
Chapter 1374: Queen Wa's Will

"You are afraid." Xu Yangyi was not slow, but in a very far distance, two octopus-like shadows had appeared, and his consciousness was spreading crazily. Ripples formed in the water and echoed, like the sound waves of bats, desperately searching for something.

He retracted his gaze and said calmly, "Afraid of the two saints? Their spiritual power will not exceed 100 million."

Jiaolong paused: "I don't know what you think, but to me, they are Taixu... or in other words, their strength is close to the Taixu realm!"

Is it……

Xu Yangyi calmly glanced at the green retina. Indeed, there were no red dots of the Thirteen Saints on it. Instead, there was a huge red dot, like the scorching sun.

This red dot... is at least 400 million.

The increase in spiritual power is pyramid-shaped in the same realm. Perhaps the top of the pyramid is only 50 million higher than the second level, not a multiple. But 50 million is actually equivalent to many times the concentration. It is definitely not a 1+1 algorithm.

After taking a deep look at the figure in the distance, he said in a deep voice: "Tell me where this is, why there is water, and who you are, and I will let you go."

"You..." Jiaolong's teeth grinded together, and after a few seconds, he said from between his teeth: "I don't have a name. And here... is the northwest of Kunlun, where Buzhou Mountain is located, and where the great flood broke out several civilizations ago. Place. If you think about it carefully, you will understand! ”

Xu Yangyi took out his consciousness and glanced down from the other party's anxious gaze. It was at this height that he finally saw the whole view of Lan Tianhai clearly.

too big……

It is almost as big as Australia on Earth, with countless pavilions and pavilions standing there. Amidst the gunpowder smoke all over the ground, you can still recall the prosperity of the past. Huge puppets walk in the city, like towering giant pillars. Countless skyscrapers with strange shapes have been opened from the inside to form war machines. Every second, sharp arrows like black clouds shot into the sky, and at the same time, more Taichu fell into showers.

Looking up again, a blue light film appeared hundreds of thousands of meters above the head, boundless, wrapping the entire sky and sea.

They teleported before and were inside Lantianhai. The mountain guarding formation was not broken and they could not see the scene outside at all.

"Do you see clearly?" Jiaolong didn't know what he was afraid of, and his whole body was trembling: "Let me go quickly! We are not enemies!"

Xu Yangyi seemed to have not heard it. The distance was too far and his spiritual consciousness could not see what this light film was. After frowning slightly, the figure roared up with the soul hunter.

Brush... This time he didn't hide anything. The soul hunter completely emerged. The long golden river was like the rising sun in the ocean, and the dragons in it rose rapidly. With such a big movement, the two sages over there finally discovered this place. The two spiritual consciousnesses actually spread farther than Xu Yangyi in an instant and fixed on Xu Yangyi.

Greed, surging with fiery desire, Xu Yangyi had never seen such a strong desire in Taichu. Not even when the earth was about to swallow the corpse ancestor. He used his consciousness to form a protective wall to protect the dragon behind him. While the two consciousnesses desperately tried to cross the wall, the dragon was already trembling and shivering behind him.

"What are you afraid of?" The speed was so fast. In ten minutes, he was close to the top of the light film, and the two Supreme Saints behind him were like sharks that smelled blood, chasing after him!

Jiaolong didn't answer, he just breathed quickly.

"Tell me what you know. I'll let you go immediately."

"You don't understand at all!!" Jiaolong finally couldn't help but screamed, his eyes turned red: "This is Emperor Wa's territory! We are creatures created by her old man! We...we are equal to the way of heaven here! We The existence of these mythical creatures is extremely attractive to the creatures in this heaven!"

"Once I am swallowed, they will be in contact with the heaven! Explore the source of Yahweh! This is something that Emperor Wa simply cannot tolerate! As soon as it appears, kill it immediately! There is no chance! How do you think they got into the water? They are definitely not ordinary saints. , I stayed too long, and I have noticed some clues that the aura of heaven is leaking out!"

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at Jiaolong. Such a weak creature actually represents one of the heavens? A rule? The Heavenly Dao of the Seven alive? Made by Emperor Wa?

Although he had doubts in his heart, he was unwilling to let go of this opportunity to hear the truth. Nanhua Butterfly Mother was so old that she couldn't hear what he really wanted from the other person's mouth. How could he let it go when Jiaolong came to his door?

"Give you the last chance." Xu Yangyi relaxed some of his consciousness, and the consciousness of the two Supreme Saints suddenly rushed in like crazy. The white hair on the dragon's back stood up, and he exclaimed: " Think about it! If you can say it, why doesn’t Lady Butterfly say it?”

The dragon roared angrily: "This is the check and balance of Heaven! Let me say it again, this is Lord Wa's territory! This is the rule of the gods! Every Yahweh has its territory! This place belongs to Emperor Wa and the First Mother Goddess! Even Heaven is the same She made it! Once you violate her original intention of not wanting to be known, you will be erased within five seconds! You who are so close to me will be contaminated by the karma of creation and will never be reincarnated!"

His attitude did not seem to be false. He was only tens of thousands of meters away from the light film. Xu Yangyi felt that all the spiritual energy of Jiaolong was tense. He said in a deep voice: "Is Emperor Wa still alive?"

"Don't ask me anymore!" The dragon was almost going crazy. In an instant, there was only 3,000 meters left. Its eyes turned red. It was about to say something else, but suddenly, Xu Yangyi's consciousness completely disappeared. Two Taichu Zunsheng's consciousness immediately stuck to it. The distance was too far, and perhaps it couldn't see anything, but it had already sensed something unspeakable.

"Zizizizi!!!" An extremely excited roar came from a very far distance. The two Taichu held hands and suddenly hugged each other, squirming violently. The next second, they rushed over at a speed several times faster than before!

The bottom of the water was actually pulled out of the vacuum space at this speed. Xu Yangyi stared at the dragon. The other party's face was already ashen, and he looked at him tremblingly.

"You..." His body shook like a stroke: "I..."

Then, it suddenly hugged its head and hoarsely said like crazy: "Here she comes...Here she comes!"

"She's coming...Lord Wa...She's here..."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, his consciousness completely exploded, staring at this space.

Five seconds?...

Let him see what changes will happen to this starry sky and this world in the five seconds before the gods descend.

Above the void, the glory of the saints exploded piece by piece. The six saints of the seven realms and the eleven saints of Taichu used their magical powers to tear the space and turned this galaxy into the eye of the storm of spiritual energy.

The old man of Bagua had his hair and beard flying. His skinny body had expanded to two meters tall. His punches were like the wind and his feet moved like a dragon. He faced the three Taichu and the cage of countless tentacles with ease. Every punch he threw was accompanied by a shadow that covered his arm for several meters.

It was a human hand covered with golden armor, majestic and domineering. The hand of spiritual light, which was only a few meters long, shattered the void layer by layer and turned the planetary belts into ashes. However, his opponents were like three flexible loaches and could not catch a single hair.

Both sides were really angry, and there was nothing else in their eyes except the opponent. Suddenly, the old man raised his head, blinked, and looked at the sky in disbelief.

At the same time, his opponent also stopped, gasped, and his hair stood up, as if he had encountered a natural enemy he had never had before. Look around vigilantly.



But there is something... something that is indescribable, above all things, and is slowly reviving.

Four seconds countdown to the arrival of the gods.

The spiritual light is brilliant, the King of Hell is powerful, Chu Zhaonan forced the two Taichu to retreat with a shot, one of them was already covered with scars, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but suddenly froze, and then gasped and looked at the empty universe.

My heart skipped a beat...

There is something... an extremely terrifying existence... stepping on the tip of people's hearts, stepping on the galaxy...

"Fuck..." He stared blankly at the boundless starry sky around him, quiet and majestic. At this moment, it seemed as if the giant beast called the galaxy tore off its veil, revealing the hideous face behind.

Invisible and formless, the divine power is like a prison.

Countdown to three seconds.

Zhao Ziqi was surrounded by four Hades, who were completely suppressing the two Taichus. The other party screamed, but could not escape from this hell of Yinling. At this moment, he also trembled, a feeling of electricity from his feet to his head, and he withdrew from the Yinling vortex without hesitation, looking around with his mouth slightly open in shock.

One by one, the saints stopped fighting. The countless cultivators below, Taichu, seemed to feel the fall of the sun at this moment. It was invisible to the naked eye and could not be found by the divine consciousness, but it was everywhere. The pervasive spiritual shock was pressing towards them like a plane!

"Oh my god..." Zhao Ziqi bit his lips until they bled, and trembled as he said, "What on earth is this?"

The second to last.

On Peach Blossom Island, Nanhua Butterfly Mother was gently stroking the unicorn. Suddenly, the whole space shook, and the black vortex that had been rotating at a constant speed suddenly accelerated, as if something was about to be bred from it.

She was stunned for a moment, and then stood up as if she had been pierced by a needle, with such force that the tea set that she never left behind was spilled all over the floor.

"Someone has violated the Heavenly Law..."

"Are you looking for death..."

The last second.

On Lantian Sea, Xu Yangyi also felt this unparalleled pressure, and he was even closer to the dragon. The terrifying spiritual pressure that was about to crush him into a meat pie in an instant was simply unstoppable! He gritted his teeth and finally let go of the soul hunter, while wrapping the dragon tightly with his spiritual consciousness.

The dragon, who had been in despair, jumped up as if he had been electrocuted, exhaled a breath of relief, looked at him deeply, and turned into butterflies flying.

At the moment the dragon disappeared, everyone... every one, including Taichu, including the star beasts hiding in the broken plane and nervously watching this battle, all felt it...

A gaze... that is simply indescribable, swept across the galaxy in this second.

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