no one, then I will tell you why he can sit here!"

"Because his spiritual power coefficient is 250 million! Do you understand! Idiot!!"

If you don't give me a way out, don't blame me for making you lose face and dignity!

This idiot was talking to the Venerable Kusheng. Suddenly, the other party looked up suddenly as if he was focused by thunder, and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

At the same time, several gasps came, and all the saints stared with their eyes wide open, their lips slightly opened, and looked over in disbelief.

"200 million..." The eyes of the Six Saints Yuanling were fully opened. He knew that the other party was very strong, but he never thought that he would be so strong. 250 million... Is this... is this still a human? Is he still a saint?

"This... How is this possible..." Venerable Qingdeng stared at the calm opponent in a daze, his mind was blank.

They remembered that amazing palm. They remembered the scene when Taichu attacked, when the opponent was alone and ten thousand men could not break through.

It turned out... that was not the opponent's limit at all.

It turned out... those Taichu numbers they thought they had to defend to the death could not detect the opponent's limit at all!

It turned out that he had been treating it as a joke just now, but this was his real trump card!

Two hundred and fifty million... The next generation of great saints!

Would Taichu release such bait? Not to mention Taichu, even if the two holy places had such seeds, they would hide them, and even if they were training, they would send out several saints to ensure safety, because even when the two stars shone together, the north and the south fought for the emperor, and the entire seven realms were bloody and bloody, and they bowed their heads, the two great saints were far less than 200 million!

The immortal great saint back then was 170 million, and the Guanghan great saint was 160 million.

Among the venerable saints present, except for Venerable Qingdeng and the Six Saints Yuanling, who have 110 million or 200 million, there are no other saints who have more than 100 million!

100 million, for them, that is Quasi-Taixu! 200 million... Great Saint Seed! It is a height that they can never reach!

Everyone understood, and all the details that they couldn't figure out before were instantly clear. This is not to give the Song family face, but the other party does not want to take revenge on the future Taixu, or even the Quasi-Great Saint. This grudge is too big, even a strong man like Jundali dare not make this feud.

"200 million... 50 million..." The scene was silent, only Venerable Kusheng repeated this sentence dully, he couldn't find any reason. Because any reason is pale under this number.

"Back." The anger of the Hades Jundali finally subsided, and he regained his calm voice: "Anyone who dares to disturb the morale of the army with such things will be dealt with according to military law!"

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