
Chapter 1377: The Void Lord

"Hiccup..." The man still had a small gourd tied to his hand. He raised his hand and drank a mouthful of wine from the gourd, wiped his mouth, and laughed roughly: "Boy, do you want my help?"

The voice was also very calm, as if dealing with a Taixu was just a piece of cake.

How could there be such a strong Taixu in the Seven Realms? Xu Yangyi frowned and nodded: "Please help me, senior."

"Okay." The big Taoist priest held the wine gourd with his backhand and pulled it out casually. A ray of light like a spirit snake gushed out in a winding way.

It shines on the heavens and illuminates the galaxy. It is hard to describe that the light emitted from the gourd behind a person is comparable to the sun and covers the starlight. It's like carrying a mountain of light on his back.

As the spirit snake sword was unsheathed inch by inch, the void roared, and the light swept across the endless void cut out from all directions. The Lord of Canglan Mountain took a steady look, and a terrible name suddenly emerged in his mind.

"The snake in the gourd... you are..." A cry of surprise came from the flesh and blood nebula, and then all the nebula turned around and left, not daring to stay!

"Five Kings!!"

The shrill cry crossed the starry sky, and everyone not far away heard it. The four venerable saints of Lantianhai were stunned for a second, and then suddenly bowed down: "Greetings, Venerable!"

There is only one of the Five Kings and Two Queens in the Seven Realms Chain, Venerable Kongxu.

Is this one of the Five Kings and Two Queens? Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi looked at each other and bowed down as well.

"No need to be polite... burp..." Venerable Kongxu burped, watching a piece of flesh and blood nebula quickly evacuate the soul hunter, and pulled his hand hard. Suddenly, the light was restrained, and a sword curved like a snake was held in his hand. Then, he waved it gently.


This star field was quiet.

The sound was erased, and time seemed to be non-existent. Xinghui lost his eyes at this moment and closed his pupils.

No one on the scene could compete with this sword.

A bright white light shone through the universe, and even Lan Tianhai of the Dragon Palace under the sea could see it. Then, a thunderous cheer broke out from below. In the void, as the sword light passed, the nebula of flesh and blood paused, and then trembled wildly.

"You... violated the oath..." A huge voice resounded through the void, trembling: "Taixu is not allowed to attack at will... This is an iron rule... Can the Taixu of the Seven Realms be better than the Senluo Empire... His Majesty Tenggerbal will not let you go... You... are dead..."

Before the voice fell, pieces of debris exploded, forming a gorgeous galaxy in the sky.

One sword to destroy Taixu!

"Hiccup..." Venerable Kongxu was drunk and laughed happily: "I'm going to die a long time ago... If you have the guts, let your Taixu come to me? It saves me from looking for it in the Seven Realms... Hiccup..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he turned his head away.

No desire makes you strong. Even if he could feel the strong death aura on the other party, what is there to be afraid of when a person is about to die?

At worst, he could die together with the other person's real Taixu, but he was willing. Was Taichu willing?

Taichu's life was extremely long. Would he trade Taichu, who might still evolve, for someone who would die soon?

Drawing the sword, putting it away, his movements were smooth and seamless. Venerable Kongxu shook his wine gourd, whistled without any image, and looked at the several respectful saints in Lantianhai: "How is it? Did you find anything?"

"My Lord. No." The faces of the several saints were flushed with excitement, and the gossip old man answered in fear and trepidation. Venerable Kongxu sighed, and Xu Yangyi looked at him calmly, and actually saw a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

"Is that so..." Venerable Kongxu looked at the distant galaxy and murmured, "It shouldn't be here... There is no holy realm here... I am anxious..."

After a few seconds of silence, he did not move: "Boy, why are you secretly looking at me?"

Xu Yangyi blinked his eyes, half-knelt on the ground and said, "I just think that the senior is handsome and extraordinary."

Indeed, his eyes were a little focused just now. He just couldn't figure out how such a strong Taixu could be raised in a plane like the Seven Realms?

It was abnormally strong... Killing with one blow between people of the same realm, although the opponent has not completely transformed into the Taixu form, but this person's spiritual power is at least more than ten times that of the opponent!

Even the Grizzly Prince and the King of the Evil Eyes are not sure that they can win. But the opponent is the top duke of the original family of the quasi-immortal world!

"Hehe..." Venerable Kongxu sighed with some emotion: "Yes... I should look more, if I don't look, I won't be able to see it anymore..."

Without waiting for everyone to react, he slowly stepped into the void, leaving only the ethereal chanting: "Those who abandoned me, yesterday's day cannot be kept, those who disturbed my heart, today's day is full of worries..."

"Drawing a sword to cut the water, the water will flow more, raising a cup to dispel sorrow will make sorrow more sorrowful... How stupid..."

Even though the battle below was in full swing, none of the seven saints above moved, until the figure of Venerable Kongxu completely disappeared, they all stood up. The gossip old man sighed, looked deeply at the place where the other party disappeared, and said in a deep voice: "If you realize the great freedom at the end, if you give it another five hundred years, maybe it will be another unique great saint."

Xu Yangyi also pondered in silence. It's not that he hasn't seen high-level monks who are dying, such as Kendramo, how crazy they were at the beginning. But the second Taixu that he saw was about to fall, and he could let go so easily. He had to say that his words and deeds gave him some indescribable feelings.

"What is the Venerable looking for?" He stared into the void, wondering what made a Taixu that was about to fall so persistent in searching.

This was just pure curiosity, and he didn't even want to get an answer, but as soon as he finished speaking, the masked white-robed monk immediately said: "Most new monks don't know about this. The Venerable Master has not much time left, and he is looking for a burial site."

"Burial site?" The Venerable Saints who fought side by side finally spoke for the first time. This is their circle, and they naturally have too much to say. Zhao Ziqi frowned in confusion: "He wants to be buried here? Sit in the galaxy? Why does he need a burial site?"

"But the young master Zhao of the Dry Bone Temple?" The female cultivator who looked like a village woman smiled and said: "Daoyou, you don't know that the burial site that the Venerable Master wants is definitely not an ordinary burial site. He said that there is a peach blossom island in the void, with tens of thousands of rare animals, surrounded by clear water, and huge ships sailing on the sea. This place is his place of return. If he doesn't find it, he won't sit in it. And set a huge reward. Once someone tells him a clue, whether he is qualified to participate in the world of great contention or not, he will use "Xu Jing Yi Xiang." "

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he suppressed the deep in his heart He was throbbing, and said in a deep voice: "What is this?"

The boy-like cultivator said: "To participate in the world of great contention, you must be recognized by the sitting cultivator Xu Jing. Otherwise, you can't step into the world of great contention at all. Once Xu Jing shines, it is naturally recognized by the master, which is equivalent to a direct train to the world of great contention. I don't know who has this good luck..."

"In the vast galaxy, the chain of the seven realms can never have any Peach Blossom Island or boating on the sea unless it is stationed." "Yes, although this prize is high, no one can get it." "Hehe... Don't think too much, the world of great contention is all contemporary heroes, and we have long since extinguished this heart."

Xu Yangyi nodded in agreement, his thoughts surging in his heart.

Venerable Kongxu is looking for the Bu Tianchi.

Everyone thinks it is fake, only he knows that this place really exists! And he has been there in person! He knows what is inside!

Why? Is it the induction of the heaven? The guidance of the Queen of Wa? If so, why guide? If not, it is even more incredible, how did the other party know where the Bu Tianchi is? And so detailed?

As for the reward from the Void Venerable, he didn't care. With the retina of Chaos's seed, it was clear where Taichu was hiding. Why would he risk arousing the suspicion of a powerful man?

"Why? Daoyou knows?" The gossip old man asked. Xu Yangyi shook his head and changed the subject: "Just curious. I haven't asked Daoyou's name yet."

"It's just insignificant." The gossip old man cheered up and bowed: "The Supreme Elder of Taiyi Jinguan Cave, Chi Changfeng. Meet Daoyou."

"The Supreme Elder of Huoyan Mountain Hanguan Pool, Xiao Ming, I am polite." "The Sect Master of Luohua Sect, Venerable Hanku, meets Daoyou." "Li Yifang, the patriarch of Shennong Clan, Daoyou's previous burst of strength is really amazing. I hope you can visit more in the future."

No one is blind. The flaming meteor that just broke through the sky has been deeply engraved in their minds. Maybe this is the future Five Kings and Two Queens. It is a fool not to make friends with such an opportunity. I took the initiative to answer the question just now, which was intentional.

After Xu Yangyi and the other two reported their names, Chu Zhaonan raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you not anxious? The battle of Lantian Sea has not ended yet, right?"

"Daoyou don't know." The village woman cultivator, Li Yifang of the Shennong clan, smiled and bowed: "We didn't go out before because there were too many saints on the other side, so we could only passively take the beating. Now..."

Her eyes turned cold, and the boy cultivator Xiao Ming sneered: "We seven great saints have a lot of people. If we use a point to lead the whole, they will never be able to attack Lantian Sea. Just now, the four of us have informed the major sects to fight back with all our strength. Taichu is just relying on the will of the master to hold on. The day we come will be the end of the battle of Lantian Sea."

"The cultivators brought by Daoyou are naturally We need to see blood." The white-robed monk Han Ku Zun laughed friendly from under his mask: "In the Seven Realms Chain, the only one you can trust the most is your own sect. How many monks have never seen blood, and there are many who were wiped out when they first went to the battlefield. The Seven Realms Chain has devoured more than tens of millions of sects? Now there is a chance to sharpen the knife. If we don't let them hold on for a while, how can we make up for the Taoist friends' thousands of miles of help? Besides, the seven motherships should have arrived, and it is absolutely reasonable. "

Zhao Ziqi was speechless: "I'm afraid that many people will die every minute, right?"

The gossip old man Chi Changfeng squinted his eyes and touched his beard, smiling meaningfully: "It's just the fate of each person. Those who can persist are the pearls in the ocean after the great waves. "

Xu Yangyi and the other two nodded slightly. No nonsense.

These four people fought for the sect and for Lantianhai before. Now the overall situation is in their hands, and the victory or defeat is in their hands. But in order to do a favor to Xu Yangyi and the other two, they let their sects use this battlefield to sharpen their weapons and delay their return time. From their position and perspective, if a few lives of foundation-building pills can be exchanged for a little goodwill from these Taoist friends with unlimited potential, the deal will be done.

A small amount of goodwill requires the lives of hundreds or thousands of low-level cultivators to pay for it.


It's just the survival of the fittest, each taking what he needs.

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