
Chapter 1379: Resisting the Order

In an instant, the killing intent in his heart was overwhelming. How dare you play on his head!

"The Nascent Soul cultivator of Tianjian Villa comes out." His voice was like ice, making the temperature of the scene drop by three points: "Right away!!"

These two words were so deafening that the city towers were trembling. No one dared to delay. Three spiritual lights flew out immediately. His face was tired and his clothes were torn, but he immediately half-knelt on the ground: "I have seen the young sect master."

"Say." Xu Yangyi's voice was calm to the point of coldness, without a trace of emotion: "What is going on here?"

"Back to Young Sect Master..." The three Nascent Soul cultivators gritted their teeth and replied, "It is true... there are no reinforcements."

Kakaka... A crack spread in the city tower. Xu Yangyi's black hair flew for no reason, and then he immediately calmed down: "Not from the beginning to the end? Have you not contacted the Yanguihuan?"

"No!" A Yuanying monk with a strong personality said bitterly: "No from the beginning to the end! Taichu surrounded the surroundings, and the message could not be sent out at all! There was no explanation! No one from Lantianhai was present!"

"We have been fighting hard for several hours, and there is not a single soldier to help!"

The scene was completely silent, but Xu Yangyi actually smiled.

"Withered life..."

"You are so brave!" He suddenly slapped the city tower, and the entire city wall buzzed. His body turned into a stream of light, and his murderous intent was not hidden, and he rushed straight to the teleportation circle in the distance.

Fortunately, there has been a change in the Zunsheng battle this time. If he personally takes command and confronts the opponent's Zunsheng soldiers, the general will be in a hard battle. What will happen if he has to wait for reinforcements?

He was fighting Taichu on the front line, and he was handed a knife like this behind his back?

At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, which was to return to the Wild Goose Return and make a clean break. The spiritual energy spread across the void instantly without concealment, and the murderous intent that reached its peak of anger made the void tremble. There was silence on all sides.

There was already a group of people in front of the portal. Lord Hanku was the first to arrive at the portal. He was asking something when he suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Yangyi, who was showing murderous intent. The murderous intent was so strong that he couldn't help but tremble and suppressed his heart. The sudden burst of anxiety asked: "Fellow Taoist?"

There was no answer. Xu Yangyi's black hair was flying and his clothes were dancing wildly, like a silent death.

Venerable Hanku's eyes moved and he immediately understood something. He immediately stood in front of the teleportation circle and said anxiously: "Fellow Taoist! It can't be done, it can't be done!"

"Get out of the way!" Xu Yangyi shouted angrily, his spiritual power surged, and Lord Hanku gasped, feeling that he was in a turbulent wave and was suddenly pushed away. In desperation, a green dragon flew out of his sleeve and entangled Xu Yangyi's hand: "Fellow Taoist! No matter what, report to Shentian City first! This is the army of the seven realms! The forces are complex! No one can protect you if military discipline is disrupted!"

At this moment, there was a flash of light in the teleportation circle, and a middle-aged monk stepped out first with a scroll in his hand.

The middle-aged appearance is somewhat similar to the appearance of Lord Kusheng. In the early stage of Yin Lord, it is obvious that he has just advanced and his spiritual energy is still fluctuating.

Wearing a white robe, a purple gold crown, and a jasper belt around her waist, she exuded nobility in her movements. As he appeared, ten golden-armored monks behind him walked out in uniform steps, their faces covered in iron armor, and their whole bodies were filled with the aura of killing.

"What kind of behavior do you have?" The middle-aged monk gently lifted his ears and hair in an extremely romantic manner, and glanced at Xu Yangyi slightly from the corner of his eyes: "At the scene of the battle, the generals don't care about the soldiers, and the soldiers don't know the generals. The military discipline is not strict, and they run away wantonly. It’s really a big deal.”

Xu Yangyi smiled happily. But the monks at the back all shuddered, and Lord Hanku felt even more cold all over.

He was like standing in front of a volcano that could erupt at any time. He couldn't help but circulate his spiritual energy, and Qinglong tightly grasped the opponent's hand.

Xu Yangyi's eyes saw the four swords piercing the sun on the chest of the sage, towering over the Song family.

"Are you from the Song family?" He looked at the other party with a smile. Yin Zun raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "There is no such thing as this or that family in the chain of seven realms. Everyone is working hard for the seven realms. Until now, How ridiculous is it to have family values?"

Xu Yangyi smiled even more happily, and Lord Hanku behind him was almost trembling. The spiritual energy is connected, how can he bear 250 million spiritual energy. But he didn't dare to let go. He had a feeling that if he let go, something big would happen here!

"Come on, let's talk about it." Xu Yangyi said.

Yin Zun glanced at him, hummed slightly, raised his hands, shook his sleeves with great force and unfolded the scroll in his hand, his voice was full of the complacency and arrogance of declaring the decree: "There is an order."

"Follow Holy Lord Ben Lei and the monks from the three sects to make repairs on the spot. In addition, the battle of Lantianhai City Gate is poorly planned, so the command authority is temporarily revoked, waiting for the summons from Shentian City. Temporarily stationed at Tenglongkou, if there is no summons, you cannot enter the city. Wait. deal with."

Swipe... The scroll was rolled up. He tilted his head slightly and said with a half-smile: "Sage Ben Lei merges the three sects and takes the order."

Xu Yangyi didn't answer.

very good……

Even if he didn't use all his strength to deal with Taichu for the Seven Realms, he still shed blood and sweat, and now he slaps him with a backhand? Or wait for it to be processed yourself?

"That's all?" His smile disappeared and he looked at Lord Yin quietly: "Where are the reinforcements?"

"What kind of reinforcements?" Yin Zun also smiled and said: "There may be other arrangements, I don't know about it."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Whose explanation is this? Lord Ku Sheng's? Or someone else's?"

Lord Kusheng doesn't have this kind of skill, nor does he have this kind of courage, let alone his hands and eyes that can reach the sky.

"It's the explanation from the Second Young Master of the Song Dynasty. It's the military order from the Commander-in-Chief of Towering City!" In this calm tit-for-tat confrontation, Yin Zun raised his eyes and raised his voice. He took a step forward and looked directly at Xu Yangyi. It took two people to hear it. The voice that arrived said: "Not satisfied?"

Xu Yangyi licked his lips bloodthirstyly: "That is... no explanation?"

"Then you go ask the Second Young Master yourself!" The two were almost face to face, Yin Zun shouted: "Get it clear! This is Towering City, with thousands of sages and dozens of Taixu. The Dubu Great Sage is personally in charge. Are you questioning the Song family here? You are so immature..."


Before he finished speaking, a pillar of blood rose into the sky.


Everyone was stunned.

Venerable Hanku opened his mouth slightly and looked ahead mechanically. The green dragon in his hand was tightly trapped, but just now, the other party raised his hand and broke it as if breaking free from a rope.

The ten golden-armored monks were also stunned.

Just in front of them, Xu Yangyi grabbed the opponent's head with one hand. At this moment, the head that was chattering endlessly a second ago was caught in the opponent's hand with disheveled hair, with the arrogance in his eyes. The blood spurted out spread all over the opponent's chest, but he didn't even look at it.

No one saw how it was done.

No one felt the slightest sign.

The picture was frozen in this second.

"You... come here! Come here!!" The next second, ten golden-armored monks screamed and retreated. The leading monk shouted: "Sage Ben Lei is rebelling! Resist the Great Holy Order! Take it down quickly!! Take him to Towering City to await his punishment!"

The cultivators Lan Tianhai from all directions did not move. It's not that he's still, but his mind is blank.

what happened?

how so?

There were a few people who reacted quickly, and when they heard the golden-armored monk's words, they reflexively wanted to straighten up, but they were immediately grabbed by the people next to them and held down tightly, not daring to say a word.

Zun Sheng is furious, whoever touches him will die!

Even they can feel the terrifying murderous intent in each other. He even trembled under the murderous intent.

"Sage Ben Lei! How dare you refuse to accept the military order! You are openly provoking the Song family! You actually dare to kill the Song family's messenger! This is the military order sealed by the Great Sage! The Great Sage has personally seen it, you dare to despise the Great Sage !”

There was still a little blood on Xu Yangyi's face, and he gave him a cold look. With a flick of his novice, several monks who were shouting the most happily exploded in an instant and turned into a flower from the other side in the air.

Rumble... The flowers on the other side bloomed, and the brilliance shone on the pale face of Lord Hanku. He trembled all over and took several steps back. He opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but he did not dare to say a word.


Kill Yin Lord first, and then kill the messenger... He never dreamed of it, and his heart almost stopped beating.

Killing a Yin Lord is nothing. With his terrifying spiritual power, everyone can see the value, but... this is Towering City! The arrival of the other party is equivalent to the arrival of the towering Song family in person! Killing a Yin Lord of the Song family is a direct slap in the face to this family that has never been easy to survive for thousands of years!

"Kill him, just kill him. How can there be so many reasons?" Xu Yangyi looked at the remaining golden-armored monks who were fleeing, and said slowly: "Stop for me, this holy king."

Buzz, buzz... There was a huge earthquake in the void. The fleeing golden-armored monk seemed to have hit an invisible wall, groping desperately. After a few seconds, he turned around with a pale face, his armor trembling slightly, leaning against the invisible wall, looking in horror. By Xu Yangyi.

Even the thick gold armor could not stop the rise and fall of their chests, and the excessive panic and disbelief made their minds a mess. In their eyes, the figure of the other party is simply the incarnation of the devil. My throat was dry and trembling, and I couldn't say a word.

A venerable saint...a venerable person who was usually aloof and aloof, died in the blink of an eye? No resistance at all?

How dare he? How dare you kill the Yin Lord of the Song family on the Song family's territory! Still dare to attack the passer? Doesn't he know how serious a crime it is to resist an order?

And in front of so many people...he didn't want to think about how it would end?

Xu Yangyi raised his hand and threw Yin Zun's head in front of them without looking at it: "Tell Ku Sheng and the people behind him."

"There's nothing reasonable to say here."

"If they want to take action, just come. There are many places I can go to. He really thinks..." His eyes were cold, and he scanned everyone's faces: "Is this Saint Lord bound to the Seventh Realm?"

"If the Song family doesn't believe it, just come and give it a try. Come and kill a few of my sages. If you dare to take action again, you will have your hands chopped off. If you dare to be careful, just wait and report to the King of Hell."


No one dared to respond.

The murderous intent was so terrifying that no one in the audience dared to stand up. Only Venerable Hanku pursed his lips tightly, his face full of bitterness. Several messengers from the Song family didn't dare to say any more nonsense, took Yin Zun's head and rolled and crawled into the teleportation array.

"Fellow Taoist..." Venerable Hanku sighed and cupped his hands: "You... are too reckless."

"Reckless?" Xu Yangyi sneered: "Then I still have to stretch my right cheek?"

"How will you gain a foothold in Xu Kunlun in the future?" Venerable Hanku asked anxiously: "This is the Song family of Towering City! The real master of Towering City! Their power spreads across the seven realms! Even the other six realms have to buy their face! A Yin How noble are you? If you kill someone in public, even if you are super powerful..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Yangyi interrupted him with a cold voice: "If you stand a thousand feet tall on a wall, you will be strong if you have no desires."

Lord Hanku was stunned for a moment. Before he could ask what he meant, Xu Yangyi sneered: "Do you really think I was joking just now?"

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