
Main text Chapter 137: Undercurrent

Ten minutes later, Chu Zhaonan suddenly stood up. ∮,

"Are you sure?" He stared at Xu Yangyi with burning eyes: "Are you sure you want to contact him?"

"I'm sure." Xu Yangyi looked extremely determined: "Chu Zhaonan, what do you think I will do if the alchemist is not available on the day of the auction?"

"Soul extraction." The muscles on Chu Zhaonan's face moved, and he gritted his teeth and said coldly: "The ancestor of the Golden Pill...but hundreds of years of outstanding people, step by step, they will not mind your life or mine."

"Underneath the golden elixir are all ants. No one says this, but everyone knows it."

Xu Yangyi nodded, playing with the lighter, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes: "With the soul extraction, you can check all the past memories of this person. Even if the Mingshui Provincial Underworld Emperor's weapon is a deterrent, the top ten golden elixirs will never care."

Chu Zhaonan was silent for a long time and nodded deeply: "Ten days."

"I will bring it to you within ten days." He looked at Xu Yangyi: "If there is no ten days, I will help you prepare a ticket, and you...go abroad..."

"It's too late." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Feel it carefully."

His spiritual knowledge far surpassed that of Chu Zhaonan. Chu Zhaonan used his spiritual sense to scan it. Even if he was Chu Tianyi's grandson, his expression could not help but change several times.

There are at least thirty or so fierce spiritual consciousnesses, like mountains and seas, covering the entire place!

Establishing spiritual consciousness!

In less than ten minutes, thirty foundation-building monks had already heard the news! Just like a cage, monitor everything here!

Chu Zhaonan took a deep breath, nodded vigorously, turned and left.

The room became quiet. Xu Yangyi didn't care at all about the spiritual consciousness outside the room. He lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought.

Great opportunities also come with great dangers.

Dandao, he has thought of too many ways on how to take it out. But he couldn't wait.

Master Fuyun's Sword of Damocles hangs high above his head. He has been in seclusion for two consecutive years. If he doesn't make himself famous and attract all the golden elixirs when he comes out, this is the time to cut down this sword when he performs the mission.

This time, once successful, this sword will be taken off forever!

"Hurry up..." His spiritual consciousness swept across the window and landed on Chu Zhaonan who walked into the car: "These words are my real trump card..."

at the same time.

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, Lu Gan blushed and fell several meters away, spurting blood.

"Useless trash!" Qianren's roar echoed throughout the room. He gritted his teeth and his face was ashen.

Shameful...too shameful!

After everything happened today, how could I sponsor this trash!

"Please forgive me!" Lu Gandang's nose and mouth were full of blood, but he didn't dare to say a word and immediately knelt on the ground and said.

"Get out of here!" Qian Ren shouted angrily, and the invisible air wave set off by his spiritual pressure was enough to blow Lu Gandang several meters out of the room! Then it hit the wall with a "snap", and this time, blood flowed from all the orifices. Even the sea of ​​​​qi is aching.

Qianren really wanted to kill him just now!

"Xu Yangyi..." In the office, Qianren bit his lip and closed his eyes in great annoyance. Who would have thought that a little ant practicing Qi would become so difficult to deal with now?

"He must die..." When he opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red: "I have a premonition... His mission this time is the first time I personally take action. If it fails, it will be the last time..."

"This son... must not be underestimated... He... has used his own advantages so well... It's perfect!" He closed his eyes in pain: "With the help of the ancestors of the Earth Tribulation and the demon pill, the Four Dalianchi... The intimidation of the imperial weapon forcefully forced the incarnation of Fuyun back, and then he was able to hold his breath for two years of hard training, making it impossible for anyone to touch him. He didn't get out until he got the trump card... one link after another... what a monster! !”

"Success or failure depends on this one thought... In this mission, I will kill this guy!"

Lu Gandang did not leave, but knelt at the door, letting the blood flow from his mouth, not daring to say a word.

"I... give you one more chance." Qianren looked at him coldly: "If you can't do it, the Yulin Guards have no shortage of A-level legions."

"Understood!" Lu Gandang gritted his teeth tightly and clenched his fists on the ground till they turned white as he replied fiercely.

"Go down." Qianren calmed down and picked up the tea cup: "I will notify you when it's time to move."

Ten days passed quickly.

It was as if there were ten invisible hands covering everything. In these ten days, no one who shouldn't know knew what happened in the founding ceremony of the Xingtian Legion.

However, everyone who needs to know knows it.

"Meng Kuo." Mingshui Province, the Meng family, a bearded man sat in the main seat, his eyes were like fire, and he said in a deep voice: "You still have three days to settle one-half of the Meng family's working capital. "

He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, his head was slung back, and the aura around him was shaking gently.

This is a hall about thirty meters long. There are three Taishi chairs in front of it, and three men are sitting firmly on them. There were no seats in the back, everyone stood there, but no one dared to complain.

Without it, the foundation-building spiritual pressure of the three men sitting on the three Taishi chairs swept across the entire place like a sea wave! Let the Qi Practitioners other than them dare not say a word!

"Yes!" An old man who looked to be in his seventies came out and bowed to the end, with a decisive voice without hesitation: "Following the instructions of the clan leader, a total of 800 million Chinese coins have been exchanged for an equivalent amount of spiritual stones. , and converted into a real estate golf course in Panshan City, a total of 400 million Chinese dollars will be received before the end of the month.”

"It's still very dangerous." On another Taishi chair, an old man who looked to be in his sixties and had a full head of white hair gritted his teeth: "An alchemist from the Age of Dharma Ending... Patriarch, I still have a two-hundred-year-old Lotus in the Fire, this time..."

The clan leader was stunned for a moment, and then said in a complex manner: "That is one of the formulas for the golden elixir... You and I are both Foundation Establishment Dzogchen..."

"Can we wait any longer now!" The old man with white hair patted the chair hard: "This time... I can grab every pill. I wonder if the golden elixir master Dharma Master will come! Once we have the elixir, Who would use pill liquid! This is our chance to become the top family in China!"

"I have a lotus in the fire in exchange for such an opportunity... it's worth it."

The last old man sitting on the Grand Master's chair sighed and said faintly: "It's just an opportunity after all..."

"Just this illusory opportunity... has attracted so many people to flock to it, causing several top families to sell their properties... This Xingtian Legion, no matter what happens in the future, in one month, he will definitely mark his mark in history."

"Is there anything else? Where are our properties in Tianfeng City?" At the same time, in Tianfeng City, dozens of people were sitting around a long conference table. The famous Tianfeng Building. Those who didn't know thought they were The senior management was holding a large-scale meeting related to the future of the company. No one could see the aura that was almost substantive due to the excitement.

"We have sold off the Greenland property because we are in urgent need of cash and we have lost at least several million Chinese coins." A middle-aged woman pushed up her glasses: "Patriarch, take a look at this."

A piece of information was placed in front of everyone. The man in the front seat looked at it and his whole expression twitched.

Mingshui Mengjia sold the golf course in Panshan City, raised 700 million yuan, and sold 800 million shares...

Zhuzhou Song Family, three jewelry stores, totaling 1.2 billion Chinese coins...

Kyoto House, Kyoto Villa, the most luxurious real estate in Kyoto are all for sale, estimated at 1.5 billion Chinese dollars...

The Fang family in Nantong cleared out all the elixir liquids and took out three foundation-building elixir recipes...

These are just the numbers on the surface!

"This...this..." The corners of the man's eyes were twitching, and then he slapped him hard: "Are they crazy! Are they planning not to operate for decades?! This has drained at least half of the liquidity of these top families! This is just a possible opportunity!”

No one answered. If others are like this, aren't they the same?

The movement started...all the families who were qualified to know the news started to move. No one cares about the current losses, because everyone knows that the reappearance of Alchemy Dao, such a major event, has attracted more than just the foundation-building seniors.

Those golden elixir ancestors who are usually invisible and who are as high as clouds and smoke will also come with Dharma!

Each name is like a monument. They can't compete with these ancestors. For them, the only chance is to spend money! The alchemist nodded!

In Panshan City, the few members of the Xingtian Army were already sweating profusely. Cheng Jianfeng put down the phone sweating profusely, his heart beating wildly.

He had never felt like this before... He had to refuse calls one by one from the great foundation-building monks he usually only heard about. Even this rejection frightened him.

Excessive excitement made his fingers tremble slightly. He gritted his teeth and wrote four big characters on the jade slip next to him: Zhuzhou Song Family.

This is already the twelfth day since the auction was announced.

Xu Yangyi's desk has already accumulated dozens of famous invitations! All of them are first-rate families and top forces in each province!

However, he was not distracted.

These famous cards are very important, but they lack the real weight of Dinghai Shenzhen!

Golden elixir drive post!

"I don't believe it..." His eyes were full of hot excitement: "You guys will be indifferent!"

Thirteen days passed and fourteen days passed.

Night on the 15th.

"Sand...sand..." At the moment when the clock struck twelve o'clock, all the trees outside the house turned on their own without any wind.

In the sky, the stars seemed to shine with unparalleled brilliance, dyeing the entire sky here into a silvery veil!

At the same time, all the shadows on the ground seemed to be imprisoned, becoming dead objects and unable to move!

Completely beyond the laws of nature! It’s like this place has been turned into a canvas, and everything is the background!

There is no surging spiritual pressure, only the arrival of the king, and nature is willing to make way for this king! Change your own laws!

"This is..." Qianren, who was practicing in Yulinwei's office, gasped and opened his eyes in disbelief: " could..."

In the Xingtian Corps office, Xu Yangyi suddenly stood up, his eyes gleaming.


finally come!

Twenty-one days...nine days before the auction is held, finally here!

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