
Chapter 1386: Virtual Treasure vs. Virtual Treasure

"Come, follow me. The invincible treasure lord." Xu Yangyi raised his chin: "If you are not afraid of death, come up. This Saint will show you... what is the real Taixu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and flew away, and a divine sense was sent into Zhao Ziqi's mind: "Except our people, no one will be left! Kill them all!"

"No." Zhao Ziqi's eyes were also full of murderous intent: "When you come back... dare to hurt Da Chu... I will cut them one by one!"

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi's divine sense was a little surprised: "Do you trust me so much? That's Taixu."

"I believe it." Zhao Ziqi wiped his nose fiercely: "If you can't do it, you won't say it."

"If you say it, you will definitely do it!"

"Let these garbage from the seven realms see what a cultivator on Earth is!"

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply and stepped into the void. Shatuo Luo shouted angrily, "Looking for death!" and then soared into the sky.


As the top fighting force of the handed-down family, he was pinned to the ground by a saint and could not move. At that moment, he felt an irresistible pressure. This was a great shame for the invincible treasure master under Taixu!

This shame should be repaid a hundred times by the other party!

When the streamer rushed into the sky, the green light in his hand flickered, and the spiritual energy of his whole body gathered madly towards his right hand. With a roar, a storm suddenly arose.

"Si!!" With a shocking sound, the wind that was invisible to the naked eye instantly became real. In the last second, the universe shook slightly, and in the next second, the planetary belts collapsed in all directions! Qingluan spread its wings and swept across the ten thousand meter starry sky. The surrounding meteorite belts were blown out like marbles and it was unknown how far away! The only remaining building in Tenglongkou collapsed instantly and turned into flying ash!

Boom! !

The Eye of the Wind God swept everything, and all the eight wastelands and six directions bowed their heads. The wind blew Xu Yangyi's clothes and black hair, and his face was surprisingly calm.

The treasure master can reach the strength of the Great Void, but his Great Void transformation lasts only twenty minutes, and he doesn't know how long the opponent can last. He must ensure that he kills the opponent, either before the opponent's Great Void transformation, or kill the opponent instantly when the opponent's Great Void transformation occurs.

He chooses the former.

The enemy's sword is only good if it is not revealed, and he will not give the opponent a chance to reveal his sword. He quickly calculated his own strengths and weaknesses in his mind, gathered all his spiritual power, and suddenly shouted.

"Break!!" The sound was like a wave, and the tide rose in the sky. All the cultivators from all directions took a breath of cold air, and the overwhelming wind actually paused slightly in front of him, and the wind seemed to be reversed. However, the next second, it turned into a more violent tornado and instantly broke through his defense.

Swish... He crossed his hands, and a layer of spiritual light film was brittle but not broken, and was directly blown away for tens of thousands of meters. His robe was almost broken into pieces, and there were marks like knife cuts on his flesh, and blood was pouring.

No one could see, and his eyes were as calm as a lake.

His mind turned rapidly, and he measured the strength of the virtual treasure with his physical body. This was a great confidence in his physical body. He also tested it out. This attack... was equivalent to the strongest attack of the evil god, the peak among the saints. But... at this moment, how could he be the Wuxia Amon of the past?

The injury seemed serious, but in fact, it was not a single bit of damage. It would only take a few seconds for Yang Sheng to heal these superficial injuries.

"You want to hinder the virtual treasure with your mere spiritual power?" The attack worked, and the treasure master laughed wildly. Maggots... self-righteous maggots! Under the virtual treasure, there is no general under the void!

"Wishful thinking!"

The spiritual power condensed again, and the Fengluan fan was even more brilliant. In the void, the blue phoenix circling the starry sky screamed and a layer of terrifying flames burned all over its body.

One fan creates wind, two fans create fire, and three fans cause the sky to collapse and the earth to crack!

Blue Luan Yeyan!

In the green light, the folding fan opened in the void and turned into the size of a person. The treasure light crossed the sky. The treasure master held the folding fan with both hands, his face flushed, and used all his strength to fan it forward.

Huh... The wind borrowed the power of fire, and the fire helped the wind. The weaker wind just now set off a storm again. This time, a sea of ​​fire appeared in the sky wherever the wind passed! A red sea of ​​fire appeared in a radius of 30,000 meters!

The fire was extraordinary fire, and the wind was extraordinary wind. The intersection of the wind god and the fire god turned into a phoenix bathed in fire and raged across the sky. The void was blurred layer by layer, and the monks on the ground were stunned for a moment, and then let out a shocking scream.

The buildings on all sides turned into black charcoal and melted visibly with the naked eye, and there was a smell of burnt stench when breathing. The true fire refined the spirit. The power of this attack was so strong that Xu Yangyi felt a huge pressure.

Beyond the evil of the gods!

He took a deep breath, moved his fingers lightly, and swallowed the talisman to cover his body. He suppressed the instinct to explode because of the great danger, and actually took the second move.

"Brother!" Zhao Ziqi shouted in a hurry. The previous attack was the limit. This second attack...

Before he finished shouting, a burning meteor rushed out from the Qingluan sea of ​​fire at full speed, and the sky was covered with blood lines, but the blood evaporated before it hit the ground. The burning meteor flame is eternal and burns Xu Yangyi's flesh and blood all the time.

Xu Yangyi said nothing and rushed out again at a very fast speed. The front was already at the edge of the restriction. The Song family White Tiger Hall monk who formed the restriction gritted his teeth and raised the long sword in his hand. With his muffled groan, the heads of people within a thousand meters around flew up, and blood arrows rushed into the sky.

"How dare you!" There was a raging roar behind him, and Shatuo Luo's spiritual light followed him like a shadow. The more terrifying spiritual energy condensed in his hands and penetrated the Fengluan fan, like a sharp sword in the void.

"A defeated general dares to touch my Song family monks? You are looking for death!!"

Xu Yangyi turned a deaf ear to it. After two attacks... he understood more.

Very strong.

If it weren't for the Devouring Talisman that kept devouring these flames, he would have been scorched by now. Ordinary Yangsheng couldn't even survive the first attack, let alone the second attack.

To kill the palm treasure user who holds the virtual treasure... all means must be used, the increase of the implanted armor, the killing of the Devouring Talisman, and the strength of one's own spiritual power, all of which are indispensable, but the implanted armor is just a mimicry, once it moves, it will immediately reveal itself. The Devouring Talisman walks in the void, and fifteen seconds is not enough to rush to the opponent under the high pressure of the Fengluan fan.

A line slowly condensed in his mind, and at this moment, the spiritual energy behind him suddenly surged, and a spiritual power far exceeding the previous two attacks devoured the void like the god of death.

"This is..." The cultivator below took a breath of cold air, and the tall and thin Yuanying looked at Shatuo Luo in amazement. Countless spiritual powers turned into dazzling silver-white rivers and merged into the opponent's body. Shatuo Luo's clothes fluttered, his hair and beard stood upside down, and he had become a vortex of spiritual energy, madly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy.

The power of this spiritual energy was so strong that the void was shaking. On the Tenglongkou camp, there were endless cracking sounds. The ancient camp standing in front of the Yeming ruins actually broke into endless cracks, and countless broken stones fell into the void, like an earthquake that destroyed the world!

"My God..." The middle-aged Yuanying's lips were dry, and he subconsciously supported all his spiritual power. The White Tiger Hall monks on all sides had already solemnly taken out a stone-like magic weapon and put it on their chests.

They knew too well how powerful the third fan was.

This star field would be wiped out by this blow that was comparable to the real Taixu.

At this moment!

Xu Yangyi turned around suddenly, and a golden light was like a golden dragon in the dark night, rushing straight to Shatuo Luo as fast as lightning. At the same time, a circle of black mist surged from under his feet, and the whole person suddenly disappeared into the darkness.

The black mist was like a tide, instantly pulling everything into the kingdom of death. As the red line rushed into the sky, everything within a radius of thousands of miles was swallowed up. The red light in the sky was dazzling, and rows of torture instruments soared into the sky, carrying blood and flames, turning this place into a hell of killing.

"Death struggle!" Shatuo Luo sneered. This spiritual light was very strong. It could be said that the opponent condensed all his spiritual power with one finger, and sonic booms sounded in the void. But how huge is the spiritual power of Fengluan Fan? How useful can this attack of spiritual power be? A drop in the bucket!

However, the next second, his face changed.

This spiritual power... is weird!

As if it had eyes, it actually... attacked all the nodes of his spiritual power at the moment he was about to attack!

Fengluan Fan has not yet climbed to the top, and this attack will not achieve the desired effect if it is launched rashly. But cancel... most of his spiritual power has been invested, and at this moment he will face the backlash of Fengluan Fan.

Is this a coincidence? Or did he really see the weakness of this attack?

The infinite truth of Jeet Kune Do was launched, forcing him to be unable to hit the strongest attack, and the control was wonderful.

In this moment of daze, a surging killing intent has approached thousands of meters! I can't care about so much anymore. If I don't reach the peak, then I won't reach the peak... Fighting this fan head-on, even if I don't reach the peak, the opponent will definitely not feel good!


The sky collapsed and the earth split.

The void bloomed with dark cracks, and the entire Tenglongkou military camp plane let out a wail of being overwhelmed. It began to crack wildly from the center, with gullies tens of meters deep, spreading thousands of meters, and the wind god spread his wings, stirring up the stars.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed in the fiery hell, and pierced his forehead at an incredible speed.

"Ah!!!!" The terrible pain immediately spread throughout his body, just like exploding from the forehead, thousands of violent spiritual energy entered his body, tearing his flesh and blood. Shatuo Luo held his head and screamed.

His mind was a mess, and his consciousness quickly looked inward. This attack was too strong and too weird, and it actually broke the Fengluan fan directly. However, just when he looked inward, he found...

There was no damage?

The real deception was activated, and this time it took three or four seconds. When he reacted again, his pupils had suddenly erected.

"How is it possible..." Even he opened his mouth at this moment, looking forward in disbelief.

"My God..." "What...what is this?!" "Could this be..." "How is it possible! How could this thing be left outside?!"

In all directions, after a second of dead silence, the White Tiger Hall that filled the sky and formed a blockade and ban exploded!

Even the Tenglongkou monk who was still awake below was sluggish at this moment, looking at the starry sky mechanically.

In a golden tide of light, the golden river ahead cut through the thorns! The violent wind pressure of the Fengluan fan was swallowed by the river, but the naked eye could see that the golden river was constantly weakening. Just when the long river was extremely weak, a figure with wings on his back rushed out like a sharp arrow, holding a thunderbolt in his hand...!

That was a virtual treasure more powerful than the Fengluan fan.

This figure dragged a light streak thousands of meters long in the air, and thousands of thunders rose into the air behind him, forming a golden sea of ​​thunder. The whole person was like a spear of the god of thunder, going straight to the head of Shatuo Luo.

The majesty of the god of wind and the god of fire met the challenge of the god of light and the god of thunder!

Wherever he passed, the void was annihilated, and a scratch deeper than the void and darker than the eternal night split the starry sky, leading the thunder of thousands of troops to charge into battle.

"Virtual treasure!?" After a second of stunned silence, Shatuo Luo screamed heartbreakingly.

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