
Chapter 1381: Yeming Ruins

boom! !

The whole room was trembling, and two cold voices emerged from the void: "Young master, calm down. Why get angry for a low-class person?" "No matter how strong he is, his identity is definitely not comparable to that of the young master. The names of our ancestors are engraved on the seventh On the boundary inscription, the parents of the bastard had not yet appeared at that time.”

Second Young Master Song's chest rose and fell slightly. After a few seconds, he sat down gracefully and said in a cold voice: "Such a low-level monk really got into trouble... Thanks to the grace of my Song family, he dared to do this. Die. Not a pity.”

"Old slave, please take care of the young master's worries." Two voices immediately responded respectfully.

Second Young Master Song breathed a long sigh of relief, his expression already calm. He tapped his jade-like fingers on the table and said calmly: "You are no match for him."

"I have to say that this low-class person actually has 250 million souls... It must be the result of that thing... How can he deserve to have such a noble thing with his humble life! Even thinking about it is a sin. Actually Dare to touch..."

"If I don't get it for one day, I will not be able to enjoy my food and sleep at night... If he just hides in Tianjian Villa, he actually dares to come to Towering City to run wild!"


There was only a deep breathing in the room. After a few seconds, the Second Young Master Song spoke in a deep voice: "I have been sent to Shatuoluo."

"Sha Tuoluo?" The two voices seemed to be stunned: "The fifteenth ranked palm treasurer, holding the 32nd Song Ancestor Xu Xiangbao, the combined human and treasure have a spiritual power of more than 300 million... Congratulations, Mr. Lord, if Shatuoluo goes out, there will be nothing wrong."

Another voice hesitated: "I'm afraid Tianjian Villa will not let it go. It's hard to explain from above. How about... informing the Great Sage? The cost of sending the treasurer once is not small. The third and fourth young masters are also eyeing the position of the head of the family. "

"Stupid." The Second Young Master Song sneered: "Song Tianyi is an idiot. The traces of his actions are too obvious. Jun Dali Pluto is the supreme king of Taixu. Even if he doesn't speak, he must be extremely dissatisfied in his heart. I am pressing for it. We have to go down, but my Song family doesn’t send troops to report to us? Do we allow Master Taixu and Xini to give that low-class monk a chance to survive? And he refuses to report to the enemy.”

"Killing with one knife is the easiest thing to do."

He closed his eyes: "As for the explanation..."

"Tell everyone who created the Seven Realms. Those who dare to disobey will be punished with death! The name of the family cannot be challenged, and the mere ants... must die!"

"This is the Song family's explanation."



Boundless ripples rippled on the huge teleportation array, and then figures fell on the hard ground like heavy rain.

"Meet the Lord!" "Meet the Holy Lord Ben Lei!" Before Xu Yangyi came out, two voices immediately sounded. After everything became clear in front of him, two Nascent Soul cultivators were half-kneeling in front of him, and behind them were dozens of Golden Core cultivators, all excitedly looking at the three people who had just come out.

Holy Saint... There is actually a Holy Saint who comes to garrison in this insignificant place, and his merits can only earn the death merit of the guard. Does that mean... I am afraid that this place will be used as a bridgehead?

Of course, the three of them didn't know what the other was thinking, so they nodded casually. Chu Zhaonan said, "One person will be left to explain, and the others can leave."

No one dared to disobey. A Nascent Soul Lord stayed behind. As the three of them slowly walked out, he said respectfully: "Sir, this is the first time for you three to be stationed here in thousands of years. . Tenglongkou is located in the southwest of Shentian City and belongs to the scope of Lantianhai."

Xu Yangyi slowly looked around. This place was ordered by the Song family, and he must have his intentions.

The teleportation circle is located on a square, where the spiritual energy is the strongest. The entire fortress is not big, only about 20,000 to 30,000 meters, and it can be clearly distinguished with a scan of the spirit. A piece of talisman formed a circular wall, surrounding the entire fortress. The garrison will not exceed 10,000. Compared with Lantianhai, it is really a small fortress.

No... not even a fortress, just a supply camp.

The architecture is in line with the Seven Realms, and there is nothing surprising about it. Countless war runes cover the camp, and there is a sense of solemnity in the casual heart. However, these buildings and walls are all brand new, as if they have not been used for a long time. Moreover, the monks here have very relaxed expressions, and they don't feel like they are on the strings at all times like Lan Tianhai.

Nothing surprises at all...really transferred at will?

"Please tell me in detail." He suddenly said to the Yuanying monk behind him who was carefully explaining: "The battle situation here, especially... is there anything eye-catching about it?"

"My lord, you are joking." Monk Yuanying immediately bowed and said with a wry smile: "This is the obligation of this junior, but... As for the battle situation, this place has been at peace for a long time, and we don't even know what Taichu is."

"Even on routine inspections, this is the last one. To be honest, everyone, let alone fighting, not even the shadow of Taichu can be seen here. This is the most remote star field near the entire Towering City."

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Xu Yangyi's eyes turned cold.

He got it.

It's safe here.

That is relative to the beginning!

For the Song family, this is the best execution place!

Yes, execution. By delegating him here, the other party has made their attitude known, and they want to kill him as a warning to others! There will be no inspections here, there will be no Taichu, it is really a perfect arena!

Even if the existence of Tenglongkou is completely wiped out, with such a small scale, the armies of both sides, each numbering in the hundreds of millions, may not be able to make waves.

"Such a great confidence?" There was blood in his eyes. He did not continue to think about it, but said slowly: "Then why build a camp here?"

Yuanying said respectfully: "Originally, this is not a military camp... Sir, please take a look at it."

Four streams of light flew into the air, and as soon as they flew up, the three of them were stunned.

Just far away from Tenglongkou, there is an ancient star dragon.

No...or rather, the sign of dragon.

Its shape was enveloped in billowing black smoke, burning the starry sky, which was about several kilometers in size.'s alive!

This ancient dragon of stars is dancing non-stop, but it is only limited to a radius of one thousand meters. The void in that area is obviously incompatible with other places. Even the light projected by other stars seems to be... much slower?

"This is?" Zhao Ziqi looked at the giant dragon in astonishment: "Holy realm?"

"Sir, that's right." Monk Nascent Soul said: "This holy realm is different from other holy realms. As you can see, it seems to be alive. When they first discovered this place, all the seniors were extremely excited and thought I found an opportunity to break through to the Holy Realm. This camp was established at that time, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years ago it was.”

"Look there."

Following the direction he pointed, the three of them suddenly discovered that there was a black stone tablet in front of the camp.

Just like the giant dragon, the extremely incongruous feeling forms a dividing line around it. The light and wind thrown there are obviously different from other places, showing a slow distortion.

On the stone tablet, the word "Choming" is written in bright red characters.

"Chocking?" Zhao Ziqi, the magician, frowned: "What a familiar name..."

He was lost in thought, and the Yuanying monk continued: "This holy realm does not resist anyone's entry, but no one can enter at all. When it was discovered, a senior Taixu entered the exploration. According to records, he was a thousand years old. Sixth, entering Taixu for the first time, but... when he came out..."

As if he was talking about some supernatural event, he trembled all over and took a deep breath: "Senior...three thousand and five years...and will be reborn one hundred years later. Full of Taixu longevity."

"It is recorded in the 'Seven Realms Chronicles' that after traveling 3,500 meters and spending 3,500 years, they only brought back a piece of Choming Stone Tablet. Therefore, the Choming Saint Realm is left in the void, and there is nothing to be done about it."

Chu Zhaonan thought thoughtfully: "The only holy realm that can be entered, but one step takes a year. Is this a holy realm that weakens longevity?"

"That's right!" At this moment, Zhao Ziqi raised his head and waved his hand: "Go down."

"Yes." Monk Nascent Soul sent out three talismans: "This is your master's training room. They are all the best rooms. Please accept them."

Everyone accepted it and the Nascent Soul cultivator left. Zhao Ziqi said solemnly: "I finally remembered... Cho Ming does not weaken Shou Yuan, but the master of time in Chinese legends."

"The immortals in ancient Chinese mythology each have their own duties. However, China's positioning of the God of Time is the most ambiguous."

"Xihe, Chang Xi, Zhulong, Yanming and the fourth level of merit. They are all related to time, but the real god of time, or the true immortal of time, has never been determined. The only one recognized is probably Yanming. "

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas. The Hai Nei Jing contains: Gonggong gave birth to Hou Tu, and Hou Tu gave birth to Cho Ming. Cho Ming was born at the age of twelve. The Dahuang Xi Jing recorded: Li (Hou Tu) went down to the ground to give birth to Cho Ming, and it was in the western extreme, so as to The movement of the sun, the moon, and the stars is the god of time. It is the only one who has a defined time. Others are either in charge of the four seasons, or in charge of the rising and setting of the sun, and share a part of time. , only Cho Ming is the god of time."

"But..." He paused: "Brother told us the definition of Yahweh. Judging from the order of Cho Ming, I'm afraid he still cannot reach the level of Yahweh."

"He is not Yahweh." Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the dancing star dragon: "He is still far from Yahweh."

Most of what he knew was told to the two of them. Sometimes one person couldn't put his mind together, and he wasn't a god either.

The holy realm that Cho Ming struck with one blow... Unfortunately, it didn't give him the shock of the First Mother Goddess. In front of the Wahuang whirlpool, he felt that he was insignificant, and he didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​resistance. But facing Cho Ming, he even felt like he could struggle for a few seconds.

"Anyway, don't touch it, it's not something we can touch."

After saying this, he turned into a escaping light and flew towards his own area.

The Song family must have a back-up plan when it comes to making moves. He is here to recharge his batteries and see what the so-called heirloom family has to offer.

At worst, it's too false. Twenty minutes of being in the realm of emptiness, coupled with the Devouring Desire Talisman, the reality of deception, and the realm of killing, he wants to see who wins!


Restrictions fell one after another behind him, surrounding the training room with water. After he sat down and checked, he immediately became immersed in it. His consciousness spread to the empty star map in his mind, and he began to search for the summons.

During the battle in the Abyss Arena, he was already famous as a demon. As long as he finds the call of Tiragandes, he can contact the Grizzly Prince and others and establish a connection between the two parties. Under the wings of Tiragandes, he wants to see who else dares to touch him in the Seven Realms!

Don't say it's too fake, it's still a dead word even if it's too fake!

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