
Chapter 1384: Virtual Treasure

The scene was dead silent, and the Tenglongkou monks who didn't know what was going on looked at the two in disbelief. Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi narrowed their eyes dangerously.

"This Saint Lord led the three sects to fight in the bloody battle at Lantian Sea, and now he is going to 'escort' them to Cantian City?" Chu Zhaonan's temper was irritable, and at this moment, there was a murderous intent in his eyes: "I don't know who gave the order? Why? What is the will?"

The laughter of the treasure keeper was like a night owl: "The words of the Song family are the heavenly rules in Cantian City."

"You are not qualified to know who gave the order. You are not qualified to ask. You are not qualified to read the will!" He said coldly: "Catch them!"

"Who dares!" The monks of the three sects stood up together, drew their swords and guarded the two young masters. A Yuanying elder gritted his teeth, pointed his sword at an angle, and said hatefully: "Song family... what a Song family!"

"As a family of succession, we tried our best to rescue Lantianhai, and countless people were killed and injured. You kept your troops on hold, and now you bite back! Are you worthy of the Seven Realms! Are you worthy of the Three Sects?! Are you worthy of the countless souls of cultivators in the battle of Lantianhai?!"

"They are all watching you below!!" A Yuanying cultivator of Kugu Temple said angrily: "Is this the style of a family of succession? What a big style!"

"That's the big style, what? Don't you accept it?" The treasure holder raised his clothes and his spiritual energy rolled wildly, and he confronted the thorns: "The three sects resisted the military order and rebelled against the Seven Realms. They will be annihilated on the spot, and no one will be spared!"

"Whoever dares to interfere will be guilty of the same crime as the three sects, and the whole sect will not be pardoned!"

Bang! ! As the last word fell, the White Tiger Hall monks surrounding the sky burst into a roar, the magic weapons in their hands shone brightly, and runes spread rapidly. In just a few seconds, the entire Tenglongkou was wrapped in a circular light curtain. Occasionally, meteorites flew from the sky and were instantly destroyed when they touched the light curtain.

"Those who disobey the order will die!" Tens of thousands of monks shouted in unison, running like thunder, and magic weapons were like dragons going out of the sea, all aimed at thousands of people from the three sects.

"This..." The monks stationed in Tenglongkou on the other side were completely stunned.

The middle-aged Yuanying and the tall and thin Yuanying looked at each other, and they all had the same idea in their minds: something happened... something big happened!

No wonder the three sects were driven to Tenglongkou, this is... to make this place a place of execution!

What a big hand... what a big courage! What a domineering approach! The young masters of the three B-level sects dared to take it just by saying it! Arrogant and domineering, the laws of the seven realms are a joke to them, is this the domineering power of Class A strength?

The middle-aged Yuanying took a few steps with trembling, but was immediately grabbed by the sleeve by the tall and thin Yuanying. The other party's face was pale and trembling: "What are you going to do..."

"I..." The middle-aged Yuanying's mind was blank, and his lips were trembling: "We..."

"We can't do anything! The one who came is the treasure master! The treasure master came in person! Do you want to die with them!"

The middle-aged Yuanying trembled all over, and finally came to his senses, gritted his teeth and said: "But... we saw this scene, he, he can still allow us to live?"

"Do you want to resist?" The master Yuanying's face was ashen, and it was gray: "Resist... There is a dead end, don't resist, there is still a glimmer of life..."

"Retreat... Let all of us retreat... This... is not something we can participate in..."

The crowd dispersed silently, and the treasure master looked at these people with pity.

Really stupid...

Fighting desperately, although there is no chance of survival, but at least you can die more heroically.

Seeing this, you still dream of living?

Taichu’s army is not far away, perfect venue, perfect scapegoat... Everything is so perfect. This battle will let everyone know who is the boss within the sphere of influence of Cantian City!

"Sir." A Yuanying from Kugu Temple gritted his teeth and said, "At least we are also sacrificing our lives for the Seven Realms. The Song family is doing this kind of thing that makes the relatives sad and the enemies happy. Aren’t you afraid of the Seven Realms’ gossip?"

"We are fighting for the Seven Realms in the front, and you dare to stab us like this!"

The treasure owner laughed.

"Only the weak will put their hopes on public opinion." He raised his hand slowly, and then a green aura rushed out like a knife, and the void was turned into layers of fragments wherever he passed.

"And the strong are always creating public opinion."

Boom! The two domains exploded with a bang. The thunder above was vast and transparent. Chu Zhaonan was surrounded by an endless sea of ​​thunder. White runes were entangled in his almost illusory hands. He held the Yama King's double guns that became thunder and lightning. He could hardly see his shadow, but a flash of lightning, with a dull sonic boom in the void, struck the palm treasure envoy.

Dragons and snakes could not hibernate, the world was divided and returned, and the night was bright where the thunder passed. With this gun, the thunder roared and attached to his body, and actually formed a tens of meters tall Thunder King Kong.

Below, Zhao Ziqi's figure completely disappeared in the netherworld. In the pale green domain, endless soul fire lingered, a huge skeleton, wearing an emperor's robe, holding a bone sword, when the sword was raised, thousands of ghosts roared, and when the sword fell, the netherworld was across the sky.

In an instant, the sky became a sea of ​​thunder and ghosts. Facing the palm treasure envoy, the highest combat power of the handed-down family, no one could underestimate the enemy.

Amidst the loud noise, the three magical powers collided with each other, and the dazzling light blocked everyone's sight. However, Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan's eyes were stern. The moment the three magical powers came into contact, a crisp phoenix cry resounded through the center of the magical powers. Then, the two powerful killing moves were broken layer by layer.

The stormy waves crashed against the shore, and the two of them screamed and were shot hundreds of meters away. Like a huge wave hitting the island. The long-term cooperation made them have a good understanding. Zhao Ziqi cast a glance at Chu Zhaonan. Chu Zhaonan nodded slightly, and then he flashed and disappeared into black smoke. However, Chu Zhaonan had already stepped forward and stood in front of him. .

"Are you looking for the culprit?" The palm treasurer said calmly: "Have you asked me?"

"Who gives you the courage to leave just as you say in front of a Taixu?"

In the brilliance, one of his hands slowly seeped out, but at this moment, his eyes flashed slightly and he stopped his hand.

Just above his head, a huge cloud hole was formed at some point, with thunder and lightning. Chu Zhaonan's beard and hair stood erect, as if the god of thunder had descended.

"You're just a hypocrite, how dare you claim to be Taixu?" He gritted his teeth and said with a smile, "Want to pursue me? You must pass me first!"

"Broken!!!" As he yelled, he pressed his hands suddenly, and a giant thunder hand crashed down from the cloud cave, followed by tens of thousands of thunder dragons and snakes.

"Why struggle to the death." There was no sadness or joy in the palm's eyes. Facing the sea of ​​thunder in the sky, he calmly stretched out his finger and pinched it gently.

Out of sight.

I can’t understand either.

There is no mystery in this pinch, but an extremely terrifying spiritual pressure forms a wave that sweeps across everything and spreads crazily, as if the earth has shrunk into an inch, pinching the universe into a square inch.

It cannot be seen with the naked eye and cannot be captured by spiritual consciousness. Chu Zhaonan's heart suddenly beat wildly, and from this gentle squeeze, he felt an extreme danger.

That's the smell of being too weak.

The surrounding void had begun to twist. He took a deep breath. The moment the giant claw and thunder hand touched, the thunder hand exploded completely and turned into ten thousand silver dragons, tilting like rain.

Carrara! ! Thunder dragons shook the sky, electric snakes plowed the ground, and this place became a silvery ocean. It reflected the shocked expressions of monks from all directions.

Most of them had never seen the Zun Sheng take action, let alone the top ranked Zun Sheng take action. The three of them had no reservations when they took action, making waves. The tall and thin Yuanying looked at the terrifying scene in the void and trembled: "They are so strong... they... can they defeat the palm treasure?"

"It's impossible..." the middle-aged Nascent Soul said bitterly: "That's the Void Treasure... Under the Great Void, there is an invincible existence..."

The moment the last word fell, a green light burst out from the vast sea of ​​thunder.



With a shocking brilliance, like the boiling sunshine in the dark night, it captures the soul.

"Scum..." the palm envoy's voice did not change at all: "As a mere sage, you dare to stop Taixu from doing anything. I will give you...the punishment of beheading."

A clear phoenix cry resounded through the void, and the next second, a storm swept across the galaxy and exploded without warning or reason! Everyone at the scene, all the buildings tens of thousands of meters around, and even the stars in the sky did not even scream, they were instantly annihilated in the strong wind.

Chu Zhaonan's pupils suddenly tightened. In this sea of ​​raging wind, a phantom of a blue luan rose up from the moon. The stars formed its clothes, and the Milky Way woven its feathers. It gently grabbed Chu Zhaonan.

flutter! ! Unable to react or capture, a circle of blood from Chu Zhaonan's neck spurted into the sky, and his body was blown thousands of meters by the strong wind of Qingluan's dancing. He smashed through countless things before falling to the ground with a thud.

"Young Sect Master!!" The monks from the three sects all exclaimed. In the terrifying strong wind just now, they were blown tens of thousands of meters like dead leaves. Most of them fainted, and the monks who did not faint immediately turned red. He rushed forward with eyes closed.

"Did I ask you to move?" the voice of the Palm Treasurer sounded faintly, followed by several piercing sounds in the void, and the legs of several Nascent Soul monks from the three sects disappeared!

"Ah!!!" The scream tore through the dead silence of Tenglongkou. The original monk in Tenglongkou looked pale and his body was trembling as he watched the execution. The bodies of the several Nascent Souls fell to the ground like rag bags, clutching their broken legs and screaming in agony.

The palm treasurer didn't even look at it. He didn't know when there was a folding fan in his hand.

Jade is made of bone, and on the fan made of unknown materials, there is a green luan embroidered on it. It seems ordinary, but it exudes a kind of heart-wrenching coercion.

"Get out of here, you scum." He looked condescendingly in Chu Zhaonan's direction: "It's not easy for you to escape death from a single blow from the Xu Xiangbao."

Chu Zhaonan's vision turned black, and he felt as if his head and body were almost separated. His hands were shaking and he couldn't use any strength at all. A strange spiritual power was boiling in his body, making it impossible for him to use any spiritual power.

He stretched out his hand and touched it. The blood and flesh on his neck were blurred, and he couldn't tell how deep the wound was. He sat up with great difficulty. His vision was blurred, and his pupils trembled violently.

One blow changes the sky.

The square in front of him disappeared. There was no people, no square, just a piece of debris, as if torn apart by a giant in the wind. Countless monks flew farther away, most of them unconscious. A terrifying spiritual power in the void made the stars tremble and become blurred.

"Bah." He turned his head, spat out a mouthful of blood foam, and sent out a spiritual consciousness with a wry smile: "The Song family's fifteenth-ranked Xu Xiangbao! It was formed by a certain leader Song Zu who transformed into Taoism 50,000 years ago... Lihuo Bajiao …”

"The person who came is the top twenty Palm Treasurer... Zi Qi. If you can't find him again, just wait until I collect his body!"

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