
Chapter 1388: Wounded loser


The flowers on the other side are blooming and the stars are gorgeous.

Three layers of blue, red, and gold air waves exploded in turn, forming a vast sea of ​​light, a mountain of spiritual power, and all surrounding planes were instantly submerged. Below, Tenglongkou, a camp that lasted tens of thousands of years, finally disappeared into the long river of history.

This was just the beginning. Just ten seconds later, countless light pillars bloomed from the other side of the flower, piercing the endless night, five thousand meters... fifty thousand meters... one hundred thousand meters... five hundred thousand meters...

The shock waves of the mountains are accompanied by the aurora of destruction, forming the footsteps of the God of Destruction, walking across the stars and crushing the sky. Xu Yangyi held Chu Zhaonan tightly and only had time to curse, as his back felt like being hit by a billion-pound giant hammer, and he was sent flying forward.

Zunsheng simply cannot resist the true power of Taixu.

He was dizzy for dozens of seconds, and when he could finally see clearly, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He couldn't control his body at all, but right in front, the Choking Holy Realm was already in sight!

The distance...will not exceed 30,000 meters. Behind him, huge explosions like mountains and seas still pushed him forward without any resistance.

"Now... something really happened..."


Towering city.

The pitch-black Taichu Line can already be seen at the edge of the star dome. The Star Destroyer Gates are open at any time and at any time. Huge puppets, thousands of meters high, are walking on this planet that is comparable to the moon. In the huge fortress, runes shine every moment, becoming a city that never sleeps in the starry sky.

Countless monks turned into streams of light and fled. It was silent and solemn. Everyone was waiting for the moment when the explosives were fired in the beginning. By then... no living thing in this star field could escape. This war of destruction.

Yunsheng Tower is ninety-nine stories high, reaching into the sky. On the central floor, in a hall that is thousands of meters tall, next to a huge spiritual energy sand table that is thousands of meters tall, hundreds of saints are sitting on chairs with solemn expressions. .

In the Seven Realms, everyone is a powerful and powerful person, the mainstay of Taixu, but now, no one has spoken.

The foreman of Yuanying led the Jindan waiter through the hall, replacing cups of spiritual tea, and a hoarse voice resounded through the space: "Taichu has increased its troops again... Their strength has reached 500 million... It is certain that they can surround the entire towering city. . This sage believes that they are forcing us to take action, so we should not take the lead."

"I don't quite agree with what Taoist Taoist Qingyang said." As soon as he finished speaking, a Yin Lord frowned and said: "Our tactics against Taichu are all to cut off their reinforcement channels. If Taichu's army desperately gathers troops here, we will fight Or not?"

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion. On a nine-dragon chair in the center, the Second Young Master of the Song Dynasty leaned on the back of the chair and said slowly: "Okay."

The voice gradually became quieter. This battle fell in Towering City. This important town might be destroyed. The Song family paid such a high price, and no one would mind giving the other a little face.

"We can't discuss the reason for the time being." Second Young Master Song said calmly: "It's better..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked at his waist in disbelief as if he was struck by lightning.

Right there, a sachet with a fan embroidered on it spontaneously ignited without fire and turned into ashes in an instant!

How is it possible... This is completely impossible!

His mind went blank for a moment, and he stared at his waist, as if to prove that what he saw was not an illusion. After a few seconds, he came to his senses from the extreme shock. The saint beside him asked doubtfully: "Second Young Master, what are you doing? What's wrong?"

"'s okay..." Second Young Master Song wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and there was a look of distraught on his face. He tried to force himself to calm down, but he couldn't.

"Sorry." The noise at the scene was so harsh that after a few seconds, he stood up suddenly, shook his head, suppressed the pain in his heart, and hissed: "I... feel a little uncomfortable... I have important things to do. , please forgive me for leaving for one day.”

Without waiting for an answer, he turned into golden light and flew away.

The saints at the scene looked at me and I looked at you. After a long time, a middle-aged female cultivator asked: "What's going on? Second Young Master Song looks so embarrassed... What happened?"

"I don't know." The sage next to him picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "But it is definitely a big event. Even the 500 million Chen Bing in the beginning, he didn't show such a look."

Second Young Master Song could no longer hear these discussions. Golden light appeared in front of a tall building, and even the gatekeepers were two sages. He took out his waistband and waved it. His feet were a little weak, but he rushed in as fast as possible.

It was very large inside and was divided into many rooms. He walked around several rooms expertly and suddenly pushed open a door.

A few seconds later, a scream sounded from the door, like a wounded beast, hoarse but suppressed.

"How is this possible?!" Second Young Master Song opened his mouth wide, and the muscles on his face were cramping. In front of him, there were thirty-six ranks, and a spiritual stele with a fan carved on it was broken from it. He only felt cold from head to soles at this moment.

The palm treasurer fell...

The three words "impossible" have become the words he has thought about most from just now to now. This is the Palm Treasurer... How could the divine weapon of the Zhen clan in the Taixu realm fall? ! Who can make him fall?

A treasurer died in his own hands... He simply couldn't imagine what the consequences would be!

Plop... His knees suddenly softened, and he knelt weakly on the futon on the ground. His hands were as soft as noodles, and he tightly grasped the cloth on the incense table in front of him. He covered his heart with one hand, and his facial features began to twist.

"Ah...ah!!!!" Three seconds later, he clenched his teeth desperately, and his lips drew blood. The heart-rending pain swept through his whole heart, but he didn't dare to let anyone hear it. He whined in a choked voice.

In this small room, he gasped, hoarsely, but carefully vented his breath, his heart cramping and painful. He didn't know how long it took before he stood up with a trembling face, and his hands were like chicken claws, tightly holding the half of the tablet.

Closing his eyes, a black light shone and the room fell silent.

For more than ten minutes, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the veins in the hand holding the tablet were pulsing. With a sudden force, the tablet was shattered into powder.

"Ben Lei... Ben Lei!!" He howled out the name from his throat, his eyes turned red: "You... are so brave!!"

"A despicable monk... Thanks to the blessings of my Song family, he actually dares to kill the Song family's treasurer! I swear... there will be no chance... Once there is a chance... I will make you immortal forever! You don't want to die if you want to live. cannot!"

The curse that was too low to be heard could only be vented without being heard. He waved his hand tremblingly, and the aura covered everything. Then, he walked outside like a zombie.

As he walked slowly to the car, his expression finally became more and more normal as he walked outside. When he reached the door, he had completely returned to his usual appearance.

The two gatekeepers nodded slightly, and he turned into a escaping light and flew slowly. Although his body was filled with the desire to kill, he was very clear that the eyes of many legitimate sons of the Song family were looking at him.

He didn't dare to make mistakes, walking on thin ice, but he suffered such a big setback with Ben Lei!

Even now I still can’t believe that the invincible Palm Treasurer under Taixu would actually fall!

"I'm no match for that bastard..." He gritted his teeth: "If I can defeat Shatolo, I will definitely be quickly killed by him... Damn it! The age of great war is about to begin, and something like this happened. The monster!”

"He can't stay...he must die before the great battle!"

His eyes swept over the Towering City coldly, and he had a panoramic view of everything. "Once he can enter the Five Kings and Two Queens, he will be on an equal footing with the Song family. I will no longer have any constraints. I can't... I can't let him enter the world of great struggle! Towering City In this battle, there are plenty of opportunities for him to die!"

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." At this moment, a calm voice came into his ears. He raised his head suddenly, and his consciousness suddenly opened: "Who!"

No one answered.

"Do you dare to do it or not?" Second Young Master Song showed no fear. In Shentian City, not even Taixu could scare him. He looked around with dagger-like eyes, and the violent murderous intent in his eyes almost jumped out, and he said word by word: "Get out."

"While I'm still angry."

"Haha..." The voice in the void sounded again: "Young Master Song, don't be impatient. I am here in person this time just to discuss a business deal with you."

Second Young Master Song sneered, raised his eyebrows and said, "Just you?"

"It's just me." The voice became serious, and with a bit of cold light in the void, something flew into the hands of Second Young Master Song. He glanced at it and his pupils shrank slightly.

"Void Palace... Master Mianfeng?" He threw away his badge playfully: "What kind of wind brought you here?"

"Of course I smell the wind of Xu Xiangbao." Liu Mianfeng said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Song Ergong's eyes twitched. His cold eyes desperately searched for Liu Mianfeng's figure, and the murderous intention that had just calmed down began to beat wildly.

Reveal his scars...and...this man actually knows about this!

"So, you think you are qualified?" The Second Young Master Song did not find the other party. After a few seconds, he sneered and walked away: "Void Palace... A nouveau riche for three thousand years dares to compare with the Song family, Liu Mianfeng, you Damn you’re thinking too much.”

Liu Mianfeng's voice was slow and steady: "I have tested his background."

The Second Young Master of Song Dynasty did not stop.

"The incarnations of the six saints ranked within the top 500 were instantly destroyed."

Still didn't stop.

"You should know what a terrible scene it would be if such a person went to the age of great strife. At that time, all the people who join our command will be ministers of the dragon in the future. It is not that he cannot be killed, but he must be killed How much does it cost him? How many humerus ministers need to die? I can’t afford it, but you can’t afford it?”

Second Young Master Song finally stopped, turned his head half-way, and said calmly: "Oh?"

A figure walked out of the void, gently swaying the folding fan in his hand, and the fragrant wind blew on his face, smiling like a flower: "If a ship is going to capsize, throw the fattest passengers off first."

"In a world of great strife, people like this who can disrupt the balance cannot come in. Do you understand what I mean?"

No one spoke. After a few seconds, Second Young Master Song suppressed the cold light in his eyes and lowered his eyes: "The price?"

"I will tell you the place where Master will be enthroned." Liu Mianfeng gently folded the fan in the palm of his hand and raised his eyebrows: "The exact place and... time."

"First of all, in the qualifying rounds, let this kind of balance-breaking thing get out, so that we can have a fair game, right?"

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