
Chapter 1395: Nuwa became a Taoist and shed tears to mend the sky

No one knows the use of the Sky-Mending Stone better than Nuwa, and at that time, Kunlun had already made a desperate move.

Nuwa... may not only have participated in the Devil's Oven, but also participated in the fusion of the God-King! Witnessed that historic scene in person! A scene that rewrites the entire history of the galaxy!

"However, Lord Wa Huang also put forward a condition, but I know this."

Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan frowned, and they guessed Nuwa's conditions at the same time.

"Is she going to..." Chu Zhaonan said tremblingly: "Move the Kunlun Holy Mountain?"

Xu Yangyi glanced at him. The other person seemed to have come out of his world-view subversion mentality and began to analyze rationally. I have to say, the psychology is very strong.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother nodded: "Yes, her condition is that once the war is over, Kunlun Holy Mountain will be moved immediately and returned to where it should be."

"Not only the Kunlun Holy Mountain, but also the sky and sea areas near it. In other words..."

She did not continue. Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan only felt their hearts heavy and said in a deep voice: "The earth... is divided."

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother sighed deeply: "At that time, the entire earth was almost submerged by the underworld. Moving Kunlun... would mean moving 99% of the earth... From then on, the earth was divided into Kunlun, a chain of seven realms near the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. The old site, and the Earth of the solar system.”

"The two parties have not communicated with each other until death, and cut off all information. She wants to become the supreme Yahweh here. Become the way of heaven."

"This is her condition."

Dead silence.

Neither of them spoke. Although this result was expected, it still felt extremely complicated when it was actually confirmed.


Who is wrong?


From Emperor Wa's perspective, she was not wrong. From the overall perspective of the two first generations of Yahweh, they were right.

In the end, this resulted in unacceptable consequences and they parted ways.

The result was obvious. Yawei accepted it, or Kunlun accepted it. Even Haotian and Khaos had no objections. Xu Yangyi had already seen the critical situation at that time from the Hongmeng Contract Book.

There was silence for dozens of minutes, and everyone had a lot of thoughts in their minds. In the end, Nanhua Butterfly Mother was the first to speak: "I don't even know there is any war. As a servant of Emperor Wa, I have been with her for a long time. I even know the refining method and use method of eternal fine gold. In order for me not to say In order to let the Mother God return to her hometown, it was at that time that she gave me a promise."

"Always keep the practice of eternal fine gold. She will promise me in Kunlun that after I reach my realm, I will be crowned Yahweh. The Yahweh she canonized."

"I agreed."

"She brought me to the Kunlun Alliance. Only then did I know that the war had started again. I don't know what happened after that, because my realm at the time was no more than a saint, but I had a good understanding. Plus she was easy to use. I I don’t know who is at war with whom. I have been refining eternal gold in the Seven Realms.”

"Soon, the war ended. No one expected it to be so soon. However, Emperor Wa did not come back. She just informed me with her will that she was going to refine a treasure called the Devil's Oven, which was countless light years away. Outside. And... after leaving her shelter, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the eternal fine gold, I have been sealed here since then. "

She breathed a sigh of relief, as if spitting out the turbidity of countless years, and looked at the starry sky that was so familiar that she couldn't be more familiar: "I should be lucky that I am still alive. After participating in this top-secret situation, I am still alive. "

"Moreover, they did not restrict Tai Die. As compensation for the seal, I can use my incarnation to walk to remove the seven realms."

Xu Yangyi sighed.

He once envied the butterfly mother who could travel through dreams and be everywhere, and regretted that Jinse's shadow was interrupted before she could perfect it, but now, he couldn't even arouse the slightest interest.

This is a magical power purchased at the cost of freedom.

Silent again, Nanhua Butterfly Mother said quietly: "Fortunately, Lord Wa did not give up on me. After a long time... I can't remember how long, maybe thousands of years, ten thousand years, she finally came back. She also entered this tragedy. The end of.

"She was very tired and began to repair the last loopholes in the sky. But... she was too impatient. She was only one step away from that day, but the Yahwehs agreed to the conditions and moved to the seven realms on the front line. I can understand, she She is completely separated from the two first-generation Yahwehs and does not want to stay in what she sees as a 'foreign land', which is the earth in the solar system. "

"However, the consequence is that after experiencing the enchantment of war, it can no longer be made up. This space hole has been left here and is getting bigger and bigger."

"Once it cannot be repaired, with the strength of her second generation Yawei, she will not be able to protect this plane. This is the cave heaven paradise that does not return to the immortal world. Once a war breaks out between Yawei, and the fuse/cord is ignited, who knows the next war How long will it take? In the end, I will only make wedding clothes for others..."

She closed her eyes and her chest heaved slightly: "In desperation and regret, she made a decisive decision."

After pausing for a few seconds, she suddenly changed the topic: "You may have heard the story of Nuwa patching up the sky. No matter what, she is also a righteous god and a Yahweh who has made great contributions. Her existence cannot be questioned. Regarding The legends of Yahweh have been passed down from generation to generation, era to era. But..."

"Have you ever heard of the other side of this legend?"

Xu Yangyi frowned, it was another damn blind spot in knowledge... He had already begun to regret why he didn't listen carefully in Tiandao.

However, Chu Zhaonan would obviously make him regret it even more. He was stunned when he heard this, and took a breath: "You mean... Emperor Wa wept his blood to mend the sky? This... a legend that almost no one knows?! It is only circulated in a small area. s legend?!"

Xu Yangyi wished he could slap his mouth shut.

Being proven ignorant by your friends is the scariest thing. Why haven't you seen this attribute of being a top student before?

Their expressions and Xu Yangyi's embarrassment were instantly captured by Nanhua Butterfly Mother. The sudden relief made her smile rarely, and raised the corners of her mouth: "Small scope does not mean non-existence. Many times, the truth is often covered up in falsehood. It is often the smallest group of people who hold the truth.”

Chu Zhaonan frowned and gritted his teeth: "This legend... is it true?"

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother was silent for a few seconds, nodded firmly, and said in a voice that sounded like a sigh: "It's... it's true..."

She looked straight at the black hole: "Pangu opened the sky, the beginning of the prehistoric era. Gonggong's head hit Mount Buzhou, causing the celestial body to tilt and causing chaos in the three realms. The four ancient mythical beasts - each dominates one side and causes chaos. The four mythical beasts have different personalities, and the dragon clan is arrogant. , White Tiger is reckless, Xuanwu is sinister, and Suzaku is cruel. Emperor Wa used the twelve colorful stones left behind by Butian to cast a demon bottle to calm the world. "

"However, how many fragments of Mount Buzhou...are there?"

"You may not know it, but I know it's a total of thirty-six thousand five hundred yuan. More than half of it has been used for previous repairs, plus the refining in the Kunlun Alliance, and Emperor Wa took it away when he refined the Demon Oven. Too much, and what’s left…is not enough.”

"She... transformed her body into Tao, wept her blood to fill the sky, and was completely wiped out in this world. Only her soul remained intact and fell asleep for a long time."

She withdrew her gaze from the black hole: "This... is the remains of Emperor Wa. She used her body to repair the last crack. From then on, the Seven Realms were formed, Kunlun was immortal, and the Sea of ​​Eternal Life separated Yin and Yang. She achieved creation when she fell. This world has truly entered the realm of the first generation of Yahweh.”

"It's a pity... there is no future."

Her voice seemed to linger in the sky, and both of them were stunned.

Looking at the huge black hole ahead, and then looking around, they flew up in unison.

However, the black hole seemed to be at the edge of the broken plane, but it was impossible to touch it. It was far away in the horizon and close in front of us.

"The remains of Emperor Wa..." Xu Yangyi couldn't describe his current mood. It was complicated, regretful, etc., which merged into an indescribable river and flowed upstream.

Nuwa created human beings and finally abandoned the era she created and returned to the Seven Realms. I am afraid she will never be able to imagine that the earth has now taken a completely different path.

Amazing? regret? Pity?

Maybe both, maybe neither.

For a long time, the two of them sighed together. They didn't know whether Emperor Wa was right or wrong. In other words, in this ever-changing galaxy chess game, there may be no right or wrong anymore.

"You guys go down first." Nanhua Butterfly Mother looked at the black hole with a confused expression, but both of them felt that the other one felt relieved.

For the first time in countless years, she confided her secrets to someone. The feeling of relief and the sound of the shackles breaking were something that even her state could not calm down.

She didn't want the two of them to see her gaffe.

Xu Yangyi nodded and pulled Chu Zhaonan to fly towards Noah's Ark. They didn't speak, their hearts heavy.

When Jiaolong saw them approaching, he immediately buried himself in the water. The two landed on Noah's Ark and sat at the tea table, one of them sipping the tea with each sip. Far away, the Nanhua Butterfly Mother stood in the sky like a stone sculpture.

Both of them looked there. One day, one night, and the next day, Chu Zhaonan finally said: "She still hasn't said what she wants to ask us to do."

"It's going to be soon..." Xu Yangyi almost adjusted his mood and sighed: "It should be... She is about to enter Yawei, but she can't find the soul of Emperor Wa, and her real body can't go out, so she can only It’s only possible to be the uncrowned king.”

Chu Zhaonan picked up the teacup: "Want... to help?"

"Besides." Xu Yangyi regained his composure: "If it does not conflict with my interests and there is no danger. Anyway... Emperor Wa is also the founder of our era and our true ancestor..."

At this moment, in the void, the Nanhua Butterfly Mother bowed deeply towards the black hole, as if saying goodbye to yesterday and herself tens of thousands of years ago, she turned into a ray of light and flew towards Noah's Ark.

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