
Chapter 1391: Yeming Ruins, the Master of Time (Part 3)

The two stood silently under the rain. The soft strands of rain flew down from the holes, becoming denser and denser, and finally turned into a downpour, covering the twelve planes.

This world is indeed running according to a rule they don't understand, in this space forgotten by time.

"Interesting." After a moment, Xu Yangyi said lightly, turning into a golden light and heading straight towards the central plane.

There were no obstacles along the way, and soon they were outside the plane. His spiritual consciousness swept over it, and he saw that this place was exactly the same as other planes, with the same lushness, the same rich spiritual energy, but something a little different...

It's full of bugs.

Different from dinosaurs, dinosaurs are at least the same as before, but these insects are much bigger. Unfortunately, they are not stronger than Jindan.

"This is a dragonfly with giant veins." Chu Zhaonan squinted at the ten-meter-sized dragonfly flying over their heads and frowned: "In the Earth's literature, their maximum size is no more than four meters, and now they are almost 10 meters in size." Twice as big..."

A giant python-like centipede climbed out of the cave and crawled onto a 100-meter-old ancient tree. Chu Zhaonan said in a deep voice: "This is an ancient centipede. It is about the same size as a giant-veined dragonfly, but this one... …I’m afraid it’s more than ten meters.”

"And there." He raised his chin and said to the conical objects on the edge of the lake, which were five or six meters high: "The bell tower snail can reach up to three meters, and it is much bigger here."

Xu Yangyi thought thoughtfully: "Maybe it's because of this that the thing in the insect amber was found. But then again..."

He looked at Chu Zhaonan suspiciously: "I don't remember these things, but you actually have an impression? Are your grades good?"

Chu Zhaonan sneered: "Do you think I only grow muscles like you?"

" wonder I still remember Bulbasaur." "...Can you not mention this joke?"

It had been too long since I had returned to the era of the earth. The two of them found some sense in their chat. They joked and then stopped smiling. Chu Zhaonan asked: "It's not's too quiet here. These things are called prehistoric giant life forms." , is a remnant species that has dominated for many centuries, but now..."

The two looked at each other and saw that the place was peaceful and not even a fight occurred.

It's like... there's some weird order maintaining this place.

"Here... there is a master of his own? A leader?"

"No need to worry." Xu Yangyi shook his head: "Even if there is, I can't feel it, and the strength is definitely above Taixu. There is no point in worrying. Maybe, we can be given the answer there."

After saying that, he took the lead to rush towards the broken insect amber, and Chu Zhaonan immediately followed. The closer he got to the insect amber, the heavier the mist formed by the spiritual energy became, to the point where even a gentle breath could make people's meridians swell. My vision became blurry.

"Spiritual consciousness has been isolated." Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and swept away the fog in front of him with his hand. But it soon condensed again, forming a silent and pale world.

Ten minutes later, they had flown above the insect amber. Chu Zhaonan pressed his hand, and a majestic wind pressure swept away, instantly clearing the dense aura around the insect amber.

"This..." The two people's eyes flashed at the same time. They had already seen the huge insect amber. It was crystal clear and reflected the brilliance of the sun. However... countless giant insects worshiped here thousands of meters around the insect amber. Breathing greedily.

The centipede is more than 20 meters long, with bright armor and colorful body. A ten-meter-long beetle with a shell that shines like a black diamond...all kinds, and the aura is all above the Nascent Soul, forming a ten-thousand-meter ocean of insects!

Right in the middle of these insects, a body six to seven hundred meters long was crawling here.

He is like a caterpillar, his entire body exudes a jade luster, and each segment of his body has a pair of eyes. I don’t know how many years have passed, but it still exudes a frightening coercion.

However, it is dead.

The body was cut open from the back and turned out. The inside was as smooth as a mirror. No... maybe it couldn't be said to be death, but transformation, transformation, and something flew out from the inside.

However, this huge slough could not attract their attention, because just on the head of the slough, a swaying colorful flower, only about one-third of a meter high, was breathing spiritual mist, blooming with a fascinating of brilliance.

The flower has nine layers, each layer has nine petals, totaling eighty-one. The color of each piece is different, like a multi-colored gemstone, which makes people unable to take their eyes away.

With every shaking of the petals, a thick ripple of spiritual energy rises around it, gradually spreading. Just taking a gentle breath makes the body and soul feel refreshed, as if peeling off everything and soaking the soul in the spiritual energy.

You knew without looking that this must be a treasure. After the two closed their eyes for a few seconds, Chu Zhaonan opened his eyes and said in a trembling voice: "Nine-grade lotus platform? Or something... Chaos flower or something?"

"I don't know." Xu Yangyi has never seen this kind of thing before. This is simply a collection of twelve planes and all the auras of the world that have been sealed for countless thousands of years.

Looking at each other, Xu Yangyi took a step forward and headed straight for the flower. The insects below seemed to feel something. They all raised their heads and neighed fiercely towards him. He hummed softly, and spiritual energy burst out. , and in an instant, there was no sound anymore, like a mountain.

There was no obstacle, and just when his hand was about to touch the flower, a golden chain suddenly came from the sky and was suddenly inserted into the top of the insect's head. Immediately afterwards, an extremely angry voice sounded: "Where are you, little thief! How dare you enter this palace's place of transformation!"

Rumble... the moment this sound appeared, the entire void buzzed, and the twelve planes resonated together. The two men groaned at the same time, the spiritual energy in their bodies surged, and they immediately retreated hundreds of meters vigilantly.

The echo of that voice resounded all around, and all the spiritual mist dissipated with one drink, and the power of the rebuke actually caused resonance in the world. Chu Zhaonan took a deep breath: "This is..."

"Above Taixu." A drop of cold sweat secreted from the tip of Xu Yangyi's nose, and the sound wave formed by his voice made them feel like they were in a strong wind. He gritted his teeth and said: "I have seen many Taixu... none of them can reach the point where they can follow the rules..."

Before he finished speaking, eighty-one pitch-black vortices suddenly opened in the void, with star maps lingering in each vortex. Surrounding them, a suffocating pressure surged out like a sea tide. In the twelve planes, all the trees trembled, and the hand of the wind god cut through the void. Whether it was dinosaurs or insects, they all lowered their heads at this moment and lay on the ground trembling, as if to welcome the coming of God.

This is the creature that emerged from the insect's slough...

The two of them felt something in their hearts, leaning on each other, looking at the cracks in space with great solemnity. The next second, spiritual butterflies were flying all over the sky, and a tall figure slowly stepped out of a crack.

"Oh?" Surprisingly, the figure only glanced at them, and the anger in the sky disappeared instantly, turning into surprise: "It is no coincidence that you are able to come here."

"Butterfly Mother?" Xu Yangyi blinked, almost in disbelief.

Luo Yi is swaying, the light skirt is returned with the wind. Gu Pan's legacy is glorious, and his roar is like an orchid. Controlling the wind with nothingness, the silk silk is swaying, who is it, not the Nanhua Butterfly Mother?

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother ignored him, glanced at the nine-layered flower, and said with a smile: "This is the Three Flowers of the Wilderness, the only one in the entire Sea of ​​Immortality. This palace has been cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is the true treasure of heaven. It is I have the opportunity to break through the avenue, but you can’t take it.”

Chu Zhaonan took a deep breath. Hundreds of thousands of years...who is this old witch?

Sensing his mood swings, Xu Yangyi shook his head imperceptibly, while Chu Zhaonan nodded understandingly. In front of each other, they have no ability to resist at all. Since this flower belongs to the butterfly mother, they have no chance of getting it.

But Butterfly Mother had no obligation to take care of their thoughts. She waved her fan lightly, looked at them deeply, and continued: "Three Vehicles means Three Vehicles Buddhism. Not to mention that you can't bear the whole flower, even one flower. Only you can bear the slightest trace of it, he is still a little short of it."

She was speaking to Xu Yangyi, and before they could speak, she added: "A trace of flowers is the main ingredient of the now extinct 'Qingxu Taihao Pill'. This pill has only one effect, which is to break the way of heaven when you advance to Taixu." Obstruction, the soul becomes a virtual crystal, and the road to Yahweh is truly opened. Moreover... this Fang Dan Fang may be found in the Seven Realms of the Sea of ​​Immortality, but only in this palace."

Chu Zhaonan's eyes immediately looked at the Three-Chenghua Flower, extremely fiery.

Taixu... Countless people dream about it day and night. The most difficult step is to transform the spirit into crystal. Once the virtual crystal is condensed, the essence, energy and spirit will quickly become one. It can be said that this flower can directly increase the chance of breaking through Taixu. More than 40%!

What a terrible number!

Even if it is 10%, no, half a percent, facing the temptation of becoming the pinnacle of the Seven Realms, countless old monsters will go all out to exchange most of their wealth for this 10%, and this opportunity is right in front of them!

Only then did he notice that there were countless withered petal fragments under the flowers. Although these fragments were withered, they revealed a golden color and looked extremely sacred.

"Stop talking." Xu Yangyi's voice came at the right time. He took a deep look at the Butterfly Mother. Something... was wrong?

A little more anxious.

If last time, the Butterfly Mother was as gentle as water and aroused his desire without leaving any trace, this time... it was a little too heavy and too deliberate.

She wants something.

Last time was just the beginning, this time is the real deal. This old monster knows people's hearts too well. Thinking back to the last time, his world view was overturned and the history of the earth was unified on one line. At that time, he was at a loss and at a loss. If the other party made a request, based on human instinct, it would be uncontrollable. It's normal to refuse.

She made no demands, leaving time for him to reflect on his acceptance. This also proves that her plans are so big that she doesn't even want to make the slightest mistake.

Over hundreds of thousands of years or even longer, she has reviewed it countless times.

Seeing the silence between the two, Nanhua Butterfly Mother smiled: "You are very cautious, and I like this character. But there is no need to doubt me. You and I have no overlapping interests. If there were, you would not be able to get out alive."

She gently lifted up her long sleeves, revealing her slender arms, twisting a petal as softly as a cloud, and said softly: "Do you want it?"

Xu Yangyi finally spoke warily: "Really...give it to us?"

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