
Chapter 1375: Who am I?




That is the majesty of the natural supreme, the eternity of the vast ocean.

The galaxy is vast and boundless, but in this gaze, it only takes a second, and then it is no longer a concern.

Because, in this second, this glance, everything has been seen. For the owner of the gaze, there is no secret from the soul to the body of the creatures under the heavens.

Like clouds and smoke, this pressure comes quickly and goes even faster. Before people have time to taste it, it dissipates at dawn like moonlight. Only a pool of ripples remains.

Xu Yangyi's heart was beating like a drum. After realizing that the empty gaze had completely disappeared, he raised his stiff arm and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

That is the consciousness...

Nuwa's consciousness.

The existence of the consciousness means... this creator of mankind, she is not dead, nor has she disappeared as the myth says.

She is in the void of the seven realms, even in the chain of the seven realms!

Only in this mountain, the clouds are so deep that no one knows where they are.

Just when he was slightly distracted, an angry consciousness came over: "What are you doing... What have you done!!"

"You deserve to die... You will never recover!"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly. The strength of this consciousness was very high, far exceeding the feeling he had when defending against the consciousness of two people before.

And... this time there was only one consciousness.

His eyes swept over, and the figure in the water was less than 10,000 meters away from him. The body became much larger, 20 to 30 meters tall, and the spiritual power increased significantly.

The green retina appeared, and he looked at it calmly. The huge sun was a bit hotter than before, and the oppression was unparalleled. He suddenly had a bad guess in his heart.

The opponent's figure was as fast as lightning, and the distance of 10,000 meters was fleeting. Just when he broke into the 1,000-meter range, Xu Yangyi suddenly burst into thousands of golden lights, and the armor transformed into a pair of bone wings, rushing out of the last 1,000 meters of the seabed at a faster speed.

Just like a drowning person rushing out of the water, the pressure on his body suddenly lightened. The shackles of heavy pressure completely disappeared, and his wings spread out. His speed was more than twice as fast as before, and he broke through tens of thousands of meters in an instant.

Just one minute after he came out of the water, there was a loud splash below, and countless tentacles roared up. He didn't even look at them. Although the opponent's spiritual power made him feel a little troublesome, it was at most 180 or 190 million, and it couldn't catch up with his speed.

Go up, and continue to go up. He didn't stop until half an hour later. And the Taichu Zunsheng below didn't know how far he was thrown. He had the leisure to look down.

See the true appearance of this underwater world.

He saw a drop of water.

A drop of water in the starry sky.

I don't know how big it is... maybe comparable to the moon, but it is still a drop of water.

This drop of water has broken away from the creation law of the universe and the survival law of the galaxy. It lies quietly in space, and the Lantianhai in it is like a dragon palace under the sea. Far away, there is a huge city comparable to the earth. It is not very clear and cannot be reached by the divine sense. It stands in the galaxy with a green light.

Cantian City.

"The dragon said that this is Buzhou Mountain, the place where the flood broke out. Let me think about it and I will know. Then... this drop of water that has been preserved for countless years..." He rubbed his chin and pondered: "What else can it be except the water of Huangquan that made Yahweh on the earth helpless at that time, so that Noah's Ark was built to overcome the difficulties?"

Legend has it that Gonggong angrily touched Buzhou Mountain, the world was about to fall, and the water of Huangquan came out. This is the story of Nuwa using five-colored stones to repair the sky and refining the three-life stone to suppress Huangquan.

Unexpectedly, at the starting point of this flood, there is still a drop of Huangquan water.

This answer is not important and has nothing to do with the overall situation. It can only further prove that this is Kunlun. But there is an eternal mystery that made him look at this drop of water like the sea for a long time without saying a word.

That is... if this is Kunlun, Buzhou Mountain, and Ale Mountain. How can it be in the Seven Realms? Even...become the starry sky of the Seven Realms?

Make bold assumptions and verify them carefully. Everything is like this, so he had an almost crazy guess in his mind.

"Could it be...the Seven Realms once belonged to the Earth?"

"The battlefield of the Second Ragnarok was chosen on the Earth...breaking the Earth and separating it into two planes? Even multiple this considered the legendary parallel universe? Perhaps...this is the true face of the parallel universe itself?"

This idea was too incredible, but he thought about it carefully for a few seconds and did not deny it.

Because it is very simple, the Earth was definitely once a fairyland, and the current Earth...well, even if it is all made up of spiritual energy, with Yahweh's magnificent throughput, can it support a first-generation Yahweh?

All the first-generation Yahwehs are born with Taoism, and only with them can there be living beings, and they can be called the gods of creation. How huge is this power? Energy conservation, how magnificent must the plane be to produce the first-generation Yahweh?

Look at Tiragangdis, the throne of the starry sky, with an area calculated in light years, and you must use a super teleportation array to go to any place. Eighteen demon kings who may surpass Du Bu, a family with thousands of Taixu, countless saints... Only this plane can produce Yahweh. If the land is not big enough, the people are not many enough, and the things are not rich enough, how can it produce the first generation of Yahweh like Chaos and Beichen? Not to mention, there are also the second generation of Yahweh such as Nuwa, Chiyou, and Huangdi.

The ground limits the content of spiritual energy, people limit the spread of incense and faith, and things limit the amount of natural materials and treasures. With the current area of ​​the earth, there is no possibility of giving birth to Yahweh.


He gritted his teeth and said, "What if we add up the seven realms and the area of ​​the earth?"

"I haven't seen other planes, but just Kunlun, its area is much larger than the earth. It also requires a super long-distance teleportation array to go to all parts of the plane. If the other six places The noodles are as big as the Xun Kunlun..."

At least the innate conditions are enough to produce the first generation of Yahweh!

However, following this idea, there is an even more terrifying hypothesis!

Suppose...if the so-called body that does not return to the immortal world is a combination of the earth and the seven realms, split to two sides of the universe due to unknown reasons, then...

Who is the subject?

Who is the real earthling?

The cultivation era buried in the Tower of Babel is only the previous era, but Chaos and Nuwa must have originated earlier! The reason why there are no traces of an earlier cultivation era is...

Are they not on Earth themselves?

It's obviously a hypothesis that I don't believe, but if I think about it further, it can explain many details that I couldn't explain before. At this moment, he almost felt like he was sweating.

"It's not that mysterious." After pondering for a few seconds, he took a deep breath and looked at the vast universe: "After practicing till now, I have understood the general context of the universe. I only need the last key of the earth to connect everything."

"Butterfly Mother..." He clenched his fist: "The last key is in her hand!"

At this moment, he looked motionless, raised his left hand, and the golden light instantly turned into a giant shield. The next second the light flashed angrily, and with a loud bang, layers of ripples exploded on the giant shield.

A huge figure appeared not far away, its red eyes staring at him with sky-high hatred. He also looked over.

The whole body is covered with black patches, the hands are three split tentacles, and there is a gap on the belly starting from the mouth and ending at the belly button. Inside are small tentacles and sharp teeth, and a golden eyeball can be vaguely seen lying across it. Belonging to the late Saint, he was furiously sweeping the surroundings, forming violent ripples.

"As ugly as ever..." He withdrew his gaze and said calmly: "Show your true identity. As a Taixu, don't you think it's ridiculous to be so coy?"

The other party's mood swings were like a violent furnace. After hearing these words, he finally calmed down and said hoarsely: "Aren't you afraid?"

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "I'm afraid the others will be too weak."

"But I am not afraid of Taixu in the beginning."

"And..." He didn't hide his contempt: "Are you really too weak?"

"Shentian City was besieged. As the Taixu you finally dispatched, you knocked the nail on the sky sea, but you didn't use Taixu's power to capture it, and you gave them time to call for help. With all due respect... He sneered: "This Holy Lord has never seen such a weak Taixu."

"Are you unable or unwilling?"

"You... are hypocritical at best, right?"

"Arrogant!!" As soon as he finished speaking, Taichu yelled angrily from the opposite side, and his big mouth suddenly opened, and thousands of black lights condensed, but it was fast, and Xu Yangyi was faster. Just when the black light just emerged, a fierce and fierce blast The fist wind came crashing through the air!

Its pupils suddenly shrank, so strong... This seemingly random punch actually caused the void to collapse, and the universe, which could not bear the force, screamed! The timing of the attack was perfect, it happened to be when he was most vulnerable when he had just gathered his strength!

This time will not exceed 0.5 seconds. No monk can catch it, but this person caught it!

What fighting instincts!

However, it followed the Legion of Nothingness to conquer the planes of the heavens and had rich combat experience. In an instant, the tentacles intertwined into a strange shape, and pieces of rotating triangles spread between the tentacles, layer by layer, endlessly. However, at this moment, another fist wind struck, and by chance, it was aimed at the center of its handprints!

How can this be!

It almost screamed, once was it a coincidence, the second time was it?

Both times, the opponent attacked immediately when he had just launched his attack, and he targeted either his own weakness or the weakness when his magical power was concentrated. No matter how good his insight was, he couldn't do this!

All magical powers are hand seals and mantras to mobilize the surrounding spiritual energy, and then use your own spiritual power to adjust and stabilize the final explosion. Once the opponent's spiritual power is attacked before the end of this process, a backlash explosion is almost inevitable.

And how long does it take for a Yin Lord to condense a seal? Not more than a second! It has never encountered a monk who can grasp the weakness of magical power in one second!

Who is the monster?

His heart was shocked, and his magical powers could not be condensed at all. Two fists were coming in front of him. At the critical moment, the big mouth in his abdomen suddenly closed, protecting the eyeball hub. The next second, there was a loud bang, and a blue-black circle exploded in the void. With the brilliance of Lan Tianhai, the battle of the last group of saints has finally begun!

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