
Chapter 1371: Lan Tianhai (I)

When Lord Kusheng got up from the ground, he still felt out of his mind.

There is only one voice in my mind: How could this happen? Why does he have such high spiritual power? What's wrong?

He sat back down in despair, feeling like he was sitting on a big tree that was swaying in the wind. There was a buzzing in his ears and he couldn't hear anything clearly.

Suddenly, something flashed in his mind and he took a deep look at Xu Yangyi.


Back then, Yu'er received an order from Dao Zi to go to Tianjian Villa to look for something for Song Ergong, who was now guarding Towering City. The specific situation was unknown, but she only knew that it was extremely important. Yu'er died in the hands of this bastard. Did that thing... also fall into his hands?

That must be it!

His heaving chest gradually calmed down, and the cold light in his eyes said, "Zhazai...even if the head of the family cannot avenge Yu'er, but when it comes to the Second Young Master, please pray for a good life..."

Humans are very strange creatures. When they have no clue, they often see a glimmer of light and cling to it. Like a drowning man grabbing onto driftwood.

This is what happened to Lord Kusheng. When he heard the 250 million, his heart was completely cold and he knew that there was no hope of revenge. However, as long as there is a chance, even a slight possibility, he will follow the opponent like a vicious dog and bite out the opponent's throat when he sees the opportunity!

There was silence in all directions. If it were not here, all the saints would be desperately congratulating. But now is not the time.

"Your Excellency, you are aware of this." A sage who had never spoken before stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Sage Ben Lei can never be Taichu. If he was, Taichu's soldiers came back to the wild goose at that time, he could have let him in. "

"Yes, how could a Yang Sage be Taichu?" An old woman opened her turbid eyes and nodded to Xu Yangyi with a smile: "Yang Sage is only thirty people, and has a high status in the Seven Realms. If you are good in the Seven Realms, you will not go there. It is impossible to live in the place where Rumao drank blood in the beginning.”

"Fellow Taoist Kusheng is Meng Lang." "Fellow Taoist Kusheng cares about the Seven Realms, but this time he was a little less cautious."

In the blink of an eye, all the previously silent saints chose to take sides. Every sentence was like a slap in the face of Lord Kusheng. Before, everyone was not helping each other, but now they all turned against each other. The shame of this gap caused blood to rush to the top of his head instantly, his face turned red, and his teeth gritted tightly. He pressed his lips and lost all color.

In front of all the saints on the Return of the Wild Goose, they were nailed to the Pillar of Shame. And Pluto wouldn’t let him leave, so he didn’t dare to leave at all! It can only make people watch as a foil!

"Okay." Pluto's voice came: "The war is currently underway, Guhe Babai, you continue."

Everyone calmed down and their expressions became solemn. Lone Crane knelt down on the ground, his voice full of exhaustion and hoarseness: "Hongling Camp, transmit troops for special information. Taichu has sealed off the three million miles around Towering City. Human delivery is not possible.”

After a brief sentence, he said in a deep voice through his teeth: "Tontian City... The Song family is asking for help urgently. A total of seven banners of the Taichu Void Legion are besieging Towering City. The water is tight, and the war is about to begin. Three new species have already appeared. We are currently at the last line of defense outside the towering city!"

"The first three strongholds of Towering City, Lantianhai, Fushengya, and Heiyunxing, except for Lantianhai, the other two strongholds have all fallen. This time, Taichu's military strength was unprecedented, the highest in 100,000 years! There were more than 500 million soldiers. , the Song family's independent support to Lan Tianhai is in danger! Once the three strongholds are destroyed, Shentian City is in danger! Please send troops to rescue immediately! "

This is obviously the other party's oral instructions in an emergency. Extremely straightforward.

The scene was silent, everyone was thoughtful, waiting for Pluto's decision. The other party did not let anyone wait: "The towering city is surrounded by three strongholds in a shape of a font. If the three cities are lost, there will be no strategic depth at all, and the Taichu soldiers will face the main city directly. You have been fighting in the Chain of Seven Realms for many years, so you should We know how important the three cities are.”

A solemn atmosphere filled the scene, and Pluto's voice was like a long sword unsheathed, sonorous and powerful: "A warlord, commanding a hundred thousand Taichu, if Towering City is not in a critical situation, it will not rashly request the mothership for reinforcements. Due to the space teleportation method With the technology of the Seven Realms, five thousand people is already the limit. More than 400,000 Taichu soldiers are besieging Lan Tianhai, with the deputy army commander watching eagerly outside. Even if the seven motherships rush to rescue, there are only 35,000 people, which is impossible. Filling a huge void.”

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly, hearing something unintelligible.

Everyone present was a veteran of the Chain of Seven Realms, even Lord Kusheng. There was no need for Pluto to explain like this.

The other party was explaining to him.

He suddenly understood the true meaning of Pluto's invitation to him. The three strongholds must not be lost. They needed a sharp knife, an invincible Qinglong Yanyue Knife. Taixu cannot take action, so...the stronger the Zun Sheng is, the more likely he is to hold the stronghold. I'm afraid that when Jundali Pluto learned the news, he had already decided on the candidate.

It's a pity that the ending of Lord Ku Sheng's performance was already doomed from the beginning. In the face of war, all personal grudges must give way!

There is no idiot, the eyes of several sages quietly inquired over. With this person present, it was not their turn to express their opinions, and Lord Pluto did not want to hear their opinions at all.

Under the silent attention of everyone, Xu Yangyi stood up, cupped his hands and said: "I wish to go, this junior."

"Okay." Almost without a pause, Hades immediately said: "Half an hour later, the space transmission array will select the generals. The candidates are chosen by fellow Taoists. If there are not enough, you can inform me at any time. Twelve hours later, the reinforcements of the Yan Guilai ship will be dispatched immediately to respond. No matter what the situation is at that time, they must return. As for the candidates for the response..."

He paused: "Venerable Ku Sheng, do you dare to obey your orders?"

"Junior obeys your orders." Venerable Ku Sheng immediately bowed his hands, his expression calm. Xu Yangyi thought about it for a while and understood Hades's idea.

It is best not to have a conflict of the level of the Venerable Saint on a mothership. He still wants to resolve the grievances between the two. In the face of the general situation, even Venerable Ku Sheng dare not do anything. Once the reinforcements are completed, he will accept the other party's favor, and everyone will let it go.

He smiled slightly, without expressing his attitude, and his figure turned into a stream of light and flew towards the station.

"The King's decree." As soon as he returned to the base, his voice immediately turned into thunder and resounded throughout the three sects: "Three sects, obey orders, and the entire army will assemble. In one hour, go to the space teleportation array and the entire army will set off."

No doubt, although their training will not officially begin until they arrive at Cantian City, but the previous battle has already brought out their spirit. Everyone immediately moved, counting the talismans and magic weapons. Forty minutes later, five thousand people have turned into a long river of magic weapons and rushed to the teleportation array.

"Brother, what's going on?" Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan flew with Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Cantian City is in danger, we will rush to help first, and the reinforcements will arrive later."

No more words were said. The five thousand troops entered the teleportation array one after another, and the light in front of them flickered. Half an hour later, Xu Yangyi, as the cultivator with the highest cultivation, took the lead in stepping out. At the same time, the spiritual energy burst out, forming a blue-black light shield.

As he appeared, the void on his right side fluctuated, and then, a sharp spiritual power suddenly pierced his cervical vertebrae.

The cervical vertebrae, also known as the bridge between heaven and earth, is the head where the soul is hidden and the body where the flesh is supported. This is the most important passage in the body of a cultivator. Once hit by this level of spiritual power without any preparation, the consequences will be disastrous!

Silently and without any waves, the speed and strength of this spiritual energy are at least 150 million! Surpassing all the saints in the seven realms! And the light and shadow in front of Xu Yangyi were overlapping rapidly, and his consciousness was in chaos at first, and he could not even unfold the infinite truth! This attack... was actually unavoidable!

Subconsciously, the muscles of his whole body were already tense. Since it was unavoidable, he could only resist it. But at this moment, this ghostly attack actually went straight through his body!

Unable to hit!

His body seemed to have turned into nothingness, incompatible with the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy rushed through his body frantically, exploding pieces of brilliant light on the teleportation array behind him, but he was unharmed!

"Sure enough..." A hoarse voice that seemed to have not spoken for tens of thousands of years sounded in his ears, so light that it made people feel like an illusion, but he was sure that someone had spoken.

The next second, his spiritual power exploded in full, forming a blue-black kingdom, but where the spiritual energy passed, he could not feel the other party's trace at all.

Just like air, it disappeared completely.

All this happened in just three seconds. After three seconds, the picture in front of him was quickly reorganized, and everything became clear.

His vigilant eyes swept across inch by inch, and what he saw was a ruined square, with vaguely visible carvings and trees around. The ground was covered with bloodstains, and dark smoke crossed the sky. Hundreds of monks who looked exhausted, covered with scars, and had tattered clothes, had eyes full of shock, looking at the space portal with their mouths wide open.

The spiritual power that burst out just now almost made him feel like he was falling into an abyss. Then everyone bowed down and shouted with great excitement: "Welcome, sir!"

The crowd bowed down in a black mass, and Xu Yangyi was indifferent. His spiritual consciousness was completely released, and everyone at the scene trembled and dared not say a word.

Under the spiritual consciousness, the Lantianhai Fortress was completely presented in front of him. The space array was located in the center of a huge city. This was a military city, which was obvious. Various war talismans were engraved on each building. The whole city was huge and boundless. The background was the magnificent starry sky. Just above the city, circles of golden shields were densely packed, and chains were intertwined. Outside the light shield... countless Taichu, like a planetary belt, tightly besieged this world.

Smoke and flags were everywhere, and every place was a battlefield. It was a hell of blood and fire. The desolate horn sound and the noisy voices became the only melody here. Countless precious lights flew up to the sky. The blood and flesh of the Taichu and the monks who were dying all the time fell like meteorites, blooming scarlet flowers. Only here was the safest place.

"No?" After a few seconds, he suddenly withdrew his consciousness, and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Originally, he thought that Lantianhai was in danger, and the Taichu army surrounded the teleportation array to besiege the point and attack the reinforcements. He didn't doubt the Song family at all. In a place like the Seven Realms, with more than 150 million monks... Would the Song family be willing to let him out as a dead soldier?

But... Although the Lantianhai Fortress was in danger, it had not been breached. Then there were only two answers.

One... There was a killer who could hide in the space channel.

Two, the second monk who possessed the space god rule!

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