
Chapter 1378: Reinforcements?

Take in the sky and sea.

Looking from the sky, it can be seen with the naked eye that the black tide from Taichu had been compressed three thousand meters into the main city, but it has not moved since just now.

In the inner city, at the North City Gate, behind the huge inner city wall, the team of tens of thousands of people was silent.

Their chests were heaving and their breathing was rapid, and the magic weapon here turned into colorful clouds all over the place. The people were ready to fight, and the oppressive atmosphere made the place full of chills. Right in front of them, the city gate was filled with brilliance, and the sound of "dong-dong-dong" was wildly hitting the two-hundred-meter-high city gate. On the city wall, there was a rustling sound. The sound is endless, like the devil's claws scratching people's hearts.

The first few Nascent Souls held the broken spiritual talisman tightly in their hands. At this moment, there was a loud bang, and the two doors finally flew hundreds of meters away with the overwhelming sound. A huge figure appeared at the door, like a skinned man wearing huge stone armor, with not much red flesh exposed. , covered with eyes.

"It's the host Taichu!" This sound sounded like the clarion call for a decisive battle. The leader Yuanying turned around and roared: "The whole army is ready!"

"Mighty!!" In response to the landslide and tsunami, thousands of meters of precious light rose from the attic and in the streets, forming ten large formations with a radius of several hundred meters. Cranes, soaring snakes, basalts... there are many strange phenomena. At the same time, Taichu at the city gate let out a roar, and thousands of eyeballs all over his body burst out and shot directly into the sky.

Crash...the eyeballs exploded in the air, densely packed with tens of thousands of them that opened and shrank, and the stomach was an eye, almost transparent, like a bug, several meters in size, Taichu spread across the sky, and what followed was an earth-shattering explosion.

boom! !

The heaven and earth shook, and countless low-level monks covered their ears in pain. The ten magic circles shook violently, and spiritual lights flickered. Exclamations and screams were endless, but what made them despair... From all directions, seven or eight hosts Taichu climbed up the towers. As their bodies shook, the overwhelming void exploded. Circles of ripples spread across the starry sky, which is extremely spectacular.

"Damn..." The explosion was so violent that the leader of the Nascent Soul cultivator felt dizzy. He bit the tip of his tongue and stood up. The talisman in his hand soared into the sky, blooming with thousands of auspicious clouds. He shouted hoarsely: "Damn it..." Live them!"

"Kill!!" After a few seconds, the world was spinning, and more and more monks woke up. As the formations changed, they saw a roar, thousands of meters of water rising into the sky, and huge waves rising thousands of meters high. It was so beautiful. With the chill of death, it pressed forward like a mountain.

The phantom of the crane spreads its wings, and the white feathers of aura are like ten thousand swords leaning into the sky. The phantom of the Soaring Snake stirred up huge amounts of sand and dust, forming a 30,000-meter-long yellow sand barrier. Thousands of spiritual lights poured into the fat formation, and the ugly giant snake phantom opened its mouth and spit out a piece of spiritual fire, dyeing the sky with a red glow.

However... they faced too many Taichu. At the main entrance, the arched city gate was covered with dense Taichu, which was like opening an ant hell. The two-headed Taichu, with one meter of sharp bone thorns on its hands, clings to it, followed by its hands that merge into a shield, which is as strong as a rock. There is a black line on the horizon, like a flying crab, but with a long tail. The mountains are shaking far away in the sky. From time to time, meteors rise into the sky, blooming sparks of death, and then smashing with flames. Luo, that is Taichu, a robe hundreds of meters tall.

There are countless more, like spiders, about the size of a head, parasitic Taichu, covering the army of the god of death, spreading like a black tide from the city wall, it is simply a doomsday flood.

"Sir..." Beside the Nascent Soul monk in front, his disciples tried their best to persuade him: "Let's go! We can't hold on anymore! Retreat to the inner city, and the other city gates are not lost! We will regain the lost ground soon!"

Veins popped up on the forehead of the Yuanying monk, and his teeth clenched. He looked at the overwhelming black tide, and after half a second, he said through his teeth: "Ben Zhenjun... I don't believe it!"

"Where are the reinforcements! Where are our reinforcements!" He was almost roaring, with veins pulsing on his neck: "There are reinforcements at the seven city gates... As soon as the reinforcements arrive, we will be able to defend the city gates! Taichu's offensive has eased ! Just 30,000 more... No! 10,000!"

He clenched his fists fiercely and looked forward: "No one's city gate has been lost, only ours has been lost! You, me, and the saint responsible for supporting are all scapegoating! Why didn't this damn reinforcements show up? !”

"Master, there is no way to do this!" "Yes, the reinforcements are not available. There are reinforcements at other city gates. We have lived up to our trust by being able to hold on until now."

The eyes of the Nascent Soul cultivator turned red. Ahead, the black tide had begun to attack the magic circle crazily, and all the shadows were shaking violently. He pursed his lips and lowered his head: "Hold on for another quarter of an hour... When the safety information of the last door is sent, we will retreat immediately..."

At this moment, a blue-black light suddenly filled the earth.

"This is..." The Yuanying monk was stunned and suddenly raised his head.

Not only him, but everyone at the scene, including Taichu, looked at the sky in shock. In the nebula, a cold light flashed, and in just a few seconds, it formed a burning tail of light, wrapped in a phantom of a human being like a god. He rushed straight to the city gate with a fierce and unparalleled aura.

"This..." The Nascent Soul cultivator trembled all over, and then turned around and shouted: "Honored Saint! It's the Honored Saint who has arrived! Hold it! Hold them all! Don't allow these monsters to step into the inner city!! "

"Wow!!" This shot of stimulant came too timely, and all the exhausted monks' eyes instantly ignited a raging war. Because... everyone can see clearly that there is no second holy light after this spiritual light, which means...

The battle of the holy is over? !

Countless masters floated above the primordial group like balloons, and an instinct called panic spread, and the dense stream of consciousness like four lines exchanged in the minds of all masters. After a few seconds, they suddenly found that all the governors had no information!

The dark tide paused, and then the land covered by black began to fade wildly, but compared with the speed of the people coming from the air, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"Since you are here, why leave?" A voice came faintly from the air, and all the monks of the seven realms were stunned for a second, and then there was an overwhelming cheer! Countless spiritual lights danced, congratulating one person!

Buzz, buzz, buzz... all the treasures below flew together, forming colorful clouds, the void in the sky was shaking, and the nebulae in all directions twisted and gathered towards the center, and finally... formed a colorful giant hand.


The entire 100,000 meters around the city gate shook violently, and many houses that were extremely dilapidated came to the end of their life under this style of heaven-falling divine palm. The earth trembled like an earthquake, and no one could see a stable picture. A violent shock wave sounded from outside the city gate, turning into hundreds of meters high sand and dust, passing over the city wall, and a yellow sand rain fell.

"Heh..." The leading Yuanying fell to the ground. After several minutes, the ground stopped shaking. He immediately turned into a beam of light and rushed into the sky. After a closer look, he couldn't help but gasp.

Outside the city gate, there was a bloody scene.

Within a thousand meters, whether it was the host Taichu of hundreds of meters, or the mixed Taichu who was desperately flying to escape, and many masters... at this moment, they were all lined up on the ground like slapping mosquitoes, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

The ground sunk ten meters directly, and the clear palm print was almost filled with blood and flesh. The Taichu next to him screamed and fled. The tide of beasts retreated, and the invisible death god roared, becoming a hell of flesh and blood. The monks in the back shouted madly, countless flags waved, and thousands of treasures flew into the sky, pulling out a brilliant light curtain, rushing through the city gate like driving, chasing the black tide that kept retreating in front.

It's not that they can't fight back, but that Taichu is a centralized creature, and the lower Taichu has no intelligence. The only intelligent ones on the first front line are the governor and the master. Without orders, the master has no idea what to do.

"The power of a palm, so much..." The Yuanying monk closed his eyes tremblingly. The figure in the air did not chase, and with a slight shake, it had already landed on the city wall.

"Greetings, sir!" Tens of thousands of monks finally stopped chasing and half-knelt on the ground, like stars surrounding the moon, with a roaring sound.

"Hello, sir." Several Yuanying cultivators flew over like streams of light, and gave a concise and powerful half-kneeling military salute, and said hoarsely: "The Black Navy of Lantian Sea has fulfilled the mission! May I ask your name, sir?"

"Sage Lord Benlei." Xu Yangyi's eyes were filled with displeasure: "Sage Lord Taichu is dead, how can he be overwhelmed by the inner city?"

The Yuanying cultivator gritted his teeth and said: "It's not that I am incompetent... it's really..."

"No reinforcements!" Another Yuanying cultivator gritted his teeth, and even when facing the Sage Lord, he couldn't hide his anger: "Six of the seven gates of Lantian Sea have reinforcements! Only we don't! We can hold on until now, it's already the limit. Please understand!"

If they were asked to cover the rear, they would have nothing to say. But the responsibility of an inner city gate is extremely heavy, no order, no explanation! No reinforcements!

They are simply being treated as idiots! Tens of thousands of people facing nearly 100,000 Taichu, giving up without reason, dying in vain! Tens of thousands of wronged souls, how can the person who gave this order sleep at night?

Even the joy of victory could not cover up this resentment. Although they had defended the city gate, the scene was solemn and murderous. No matter young, old, new, or rookie, their faces were filled with repressed anger. Tens of thousands of people just looked at Xu Yangyi, waiting for a word.

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and said lightly: "After the battle of the saints, this saint asked the fellow Taoists a little. Each city gate is connected to a mothership transmission gate, you..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes were as sharp as a sword. He looked straight at the end of the team.

There, he saw the flags of Tianjian Villa, Kugu Temple, and Vajra Dao.

This city gate is connected to the Yan Guilai, which is where they were teleported.

However, there were no reinforcements.

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