
Chapter 1393: Earth's Official History (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi said without hesitation: "Apostle of Zero."

Nanhua Butterfly Mother seemed to be stunned, and then breathed a sigh of relief: "The Apostle of Zero... is such an ancient name. Even I only heard Lord Wa mention it once by chance, but this time you guessed wrong. ”


Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. Before he could think about it, Nanhua Butterfly Mother had a strange smile on her face and said word by word: "The Yahweh who left that claw named Lei Ze."

Lei Ze?

The frown deepened, the name was so familiar.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked at them leisurely, and both of them fell into memories. Three seconds later, Chu Zhaonan stood up suddenly. Xu Yangyi rarely saw him lose his composure. He took a deep breath: "Is it...that Lei Ze?"

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother gently flicked the tea cup: "It's the Lei Ze you thought of."

"Leize is the only one in the Chinese pantheon."

"Who?" Xu Yangyi asked doubtfully.

"You...really...what did you do when you were studying Tiandao!" Chu Zhaonan's face turned red and he gritted his teeth and said, "Lei Ze! Think about it carefully! Hua Xu! Have you heard of it?"

Xu Yangyi was a little embarrassed, coughed slightly and shook his head. Chu Zhaonan was angry that he would not argue. He snorted and said through his teeth: "Hua Xu of the Fenggun tribe went out and accidentally saw a very large footprint north of Kunlun. The curious Hua Xu used her footprints to measure the size of your master. footprints.”

Seeing that Xu Yangyi was still confused, Chu Zhaonan didn't want to get to know this friend who only had muscles but no memory, and said bitterly: "Hua Xu became pregnant after enough pregnancy, so they have a son and a daughter."

"The male is called Fuxi, and the female... is called Nuxi, also called Youji (jiao), or..."

Xu Yangyi finally found some reaction and asked tentatively: "Nuwa?"

"You finally remembered!" Chu Zhaonan pressed his temples irritably and said nothing.

I feel so confused. If this is Kunlun, isn’t Kunlun on Earth? What's here again?

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother glanced at him lightly and said calmly: "Yes, this is the hometown of Lady Nuwa's parents, the Holy Mountain of Kunlun. Everything... starts from this sacred land of Kunlun."

She opened her mouth slightly, but then closed it tightly. This story from countless years ago had turned into a heavy shackles on her body. After a full five minutes, her voice softened and she said dryly: "I told you that any immortal world has a protective formation, and the barrier in the non-returning immortal world has only one function, which is concealment. "

"It firmly protected the earth under the barrier. Over countless years, we finally developed into the fairyland. However... Gonggong crashed it, triggering the Doomsday Judgment."

She looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, as if waiting for his conversation. Xu Yangyi frowned. He had already heard this and didn't think there was anything strange about it.

After a few seconds, the butterfly mother withdrew her gaze: "Little guy, that is a supreme existence. Their story, even a thread or an action, may hide a piece of dusty history. The years they spent are beyond our imagination. To To decipher the movements of these old guys, you have to listen word for word.”

"I thought you understood, but unfortunately... you don't seem to understand."

Breathing a little heavily, both of them stared at Nanhua Butterfly Mother - this woman may be the only woman who knows the secrets of the earth. She tapped her fingers lightly on the table and spoke after a long time: "It's very simple... the earth can't be hidden anymore, show it." In the world of all races, this may not sound like much, but there is a crucial point in time.”

"Can you think of this... related to the Twilight of the Gods?"

Xu Yangyi tasted it carefully, his eyes suddenly flashed!

I see……

So that’s it!

Gonggong crashed into Buzhou Mountain, the barrier protecting the earth collapsed, and the earth finally revealed its true appearance... The picture shown in the Hongmeng Contract Book shows that the earth has entered the battle of Ragnarok, but as Nanhua Butterfly Mother said, those supreme There is a piece of dusty history hidden in every action.

Perhaps he thought it was not necessary to record it - this is for the author of the Hongmeng Contract Book. But for people on Earth, and for Xu Yangyi, this is his Tao, what he has always pursued!

They...hide the purpose of Earth's participation in the war!

The barrier was shattered - Earth was discovered - coinciding with the first Ragnarok - and had to go to war.

This is the decisive factor why the earth joins this war of gods!

The sky was shattered, and the barrier of the Supreme God of Heaven was defeated by Gonggong. Nuwa was ordered to repair the "heaven" in a hurry, which was actually to repair the barrier. The water from the inner underworld rose to the sky, and one could only place hope on the outside. However, when the barrier was opened to the Immortal Realm of No Return, it was discovered... that this universe was not peaceful.

At that time, all the heavens and worlds were entering the Twilight of the Gods, which Yahweh personally took action. The Divine Creation Dynasty had not yet been established, and neither did the Kunlun of the Yahweh Alliance. Everyone has suffered a loss, and a brand new dimension suddenly appears. What will they do?

Yahweh is just a monk and a creature that transcends everything, not a saint. They also have desires, otherwise the first Ragnarok would not have happened. In order to prevent this new force from disrupting the situation, the best option is to join forces to eat this emerging fairyland.

The earth is passively participating in the war.

Happiness came too suddenly. After all the pursuit and search, he got a perfect answer here. Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, his eyeballs twitched violently under his eyelids, his face turned red, his chest rose and fell desperately, and his breathing became rapid.

He closed his eyes, and countless pictures swirled in front of him, including the battle of all races seen in the Hongmeng Contract Book, the seals of the seven gods seen by Sketios, the huge pyramids in the void... countless images of Yahweh. Names, countless Yahweh’s past, gathered into a vast history book.

The previous ones were too flamboyant and could only be called "notes."

And to make up for these details, it can be called "history!"

This is the official history of the earth that belongs exclusively to the realm of no return!

"Ha..." After a while, he opened his eyes, the torrent in his heart surging. Glancing at Chu Zhaonan, he saw that he was also breathing rapidly and his face was red.

This road to the gods from Jerusalem passed through two immortal realms and one upper realm, passing through countless planes, and it was finally time to reveal it.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother did not speak immediately, as if waiting for their digestion. Seeing the two people's faces return to normal from red, they suddenly smiled: "Do you think these are the main line of the story?"

"No..." She said word by word: "This... is just the prologue."

"What you have to digest and hear is the truth that you have never thought of and overturns the myth. Be prepared. I don't want to mention these old scars again. You only have one chance to listen."

The two of them gritted their teeth and took deep breaths for several minutes. They held hands until their breaths completely calmed down.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked faintly into the void, her eyes seemed to have returned to the era before the prehistoric times when wars were raging and all realms were rising together. There was no emotion or anger in his voice, and he was silent for dozens of seconds before he spoke quietly: "It seems that you have thought of it... The moment the barrier opened, the earth was immediately attacked by the nearby Yahweh. Those who thought they were the original Yahweh finally discovered the universe. There are more powerful creatures than them."

"They can't fill the gap in the barrier. No one will give them this time."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. It was his first time participating in the war. Almost all of the fallen Yahwehs were the first generation of Yahwehs. Born to adhere to the will of the world, any person is an extremely terrifying existence.

"The Yahweh of the Earth almost fell into despair. At this moment, Khaos and Haotian appeared. Because of their intervention, the Earth was finally saved from disaster. And in order for the Earth to completely avoid this war that destroyed countless civilizations, The two first Yahwehs did one thing.”

She took a deep breath, pursed her lips slightly, and with a lingering look of fear on her face even after countless years, she spoke word by word: "They...removed the earth."

"Pull the entire earth away from here, escape from the galaxy, escape from the Milky Way, travel through the planes with an extremely huge fairy world, and finally...reach the solar system."

Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan opened their mouths slightly in disbelief, and the corners of their eyes twitched slightly.


too crazy……

But there is absolute sanity in this madness.

Although it was just a word from Butterfly Mother, Xu Yangyi could still imagine what kind of battle the two first-generation Yahwehs went through in order for the earth to gain a foothold. The first Ragnarok was a divine war in which the first generation of Yahweh participated. The scope may not be as large as the second Ragnarok, but the quality is definitely the highest in history!

Perhaps it was because they had gained a foothold that the two first-generation Yahwehs understood the horror of the cosmic jungle, and they knew even more clearly that no one would tolerate a new force entering this broken battlefield. They could survive for a while, but not for a lifetime.

To save the earth, there is only this incredible possibility.

"It's unbelievable..." He sighed deeply and looked at the surrounding sky: "This... is actually the original trajectory of the earth. We... have never left the scope of the earth..."

"The original 'trajectory'?" Nanhua Butterfly Mother raised her hand, and the butterfly landed on her hand. She lowered her eyes and said softly: "This is not a 'trajectory'..."

"This is Earth."

She waved her hand, and a star map of the Chain of Seven Realms appeared in it, with as many dazzling planes as stars. She pointed at it casually: "Do you think these are really planes?"

"No... no, their bodies are the fragments of Buzhou Mountain and the land exploded by these fragments. They formed the initial cornerstone of this star field. This is the trace of the earth's existence in this sky. Even... From a spiritual point of view, this place is more upright than the earth you are on."

"Do you know how many these fragments are?" She waved her hand gently, and the butterfly flew away lightly, and said slowly: "It is thirty million times that of the earth where you are."

Traveling through a plane 30 million times larger than the Earth...

It is equivalent to carrying thirty suns through the void!

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