
Chapter 1385: The Power of Spiritual Treasures

Towering city.

In the highest attic, several saints were gathered in a room, standing on two sides. On a unicorn jade chair in the center, the second son of the Song family sat upright with a face like a crown jade.

There is a ten-meter star map behind him, and a several-meter square on the table in front of him. Spiritual energy is constantly surging to form a sand table of various models. The saints on both sides kept reporting something, and he nodded in concentration. At this moment, his eyes moved slightly and he looked calmly at the sachet on his waist.

There was a folding fan printed on the sachet, which was trembling gently.

"Have you used the Xu Xiangbao?" He smiled slightly and looked up at the audience. He enjoyed the feeling of having great power and being able to rule the world with just one word.

"Once the Xu Xiang Bao comes out, no one will be spared by Taixu. However, if you can let Sha Tuoluo use the Xu Xiang Bao, you are indeed somewhat capable."

His smile was sudden, and immediately, Yin Zun, who was trying to please him, cupped his hands and said, "Why are you laughing, young master?"

"It's nothing." The Second Young Master Song picked up the tea cup, covered his twinkling eyes, and said calmly: "It's just that you are overestimating your capabilities."

"Since he is an ant, why should he care about it?" A white-haired Yin Lord stroked his beard and smiled: "Second Young Master's time is precious, wouldn't it be a waste if it falls on an ant?"

A female cultivator also smiled and said: "Since it is an ant, it should have its own consciousness. It would be a pity to die if it bothers the second young master to worry about it."

Second Young Master Song smiled softly: "Go on."


From Tenglong's mouth, Chu Zhaonan struggled to take out a pill and swallowed it. Before he could use his spiritual power, he appeared in front of him dressed in black.

"Stuck!" Before he could react, the palm master stepped hard on his right knee with one foot. There was a crisp sound, and he was covered in cold sweat. His right foot suddenly lost all feeling.

However, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"Oh?" The palm treasurer looked at him calmly through the black gauze under the bamboo hat: "You have some backbone."

"Then...what about this?"

The next second, his foot suddenly stepped on Chu Zhaonan's hand. There was a constant crunching sound under his feet. Chu Zhaonan groaned. When he lifted it up, his five fingers had completely lost their shape.

"Wear the pipa bones and hang them up. When I find the other two ants, we will take them to Towering City together." The palm treasurer turned around and left, snorting coldly: "I will let everyone know... in Towering City, you disobeyed me. What is the fate of the Song family!"

"Yes!" Immediately, a monk from the White Tiger Hall turned into an escaping light and flew over. Those garrison troops at Tenglongkou who were not unconscious remained silent. The tall and thin Yuanying Yu, the middle-aged Yuanying, did not dare to say a word and touched his forehead to the ground tremblingly.

Too domineering...

They had known that the Song family was the true boss of Towering City, this eternally important town, but seeing with their own eyes the consequences of disobeying the Song family made them feel terrified.

The palm treasurer flew into the air. He didn't even look at Chu Zhaonan. To him, the other two were just casual. The young master spoke in person. Only Ben Lei must be killed.

The divine consciousness was like a tide, sweeping away the entire fortress bit by bit. After a few seconds, he sneered, opened the folding fan in his hand, and gently fanned Tenglong's mouth behind him.

brush! !

The torrential winds rose violently, and the buildings rooted in the plane were like dead leaves in the wind, broken layer by layer, blown out of the plane, and turned into a surrounding planetary belt.

Among the broken buildings, the stunned figure of Zhao Ziqi was already standing in front of a training room whose restrictions were completely shattered.

However, there was no one in the training room.

"Hide?" The palm treasurer stepped down step by step: "In front of the Song family's huge sky net, you have nowhere to escape, whether in heaven or on earth."

"Da Chu!!" Zhao Ziqi turned his head in surprise, and his eyes almost spurted blood.

Chu Zhaonan didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Two huge silver hooks penetrated the lute's bones and hung in the air. At this moment, he almost turned around and killed him.

But he didn't, but looked at the training room anxiously. This is eldest brother's training room, but...why isn't he there?

There was no signal to activate the teleportation circle. He...hasn't been at Tenglongkou this week? Where did he go?

"Oh?" The palm treasurer's eyes flashed, he glanced at the empty training room, and said loudly: "The young master of Tianjian Villa, Ben Lei Shengjun, betrayed the seven realms and had an affair with Taichu! According to the law, Lingchi! I don't know now. All the missing persons and collaborators will be escorted back!"

"Come here." He waved his hand indifferently: "Hang up this ant, show it to the public on the towering city tower, and tell all the monks what the consequences are of having an affair with Taichu. The other three monks..."

He paused and said in a voice as cold as a knife: "Executed on the spot."

"You fucking fart!" A Nascent Soul monk from Tianjian Villa had not yet fainted. He vomited blood and shouted angrily: "The Great Sage is in Towering City! We are working hard at the front, but you are killing people behind the scenes! Aren't you afraid of the king's law? !”

With a wave of his hand, the palm treasurer made the opponent's head rise into the sky. He said calmly: "Wang Fa?"

"The Song family is Wangfa."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved out thousands of green lights with his backhand, turning into a giant hand a hundred meters long, and grabbed Zhao Ziqi.

Can't stop it...

Zhao Ziqi's head was covered in cold sweat. This attack carried too much Taixu pressure. Is this the strength of the Palm Master? Simply inhuman!

But he is not desperate, the eldest brother still doesn't know where he is... As long as he is not caught, with the other party's talent, even if he is caught, he will definitely save himself.

Brush... Green light flashed, but the moment he caught Zhao Ziqi, a gap suddenly opened in the void, and then, a familiar figure slowly walked out.

Everyone was stunned.

The change was so sudden that the attack of the treasure master stopped. Zhao Ziqi looked at the figure in disbelief and trembled, "Big, big brother?"

Xu Yangyi felt dizzy. After more than a week of plane travel, he still had the desire to swallow the talisman to summon. This was too time-consuming and laborious.

He rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Ziqi in front of him: "Ziqi...what are you..."

Before he finished speaking, he immediately looked at the ruins around him. Then, he was slightly stunned and turned his head to look at the void. His eyes slowly met with the treasure master's.

"Thunder?" The treasure master's voice was trembling, that was excitement.

Who to kill, he already knew the other party's information, 250 million spirits... a super cultivator who had never appeared before, once he could kill him - no, he would definitely kill him, such a great achievement would definitely raise his status in the Song family.

Xu Yangyi didn't look at him, he just glanced at him and looked at the void behind him.

There, several Yuanyings were holding Chu Zhaonan, blood was all over his clothes, a pair of silver hooks pierced his scapula, life or death was unknown, in his consciousness, the other party's spiritual energy had weakened to a dangerous level.

The surging killing intent rushed into his heart in an instant, flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the treasure keeper again: "You did it?"

"You mean him?" The treasure keeper smiled slightly and waved his hand. In an instant, several Yuanyings behind him pulled the silver hooks up desperately. He said hoarsely: "This is... a great gift for your funeral."

Xu Yangyi was very silent, but Zhao Ziqi took several steps back. He felt that the killing intent on his elder brother was overwhelming and almost crazy. It was just suppressed by a trace of reason.

After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi spoke without any sadness or joy: "Your name."

"Shatuo Luo." The treasure master grinned: "Remember, the Song family ranks fifteenth treasure master, Shatuo Luo. The master of Song Zu transformed his body into a virtual treasure, Fengluan fan..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge spiritual light hand came crashing down!

No one saw how it was done.

No one saw when it was done.

It was too fast, too swift, too cruel. In a blink of an eye, it slapped the opponent down from the void like slapping a fly and pressed it to the ground. Kaka.

"Did I ask you to say it?" Xu Yangyi's eyes were red. No one... No one dared to do anything to his brothers in front of him. His brothers have followed him from Earth to the Seven Realms. They have helped each other, hated each other, and now they work together and support each other all the way... This person actually dared to do it to his brothers!

A thousand deaths are not enough to atone for his sins!

"Did I ask you!"

Boom! !

The second time, his voice was still calm, but it was chilling. In the shock of all the monks who opened their mouths wide, the green giant hand grabbed Shatuo Luo and slammed him to the ground, with a loud bang and flying gravel.

The howling wind blew his black hair wildly. He was intimidating without anger, and the murderous aura of Chongxiao made all the White Tiger Hall monks subconsciously draw their swords, but no one dared to step forward.

Kakaka... The veins on his hands bulged, that was the murderous intent that could not be covered by anger. Feeling his men struggling hard, he suddenly roared, and the green spiritual giant hand grabbed the opponent and crushed him into a meat paste with a bang.

Shalala... The black clothes of the palm treasure maker exploded everywhere, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Killed instantly?

The palm treasure maker was killed instantly?

This... How is this possible!

The eyes of the middle-aged Yuanying and the tall and thin Yuanying were straight. They never thought that this would be the result! Just after the fight, the previously invincible palm treasure maker was left with nothing?

"Bastards!" At this moment, an extremely angry shout rang out from the green giant hand. The next second, the giant hand turned into green light and exploded, and something that was indescribable appeared in the light.

Even though he was extremely angry at this moment, there was still no expression on his face, because... this was a strange puppet.

There were obvious splicing marks on the joints of its body, but it was lifelike, with bright hair and beard, but the eyes were not spiritual. There was a blood-red "Fifteen" on the chest. Except for the lively head, the whole body was actually spliced ​​with lotus roots.

And his body was now emitting a completely different kind of spiritual power from before, as magnificent as the sea. The vibration made the void tremble.

"The power of the void?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes, suppressed the violent emotions in his heart, and his expression became solemn. Before he could speak, Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, hurry up. This is the treasure master, the top fighting force of the heirloom family! They can reach the realm of Taixu! It's okay if we are caught. As long as you leave, they won't dare to touch us! When you reach the level of Du Bu in the future, you can pull out this damn Song family bit by bit!"

"It's okay?" Xu Yangyi smiled, and then laughed up to the sky: "Today, no one except our people can survive!"

"Arrogant!" The treasure master stared at the man not far away, and also did not make a move. The so-called treasure master is not able to mobilize at any time. They are also limited in time. Otherwise, unlimited mobilization is already too virtual. But... most cultivators were wiped out by the attack of the virtual treasure, and there were too few who could make them merge with the treasure.

Moreover, the virtual treasure itself has spirits. Just now, the virtual treasure had already sounded an alarm to him. And he clearly saw that attack but couldn't avoid it at all. Is this the true strength of 250 million?

Invincible among the saints?

For the first time, he faced the Holy Saint and felt indescribable pressure.

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