
Text Chapter 138: The Eve of the Auction

No wind, no shadow, no light.

Xu Yangyi and Qianren were all half-kneeling on the ground in different rooms at this moment. And all the monks on duty in the Yulin Guard, at this moment, all are like this

It was as if an invisible giant was slowly walking towards here.

Lift your legs and cross the mountains. Touch the ground and cross thousands of rivers.

No one dares to let out a trace of their spiritual consciousness.

Ten minutes later, the invisible but heart-stopping power quietly faded away. In the Xingtian Corps office, Xu Yangyi clenched his fist fiercely.

In front of him, ten jade slips were suspended in the air. Even though it is a dead thing, it emits a heart-trembling spiritual pressure.

This is unbridled and unabashed. If the spiritual pressure of the foundation-building monk is like a landslide and tsunami to him, then these ten jade slips are simply like the violent waves of the planet when the earth was born after the Big Bang.

Heart, beating crazily. He took several deep breaths and reached out to hold the first jade slip.

His hands were shaking uncontrollably, as if this jade slip was a magical thing that mortals couldn't grasp at all.

He gritted his teeth and used all his strength to hold the first jade slip in his hand.

A piece of iron painting with silver hooks. The words on it are not written in ink, but in aura.

Aura becomes a word

The flowing light and shadow, Gu Songzhen, will arrive on time on the first day of the next month.

The pinnacle of the Jindan real world is here in person

In history, no one has ever been able to do this and let Master Jin Dan attend the Qi Practitioner's auction.

Not an incarnation, not a spiritual consciousness, not an assistant, but the presence of the Dharma in person

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath again. After a few seconds, he waved his hand with all his strength, and the Shifen Jade Slips slowly unfolded in mid-air.

When the Five Elements are over, Master Yunhe will arrive on time on the first day of the next month.

Silent shadow sinks into the jade, secretly fragrant real person arrives on time on the first day of next month.

Sweeping the sky, the real person will arrive on time on the first day of the next month.

Master Bao will arrive on time on the first day of next month. Master Heishan will arrive on time on the first day of next month.

All ten golden elixirs are missing

All come in their true form

Alchemy reappeared nearly two hundred years later, and everyone appreciated it

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Alchemy, the cornerstone of his take-off, was finally placed in front of the entire practice world

Once he takes this step, he will be greeted by a new world with vast seas and sky.

The wind started moving again. The shadow also began to sway wantonly.

Everything was back to ten minutes ago, as if those ten minutes had never happened.

In the entire Yulin Guard, there were only half-kneeling monks on the ground with cold sweats on their heads. Only they knew that in the past ten minutes, someone and a real Chinese giant had been here.

Sha didn't know how long it took, but Qianren was sure that the other party had left, and then he stood up with a look of despair on his face.

His fingers were trembling slightly, and his chest was rising and falling unnoticeably. Then, he sat down on the chair with a livid face.

There was no sound in the room. After a long time, he slammed the table: How could it be possible that your Excellency arrived and didn't notify me but met with that little bastard directly?

No one said anything, and Wuming, who was following him like a shadow, didn't dare to answer the question at this moment.

God doesn’t know how long it took, Wuming sighed quietly: It was only his luck that he was able to contact this Excellency.

Qianren gritted his teeth and stood up. He looked out the window at the night with murderous intent and uttered two words: Chu family.

Wuming didn't speak.

They are the only ones who know where this Excellency is currently. Only Chu Tianyi, the old immortal, knows how to contact such a giant. Qian Ren’s expression is as ice-like: Just wait, if I can transcend one day.

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, I will sacrifice you to the flag

Time passes very quickly, but in the eyes of some people, it is too fast, not fast enough

In Panshan City, Tiandao splits the helm. Below, there is an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. At this moment, countless machine puppets with talismans attached are carrying various spiritual objects. A one meter square piece of solid gold stone. This stone can not only absorb the impact of all spiritual energy below the middle stage of foundation building, it is also covered with golden lines on the jet black stone. It's grand and majestic, and of course, the price is even more grand.

On the black market, a piece of stone can be sold for the price of a mid-grade spiritual stone, but now, thousands of dollars are being thrown in for free.

A machine puppet beast dozens of meters tall was controlled by a famous talisman master. It was particularly conspicuous among countless machine puppets. They, like an orderly river, decorated the originally simple space with splendor.

The gilded silhouette formation needs to cover the entire sky. Didn't I say that the formation needs to be at least 8,000 square meters? Why is it only 6,000 square meters now? The man on the sedan shouted: Where is the on-site manager? Let him come over and give you a reply.

Several assistants next to the ancestor's soft sedan replied with embarrassment: It's too hasty. This is the biggest formation that Duobao Pavilion can produce. We

Don't give me a reason. The fat man's eyes were a little red and he stared at each other. His voice was a little wavy due to the suppressed excitement: This is the biggest deal for our Jin Doutang. Now the Xingtian Army has received invitations from dozens of first-class families across the country. With this deal, Jin Dootang will surpass other practicing auction houses and become the number one just around the corner.

He looked at the scene with warm eyes: "It's best for me, as long as everything is the best, even if I empty out Jin Doutang's boss, I must arrange it to everyone's satisfaction"

Where is Brother Baiguchi? Didn’t I ask him to come over from the Kyoto Prefecture branch a few days ago? Now everything is taking the Iwayama City auction as the first priority.

A secretary immediately and respectfully replied: As the most famous auctioneer in our hall, Senior Baiyu has entered the territory of Mingshui Province and will arrive in about thirty minutes.

The fat man then nodded, took a deep breath, looked at everyone, gritted his teeth and said: If you do this well, everything will be fine. If you can't do it well, just wait until Jin Doutang is disbanded.

At this moment, a monk in the late stage of Qi training sat on a three-meter-large bird-shaped magic weapon. He flew over with sweating profusely and his voice was trembling: "Old Ancestor, it's a big deal, Old Ancestor."

The fat man hummed hard, and immediately the magic weapon fell to the ground as if struck by lightning. After the monk fell to the ground, he didn't even pat the dust, but stood up immediately, holding a magic weapon in his hand like crazy. An antique box ran and shouted: Something big has happened to our ancestors, our ancestors.


The fat man gritted his teeth and looked at his most capable subordinates. Why did he usually think these people were so good, but now the more he looked at them, the more things were wrong.

Alchemy was born, and my Jin Dootang had burned incense for a lifetime before I got this opportunity. I was so panicked that I couldn't practice for days and nights. Now one or two of them are shouting so loudly, are they dead?

He said in a deep voice that the tension, excitement, and anticipation in his heart converged into a stream called irritability.

Ancestor, this is the driving post just passed down from the Xingtian Army.

Isn't it just a famous post? When he heard this, the anxiety in the fat man's heart turned into anger and went straight to Tianling Gai. He slapped the armrest and roared: Go back and deal with it, understand what important things are before you come and report to me, ancestor.

His roaring voice echoed throughout the space, but the next second, he suddenly noticed that there was deathly silence around him.

What's wrong

The anger in his heart suddenly subsided, and his eyes slightly glanced at the secretaries and assistants around him. There was an excited fanaticism on everyone's face, and some even had their legs trembling.


Immediately afterwards, beads of sweat as big as peas fell from his head. His hands have no

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Fa started to tremble uncontrollably. Then, his whole body started shaking like chaff.

No, that's right. I heard it just now.

Driving sticker

Who dares to use driving stickers?

His heart was beating wildly, and the fat figure disappeared on the soft sedan in an instant, and immediately appeared next to the monk kneeling on the ground, with trembling hands reaching for the box.

After taking several deep breaths, he suppressed the excitement and fear in his heart and opened it tremblingly.

In an instant, the precious light rises

Ten overwhelming auras shot out like ancient demons, making the entire space tremble.

The first person knelt down, plop, the second person plopped down, and the third person knelt down.

A few seconds later, the scene was completely silent. Except for the machine puppets, everyone was half-kneeling on the ground.

The golden elixir arrives

The fat man's face was twisted with excitement, and his voice was dry: Xing, Xing, Xing Tian Legion's auction, unexpectedly, the top ten golden elixirs gathered together

In his heart, countless envy and jealousies were intertwined, making him have mixed feelings at the moment.

Each province has several A-level legions, some even close to ten.

However, which A-level legion has ten golden elixirs gathered together at the beginning of its establishment?

Jia Tie, unless the Dharmakaya of the Jin Dan Patriarch comes in person, otherwise, the incarnation and spiritual consciousness cannot use the Jia Tie

The names of the ancestors of the top ten golden elixirs are well-known throughout China. However, there are only a few of them who have seen it with their own eyes, and none of them will brag about it for the rest of their lives.

And now, because of the Xingtian Legion’s auction, everyone is here

Our Jin Dootang has been established for more than 100 years and we have never seen the true form of the Jin Dan Patriarch.

I don't know how long it took before he stood up and turned his head. The excitement in his eyes even turned into murderous intent: Immediately take out all the Jin Doutang's stacks from the bottom of the box, quickly, quickly, quickly

If there is anything that is not splendid enough, if there is anything that is not magnificent enough, I will make up for it. What are you waiting to do? Do it now.

However, at the same time, countless families have reached the most intense state in a non-combat environment.

Is it accurate? In an office more than ten meters tall in Kyoto Prefecture, an old man wearing a long gown looked at everyone below with a threatening look.

Under the confirmed clan leader, a woman said in a deep voice: An hour ago, the top ten golden elixir driving stickers were placed in the Jin Dou Hall. The leader of Jin Dou Hall once again increased the budget for one hundred high-grade spiritual stones.

The old man took a deep breath and paused his crutches vigorously: "It's fate that one day, our Cao family also has the reputation to bring the ten golden elixirs together in this family, it doesn't matter if it breaks."

No one speaks, no one's heart is full of passion

In the world of spiritual practice, the last time anyone could have such a reputation was Gusong, the Jindan monk who remembered the Shennongjia Convention in the annals of history.

This time, Xu Yangyi, a qi-training monk, attracted the attention of the Jindan Patriarch.

In the magic city, it’s the same office, with the same dozen or so people, but their faces are more serious.

The leader of Jindan Master was a woman. Her lips trembled: "We will double our budget again. No matter what, we must meet the alchemist this time."

Alchemist Guild, headquarters, the heavy stone door opened, and an old man in robes stood at the door with a long aura. At the door, a large number of apprentices were already half-kneeling.

The old man glanced at the whole place with his deep eyes and said calmly: Let's go.

Let me personally test the quality of the elixir

Clouds moved in all directions, and the entire cultivation world was completely excited for this grand event.

Everyone is looking at the day on the calendar, the day that is destined to be remembered in the history of spiritual practice.

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