
Chapter 1392: Earth's Official History (I)

The butterfly mother did not answer. Her hand seemed to stroke her lover, gently stroking the golden petals, and suddenly said: "You know... As long as it is a living thing, it will worry about gains and losses. Before a tiger hunts, it will worry about whether the prey it catches can fill its stomach. Before a bear hibernates, it will consider whether the food it has stored is enough... Not to mention humans."

She raised her white hand lightly, and the golden light of the petals fell. She looked at the floating golden light and said calmly: "I am also a human, so am I. So... I don't want you to do this with a little bit of reluctance. Any little bit of estrangement will cause flaws, and I don't want to have even a little bit of flaws in what I want to do."

She turned her eyes and looked at the two of them deeply: "I just want perfection."

This is telling them the bottom line and requirements, but no one is relaxed. To make a high-level monk so tolerant and so roundabout, the other party must want something extraordinary!

Nanhua Butterfly Mother waved her hand gently, and the swarm of insects below immediately retreated like a tide as if they saw their leader. Although there were countless swarms of insects, there was no strange smell around this flower except for that faint fragrance.

Six tree roots rose from the ground, forming three chairs and a long table. Nanhua Butterfly Mother moved her lotus steps lightly and landed on the chairs. The fragrant wind blew in the swaying fan, and she opened her red lips lightly: "What? Do you want me to treat you?"

The two looked at each other, turned into escaping light and sat down. The warm tea fragrance entered their stomachs, and the spiritual energy was like a hand combing the meridians. No one spoke. After a long time, Butterfly Mother sighed softly: "I thought that after so long, I had smoothed out the throbbing in my heart, and would never make mistakes, but when the real opportunity came, I I just realized... I was also naive. "

"Some things will never fade because of long planning, but will become more fragrant because of the accumulation of time."

When... She gently put down the teacup and looked at the two people deeply: "With concern, there will be something to ask for, just like a bear hibernating and a tiger hunting, there is actually no difference."

She stood up with the teacup in her hand, her chest rising and falling gently, closed her eyes, and flicked her right hand. A palm-sized hourglass, one end of which was carved with the sun and the other end was carved with the moon, fell into Xu Yangyi's hand.

The sand in the hourglass had passed halfway, and the voice of the Butterfly Mother sounded again: "When the sand falls, the body outside the body will definitely appear in the Cantian City. One scale is a day. During this period of time, the battle in Cantian City may break out at any time. Both sides have piled up firewood, and even a little spark can cause a raging sea of ​​fire. "

"Senior, do you want it?" Chu Zhaonan asked tentatively. Everyone can feel that the Butterfly Mother is not emotionally stable now, just like a long-cherished wish is about to come, but in order to be foolproof, she even condescended to talk to the two saints in person.

This cautious taste was too obvious, and the two of them also had strong doubts in their hearts. The other party is the real master of Changsheng Sea. What is worth her doing? And it is related to Cantian City?

"Whether Cantian City is broken or not, you don't have to worry about it. When necessary, I will risk the punishment of the heavenly rules to rescue you. But I want you to get something." The Butterfly Mother took a deep breath and said word by word: "Body outside the body."

Xu Yangyi raised his head suddenly. Just in time to meet the Butterfly Mother's inquiring eyes.

"The heartbeat is accelerated, the skin is hot, and there are slight sweat stains... You... need it." Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth secretly and would never give in.

The other party has compromised without any bottom line. He has the capital to be arrogant because of his favor!

Xu Yangyi stood up and bowed deeply: "What do you want to do with it, senior?"

Surprisingly, the Butterfly Mother said: "I don't need it, it's you who really needs it."

"I want you to promise that even if the war is breaking out when the outer body comes, even if it is against the military order, you must get the outer body."

Nanhua Butterfly Mother flicked the teacup, and the ceramic cup lid gently hit the cup, creating a pool of ripples. She looked at the tea with a faint gaze: "You did it, I owe you a favor."

"Senior." Chu Zhaonan also stood up and bowed: "Both sides have more than 800 million troops stationed, and the war is about to break out. Survival is the first priority. And we not only have to return to Cantian City, but also ignore the military order at that time, and hide it under the eyes of Taixu and even Dubu Senior... Not to mention whether it is human or not, this... is it a bit inhumane?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother did not answer, but looked directly at Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi pondered for a long time and said solemnly: "I can't guarantee that I can do it on the spot, but the body outside the body... I must get it."

"No!" As soon as the voice fell, Nanhua Butterfly Mother said in a deep voice: "The first step and the second step will have completely different results!"

"As long as you touch it on the spot, the first one to touch it, I will take action and save you at the risk of violating the heavenly rules."

Xu Yangyi's heart moved slightly. She compromised again and again. What is Nanhua Butterfly Mother trying to do? Her goal doesn't seem to be the body outside the body, but it seems to be...


Because the other party gave in, he had further capital. He hesitated for only a moment. He gritted his teeth and bowed his hands and said: "Why?"

There was no answer. They felt that the other party was very entangled, very entangled. Ten minutes... Twenty minutes... Xu Yangyi's heart suddenly beat faster in this long silence.

Blessings came to his mind.

Combined with the butterfly mother's hesitation to speak, he had a hunch that this matter... might be related to the Queen of Wa, and the dusty official history of the earth! Maybe... this is the last piece of the puzzle he is looking for!

His heart was beating hard. Compared with the major events in the entire galaxy, the earth was just a drop in the ocean. However, this is what he has been pursuing from Jerusalem, to the Tower of Babel, and then to the Seven Realms, and what he wants to know most!

"Why?" His voice was a little hoarse and he couldn't help but take a step forward and asked.

Still silent.

The atmosphere was deathly silent. It was so heart-stopping. Another twenty minutes passed, and Nanhua Butterfly Mother finally sighed and took a deep look at him: "It has the heart of a true knower, but it is not the journey of a true knower... Do you know, if it were me in the past, you would dare to be like this If you talk to me, death will be considered a light thing.”

Without waiting for an answer, she seemed to have opened her heart and made a decision. She sat on the chair with great grace and waved her sleeves: "Don't you want to know the reason? I'll tell you."

"But before that, I ask you one last time. Once you know, you will never have anything to do with this matter. If you don't get to the last step, you will have no way back. Now, do you still want to know the reason?"

Before Chu Zhaonan spoke, Xu Yangyi solemnly clasped his fists: "I will never regret it."

"Okay." This time, Nanhua Butterfly Mother did not hesitate at all, her expression became solemn, and she gritted her teeth gently: "It's all because of...Kunlun."

As if she was organizing her words, Mother Butterfly closed her eyes and savored the long years: "Just like what I said to you last time, first of all, you have to determine a concept. A concept that must never be shaken."

She looked directly at the two of them and said word by word: "This is Kunlun."

"The eternal Kunlun is the source and development of the Chinese pantheon."

Chu Zhaonan was stunned: "Kunlun?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother nodded slightly.

"The Kunlun of Chinese mythology? Where is Mount Buzhou, the origin of Chinese mythology, the Kunlun Mountain?"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. Since the last time, Nanhua Butterfly Mother had vaguely mentioned that this was Kunlun, but this assumption was too absurd and he was doubtful. Especially at that time, Butterfly Mother revealed her life experience and the world view was overthrown and rebuilt. He did not notice this at all. It was only now that the old things were brought up again, that he had a vague feeling... what Butterfly Mother really wanted to say was not himself, but Kunlun.

The origin and foundation of this Chinese pantheon.

"Of course." Nanhua Butterfly Mother nodded lightly: "I know you don't believe it, but the evidence is everywhere, such as..."

She looked at the insect slough behind: "This is the first evidence."

"You must have heard of this guy. His surname is Chen Mingyi (yi), his Buddhist name is 'Xuan Zang', he is respectfully called 'Master Tripitaka', and he is later known as..."

"Tang Monk?" Not only Chu Zhaonan, but also Xu Yangyi was stunned at this moment. He looked at the huge insect slough and couldn't connect with Tang Monk anyway.

"You must have heard of the Golden Cicada." Nanhua Butterfly Mother said as she brushed her tea cup expressionlessly: "The Golden Cicada, whose real name is the Six-winged Celestial Silkworm, specializes in eating six creatures. Its food intake is like a bottomless hole, and its body has a hard shell. Fearless of swords and guns, not afraid of water or fire. Hundreds of living beings came to Xikunlun to listen to Hongjun's teachings, and among them were many enlightened people, who became the leader of Xitian Hunyuan Sage."

"He led the Taoist to Kunlun. On the way, he encountered a six-winged celestial silkworm that transformed into a cocoon and broke it into a six-winged celestial cicada. He felt good and evil, so he accepted the six-winged celestial cicada as his second disciple. He named him Golden Cicada, and used his cocoon to refine eight kinds of cicadas. The precious cassock is the one from Tang Sanzang in Journey to the West.”

"Then he led the Taoists to establish Three-vehicle Buddhism and became the Tathagata of the Western Heaven. The golden cicada did not listen to the Tathagata's words and despised Buddhism. The Tathagata stripped away his demonic nature and devalued his true spirit. He was reincarnated in the Eastern Land and became Tang Sanzang, a monk who collects scriptures and wears silk from the sky. Kasaya, after ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, he became a Buddha again."

She paused and then said quietly: "The Taoist led the Taoist to enlighten the six-winged silkworms in Kunlun. The six-winged silkworms broke out of their cocoons and turned into cicadas here. What's the problem with the remains here? Even I have swallowed up the enlightenment of its remains. Lingzhi, it’s not a bad idea to call him the Patriarch.”

No one spoke.

There is no problem.

The corners of Chu Zhaonan's eyes twitched slightly, his mouth opened wide, and he looked at the huge insect slough in some trance. He looked confused. Xu Yangyi understood that this was a reaction to his worldview being subverted. He did the same thing last time.

"As for the second one..." Nanhua Butterfly Mother thought for a moment: "Thousands of years ago, a little guy realized enlightenment in his paw prints. You should have seen that paw print."

Chu Zhaonan pondered: "Great Sage Guanghan? True Immortal Seal Holy Realm?"

"It seems that the children of the Seven Realms call it that." Nanhua Butterfly Mother lifted her ears and hair and looked at Xu Yangyi: "You know better, which adult do you think...who left it?"

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