
Chapter 1394: Earth's Official History (Part 3)

Chu Zhaonan did not speak. He held his forehead with his hands, his temples throbbing. His worldview was shattered and reorganized. Even if the butterfly mother had been vaccinated long ago, it would not help.

He thought of the same problem as Xu Yangyi that day.

who I am?

I always thought that the Seven Realms suppressed the earth, but in fact they are "earth people" with pure blood?

I have always thought of myself as an Earthling, but in the end I found out that I was actually just an immigrant?

They, who have experienced the war of all realms, cannot accept it at all when they see countless earth monks fall.

After a long silence, he finally spoke in a hoarse voice: "Wasn't the earth moved away? Why was most of it left? Only the last bit left to reach the earth?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother said quietly: "This is what Emperor Wa meant."

"Why?" Chu Zhaonan now reflexively refused, rejecting everything he heard and rejecting a whole new world view, he immediately asked.

"Because of Lei Ze and Hua Xu." As soon as he finished speaking, a hoarse voice sounded. The person who answered him was not Nanhua Butterfly Mother, but Xu Yangyi.

He sat on the chair, holding the teacup, but did not drink. He seemed to be in a trance and murmured: "Because... this is her hometown. When the leaves fall back to their roots, it is hard to leave their hometown. This is recognition of herself and her cause and effect." She can't abandon it just like you do now.

He looked at the Nanhua Butterfly Mother: "So... you have been reminding us of Kunlun, and that's why you let us know the footprints of Hua Xu and Lei Ze."

Nanhua Butterfly Mother was noncommittal and did not answer directly. Instead, she looked at the flying butterflies and said softly: "Sometimes, the ancestors planted the cause of butterflies and reaped the fruits of the storm. This is the so-called butterfly effect on modern earth. "

"No one thought at the time that this relocation of the fairyland would lead to an unimaginable result."

She withdrew her gaze and lightly opened her lips: "Lord Wahuang also came to the solar system together and never left. At that time, due to the outbreak of the Doomsday Judgment, almost all the habitable cave heaven paradise was destroyed. The number of monks in their practice era was definitely not what it is now. Compared with the earth, it is no longer realistic for these people to live on the earth. More and more monks who have not practiced in caves choose to leave the earth and live in other planes temporarily. "

"At first it was a single monk, and then it was the entire sect. Some said they left temporarily, and some... never came back." With a trace of vicissitudes in her eyes, she said slowly: "This is an inevitable result. There are fewer and fewer monks on the earth, and it has changed from a bustling fairy world to an isolated island. Finally, Emperor Wa was unwilling to be lonely, and he molded the bodies of monks out of clay and gave them human shapes, which became the beginning of your spiritual era. "

No one spoke.

Nuwa created humans... is this the reason?

Not out of pity? But because of loneliness? Miss you?

Nanhua Butterfly Mother seemed to have expressed her long-held feelings, and her expression became much brighter. She looked at Chu Zhaonan who was biting her lips and clenching her hands tightly, and said softly: "You don't believe it? But it's a pity that this is the truth. The truth is never afraid of questioning. Even if it is too different from what you know, I have no obligation to explain this issue. This is just a side detail of this history.”

"Come on, follow me... set foot on the ancient road of the stars. I will let you know what happened to the earth in the distant years. And why it became like this."

A talisman lights up the fingertips, followed by a second one, and then turns into circles, like spiritual butterflies flying, densely filling the void. A space portal opened silently, and she walked in first.

Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan followed immediately. Light and shadow intertwined in front of their eyes. Soon, a strong spiritual energy rushed towards their faces. Although it was not as strong as the Choming Ruins, it was definitely top-notch.

When they first appeared, Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan both said "hmm" softly.

It feels very strange... like... time has suddenly turned. It seems that the Choking Holy Land and this place do not belong to the same time period.

But no one was in the mood to care about this, so they immediately looked over.

Peach Blossom Island, Green Lotus Sea, and at the end of Broken Void, a huge black hole keeps spinning. A majestic ark wanders on the sea.

"This is..." Chu Zhaonan said in shock.

"I'll tell you later." Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. He didn't understand why the butterfly mother brought them to her lair, but he believed that he would have an answer soon.

Furious, his long search finally found the answer, the last piece of his treasure map. The silhouette of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother flew across the sky, turned into a stream of light and headed straight for the black vortex. They immediately followed. The creatures on Noah's Ark below felt the butterfly mother's breath and were overjoyed, but no one stopped.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. He saw a dragon under Noah's Ark, splashing leisurely in the water. Seeing his appearance, the dragon gasped and immediately submerged into the water.

"I asked it to send you a message, but there seems to be some small accident." The voice of the Nanhua Butterfly Mother came: "For some reasons, I can't be real or even project, and my will will appear in the seven realms. Don't worry about it."

Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze.

The light was like a rainbow, piercing the sky. For three hours, they finally reached the end of the ocean. Only then did he realize how big the ocean was.

This sea can be planted with green lotus, and the Nanhua butterfly mother has been trapped for such a long time.

Rumble... The majestic black vortex swallowed everything, and the spiritual energy was dyed black and submerged into it. The three people stood in front of them, feeling an indescribable power that surpassed anything they had ever seen before.

Like leaves in a tornado, there is no way to stay standing.

A colorful brilliance flashed through, and the two of them suddenly felt the pressure on their bodies relax. Nanhua Butterfly Mother's eyes were extremely complex, she looked at the whirlpool and said: "Strictly speaking, the barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Zhengshen was not constructed by the two first-generation Yahwehs. It has enveloped the sky since the birth of the earth. The two first-generation Yahwehs are just It is to put it together, so even the first generation of Yahweh has no way to deal with its brokenness. Only the First Mother God insisted on repairing the barrier because of her parents."

"I'm afraid no one knows... Nuwa's mending of the sky has not been completed. Maybe you have heard of it, but it is just a legend."

"And this is the last crack."

No one spoke, and she continued: "Mending the sky is an extremely long process, and the preparation alone took a full 60,000 years. The First Mother Goddess tried countless materials, but could not do it. Finally, she suddenly had a The idea is, since the Tiandao barrier is supported by Buzhou Mountain, why not try it with fragments of Buzhou Mountain?"

This sentence was said very easily, but it was clear to onlookers. No one could imagine how many materials Nuwa tried to repair the sky.

She closed her eyes gently, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly, like fluttering butterflies: "It was the first time in 60,000 years that Emperor Wa stepped out of the stars and headed to the Kunlun ruins. Originally, she had given up hope, but she didn't expect , some fragments of Buzhou Mountain are completely consistent with the barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Zhengshen! But... at the same time, a forbidden material was also born."

Xu Yangyi blinked and suddenly took a breath: "Eternal fine gold?!"

"Yes!" Nanhua Butterfly Mother slowly opened her eyes, her voice neither sad nor happy: "It was precisely because of this material that was written as 'taboo by the gods' in the Hongmeng Contract Book that the following series of things happened. Including... …the division of the earth.”

Xu Yangyi opened his mouth slightly and shook his head. It was a completely subconscious reaction. Here it comes again...another event that the gods passed by in one stroke, but which concealed a rich history.

The Hongmeng Contract Book only records that "a magical material was discovered, called eternal fine gold." But there is absolutely no mention of how the eternal fine gold was discovered! Discovered by whom!

It... actually comes from the First Mother Goddess!

And it is not a creation of the universe, but a human refining!

"Lord Wa Huang stepped out of the starry sky to search for the ruins of Kunlun. Only then did he realize that the second Ragnarok had begun. At this time, two major forces appeared in the galaxy. One was the Divine Creation Dynasty headed by the Seven Pillars of Desire, and the other was Ya The Kunlun of the Wei Alliance, and the Kunlun ruins of the Earth have suddenly become the first front.”

She was silent for a few seconds: "You can imagine my anger when the site of my parents' graves became a battlefield."

The two nodded, and the Butterfly Mother's voice continued: "Although I didn't accompany you this time, I can still feel the anger of Emperor Wa after he came back. At this moment...she was completely separated from the two first generations of Yahweh. I I found out that she didn’t agree with joining any faction and wanted to remain neutral.”

Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan both smiled silently and bitterly.

Is this possible?

In that catastrophe of life, what will be the fate of being alone?

It can only be said that Emperor Wa is a woman who values ​​love and justice, and she does it even though she knows she cannot do it, but the other Yahwehs... obviously will not agree to her.

Gathering her mind, she continued: "However, the tree is still but the wind is not stopping. I don't know exactly what the eternal fine gold can do. Lord Mother God didn't tell me. time, Lord Haotian's will came and recruited The remaining monks in the Third Realm and above in the Immortal Realm went to Kunlun to fight, and after that, his will did not leave. "

"Even I can feel the obvious shock in the Lord's will - that was the first time I saw Yahweh's shock, the kind of shock that was beyond his prediction and control."

"He looked at Butianchi for a long, long time, and then left quietly. Because the Mother Goddess was extremely dissatisfied with him at the moment, he did not stay."

Xu Yangyi let out a long sigh. He knew that the story was about to reach its climax at this point.

In the situation of being completely suppressed at that time, the Kunlun Alliance was able to defeat it all because of the eternal fine gold. From this point of view, Nuwa deserves to be called unique.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother's expression was a little desolate. She pointed to the huge black hole in front of her and said: "At that time... only this place was left unpatched. However, at this moment, a total of more than a dozen first-generation Yahwehs who were as powerful as Lord Haotian came. . Their strength is so terrifying that not even Lord Wa can resist them at all."

"They... put forward a condition." She took a deep breath: "I don't know what it was specifically, but after a year, Lord Wahuang left."

But Xu Yangyi knew.

That is...creating the God King!

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