
Chapter 1396: Bridge between Heaven and Earth

"What? You didn't leave a cup of tea for me?" Her expression had completely recovered, and she waved her hand-held fan with a smile: "This is my territory."

"Don't dare." Chu Zhaonan said and poured a cup of tea. Nanhua Butterfly Mother took advantage of the tea to hold his hand and stroked it carefully, looking at it as if she could see through clothes.

"You have a good physique and good capital. This little guy said he wanted to bring a man over. You satisfy me very much."

Chu Zhaonan glared at Xu Yangyi fiercely, and Xu Yangyi immediately drank tea. Damn it... He had this evil idea at first, but he swore it was just a passing thought. He was just joking. This old witch...

"That's all, you look unwilling." The Nanhua Butterfly Mother raised Chu Zhaonan's chin frivolously with her fan, fanned her, sighed, and a trace of melancholy flashed between her eyebrows: "And now I I’m not in the mood for you to warm the bed.”

Taking the teacup, she sighed softly, lowered her eyes and flicked the teacup in her hand: "Just now was just the background. The background of this epic is the past, old age, and the past. And we live in the present."

"What we want to do is to continue this story and let it... end well."

"The ending?" Xu Yangyi asked cautiously.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother smiled, obviously gentle, but the two of them felt an inexplicable edge.

Just now, it was for "him", but now, it is for "self".

It was a surge of anticipation that could no longer be restrained, a burning passion that had finally come true for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Dang..." She did not answer, but gently flicked the tea cup. With every movement, the spiritual energy of this world resonated in an unimaginable way, from weak to strong, and as she slowly and slowly moved, After a few seconds of leisurely strolling, the whole world entered a blurry scene.

"Fire." She said softly, and the next second, a terrifying scene suddenly unfolded on the sea. But I saw a red line strangely stretched out on the sea water, and then suddenly turned into a flame that reached the sky. Countless green lotuses withered and turned to ashes in the flames, and the sea water evaporated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Rumble... The sky fire refines the sea, and the sea turns into a mountain of flames in the blink of an eye. Before the two of them could react, she took a sip of tea and said, "Rain."

Brush... The sky seemed to be torn apart by thunder and lightning, black clouds turned ink, withered lotuses listened to the rain, and the violent wind and rain fell almost within five seconds, welcoming the world into the arms of the rain god.

"This is..." The corner of Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched: "Do you follow your words?"

The so-called "speech is followed" can be said to be overused, but the real "speech" is not that simple. That is the ultimate level of Yin Zun, which no longer requires magical powers. He has mastered all the rules of the world and allows the laws of heaven to move as he pleases.

If you want the wind, you can get the wind, and if you want the rain, you can get the rain. Let alone Taixu, you can't reach it even if you step alone!

After fully mastering the laws of the world, the next step... is to try to create things!

She waved her hand, and the downpour disappeared like mist, leaving only a fresh ground. She said calmly: "Now that it has come to this point, I have nothing to hide. This palace... is only one step away from Yahweh. "

The two took a deep breath. The uncrowned king of the Chain of Seven Realms... was so powerful that it was terrifying!

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother gently closed her eyes to hide her sudden excitement, but the rise and fall of her chest still betrayed her. After a few seconds, she spoke hoarsely: "The so-called ending, of course, must conform to the story of Lord Wa Huang. The will of heaven is followed, and all things are followed."

Her voice became majestic, and as she spoke, countless people from all directions spoke together: "But this is Lord Wa's world, and she has set the rules of heaven. And when there is Yahweh, you must advance to Yahweh. Power can only be recognized by heaven. That is to say..."

She put down her tea cup, stood up, looked directly at the two of them and said, "I must awaken the soul of Emperor Wa and get her canonization."

Xu Yangyi was stunned: "The soul of Emperor Wa is not here?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother shook her head and looked at the table with her slender jade-like fingers: "This world is determined by her will. If her will does not exist, this rift will reopen. The Seven Realms will also collapse. However, She has no body, and her will has been weakened to the extreme. She no longer has the power to control all realms, so she can only choose to control the hub, and this is not the hub."

"There is someone else who is really in charge of the world. These people must be guaranteed to be under the control of her rules. Otherwise, with her current strength, there is no guarantee that someone will not dare to change the name of this world."

She suddenly changed the subject: "Do you know which part of the body is the most spiritual?"

Xu Yangyi thought for a moment and then muttered: "The soul resides in the brain, the spirit resides in the body, and what connects the soul, body, and soul is the neck, commonly known as the cervical spine. In the spiritual world, from the cervical spine to Baihui, it is called the bridge between heaven and earth. This It is the only way for souls to communicate.”

The Butterfly Mother nodded slightly: "In order to ensure that her parents' hometown runs according to her own will, she used her own Bridge of Heaven and Earth to refine a treasure, which can be called the pillar of the Seven Realms. Only by breaking through this treasure, can the world Only those who get the promise of her soul are qualified to advance to Taixu Doppo. This is the rule here. The entire Seven Realms can only play within the rules of this game, or..."

She took a deep look at the two of them and said, "God knows it."

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining.

This sentence was so shocking that he seemed to feel something, but when he thought about it carefully, it was not clear.

"Don't understand?" Nanhua Butterfly Mother smiled slightly: "So... do you know how many bones there are in the cervical vertebrae and the top of the head?"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and Chu Zhaonan answered quickly: "Seven cervical vertebrae, Baihui...two?"

you go!

I don't want to see you!

After glaring at Chu Zhaonan, he suddenly paused. The same goes for Chu Zhaonan.

God's way is clear... God's way is clear!

They both raised their heads, Xu Yangyi took a breath and said in disbelief: "Five kings and two queens...two great saints?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother did not answer directly, but asked: "Do you have any doubts? Compared with other planes, the monks of the Seven Realms are not strong, but the Five Kings and Two Queens are surprisingly strong. They have simply reached the peak of Taixu!"

Xu Yangyi sighed and shook his head. It turns out that this is what he had faintly captured before. It has now become completely clear.

That's right... Lord Void is really too strong. Even if he is a great person, in an environment like the Seven Realms, he can actually approach the level of the top prince of Tiragondis. It is really incredible.

Not to mention being talented, if a person lives in the market forever, his vision will only be as narrow as the parents in this area, but it can be small but not big. But if a person stands on the shoulders of giants from the beginning, the goals he sets first will be far different.

"I understand." He sighed with emotion: "They are the embodiment of Emperor Wa's will, the rulers of the seven realms."

"If you don't walk this road, you will never be recognized by Emperor Wa. This is why there are only thirty Taixu in the Seven Realms, but no one can reach the level of five kings and two queens in eternity. As Lord Wa's great In order to ensure that they can suppress the Seven Realms, Guanshi' and 'Guanshi' were given stronger power."

I see……

It's such a generous gesture. As long as she throws out the bait of Dubu and the Five Kings and Two Queens, someone will naturally be willing to manage this place for her. After all... Dubu, the Supreme of the Realm, this bait is too big, but it happens to be within the control of Emperor Wa.

And only by entering the World of Great Conflict can you truly enter the top game board of the Seven Realms. Others are not even qualified to participate!

Who would have thought that the world of great conflict would not be a simple conquest, but a treasure that might contain planes?

Who would have thought that the geniuses participating in the great conflict would be fighting on the cervical vertebrae of a Yahweh?

"But if you join this system, will you never be able to go further? Will you stop being alone?" He finally opened his eyes and asked.

"Of course." Nanhua Butterfly Mother said quietly: "Dubu is a very mysterious realm. It can be very fast or very slow. It can only take a day if it is fast, and it can be trapped in place for thousands of years if it is too slow. You can already touch and feel on Dubu. With the existence of Yahweh, how could Lord Wa allow such a monk to appear? "

"This is the second part of my reward." She said calmly: "There is no way to play within the rules of this game and at the same time transcend this game."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

The Nanhua butterfly mother herself did it!

And she...has been practicing here. In other words, these holy realms mixed with the power of other Yahweh are the only way to avoid Emperor Wa's law?

As if she understood what he was thinking, Nanhua Butterfly Mother smiled: "This result is not difficult to guess, but it requires my consent."

She waved her fan gently and said with a smile: "If I don't ascend for one day, you will never think about me leaving here."

Nail house!

The two of them glanced at Nanhua Butterfly Mother with resentment. This... was a demolition team, a super tough household that even the urban management, the ultimate weapon, could not move.

Xu Yangyi adjusted his thoughts, his face became completely solemn, he took a step forward and held his hands deeply: "Senior, do you want us to enter the world of great struggle to awaken the soul of Emperor Wa? Do you want her to agree to your promotion?"

"That's right!" Nanhua Butterfly Mother let out a long sigh of relief and said in a solemn voice: "But that's not entirely true. The Emperor Wa's Yuanshen is not in the world of great battles, but on the avenue of fighting for immortality! Entering the killing field of Dubu! You must go through the age of great struggle and then enter the Avenue of Immortality. The soul of Emperor Wa is sleeping at the end of the Avenue of Immortality!"

Her long-cherished wish was finally revealed. Her body was trembling slightly. She had been suppressing it for too long, waiting for too long, and her hands were tightly clenched where no one could see her: "After one month, the stars will set in the towering city. At that time, If the divine throne is vacant, Lord Wa’s distraction will come in person to confirm whether the divine throne is vacant. This distraction is the only way to awaken the soul of Emperor Wa!”

"This is also your only chance to defeat the Five Kings and Two Queens, the two great saints!"

The eyes of Xu Yangyi and Chu Zhaonan suddenly shone. Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth and cupped his hands and said, "This distraction..."

"It's just the outer body!" Nanhua Butterfly Mother's eyes swept over the two people like stars, and she spoke almost word by word, trying to carve these words into their hearts: "I can guarantee that if you miss this opportunity, the Holy Spirit will The door to this world will never be opened to you again.”

She took a step forward, and for the first time a sharp edge appeared on her soft face: "As long as I ascend to Yahweh, I will take you with me, why not?"

Her voice was seductive: "Xiao Qing, Jiang Shang, Zhang Daoling... the people you are familiar with are all there, you... don't want to go and take a look?"

"Don't you want to see the truth about the universe?"

"As long as you can do it, even if the scene is completely surrounded by Taichu, the legion commander's hand will be on top of your heads. As long as you get the outer body, I will take action immediately! You will be safe!"

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