
Chapter 1376: Lord of Canglan Mountain

"Zizizizi!" Like a meteor, this punch directly knocked Taichu hundreds of meters away. Yang Sheng's advantage is that every move he makes is magical. Perhaps it is not as powerful as Yin Zun's hand seal formula chain detonation, but every punch and kick is real, and the force breaks the trick.

Xu Yangyi looked at Taichu flying backwards coldly, and his body crouched slightly, like a cheetah hunting, and then... rushed out with a bang.


Hunting in the starry sky. With every step he took, the surrounding 100-meter sky trembled, and golden light burst out from his chest. Countless talismans rushed out with bones and covered his whole body.

Don't waste a second. Facing the pseudo-Taixu, it is impossible to give the other party time.

After a moment of dizziness, Taichu immediately came back to his senses. Cracks appeared on its body surface, and green blood gushed out from it. The pupils of the eyeballs in the opened abdominal cavity stood up like needles, and gritted his teeth to feel the surging spiritual power in his body. The opponent's spiritual power hit the meridians like a tsunami, and he couldn't even balance his body in a hurry.

So strong...

In this state, he should have about 130 million spiritual power, but he couldn't resist the opponent's casual punch at all! Is this...really a human?

"How did you do it?" It suddenly let out a sharp hiss, and a circle of gray light bloomed in the air. It once again grasped the balance of its body, regardless of the spinning world, and looked at Xu Yangyi's direction.

The next second, it took a breath of cold air and screamed and retreated.

The galaxy giant is approaching...

The opponent is completely different from before. Something is changing his whole body. His whole body is covered with dark carapace, his lower body is like a centaur, his left hand is a bone spear, his right hand is a huge shield, and the indestructible galaxy fortress is rolling over. It is obviously a human phantom, but it charges with the momentum of thousands of troops. Every time it steps down, the void is shattered, and the body has already rubbed out fierce flames in the void that cannot burn.

It's like facing the impact of the plane!

Is this a fucking saint? ?

The terrifying light was extremely obvious in the lonely universe. All the other battle groups felt Xu Yangyi's spiritual power burst out. Yang Sheng's strength was so clear. The old man, the village woman, the boy, and the cloaked man took a deep breath and looked at the red fire line in the sky in shock. With their confidence increased, their strength burst out again.

"Hold on!" The four people's consciousness kept entangled. "Which sect is this fellow Taoist?" "Such a strong strength... Even here, it makes this master's body cold..." "Is it the fellow Taoist I haven't seen? What kind of opponent can make the other party burst out like this?"

Their thoughts, Taichu on the other side could no longer hear. Right in front of it, Xu Yangyi rushed out alone. The speed of thousands of troops was getting faster and faster, the flames were getting hotter and hotter, and the distance was getting closer and closer. Five hundred meters... three hundred meters! It even felt that the scorching flames burned the space and boiled the sky.

The huge despair pinched every nerve of it. Under the great terror, it was either silent or bursting. It screamed, and its body rolled like a gourd, and a circle of thick black fog spread into the void.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi, who was rushing forward, had reached the extreme speed. He suddenly opened two insect wings behind him, which were crystal clear and flapped at super high speed, making a deafening sound. The next second... his figure actually flew up!

Not flying.

But it escaped from the gravity of the universe at super high speed and turned into a falling meteor!

This scene was so amazing that everyone felt the spiritual power that reached its peak in an instant. The consciousness of the four Lantianhai Venerable Saints had already drawn a trace to pay attention to Xu Yangyi's battlefield, but the distance was too far, so they could only capture a trace. But at this moment, their consciousness trembled wildly, and the four people couldn't help but start to estimate the spiritual power that bloomed there in an instant.

Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi also paid attention to that place. They also wanted to know how far their companions who had walked all the way could reach after leaving for 170 years.

"One hundred million... twenty million... fifty million... eighty million..." The old man in the gossip robe was struggling with the three Taichus, and the three Taichus were the same. Everyone's consciousness could not help but be attracted by this magnificent spiritual power.

"Two hundred million! More than two hundred million!" "More than that! Venerable Hanku, have you measured it?!" "I can't measure it! At least two hundred and twenty million or more!" "Where the hell did this monster jump out! Why have I never heard of it!"

Their shock was like abyss-like despair for Taichu. It didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting. It screamed wildly and turned around and fled in the sea of ​​black fog.


The next second, the universe was quiet.

A moment of beauty, a few seconds of blooming, in exchange for quiet destruction.

The killing intent was pervasive, and the cold mercury poured down the ground. A bone spear, with a wisp of black mist, the whole person was like the god of death coming from hell, and had crossed paths with Taichu in a split second.

"This is the debt of the earth." Xu Yangyi's body was emitting black smoke from the high heat and friction. The black fog behind him quietly dissipated, and the Taichu stood still in the void as if frozen.

Two seconds later, it trembled all over, with an incredible look on its face. It raised its hands like a machine and spoke hoarsely: "I, the Lord of Canglan Mountain...actually..."

"What's your name?"

"Benlei." Xu Yangyi's bones gradually dissipated, and he said slowly.

"Good...very good..." The Lord of Canglan Mountain raised his head high and suddenly made a strange cry.

No sound.

Only circles of ripples burst out, and the next second, countless brilliances gushed out of his body, and his body suddenly exploded into pieces.

Xu Yangyi did not move. He keenly discovered that the cracks of these fragments were all covered with a light curtain, and... with Taichu's vitality, this attack was not enough to completely kill the opponent.

Killing! He slapped his hands into the void, and with a series of loud roars, the black air was surging, far deeper and more majestic than the black fog of the Lord of Canglan Mountain. The red line cheered and flew out. Xu Yangyi flashed and came to the center of the entire killing.

As if understanding his intention, the red line happily sprinkled a spiritual disc, and a pure black hole appeared, imprisoning all the fragments.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Yangyi's body burst into thousands of golden lights, and the soul hunter engraved with the swallowing talisman broke out in full force! The light swept across, and Taichu, who was like a gem in the starry sky, suddenly screamed. It flew in all directions as if it were alive.

At this moment, all the Taichu Saints who were facing each other exploded at the same time, and twelve brilliant halos bloomed in the void. The four Saints of Lantianhai, Chu Zhaonan, and Zhao Ziqi looked sternly, and retreated a thousand meters away at the same time.

"This is..." Zhao Ziqi frowned deeply and looked at the direction where Xu Yangyi was in doubt: "Thirteen unified souls... The amplitude is exactly the same, and they can't be seen in the underworld?"

Swish... The flesh and blood fragments carried a series of spiritual lights, forming a dazzling planetary belt, and rushed towards Xu Yangyi. He took a deep breath, shouted loudly, and the soul hunter danced as a golden dragon, blocking the flesh and blood fountain outside. And the internal part has begun to mobilize the devouring talisman to fully strangle the fleeing fragments.

Rumble! The flesh and blood were like twelve floods, instantly impacting the soul hunter. Xu Yangyi was shocked, and he felt the blood surging in his chest!

"Do you want to transform into Taixu?" He suppressed the blood and energy that surged up. He hadn't felt this feeling for a long time. He looked at the scattered pieces of flesh inside the Soul Hunter with murderous eyes, and licked his lips bloodthirstily: "Sure enough..."

"You are a fake Taixu, and you are also a real Taixu. It is fake that you can only transform into Taixu under certain conditions, but it is true that you have the strength of Taixu. Then... I will let you transform incompletely first!"


His hands quickly pinched the seal, and the swallowing talisman withdrew from the Soul Hunter. A dark sun emerged from the golden ocean inside. Countless dark talismans emerged from all directions like tentacles, converging into a vortex of destruction. After a slight shock, it frantically absorbed the scattered fragments.

Zizizizi! These fragments made animal-like wails and desperately fled to all directions. The sound penetrated the void and formed ripples. Xu Yangyi looked carefully and found that the survival will and strength of these fragments were so strong that they grew tentacles under the suction of the swallowing talisman and nailed them in the void, without being swallowed into the black hole!

"The changes in Taixu have begun..." He took a deep breath and was about to continue to mobilize, but suddenly, there was a sudden shock in all directions. Like breaking bones, he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Outside the Soul Hunting Light Sea, more and more flesh and blood gathered, covering it layer by layer, surrounded by spiritual light, and pulled into gorgeous flesh and blood nebulae, and these nebulae seemed to hear the internal call for help, entwined the light sea like a python, strangling it layer by layer.

At this moment, applause suddenly rang out in the vast void.

"Pa pa pa..." The sound was so clear in the galaxy that Xu Yangyi looked into the depths of the void in astonishment.

Is there anyone?

I haven't felt it yet?

"Wonderful." The voice was a man, with some emotion: "This king really didn't expect that such an amazing cultivator would appear in the Seven Realms. He has stopped a Taixu for so long."

This king? Taixu? Has he been here? Xu Yangyi looked at the depths of the void vigilantly. As the voice fell, a figure slowly walked out.

It was a middle-aged man.

Wearing a tattered Taoist robe, with disheveled hair, a steel beard on his face, and a huge gourd on his back. There was no celestial phenomenon at all, but the moment he appeared, Xu Yangyi's hair stood up all over his body!

Very strong!

Almost ranked among the top ten Taixu he had seen! Even second only to Xinlu Yade and others! His desolate and unruly appearance brought him a fatal crisis!

Without spiritual energy, it was already a manifestation of great skill and simplicity, the unity of spirit and flesh.

"Such a strong aura of death..." Everyone at the scene was attracted by this figure. After taking a few glances, Zhao Ziqi said in astonishment: "Is this a... dead person? No... Taixu, who has one foot in the underworld and could fall at any time?"

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