
Main text Chapter 139: Dragons gather in the sea

2021, Huaxia, Mingshui Province, Panshan City.

Auction houses, this ancient industry, has become less and less in an increasingly modern society. However, there is an antique auction house in Mingshui Province, which is made entirely of wood. There is a mottled room with the three characters of Jindoutang on it, but it has stood in the city center for hundreds of years.

It was already twelve o'clock at night, but the lights were still on. Several residents who came back late walked in with a little drunkenness, but only saw an old man in a Tang suit embroidered with dragons and phoenixes using an abacus. After a few glances with interest, they found that everything was covered with a layer of gauze, and left unhappily.

Click... an abacus bead was pushed up, and the fifty-year-old man raised his head, adjusted his round glasses, looked at all the employees who were suppressing their excitement to clean up, and said in a hoarse voice: Be careful! There are still ten minutes! You will see people you will never see! If anyone makes a mistake, get out of here!

No one spoke, but if you look closely at everyone, everyone's face was abnormally flushed. Although he was sweeping the floor, his eyes never left the door!

Zila... At this moment, a white halo of spiritual energy shone from the sky above the Jindou Hall, like fog, like gauze, like separating the two ends of the world. In an instant, no matter what happened here, outsiders didn't know.

Looking at flowers in the fog, looking at the moon in the water, but no one knew what appeared in the fog.

Xilulu... At the same time, a melodious horse neigh sounded at the door, as if waiting for a long time. The fifty-year-old man had no signs of decline at all. His figure was like the wind. He appeared at the door in the next second. At the same time, he bowed to the bottom with all the employees and said loudly: Jin Zhenshan, the deputy hall master of Jindou Hall, welcomes fellow Taoists!

The spiritual pressure of the foundation-building period was well put away by him. Tonight is destined to be a night to be remembered in the history books. It is destined to be a glorious night. It is also destined to be a night for the prosperity of Jindou Hall! Spiritual stones were filled into the auction like a sea, but no one said no. The board of directors of Jindoutang passed it unanimously. He was even more unwilling to scare the younger generations of those big forces because of his foundation-building spiritual pressure.

Even a subtle point must be refined.

Because, he knew very well that tonight, the people who came were all top families and first-class forces! Those who were not up to this line had no idea that the cultivation world's alchemy was re-emerging!

The demon cultivators of the Nangong family and the Xuanyuan family, it is said that two half-step Jindan old immortals set off three days ago. CSIB Deputy Minister Yang Qingshan and Yulinwei Deputy Commander Mou Zishan, these two old monsters who have disappeared for who knows how many years, have long crossed the half-step Jindan line. It is said that they had appeared in the Kempinski Hotel in Panshan City yesterday...

I don't know how many long-hidden cultivators there are, Longhui Sihai, maybe... There may be an unknown hidden Jindan ancestor who reappeared in the world because of this news!

With a myriad of thoughts in his mind, he looked up and saw a pure black ancient carriage opposite him, but it had no carriage and was completely open. Under the canopy several meters long, a layer of red curtain was faintly visible, outlining three figures inside, but it was not clear at all.

He took a deep breath and had no intention of using his spiritual sense to peek. Because... he discovered that the thin curtain was engraved with countless prohibitions!

This is... a magic weapon!

Not a magic tool! But a magic weapon!

Only those who are above the middle stage of foundation building have the spiritual energy to use magic weapons, but there are not many magic weapons, and the top magic weapons are even rarer! He could feel a tingling in his spiritual sense just by feeling this curtain!

Swish... a mulberry leaf flew out from the curtain, and an old voice that seemed to come alive from a coffin sounded hoarsely, as if laughing, but it made people's backs cold: This seat... cough cough... should not be late...

Jin Zhenshan took it, took a look, and immediately paid homage: Mulberry leaf, heavenly insect, it turned out to be the Yao Xiuming family

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The head of the family has come. Jin Doutang is honored!

At the same time, the building behind him suddenly burst into a golden light, and countless talismans flashed. Then, the space in front of Jin Zhenshan twisted, and after a moment, a ten-meter-sized space crack formed.

Panlong Pokong Formation? The voice of an old woman sounded again in the car, and it was also as old as a corpse: The formation that claims to be able to create a unique space... Jin Doutang has also invested a lot...

He did not need Jin Zhenshan to answer. In front of the carriage, there was a bronze man sitting. At this moment, the whip was flicked, and four bronze horses rushed into the crack with a rustling sound.

Jin Zhenshan couldn't help shaking, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the carriage completely enter.

Deputy, deputy hall master... Just when he was relieved a little, a trembling voice came from behind him, and a staff member trembled: Is this the Ming family? I heard that they are enough to rank among the top five demon cultivators? The spiritual pressure just now... is really terrible!

Jin Zhenshan wiped the cold sweat from his head. In order not to make a fool of himself tonight, the so-called staff were all the heads of the provincial halls! All above the foundation building stage!

He glanced at the others, and almost everyone patted their chests lightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

The cold breath like the ice of hell and the grave at night made people feel uncomfortable just by looking at it.

That's right... Jin Zhenshan picked up a cup of tea, and before he drank it, suddenly, everyone's face suddenly became solemn!

Huh... Huh... The tide rises and falls.

Jin Zhenshan was stunned, and looked up at the sky as if conditioned reflex. At this moment, the clouds in the sky moved.

Not naturally. But as if alive! It turned into a tide! Even the moon began to blur!

This is... Jin Zhenshan's legs went weak and his lips were instantly dry.

He didn't expect it to come so quickly!

Visions of heaven and earth... visions of heaven and earth! A staff member behind him stared straight-eyed and was stunned for a moment. He suppressed his excitement and said in a hoarse voice: This is a vision of heaven and earth!

The golden elixir comes out! Vision follows! Which ancestor is this! ? Jin Dan Zhenren! Is this Jin Dan Zhenren? ! my God! I can actually see the ancestor of Jindan in my lifetime! ? I, I, I'm so excited!

No one expected it so soon!

No one expected it to be so sudden!

Xingtian Legion's auction, Xu Yangyi's alchemy, how high the specifications are, take a look at it in this tube!

The first one is the Ming family, one of the five major families of demon cultivators.

The second one...the ancestor of the golden elixir!

Welcome ancestor! Welcome ancestor! ! Welcome ancestor! !

Swish, brush, brush! Without a trace of hesitation, everyone immediately knelt down on their knees! Only Jin Zhenshan half-raised his head, while the others couldn't help but tremble, whether it was excitement or fear, and they all knelt down!

The silent wind brings fireflies all over the sky. In the blink of an eye, this place has become a sea of ​​fireflies.

And in the ocean, there is a person, slowly approaching.

Welcome ancestor! ! ! Jin Zhenshan's eyes turned red and he shouted again in a hoarse voice. What an honor it is to be able to meet the ancestor of Jindan with your own eyes!

However, then, his eyes straightened a bit.

An ordinary man, wearing glasses and a suit, even carrying a briefcase, with the school badge of Shanghai No. 2 Middle School on his chest, slowly came forward with a light and casual smile.

you! you! You're not... Jin Zhenshan subconsciously wanted to jump up, but then he knelt down even more tremblingly.

You are not one of the top ten golden elixirs! !

Jin Zhenshan's heart almost jumped out of his chest!

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He thought there might be a hidden golden elixir, but he didn't expect... there really was one!

The clothes are ordinary and the demeanor is ordinary, but the vision of heaven and earth and the golden elixir spiritual pressure cannot be faked at all!

There is a person like this teacher who can kill himself ten thousand times with one little finger!

really have! There actually is! China has more than ten golden elixirs! Definitely more than that! His forehead touched the ground, and his heart was spinning wildly: This time... the eleven golden elixirs gathered together... No! No! Maybe, maybe there is also a hidden golden elixir ancestor!

This real person is Yue Congrao. The man slowly opened his mouth and said: "I don't have an invitation. Can I come in for a viewing?"

But...please! Please! Let the juniors lead the way for you! Jin Zhenshan touched his head to the ground and shouted with great excitement.

However, his words were not finished at all.

Because, the next second, another wave of equally terrifying spiritual pressure surged in from all directions!

At this moment, the light stopped shining.

At this moment, the shadow seemed to be imprisoned.

At this moment, everything was silent.

Everyone’s ability to speak has been completely robbed. Yue Congruo raised his brows slightly, stretched out a finger gently, a complicated rune shone on the fingertip, and said calmly: Broken.

Real person field!

Only a real person can crack it!

Bang! In all directions, silent mirrors were shattered, and Jin Zhenshan discovered to his horror that he could speak again.

However, he didn't have time to speak. Because, the employees behind him had already shouted in a trembling voice: "Welcome Liuguang Prisoner, Master Gu Song to Jin Doutang!" Jin Dootang is honored!

boom! In the sky, the clouds that had become like tides because of Yue Conrao suddenly dispersed, and then, a huge shadow was cast on the ground!

This is... Jin Zhenshan's heart almost jumped out of his chest, and he looked at the sky blankly: This is... this, this is the Jin, Jin, Jin Dan Palace...

Under the moon, the silhouette of the giant beast covers the sky and the sun!

This is a turtle.

Countless auspicious clouds surround the four turtle legs, and on its back, it carries a magnificent palace, like the Guanghan Palace, floating above the night clouds!

It is magnificent. The moonlight refracted on it, shining with radiance.

It is as big as seven or eight regular stadiums, hundreds of meters long and wide, and hundreds of meters high. It is like a god walking in the sky, looking down upon everything in the world.

Below, everyone except Yue Congrao was completely stunned.

Gu Songshen's Qingtian Palace... A monk felt that his throat was dry: If I, I, can go up there for a while in my lifetime... then, then, that would be worthy of this life...

It is not a living creature... it is the largest talisman machine beast made of tens of thousands of genius treasures... equipped with hundreds of extremely powerful magic weapons... ranked third on the magic weapon ranking list...

Countless lights make this castle in the sky seem like daytime, and also like the most magnificent spaceship in a boy's dream, making people reluctant to take their eyes away.

Two hundred years ago, one of the Eight Jedi, one hundred meters underwater in the Yongle Blue Cave, did I see any Taoist friends? Just when everyone was extremely shocked, a voice that sounded like a god reached everyone's ears.

No one dared to answer, everyone knew who was being asked.

None. Yue Congruo smiled freely and turned into a breeze and entered the space crack.

No more sound.

In the sky, thousands of meters above, in a huge and empty palace, an old man wearing a Taoist robe, a Taoist bun, a Liangyi Bagua robe, an immortal Taoist spirit, white eyebrows and a white beard, sighed quietly: Tonight... it's really... What should come out, what shouldn’t come out...all have come out...

(End of chapter)

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