
Chapter 1372: Lan Tianhai (Part 2)

"Sir!" Before he could think about it, the monks at the scene could not help it. A Yuanying monk with pale hair was exhausted. But he revealed a strange excitement. At this moment, as if his bones were pulled out, he knelt on the ground and choked: "Welcome, Sir!"

"Welcome, Sir!" All the monks behind him half-knelt on the ground and spoke hoarsely. Many people kept secretly looking at the portal behind. Xu Yangyi smiled and waved his hand. The huge teleportation array fluctuated and thousands of streamers burst out. A dazzling long river was drawn on the battlefield full of gunpowder.

Flags fluttered, angry dragons rolled, and thousands of monks burst into the void. This sudden brilliance was so clear on the battlefield that the monks from all directions burst into a shocking cheer, and the thin light curtain became brighter again.

Although there were not many people, it was a signal.

A signal that reinforcements were coming!

The surrounding smoke rose to the sky, and the star-like Taichu spiritual light outside the light curtain seemed to stagnate for a moment. In the dilapidated attics, on the distant city walls that even Xu Yangyi's consciousness could not reach, young foundation-building monks pursed their lips and their fingers trembled - that was because of the spasm of maintaining a posture for a long time. The broken flags beside him roared in the wind, and he did not hesitate to clench the magic weapon in his hand.

Just in front of the major key points, the light curtain three thousand meters away had cracked into spider web patterns, like broken glass, and the talisman that was about to collapse maintained its last barely intact form. The brilliance of death gushed out from the spider web patterns, and the Taichu representing death behind it was boundless, like an endless river blocked by a dam.

Just now, the star-like flickering streamer outside disappeared. They understood that this was not a truce, but the last darkness before dawn.

If the reinforcements were the dawn.

The cultivators at one defense point lit up the precious light, and so did the second defense point, followed by the third, the fourth... Compared with the calm outside Taichu, no matter where Xu Yangyi's consciousness could see or not, endless spiritual light shot up into the sky, forming a beacon tower of spiritual light in this area of ​​the sky, lighting up the heavens.

"This is the way of life continuation..." Xu Yangyi retracted his consciousness, and he had some insights in his heart. The so-called life is all transformed in the cruel competition. If it cannot be transformed, it can only wait for extinction.

"My lord." Seeing that he was not in a hurry, the Yuanying cultivator was anxious. This dead silence before the explosion gripped everyone's heart. He kowtowed suddenly: "Lantian Sea is in danger! The ban is about to be broken! Venerable Hanku said that you don't need to report, and he has no time to welcome it! The frontal ban has been weakened to the weakest point by Taichu! Please send troops immediately!"

"Too late." Xu Yangyi looked at the sky: "They are already here."

As soon as the voice fell, the entire Lantian Sea shook. As if being pinched by an invisible giant hand, it was shaking desperately in the void.

"Swish..." Thirteen meteors suddenly burst out from the deep of the impenetrable Taichu black cloud, burning with blazing flames, pulling out a light tail tens of thousands of meters long. At first, it was just a light spot, but the speed was beyond imagination! Getting bigger and bigger! Even... you can see the hideous body in it.

Taichu Venerable Saints are out!

Thirteen Venerable Saints... All the cultivators below took a breath of cold air. At the same time, the highest building in Lantian Sea was shining brightly, and four figures rushed out with the breath of the Venerable Saint, facing the raging flames above.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. The leader was a pale old man wearing a Bagua Dongxuan Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, carrying a long sword on his back, sitting on a crane with Ganoderma lucidum on its head. He had a fairy-like appearance, but the other party was filled with Yang Sheng pressure!

Yang Sheng Late Stage!

There were three Yin Lords in the back, a short boy in a red bellyband, sitting on a flaming lotus platform, with a flaming phoenix coiling around his body like a chaotic sky silk. Another middle-aged woman, dressed like a village woman, with a heavy Yin Lord's Great Perfection Spiritual Awesomeness. The last one was a person wearing a silver mask and a white cloak, and it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman, but his spiritual pressure was also Yin Lord's Great Perfection!

Three Yin Lords and one Yang Saint, all of them were only a hair's breadth away from Taixu. It can be seen how much the Seven Realms valued the battle of Cangtian City!

Huahuahua... Thirteen muffled sounds, thirteen Taichu Saints spread their bodies together. Formed a bunch of giant starry sky umbrellas.

Those were thirteen identical Taichu Saints, with human upper bodies and sixteen-legged creatures like octopuses in the lower bodies. Each tentacle was connected to a thin membrane, hovering outside the light curtain like an umbrella. Just behind them, at least hundreds of thousands of spiritual lights rushed into the sky.

The white light tore through the dark starry sky, becoming a gorgeous aurora, endless, forming a tide of light, the kingdom of light.

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly jumped, and in the green retina, he saw a strange picture.

Not thirteen...

But one...

Clearly, what he saw were thirteen Taichu, but there was only one red dot on the retina, which was far more than the thirteen Venerable Saints. If the Venerable Saint was the moon, this... was a scorching sun.

It was vast and majestic.

"Be careful." Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes and sent a divine sense to all the Venerable Saints without a sound: "This... I'm afraid it's not just the Venerable Saint."

However, no one could distinguish his words carefully. The next second, the gushing spiritual light seemed to be attracted and rushed towards the thirteen Venerable Saints frantically.

Thousands of streams returned to their clan, hundreds of rivers merged into the sea, all these auras impacted on the Taichu Saints. In an instant, their bodies became a kind of holy crystal white. Not only were they not destroyed, but their upper bodies quickly swelled, and infinite brilliance came from the pores of the seven orifices. It spurted out and formed thirteen brilliant scorching suns.

At this second, there was silence, and the vast and boundless grand scene of the universe opened the stage for killing. One by one, they built their foundations with golden elixirs and tightly grasped the magic weapon in their hands. Twenty holy spirits confront each other in the void. The calm before the storm is the glorious chapter before destruction.

The void is vibrating, dancing with the wails of hell. The violent wind pressure was pervasive, blowing ripples on the light curtain. With an earth-shaking loud noise, thirteen rays of brilliance that condensed hundreds of thousands of Taichu's full blow erupted from the mouth of the sage and rushed towards the sea of ​​​​Lantian. !

It’s stuck! Without any suspense, the mountain-protecting formation that had been shrouded for tens of thousands of years was instantly annihilated in the all-devouring brilliance, turning into little auras flying all over the sky. Within tens of millions of miles, white light blew the snow, and the snow danced in the sky.

This scene is extremely beautiful.

The snow of spiritual light is flying, reflecting the halo of light refracted by the universe, which is so beautiful that it is unreal.

This scene is also extremely cruel.

Because this kind of beauty will eventually be dyed red with blood.

There was a loud sound, and time seemed to slow down. One by one, the leading monks opened their mouths and shouted the charge with all their strength. The ferocious face and the hoarse roar were all swallowed up by the brilliance, and no one heard the trumpet of Taichu that conveyed to the heavens. The desolate voice was drowned in the magnificent sea of ​​light, and then, tens of thousands of Taichu rain washed down.

Some have bodies like dragons with wings on their backs, some are humanoid bats like vampires, and there are two-headed monsters like harpy witches. They are densely packed and endless. At this moment, stars fall in the sky, which is extremely shocking.

At the same time, four streams of light took the lead and rushed into the starry sky. The brilliance passed by, and all the Taichus turned into fly ash, creating a vacuum channel in the air. However, no Taichu tried to surround and intercept them. Zun Sheng and the Lower Four Realms were not on the same battlefield. Xu Yangyi and the others were about to rush forward, but Zhao Ziqi suddenly said: "Wait!!"

"What?" Chu Zhaonan also stopped. A rare look of panic appeared in Zhao Ziqi's eyes, and he gasped: "Death..."

"What a heavy death breath!"

He took a breath and looked around. Stars were falling like rain in the dark sky, but it gave him the shock of being isolated from the world: "I have never felt such a strong death aura... Listen..."

He didn't need to say more, Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan's expressions were already extremely cautious. Because... they heard it.

The call of the tide.

Wow... Wow... An ebb and flow sound that is extremely familiar, but should never appear here, resounds throughout the space, getting closer and closer, and getting bigger and bigger! Then... with a loud bang, the sky fell.

The real sky collapsed, and the dark and deep starry sky seemed to be completely shattered. What followed... was an endless flood!

Real water!

Poseidon passed through the evil wind and returned, and the waves hit the stone wall of Tianmen. No one can describe the shock of the scene in front of them. The sky collapsed and the yellow dragon danced. It seems to have broken the Yaochi and overturned the Tianhe. From all directions, there was only the roaring sound of the flood, which swallowed up the cries of millions of soldiers on the scene, covering up the stars that were falling in the beginning. There was only a vast water curtain between the sky and the earth!

There is no resistance at all. It is a despairing doomsday judgment. All the monks gasped. Xu Yangyi and others said nothing, and their spiritual power exploded completely, covering tens of thousands of meters in radius. Be prepared for massive flooding.

"How is it possible..." Chu Zhaonan shook his head unconsciously and murmured with his mouth open: "This is the starry sky... there is no atmosphere above the head, no sky... just a dark starry sky! How can there be water! "

Crash...the sky collapsed so fast. Just when they had just put up the shield, the flood like the fist of the gods had already suppressed it. Amidst countless screams, the monks they brought closed their doors tightly. He closed his eyes, bit his lips until they turned white, and defended his head with both hands. Every muscle was as tense as iron, ready to receive this overwhelming blow.

That's a human's instinctive reaction to something we can't resist.

but none.

There was no shattering impact, no sky-shaking impact, the sound of the waves remained the same. A few seconds later, a monk from the Third Sect forcefully opened his tightly closed eyes. His heart was still beating wildly in his chest. The feeling of surviving a disaster made his breathing extremely rapid. However, as soon as he took a look, he became sluggish. .

"God..." After a few seconds, he said in despair.

These floods seemed to be guided, roaring around the Lantian Sea, and actually formed a mighty ocean around this giant city, as if... this was a funnel in the sea, with water curtains rushing in all directions, forming a submarine basin!

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