
Chapter 1390: Yeming Ruins, the Master of Time (Part 2)

He took several greedy breaths, and the infinite truth played out automatically, as if adjusting the talisman gene in his body under this terrible external force. But only a few seconds later, he opened his eyes again and looked at the dense forest with treetops like the sea in disbelief.

Rustle... Something moved the dense forest. He opened his mouth slightly, with an incredible smile on the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his hand, the leaves opened completely. With a huge roar, a huge creature suddenly jumped out!

A huge head, short forelimbs, thick back, long tail, tough skin covered with red and green stripes, a mouth full of sharp teeth, drooling at him.

"Fuck..." He couldn't help but curse, without any fear in his eyes, but walked up.

This thing... is too fucking familiar.

This is... Tyrannosaurus Rex!

There is a space sealed here that is at least millions of years old, and I don't know which space it is! Even... reached the prehistoric era!

A man and a dragon, looking at each other, the Tyrannosaurus Rex looked at this creature he had never seen before, blinked his half-meter-wide eyes a few times, and then... quietly retreated.

It felt an unmatched pressure on the other party. Although it had no intelligence, it had instincts.

Xu Yangyi did not take action. His roots were earthlings, and he had experienced the modern civilization of the post-cultivation era. He had watched too many movies, and he had always been curious about the horror protagonists in these old American movies. Now that he saw a living one, he was reluctant to take action.

"Jurassic? Cretaceous?" His eyes sparkled, and he turned into a stream of light and rushed into the sky, taking in the plane he was in.

Everywhere he looked, there was lush green, and there was a huge lake reflecting the sunlight, with dots of golden green. The ground was full of green, and flowers were woven. The milky white aura had formed mist, flowing slowly on the fairyland-like ground.

Between the lakes and under the hills, groups of velociraptors were chasing unknown beasts. Beside the stream, a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex was biting off the throat of its prey. In the dense woods, from time to time, a long-necked dragon would raise its neck and gnaw on the leaves beside it. In the lake, you could occasionally see a huge tail fin raised, splashing water all over the sky.

"I can't believe it." He looked at this scene with great emotion and was amazed. Even though he had just fought with the treasure master, he couldn't help but open his mind completely and his hostility disappeared.

This was a scene that would shock and even scream people on Earth.

This was a wonder that science could hardly explain. I'm afraid that even Du Bu couldn't do the wonders of the universe!

Before he could exclaim, his eyebrows suddenly raised and he fell downwards.

Just below, Chu Zhaonan had woken up, cracked his neck, and looked around and at his body in confusion.

"Do you feel that your body is completely healed?" Xu Yangyi landed in front of him and said with a smile: "Feel the spiritual energy around you, and then... I will take you to see Jurassic Park."

Who is the kid?

Chu Zhaonan glared at him fiercely. This vengeful guy remembered the contemptuous look of the other party when he was Bulbasaur. Now the other party actually remembered Jurassic Park... This is originally a thing of the same period!

"I owe you one." Chu Zhaonan stretched out his fist, and Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "Nagging."

There is no need to say more about the relationship between the two. Putting down his thoughts, Chu Zhaonan closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a while, and then suddenly opened his eyes: "This spiritual energy..."

"Even the Bu Lao Mountain, the highest level of cultivation holy land in Guanghan Palace, is definitely not as good as it!"

"It's too refined... Here... You don't even need to breathe, you can reach the Nascent Soul by lying down! It depends on your personal opportunity to cross the Venerable Saint... Are there any humans here?"

Xu Yangyi laughed and pulled the other party to fly. After a few seconds, Chu Zhaonan's expression was not much better than Xu Yangyi's. He opened his mouth wide and looked at everything in front of him in shock.

"Fuck..." He also cursed the same words: "Is this fucking... true?"

"Of course." Xu Yangyi calmed down his excitement and breathed a sigh of relief: "This is the real prehistoric world. I don't know how many cultivation civilizations ago, we suddenly came here, but no cultivators asked, proving that there are no humans here."

Chu Zhaonan also took a few deep breaths and pondered: "Indeed, but did you feel it? These monsters... at least Yuanying."

He looked at a deep mountain: "Moreover, I felt the fluctuations of the middle stage of the Venerable Saint there. The strength is not weak."

It's just not weak.

In this kind of cultivation holy place, even if you close your eyes, you can still have a Yuanying - this is without practicing exercises! The creatures here have no cultivation methods and rely on instinctive breathing throughout their lives. It's the best to be a Yuanying. As for the Venerable Saint, it's purely a genetic mutation.

In other words, these can be said to be dinosaurs, or monsters. Born from generation to generation in such a terrifying place with spiritual energy, they are no longer pure dinosaurs.

They didn't want to provoke the Venerable Saint, and they also felt that the other party had no spiritual intelligence. The consciousness is scattered and not condensed, and the realm is empty but not used. Either of them can knock the other down with one hand.

"Before the prehistoric times, it was said that there were treasures everywhere. Should we go and have a look?" Chu Zhaonan asked.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, and Chu Zhaonan thought he didn't hear it. Just as he was about to ask for the second time, Xu Yangyi suddenly frowned: "Da Chu... I just looked at it. There are a total of twelve planes here, but the shape is very strange. Ten planes surround the two in the center, and the two in the center..."

He paused: "Take a look, I should be right."

Chu Zhaonan nodded, his consciousness spread out, spreading a little bit, and the figures of the two gradually broke through the void and flew towards the center. After a few minutes, Chu Zhaonan's eyes flashed and he cursed: "Fuck..."

"It seems that I am not wrong." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "This place... I am afraid it has an owner."

Just now, he saw clearly that there was a huge piece of amber on the two planes in the center!

It is more than a thousand meters high, it can be said to be upright, but... the amber is broken. Moreover, next to the amber, hidden in the fog, there is a colorful color, translucent, not very clear, but vaguely visible, as if it is something... exude?

Insect exude.

Maybe the Seven Realms don't know what this is, but Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan both know that a long time ago, some insects would be wrapped in amber, forming rare insect amber, and the species in these insect ambers even have prehistoric species hundreds of millions of years ago!

Something, in this independent plane that does not intersect with the seven realms, wrapped in rich spiritual energy, has gradually broken free from the amber and even shed its skin.

The two of them flew over together, thinking about something. They really couldn't feel any challenging spiritual power until now. Although they were alert, they were not nervous.

They broke out of the atmosphere and entered the void, and they were shocked.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked around in astonishment. There was a starry sky around him, which was still deep, dark, and far-reaching. But... he felt that it was different from the starry sky he had seen!

There were huge stone mountains floating in all directions. That's right, they were not planes, but stone mountains, about hundreds of meters in size. It's unknown how long these stone mountains have existed here. They are scattered here, like pearl chains in the universe.

It's an indescribable feeling. Except for the stone mountains, everything else is obviously the same, but it's just...

"A sense of belonging?" The two said in unison, both with a hint of unspeakable surprise.

A sense of belonging is something that is difficult to explain. Cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage cannot feel it until the Nascent Soul stage pursues cause and effect and lights the lamp of cause and effect, then they will have a vague understanding.

Or, this is to feel that something has cause and effect with oneself. And this piece of sky brings them an extremely strong sense of belonging, as if arriving here is like returning to the mother body.

It makes people peaceful.

"The galaxy of the earth?" Chu Zhaonan frowned and said, except for this, he could not think of any other explanation. But this explanation is even more weird.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but continued to look over, his eyes getting higher and higher. Just when his consciousness rose to the end, he raised his chin: "Da Chu, look there."

After Chu Zhaonan looked over, his eyes suddenly shrank.

There is a huge hole just above, tens of thousands of meters away.

It is not a cloud hole. There are no clouds in the universe. This is the crack of the universe. A big hole was torn open, very abrupt, and countless talismans flickered inside at all times, leaving only a pale mist.

"What is this? The exit?"

Just before he finished speaking, a wailing sound resounded through the starry sky, unknown where it came from and where it went.

"Roar..." I don't know what kind of creature it is, but this wailing sound can be heard thousands of miles away, and... it came from outside the crack! It was as if they were swallowed into Kun's stomach.

Just as the sound died down, Xu Yangyi's face felt a little wet. He touched it in astonishment, and then looked at the crystal in his hand in disbelief: "Rain?"

The two of them stared at each other, this place was too weird. Even for the saints, they had seen too many things, and this exotic starry sky was enough to rank among the top three.

Chu Zhaonan pondered for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "Is... this the creature that shed its skin? Or... mirage?"

"Are you talking about mirage? We were swallowed into the stomach? Choking... is it actually alive?" Xu Yangyi frowned and thought, then shook his head: "It's unlikely. If it's alive, it has its own universe inside. What do you think this means?"

Chu Zhaonan blinked and didn't speak.

Once it forms its own universe and breeds creatures, no matter how small it is, even if it is the size of a village, it has already stepped into the realm of creation. It can be called the existence of the God of Creation, and it has mastered most of the rules of the universe!

There is nothing wrong with calling it Yahweh.

Such a creature could stay in Tenglongkou for tens of thousands of years? He doesn't practice? He doesn't do anything else? Moreover, Xu Yangyi is very sure that Ye Ming can't reach this level. He... how to say it, to Xu Yangyi, it feels more like the master of time, that is, the supreme Yahweh has allocated the law of time and let Ye Ming control it. He can use it at will, but he doesn't really master it.

The law enforcer of time is not the god of time.

That is to say, he has seen three Yahwehs, the Great Mother Goddess, the First Pillar God of Desire, and the unknown Yahweh in the Wolf Chief plane, and he has the seed of Chaos in his body, so he can come to this conclusion. For other cultivators, I am afraid they can only feel the power of God like prison, and they can't detect the difference at all.

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