
Chapter 1382: The Righteous Demon Noble


The place is always filled with flames, the demonic energy is monstrous, fierce and uncontrolled, and fighting and devouring are breaking out all the time. Blood and fire are the eternal themes here.

Andrina was very happy.

Although Deputy Speaker Kendramo has definitely died, everyone knows that Yi Feilus signed the Yiya Contract with it, and now no one will provoke it without opening their eyes. It was countless times more enjoyable than before.

Unfortunately, it is still poor.

When Xu Yang escaped, there were no chicken feathers left, and the promised channel for the elixir could not be seen. Nowadays, there is a sense of resentment among the top nobles of Fellers, especially the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame. The word "billion" has become became the opponent's catchphrase, as if someone cheated him out of a billion dollars and ran away, and he was a damn holy-level alchemist.


When the person who wants to pay comes to Andrina, it wants to kick the other person to death, because he is so poor here! Why should I pay the debt to that human being?

"Sir." The new butler, a succubus with a good figure, walked over politely and bowed slightly: "I'm afraid there is something you need to know."

"I don't want to hear anything but magic crystal right now!" Andrina used a bone comb to stand up her flowing hair, and her huge teeth grinded loudly: "If there is such a boring thing again, I think you will It’s time to resign as housekeeper.”

"...You didn't give me many magic crystals either..."

"What did you say?!" Andrina's voice became louder.

"I mean, the Lord of Highmountain under your banner, a shadow demon under his command received a strange spiritual consciousness, which was very far away and came from a star field that Tiragandes had not detected. But... "

"You'd better finish it in one breath, I hate to whet my appetite!" Andrina gritted her teeth.

"Yes... this divine consciousness may come from Mr. Ferrers. The Lord of Highmountain asks you if you want to perform a reverse summons?"

"It's Ferrers again..." Andrina covered her forehead with a headache: "Which Ferrers?"

"It's Yi Ferrers."

The next second, Andrina disappeared, rushing downstairs at an incredible speed with her princess dress in hand. Thanks to her small feet with such high soles, she could run very fast.

"Where's the Space Demon? Immediately call in my princess's Royal Space Demon! Go to the Highest Mountain!" It paused and said bitterly: "Also...quietly help me inform the great creditor of the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame."

Xu Yangyi had no idea about all this. After searching for a whole day, he finally found the call that spread to the farthest distance. After confirming that it came from Tiragandes, he immediately teleported it. Therefore, when he appeared, there was not only Andrina in front of him, but also the Archduke of the Holy Flame Remnants with a bad expression, the Grizzly Bear Prince, and even the Arcane Prince Antonidas who had arrived alive.


After blinking a few pairs of eyes, he wisely prepared to return to the space rift. But he was immediately suppressed by several majestic spiritual powers.

"Still want to run away!?" The remnant of the Holy Flame, the Grand Duke, rushed over as if he had been beaten to death, and stretched out his hand. This was the first time Xu Yangyi saw his hand. It was shriveled, like a mummy, showing a dark green color with countless weird creatures on it. Climb around.

Its voice was shrill: "Pay back the money!!"

He was so confident that even Xu Yangyi, who was so thick-skinned, could not refute.

"It's a good time..." Prince Arcane's voice was also poor: "As a holy alchemist, you are too insincere to run away. By the way...where is my elixir?"

The thirty-meter-tall body of the Grizzly Prince was as tall as a hill. As if smiling again, his huge body was trembling slightly. However, what he did made Xu Yangyi scold him - he stretched out his hand, fat and covered with tattoos, just so gently. With a pinch, the space crack behind Xu Yangyi quietly disappeared.

It's as easy as pinching a fly, right?

"Seniors." Xu Yangyi coughed lightly: "Time was too tight at that time, and there was really no way to say goodbye without saying goodbye. Please..."

"Pay back the money!!" The Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame didn't listen at all: "One billion...a whole billion!! My private savings for ten years! As a dignified holy alchemist, you have the nerve to not pay back the money you owe. !"

"Of course I have to pay it back..." Xu Yangyi wiped the non-existent cold sweat, what to do... Who knew that this summons was so unreliable that it would actually reach these old monsters, and they were all creditors...

"However, when I go back this time, I have good news to tell you."

He suddenly realized that this was not a lie. In the blink of an eye, he regained his composure and smiled slightly: "Although I didn't bring any money when I came back this time, I have something better, definitely far more than one billion, that I want to bring to you."

A blood-red eye lit up under the huge cloak of the Grizzly Prince, and he looked at Xu Yangyi suspiciously. It had to be said that even as the most rational deception demon, Xu Yangyi was qualified - it had never seen such a cunning human being.

"It's worth a billion?" The Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame was very unhappy. He felt that he shouldn't listen to this human being, but the greedy nature of the devil made him ask this question instinctively.

"Of course." Xu Yangyi smiled devilishly: "How about... let's find a place to talk?"

The three eyes glanced at this unreliable human with a high degree of wariness, and then the Grizzly Prince smiled and said: "Okay, you will steadily enter the realm of the Demon King in the next few hundred years, and sooner or later you will have to work together. How about that? Are you going to leave? Where can Tiragandes be as powerful as he is in other planes?"

It was very powerful, Xu Yangyi did not refute.

But... it's also dangerous.

"Supreme Lord." Prince Arcane looked away, turned around and roared: "Get ready! What? Seeing that I am the devil king of the Anthony family, won't you welcome me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..." Only then did Xu Yangyi notice that a demon sage about four meters tall was standing behind him without any presence, and he nodded immediately.

"Let's go." The Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame snorted, grabbed Xu Yangyi's hand and walked slowly away - don't doubt it, it's not intimate, nor gay, just because he was afraid that this kid would turn around and run away.

Xu Yangyi didn't care, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he was looking at the surrounding decorations.

This is an underground cave, decorated in a typical devilish rough style, with countless animal bones decorated as lampposts, and the green flames shine a miserable green.

Soon, everyone came to a banquet table. Andrina was there. Seeing Xu Yangyi being held by the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame, she smiled slyly and lifted up her skirt: "Dear Yi, long time no see. I admit that I am very sad." I don’t want to see you and think about you, but I have to.”

Everyone sat down, and the serving demons were frightened. They were too high up on the table to look directly at them, and even their great lord could only stand aside.

Three grand dukes, a princess, and a mythical transcendent who has killed the gods... This kind of lineup may not be seen once in hundreds of years!

"Seniors." After taking a sip of unknown liquid, Xu Yangyi spoke first: "I won't be back for too long this time. There are still important things over there. I won't be polite. I believe my proposal will be It makes everyone interested.”

No one spoke, but everyone stopped their knives and forks.

"There is a plane." The smile on Xu Yangyi's face was very sinister: "It is rich, has a lot of manpower, only two of them are alone, and they are fighting a dangerous creature. They are about one-tenth the size of Tiragandes. I wonder if you are interested?”

As soon as the words fell, three terrifying demonic energies shook instantly. All the demons present, including the lord and co-owner Andrina, screamed and flew out. The door and windows were slammed shut, and the entire scene was quiet.

The scene was frozen at this moment, and three greedy and fiery gazes were instantly fixed on Xu Yangyi.

Fertility = wealth, manpower = hard work.

How could a devil with endless greed let go of such an opportunity?

"You didn't lie to us?" Prince Grizzly raised his glass and took a sip, seemingly casually: "Master Yi, you should know how important it is to conquer the plane. There is a unique plane. This is an upper realm. Light None of us can eat it, and I’m afraid the Ferrers Family Council will be dispatched..."

"No." Xu Yangyi shook his head. The summons would not last too long. He didn't even have time to see Mao Baer and the others, so he quickly said: "Complete possession is impossible, but you can trade with them. Infiltrate. I won’t lie to you, there are gods that don’t belong to their plane, and you have no possibility of possessing them.”

"Is it a plane transaction?" The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame was a little disappointed: "Is that just that?"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "They are human beings."

Several demon kings were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes suddenly shone.

"You mean..."

"Oriental genealogy." Xu Yangyi said slowly: "Alchemy is very prosperous. There are dozens of people who surpass me. There are also legendary god-level alchemists."

His voice was more demonic than demonic: "How many pills do you think you can exchange?"

"Guess how many humans are willing to accept your temptation and become your guests?"

No one spoke anymore, but his breathing was already rapid. Xu Yangyi leaned on his seat with a smile: "I wonder if this news and the coordinates of the star map of this plane are enough to repay my debt?"


He had no sense of guilt for betraying the Seven Realms.

There is no destination, so why feel guilty?

"Conditions?" The three demon kings were silent for only a few seconds before they could not resist the temptation in their hearts. They knew very well that the emergence of a new dimension was in no way equivalent to Xu Yangyi's single pill! It's totally more than that! The other party doesn't know that there must be additional conditions.

Xu Yangyi suppressed his smile and said word by word: "When I need help from seniors, I hope you will come forward."


A few minutes later, Prince Grizzly Bear said: "This matter is too big. We have to see it ourselves to know."

Xu Yangyi frowned: "But I'm not strong enough to summon all the seniors to go to that plane."

"Simple." The eyes of the Arcane Prince flashed with the light of wealth, and he tapped his fingers gently, and a bone box appeared in the void: "Take it away, and we will answer your call within twelve hours. After answering, Arrive within six hours.”

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