
Chapter 1398: Breaking through!

This elixir has only one function, which is to triple the amount of spiritual energy you can breathe out! Lasts year!

There is no better place to use it than the Choking Holy Land!

Such a strong spiritual energy expands three times in a year... Breaking through the late stage is not a problem!

Without hesitation, he closed his eyes and meditated for an hour, his mind settled, his energy and spirit were adjusted to the highest level, and then he solemnly swallowed the pill.

Gudu... The elixir melts in your mouth, with the fragrance and bitterness of the grass and trees, without a trace of smoke and smoke, and there is no trace of refinement. It seems to contain a piece of the essence of heaven and earth, but it is all composed of spiritual energy.

"Ruo Tunxia Dinner Mist... I recognize all the ingredients for this elixir, but now it seems that I have concentrated all the essence of these ingredients. Is this the strength of the elixir?"

Before he could think about it, there was a buzz all over his body. As soon as the essence of the medicine passed through his throat, it immediately turned into streams of heat and quickly rushed to the major meridians and key points. Then, all the closed pores on the body suddenly opened, as if they had self-awareness.

Brush blah blah... Visible to the naked eye, the spiritual energy around him was like smoke and silk. After a shock, they rushed towards him quickly as he swallowed. Even Chu Zhaonan, who was sitting not far away, benefited from this.

The fluctuations became bigger and louder, one hour... two hours later. Two and a half hours later, the medicine had fully exerted its power, and ripples of haze and a funnel of spiritual energy had formed under the prehistoric Three Vehicles Flower. The magnificent spiritual energy even formed a thousand-meter vortex visible to the naked eye around here, being swallowed crazily.

Time after time, day after day, they seize every moment to practice. He practiced for many years, and his strength improved bit by bit. Seven days later, suddenly, a bright golden light rose into the sky.

The glow stirred up the spiritual energy vortex and roared suddenly. Chu Zhaonan opened his eyes for the first time and immediately saw the extremely dense spiritual energy vortex around him.

"Is this...potato's swallowing?" He was stunned: "It's so can attract so much spiritual power at one time. With him as the center, I also benefit from it. No wonder I'm getting to the middle stage faster than I thought."

Before he could think about it, there was a sudden impact in the void, causing the vortex to erupt. His eyes moved and he immediately looked in the direction of Xu Yangyi.

As a fellow saint, he knew that this was the sound that broke through physical barriers.

Wherever I looked, I could see the clothes of the other party flying, black hair flying wildly, golden brilliance blooming all over the body, the Dharma being solemn, the sound of yellow bells and dalu ringing from time to time in the dantian, and beads of sweat gradually secreted on the forehead.

"Sure enough, it is the late stage of the days...seventy years!" A look of longing flashed in his eyes. To be able to reach the late stage of the sainthood...there are not many major sects, only the top 200 saints are all in the later stage. Above, these monks can already be called the humerus of the sect, and they have the hope of reaching the realm of Taixu.

A look of longing flashed past, but he did not fall back into concentration. With a wave of his hand, a continuous stream of talismans flew out of the storage ring, spreading out countless talismans and enveloping them in a golden ball of light.

One day, two days, the ball of light never opened, and the sound of thunder could be heard inside. Until the afternoon of the next day, with a clear roar, Ruo Qianlong ascended to the sky, and the light ball and the surrounding aura vortex were instantly shaken away. The next second, they gathered around madly again.

Dao becomes a saint and strides to the later stage. Every promotion will cause strange phenomena in the world. The entire spiritual mist condensed and boiled above Xu Yangyi's head. Half an hour later, it turned into a spiritual energy tornado and crashed down!

Brush... Invisible strong winds exploded from this plane, across the void. On the twelve planes, all the trees lowered their heads, and the tree crowns shook wildly and rustled. Dinosaurs, insects... any creature is lying quietly on the ground at this moment. Even if there are creatures that are also lucky enough to step into the holy world, not a single one dares to poke their head.

Boom! The spiritual energy tornado poured into Xu Yangyi's head fiercely, and the golden light in his body became even more intense. His joints creaked, his face turned red, and his veins bulged, as if he was reincarnating between pleasure and pain. The violent tornado caused an invisible shock wave. After the shock wave, thousands of stars shone in all directions.

"Spiritual Tide Body Refining..." Chu Zhaonan sighed with emotion. He was also a Yang Sage. He knew very well that if the physical body had not reached the extreme, at most it would be spiritual energy initiation and spiritual tide body refining... Such a scenario would not be possible for him. It can definitely be done.

Those stars were extremely dense spiritual energy points, the size of a fist, and boundless. They formed a vortex of galactic stars around the Three-Cheng Flower. Then, all the streams returned to their clan, and they rushed towards Xu Yangyi at full speed in the interlacing of light and shadow. !

Swipe, pull, pull... If the mountains and seas roar together, the sun and the moon are silent, for a time there is only the tide of light, swaying the shadows of the eight wastelands. As these light spots rush towards the body one after another, his breath becomes more and more visible to the naked eye. Coming more and more majestic.

For another two full hours, with a dull buzzing sound from the sky and the earth, the tornado of spiritual energy suddenly dissipated and the stars disappeared. Only the peaceful spiritual energy like mist and mist remained here, which was more dense than before, like a fairyland.

"Da Chu?" Xu Yangyi's eyes trembled, and he finally opened them, seeing everything in front of him clearly. His eyes fell on the talismans scattered around, and he said with a smile: "I delayed your practice. Thank you."

When breaking through, any disturbance may cause unpredictable consequences. Although they have already set up restrictions around them, one more sober person will give them more peace of mind.

"You're so polite." Chu Zhaonan sneered and looked at him with burning eyes: "Is it done?"

Xu Yangyi's forehead was covered with sweat. It was really difficult to pass the level this time, but at least there was no danger. He did not expect that the saint's physical barriers would increase so much in the later stages.

Without answering, he closed his eyes again and felt it. He clenched his fist, and a stronger force than before filled his body. Some obscure things were not clear. In a radius of ten meters, the void slowly twisted because of this fist without spiritual power. It was overwhelmed.

"The body is strong and tears the void." Chu Zhaonan whistled: "Awesome, really awesome. We have been focusing on physical cultivation for 30,000 years in the Vajra Dao. The only one who can do this is the founder, and he can only do it after Taixu."

Xu Yangyi smiled, looked at Jin Chanzi's molt with burning eyes, slowly raised his hand, and then punched out.

Boom... With a loud noise, the plane was shaken in an instant, and the entire plane was shaking constantly, as if there was a light earthquake. The surrounding treetops danced wildly, and countless insects flew into the sky.

The vibration stopped for more than ten seconds, but the two looked at the huge molt in disappointment. There was not a single scar on it, and even no dents existed.

"You used all your strength?" Chu Zhaonan frowned, Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "Although I was not fully prepared, I did hit it with all my strength. Even if I was prepared, it would not be much better than this."

Chu Zhaonan rubbed his chin: "It is said that the cassock that Tang Monk wore was woven with this thing... Doesn't he think it's too heavy?"

Fusheng stole half a day of leisure, the two chatted for a few words, and once again entered the state of practice without knowing the day and night.

So, they did not see that just after the cicada shed its skin, the trees that were blocked by the huge body collapsed one by one, and the corpses of countless insects were scattered all over the place. Those towering trees were like being torn apart by invisible giants, forming a thousand-meter-long open space that diverged until it was close to two kilometers. Only then did the crooked trees barely stand firm.

Day after day, ten days later, Xu Yangyi finally opened his eyes.

"It's still one tenth away from the great perfection of the saint..." He looked at his body with emotion. This opportunity was too precious, and he was afraid that he would never have it again. Although he wanted to cultivate to the true Great Perfection here, he had to stop because he had something important to do.

As he stood up, it was as if an invisible giant stood up, and the surrounding spiritual energy was slightly pressed downwards. Perhaps he was getting closer and closer to the Taixu that once seemed out of reach. He actually had a taste of returning to nature.

He looked no different from an ordinary person, but an extreme pressure enveloped his side. He could only be viewed from a distance and could not be played with. Every move he made carried a mysterious Taoist connotation.

"It's getting closer and closer to Taixu. It brings about microscopic changes from the inside to the outside of the whole person, but combined, it is already very different from before." He glanced at Chu Zhaonan who was still meditating, and tried to move lightly. His consciousness looked inward at his Dantian, where his own Yuanshen was originally. After the gene collapse and reorganization, the Yuanshen of the same level after the mysterious disappearance of the virtual spirit body, now appeared different again.

The whole Yuanshen actually experienced a transformation from virtual to real, as if... from gas to water, and then from water to ice, now the whole Yuanshen is like an ice sculpture. And... a kind of talisman that he didn't recognize began to spread around.

"The prototype of the virtual crystal?" He looked at the primordial spirit in a deep voice. This was obviously the rhythm of condensing into a virtual crystal. Only the step of Taixu could condense the "godhood."

The prototype of the godhood, his godhood!

There were not many other changes. The Great Perfection was not a realm, but the peak of cultivation after the late stage, and there would not be changes like the late stage. But only by cultivating a realm to the Great Perfection can the next realm be touched.

"The current spiritual energy has probably increased by about 30 million." Retracting his consciousness, he did not stop, leaving a line of words, asking Chu Zhaonan to take care of himself, and his figure had already flown towards the plane from which he came.

He could see that Chu Zhaonan would be able to break through the middle stage in two days at most.

This was the effect of Zhongli Quan's pill. Without the golden apple, his breathing speed was actually not much different from that of the other party. At most, due to his better qualifications, he could breathe about 5% more, but it was instantly increased by three times, allowing him to directly break through two small realms!

"What? Are you leaving?" Nanhua Butterfly Mother's voice suddenly sounded beside his ear. Xu Yangyi was not surprised at all and nodded slowly: "It's urgent."

"What's the urgent matter? You can't bear to stay with me for a while." Nanhua Butterfly Mother's voice chuckled: "Why don't you tell me? I can send you to the nearby holy land."

Xu Yangyi did not refuse. He didn't know what the outside of Yeming Holy Land looked like. Such a big thing happened, the treasure holder was killed, and the entire Yeming Holy Land was eradicated. Someone must have investigated. When he found out that he came out of the holy land, it would be a waste of trouble. Moreover, he had to find a teleportation array to go to Cantian City.

Not afraid of trouble does not mean looking for trouble, especially at this critical moment.

"Is there a place in the northwest of Yeming Holy Land that is similar to the geography here, and there is a seven-world teleportation method camp nearby?" He lowered his eyes, covering his slightly narrowed eyes, and tried to speak in a calm tone: "Also... Can you give the younger generation a peach blossom as a souvenir?"

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