
Chapter 1389: Yeming Ruins, the Master of Time (I)

In the void, explosions occurred one after another. The silent void ushered in the ultimate splendor today. The entire Tenglongkou disappeared in an instant under the explosion. There was nothing in the center of the explosion. Even though Xu Yangyi had left tens of thousands of meters at first, he was still like a rootless duckweed in the terrible shock wave.

That was not a speed that humans could see clearly. The smoke and clouds of the explosion were far away in the sky, but they were immediately in front of them. The endless spiritual light and smoke behind him, the red spider lily showed no signs of disappearing, but became more and more huge. Obviously, this explosion feast has just begun.

Rumble... The violent light swept across the sky. He took a deep breath, and the infinite truth immediately started to work. In the vast demonic energy, the tall demon body appeared again, and the pressure around him suddenly relaxed. He spread his wings with all his strength, nailed in the storm like a nail, and finally took the initiative of his body for the first time in this explosion.

"It's just a virtual treasure, not a real self-explosion of the Great Void." He breathed a sigh of relief, shook his wings, and took Chu Zhaonan to find a safe place. Even if it was a planetary belt, they could hide there.

Suddenly, he stopped abruptly.

"This is..." He looked around in astonishment. Time... is slowing down?

He tried to shake his wings, but found that his movements were at least twice as slow!

"Has it entered the range of the Yeming Holy Land? When?" He blinked. His speed was slowed down, so... what about the shock wave?

If he could avoid the shock wave here, there would be no need to risk looking for a new safe place.

Looking back, the mighty shock wave rendered the sky colorful. He could even see the exploding clouds separate, combine, and then explode from the center to create new brilliance. The beauty was accompanied by the splendor of death. Just like the tide spreading.

The speed of this destructive light was so fast, but in the next second, it seemed to have crossed a line and slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, there was a loud noise that shook the world, as if the universe was shaking.

The impact of the virtual treasure and the collision of the holy realm!

The terrifying aftermath swept across everything, but it slowed down under the great power of the Yeming Holy Realm. Xu Yangyi frowned and watched all this. The speed of the shock wave entering the Yeming boundary was completely different from other places. This vision was very strange, just like being in a large river, one of the water flows at a different speed, which was quite inconsistent.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, at this moment, he suddenly felt a kind of... extremely refined spiritual energy!

It was hard to describe. With one breath, all the pores of the body were opened, and all the limbs were stretched, as if a basin of ice water was poured from head to toe in summer. Refreshing and moisturizing, it is simply a drug for cultivators!

"This is..." He blinked, and then immediately looked at the Yeming Holy Realm.

That crazy black dragon of the starry sky had stopped dancing at some point. At the position of the dragon's mouth, a faint, yet extremely clear spiritual energy, which became an inconspicuous white light band, slowly dissipated.

After two seconds of being stunned, he took a breath of cold air, and there was only a burning heat in his eyes.

He knew what this was...

The door to the holy realm is open!

On the chain of the seven realms, there are holy realms around the star fields with spiritual energy, but these holy realms are closed. Except for the holy realm of Guanghan Great Sage's enlightenment, all others are closed to the seven realms and Taichu!

Both sides have thought of countless ways to open it, but... this definitely does not include Taixu self-explosion!

No one thought of such a crazy method, but... he now has some realization that if you want to open the holy realm, gentle methods are useless, only non-violent non-cooperation! Use the spiritual power of Taixu's self-explosion level to pry open the door to the holy realm!

"There are spiritual energy in the starry sky around a holy realm for tens of millions of kilometers. You can imagine how rich the spiritual energy inside it is! Just like the Bu Tian Pond that day, the spiritual energy there is enough for a cultivator of the realm of Nanhua Butterfly Mother to practice... For the Venerable Saint... it is simply a perfect tonic!"

The idea of ​​going back was instantly put behind his mind. There are dangers in places with rich spiritual energy, but there are more opportunities!

"The richer it is, the greater the chance of producing natural treasures, and the more precious it is. At the same time... it may also produce some rare and exotic animals. Especially..." He looked deeply at the mouth of the black dragon. The trace of spiritual energy was even more rich, which was simply stirring his heartstrings: "It has been sealed here for who knows how many years. If natural treasures are produced, it is an independent ecosystem, which is a unique treasure that cannot be found in the outside world!"

His thoughts diverged quickly. If spiritual plants grow in such a rich spiritual place, even if his level of alchemy cannot interpret it, Zhongli Quan can!

If it is other rare treasures... even if they are exchanged, I am afraid that Du Bu will be jealous. The most important thing is...

"Is it possible... there is eternal gold here?" His eyes were very deep. This kind of thing was listed as a forbidden item of the gods. Now he had a piece of Su Xingyao in his hand, but he didn't know how to use it. However, it would be too amazing to be able to fuse all of them. And eternal gold only existed in the Seven Realms.

Should I go or not?

At this moment, he was very conflicted.

"Go and have a look!" After a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and thought to himself: "At worst, if I find that my life span is too short, I will come out immediately. Opportunities never wait in place. Too many opportunities are fleeting."

Having made up his mind, he circulated the spiritual energy in his body, fluttered his wings, and rushed towards the Yeming Ruins.

Almost instinctively, he flew along the extremely rich spiritual energy, getting closer and closer. When the previous slow flow of time passed, he suddenly felt... time was passing by quickly!

Gently vibrating his wings, he flew a thousand meters before he could react.

"It's not slow..." He looked at his hands in amazement. He danced casually, and his nerves didn't have time to react, and he turned into a residual image: "It's too fast. The previous slowness was the sensory changes caused by entering an area where time was too fast..."

"This holy land is really interesting..."

After making up his mind, he didn't hesitate anymore. He moved towards the Yeming Holy Land at full speed. Nebulae, planetary belts...etc. flashed by his side. Time passed quickly to an unimaginable degree. His appearance began to change. In just a few seconds, he felt that his body was more condensed!

"It's not condensed." He stopped for the third time: "It's reaching the prime of cultivation. The body's functions reach the highest level with the passage of time. If it continues, it will pass the prime of life and enter old age... The Taixu who entered Yeming may have fallen like this..."

At this moment, he was buzzing, and a circle of green halo suddenly enveloped him and Chu Zhaonan, and the feeling of time dislocation disappeared instantly. The rising spiritual power also fell back immediately.

The Seed of Chaos.

It offset the divine power of Ye Ming, the flow of time was still there, but the life span was firmly fixed!

With a flash of his eyes, the last worry disappeared, he regained his human form, mobilized all his spiritual power and rushed over.

Faster and faster, his figure turned into a stream of light, even burning with flames, ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes later, with a whoosh, everything disappeared into nothingness.

His figure was annihilated in the universe.

Not disappearing.

But... at this moment, the flow of time near Ye Ming Holy Land reached superluminal speed, theoretically traveling through time and space, or... erasing space.

No one knew where they went with them.

In the void, Ye Ming was still there.

No one could see that Xu Yangyi's body was experiencing this superluminal travel for the first time, and it was almost a virtual form, and everything around him was not disappearing quickly, but... flowing backwards quickly!

Time was flowing backwards!

"Feynman theory... or hypothesis..." His eyes flickered, intoxicated by this almost impossible experience, looking around with emotion. At this moment, he felt that he had slowed down again, that was the slowness after reaching the peak, and everything around him was too slow compared to him.

"The annihilation we see is actually when ordinary matter turns a corner in the direction of time and moves in the opposite direction of time. The so-called rewind of life, the 'end of life' of ordinary matter, is the 'beginning of life' when it becomes antimatter. The reversal of cause and effect, this is the so-called reincarnation..."

"This conjecture has never been confirmed on Earth, and now I am fortunate enough to witness this scene..." He took a deep breath and looked at the Yeming Holy Land not far away. At this moment, he had a bold conjecture.

"Perhaps... in the Yeming Ruins, another sky is sealed..."

"If the speed inside it reaches the fastest, surpassing the speed of light and causing time to flow backwards, and is sealed by an unknown powerful person - it may be Yeming, then the sky inside him will always stay in the time overspeed, and will always be fixed at that moment."

He took a light step, which was obviously slow, but in a flash, everything in front of him flashed quickly like a revolving lantern. After another ten minutes, he finally came to the entrance of the Yeming Holy Land.

There, a small gap was cracked by the self-explosion of the terrifying virtual treasure. He took several deep breaths and stepped in.

Swish... Time rotates, one step takes ten thousand years, and he was dizzy in front of him. He held Chu Zhaonan tightly. This feeling lasted for about thirty minutes, and finally he felt solid under his feet.

"Sure enough!" As soon as he regained his vision, his spiritual sense swept through it immediately. Wherever he saw, even he couldn't help but sigh.

Giant trees towered to the sky, and soft sunlight sprinkled in the starry sky. I don’t know where it came from. The deep starry sky was filled with more than a dozen planes, which were very small, at most the size of a county in China on Earth, and the largest was no more than a prefecture-level city, surrounding the void like a pearl chain.

Another dimension!

A space that was tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years ago!

Here, Yu Yeming transcended time in the ruins, and after reaching superluminal speed, it caused a disorder of cause and effect, and was sealed here forever!

"Unbelievable..." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. In an instant, the extremely rich spiritual energy almost made him groan.

More than any pill he made himself!

No side effects!

One mouthful... is actually equivalent to a big Zhoutian!

It is conceivable that practicing here will have a terrifying speed.

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