
Chapter 1397: Fortune

It’s the beginning of the month! Asking for a monthly ticket! Asking for a monthly ticket! !


The scene was silent except for contemplation and slightly rapid breathing.

"Potato, this..." Chu Zhaonan habitually wanted to ask Xu Yangyi what he thought. However, when he looked over, he saw Xu Yangyi blinking his eyes, and his expression turned out to be terrifyingly calm.

Is Emperor Wa distracted outside his body?

His lips moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

The seven legends are related to the seven talismans. I'm afraid Nanhua Butterfly Mother doesn't know this either.

This is the difference between seeing the big picture and seeing the local part.

Something's wrong...

His face seemed to be deep in thought, and he was analyzing in his mind bit by bit what the other party had said. After a few seconds, something suddenly dawned on him, and he raised his hands and said in a deep voice: "Junior has one last question."

"Say." Nanhua Butterfly Mother's voice was extremely majestic at this moment and she spoke calmly.

Xu Yangyi paused and asked cautiously: "Can Yahweh take out his own bones to refine treasures while he is still alive?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother didn't think at all. At this moment, hundreds of thousands and millions of years of long-cherished wishes had already impacted her heart. She said without hesitation: "No. After all, Yahweh is also a living creature, but a much stronger creature, and also has an entity. Just like Emperor Wa's consciousness was greatly reduced after his death, his consciousness and soul rely on the body to communicate with the body and soul through the bridge of heaven and earth. It may be possible in other parts, but the bridge of heaven and earth, where the soul is hidden above the head, is absolutely impossible. "

Xu Yangyi became more cautious and bowed: "So... was Lord Wa Huang's Bridge of Heaven and Earth forged after death?"

Like the ice and snow melting, the blush of excitement on the butterfly mother's face instantly receded, her eyes froze slightly, and after a few seconds she said: "How can you understand the miracles of Yahweh?"

An unknown annoyance surged into her heart, and she said calmly: "I have said what needs to be said. I have paid the remuneration that needs to be paid in advance. Now, give me the answer."

The two looked at each other, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, clasped his fists seriously and said: "This junior has long been unable to avoid the battle against Towering City!"

Even if Butterfly Mother didn't say anything, he had already decided to let Ben Lei's name resound throughout the seven realms in the age of great strife, let alone the existence outside his body.

Countless entanglements, countless roots, Taichu, Emperor Wa, Lord Kong Kong, Nanhua Butterfly Mother, Seven Realms... Ten thousand people have returned to their clan, and now they all point towards the towering city like a dynamite pack.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins!

"It's the best." Nanhua Butterfly Mother finally breathed a sigh of relief and waved her hand: "Go to the Holy Land of Choking. There... I will give you a fortune. Make sure you can embark on the world of great struggle."

Before they could speak, she flicked her fingers, and their figures immediately disappeared into the void.

The place became quiet again. After a long time, the dragon raised its huge head from the bottom of the boat: "Sir, are they gone?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother was not very interested for some reason. She put the tea cup to her mouth but did not drink. After a long time, she put it down with a sound, and there was a hint of anger on her face.

"grown ups?"

"I'm a little impatient." She sighed, held her head up in displeasure, and said lightly: "That boy... his vision is a bit poor, but he is very sharp."

"You mean...he noticed that you can't communicate with the monks in the Seven Realms? Because you belong to the 'New Earth', this is the 'Old Earth', and the three Yahwehs have agreed not to communicate with each other? This is nothing, right? You After being trapped for countless years, everyone can guess that you can’t communicate with the monks here.”

"That's all. It's not a big deal." Nanhua Butterfly Mother waved her hands a little irritably: "He probably noticed something else that I don't want to say... As a chess piece... it would be bad if it jumped out of the chessboard."

"If I don't tell him, I won't harm him, so..." She casually touched the head that Jiaolong stretched out to please: "Humans, you still shouldn't be too smart."

"It will make you worry too much and bore others."

On the other side, Xu Yangyi and his two figures appeared in the Choking Holy Realm in just an instant, feeling the extremely rich aura again. Twelve planes surround the heavens, with dragons and phoenixes flying, forming a rare holy realm of pure spiritual energy.

"Yangtao, what's wrong with you?" Chu Zhaonan then asked: "In the end... you felt a little wrong?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, his eyes were like fire, and after a while he snorted coldly: "She still has something to hide, and she's hiding something crucial."


Xu Yangyi turned to look at him: "I don't know...but do you remember, I finally asked, can Yahweh refine the Bridge of Heaven and Earth during his lifetime?"

Chu Zhaonan nodded.

"She spilled the beans..." Xu Yangyi licked his lips and said in a deep voice: "I had doubts before, how did the Bridge of Heaven and Earth appear? The Butterfly Mother can't get out, who refined this treasure? Who dares to touch Wa? The remains of the emperor? And the soul of Emperor Wa is still there, this must have been with her consent!"

There was no need for him to say anything. Chu Zhaonan's eyes suddenly flashed: "Among the Seven addition to Butterfly Mother, are there people from Emperor Wa?"

"I don't know." Xu Yangyi's frown deepened, and then he relaxed: "However, what she said is right, at least for now. That is, since you want to play in the Seven Realms, you must abide by the rules here."

"She hasn't been out for so many years, and she obviously can't communicate with the Seven Realms. She doesn't dare to lie to us about these things. Now... let's see what kind of fortune she has given us."

Chu Zhaonan nodded. He felt that Xu Yangyi was still unfinished, but he didn't want to ask more questions.

Without a private space, we can't be friends. Just like he also had many secrets, such as breaking through to the Saint in such a short time, Xu Yangyi also didn't ask.

The two turned into light and flew forward. The feeling of time disharmony appeared again, but disappeared immediately. Their eyes were all looking for "good fortune," so Chu Zhaonan did not see Xu Yangyi's frowning eyebrows.

He did hide a little, even Nanhua Butterfly Mother did not know.

If it was the Queen of Wa who created the seven legends, how could it be related to the seven talismans?

It can be explained that the Queen of Wa put in the fragments of the talisman, but is it necessary? She had no reason to do so.

He would rather understand it as: other Yahwehs are not at ease with the maker of eternal refined gold. A Yahweh who can split the plane for the burial place of his parents is dangerous no matter how you look at it. Maybe it is abrupt and different from others, but this difference has caused other Yahwehs to feel uneasy. In particular, the source of this uneasiness also mastered the entire process of the forbidden objects of the gods.

Therefore, they quietly put in the seven talismans and let the "power" of other Yahwehs join the seven realms as "eyes". It is more like monitoring than helping the operation of this plane.

Perhaps this is more in line with their relationship. Or perhaps, Queen Wa herself doesn't know, or even if she knows, she can't do anything about it.

However, now is not the time to think about these things.

The body outside the body is about to come, and they must now be fully prepared to welcome the worst possible situation in Cantian City.

Ten thousand sects gather, Taichu is pressing, and only one force can come out on top.

It's really a ** bomb that is ready to explode...

At this moment, they have already flown in front of Jin Chanzi's huo, and the fragments of the Honghuang Sancheng Flower on the ground actually floated six petals and flew towards them slowly.

"Is this the fate she said?" Chu Zhaonan was stunned for a second, and then said dissatisfiedly: "It's too stingy, right? We helped her achieve the Great Dao! Three petals are sent away?"

"Then what do you want?" A voice sounded, Chu Zhaonan's eyes were wide, and he was about to punch, but was stopped by Xu Yangyi.

"I hope you are well." Xu Yangyi turned his head and saw a dark man standing behind him. The other party looked serious and looked at Xu Yangyi with great vigilance. Xu Yangyi smiled and bowed: "Brother Jiaolong?"

"Hmph!" Jiaolong retreated two steps, snorted: "If it weren't for the order of Lady Diemu, I wouldn't want to see you again."

Without waiting for the two to speak, Jiaolong greedily glanced at the six petals: "The master said that in the era of great strife, even if you get the outer body, once the strength is not enough to advance to Taixu, you can't be honored as one of the five kings and two queens. Qingxu Taihao Pill and this place can make up for your last shortcoming."

"Here?" Chu Zhaonan raised his eyebrows.

Jiaolong proudly straightened his chest: "This is the Yeming Ruins! The territory dominated by time! Don't you feel that the flow of time is wrong?"

"As long as you practice here, the speed is faster than you can imagine, and one day here is equal to ten years outside! This is the real scary place of the Yeming Ruins!"

The two raised their eyebrows at the same time, it was really a blessing!

Time, space, two divine rules, the supreme law of the universe, this kind of training place is rare, even if it is rare in billions.

Xu Yangyi is now just one step away from the late stage of the Venerable Saint. There are still thirty days before the battle of Cantian City. Even if he only practices for fifteen days and leaves fifteen days to rush to Cantian City, it will be one hundred and fifty years! Breaking through the late stage of the Venerable Saint is just around the corner!

"Thank you." He waved his hand: "Then don't bother us."

What does it mean?

Crossing the river and destroying the bridge, right?

The dragon glared at him hatefully, but crawled into the crack of the void and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"What are you waiting for?" Chu Zhaonan was also very excited about this kind of fortune, and he wanted to meditate immediately. There is no spirit gathering array here. As for the cave, any place is a fairyland. With their strength, other creatures dare not come up at all.

The two of them were in sync and flew to the side of the Honghuang Sancheng Flower. This flower is the essence of all the twelve planes. When it is swallowed and exhaled, the spiritual energy is vast and there is no better place than here.

Without saying much, Chu Zhaonan immediately entered the practice. Xu Yangyi was not in a hurry. He scanned the storage ring with his spiritual sense and took out another thing.

Zhongli Quan gave him a gift.

At the beginning, the other party had no time to say what it was for in a hurry. But this elixir contains spiritual energy, and it is definitely an ordinary product from the hands of an elixir master like Zhongli Quan.

Although time is now a matter of seconds, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Once it is useful, the benefits will increase exponentially.

The pupil immediately turned into a black hole, and he explored it bit by bit. Although his elixir realm is not as good as Zhongli Quan, he is at least at the level of a grandmaster. He can also see the general situation by touching the elixir of the elixir master.

"The grass grows again, the fruit grows in a hundred days, the fruit grows in the yin crane..." Time passed little by little, and even with the help of the infinite truth, it took him three hours to distinguish them clearly.

Then, his heart was already burning.

"Gift for meeting?" The corners of his mouth curled up: "If it were in the Seventh Realm, it would indeed be a gift for meeting. But here, it is a super gift!"

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