
Chapter 1399: Pursuit

"Peach blossoms are a small matter." Mother Butterfly's voice laughed, "Why go to the northwest? Cantian City is in the southeast, going in the opposite direction. Aren't you afraid that you can't reach Cantian City? But there are only the last ten days."

"Don't worry, senior." Xu Yangyi bowed respectfully, "Unless I disagree, once I agree, I will definitely go all out."

There was silence in the void. After a few seconds, a peach blossom branch as long as an arm appeared in Xu Yangyi's hand. He put it into the storage ring, and a space teleportation array in front of him was opened.

"The situation of the Fuyao Holy Land in the far north is similar to that of Tenglongkou. These holy lands are in a circle around Cantian City, and the distance to Cantian City is similar from any place."

"Thank you, senior." Xu Yangyi was about to step into the teleportation array when the voice of the Butterfly Mother sounded faintly: "Little guy..."

"I have no ill will towards you."

"No matter what you are guessing, I can ignore it. I have also shown my greatest sincerity. But..."

Her voice suddenly became cold and penetrated directly into Xu Yangyi's heart: "If you really dare to betray me, even if I can't get out, I still have a hundred ways to make you die!"

After the last word fell, her voice completely disappeared.

Until the end, this female dragon hidden behind the seven realms, the true uncrowned king of the seven realms, finally showed a hint of sharp fangs.

Xu Yangyi entered the teleportation portal expressionlessly, with light and shadow interlaced in front of his eyes. After the dizziness subsided, he had appeared outside another holy land.

The starry sky looks magnificent at first glance, but you can't even tell the difference after looking at it for a long time. The starry sky here is similar. The holy land behind him is not big, about a hundred meters in size. It is a floating feather, composed entirely of spiritual power. He took a deep look, casually took out a cloak from the storage ring, and flew towards a plane full of spiritual light in the distance.


Tiangang 72 front-line base.

Like Tenglongkou, most of the outermost bases are cannon fodder, which are in the state of being destroyed when Taichu came and repaired when they left. What is more similar is that this is also a place of "exile" for unsuccessful cultivators.

However, there is at least some fighting spirit here. After all, not far behind him is Yaoguang City, a major town in the north. Its scale is not smaller than that of Cantian City. It is ruled by Xiao Leiyin Tianyin Temple. It is also a Class A force without Taixu. It is a family that has been handed down for thousands of years. It is prestigious and is no less than the Cantian Song family.

This place is in the cross-radiation range of the two major towns. It is larger and more prosperous than Tenglongkou. There are more people. At least you can see patrolling cultivators. Most of the buildings are Buddhist, and the monks are all high-ranking Buddhist disciples.

A huge demon-subduing pestle, about 15 meters in size, with flying necklaces and precious light, is sitting cross-legged on it, chanting something and pinching Buddhist beads in their hands. The leader is at the Golden Elixir Realm, and the rest are at the Foundation Establishment Realm. The spiritual consciousness uses some secret method to form a large net far beyond their own spiritual consciousness, covering an area of ​​50,000 meters.

"Uncle Wuxiang." A monk suddenly sighed and said, "Cantian City is in danger. Several masters of Tianyin Temple have been dispatched. Ten thousand sects have gathered in Cantian City. Are we just going to sit here?"

"Amitabha..." Uncle Wuxiang is an elderly monk with a face without sadness or joy. He pinched the Buddhist beads and said slowly, "The abbot has his own arrangements. What we have to do is to guard this place and wait for a great victory."

"Uncle." A burly foundation-building disciple also opened his eyes: "A great victory! Taichu has not passed by Base No. 72 for a hundred years..."

"Hui Neng!" Uncle Wuxiang raised his eyebrows and said, "Go back and copy the Bodhi Pure Heart Sutra three times."

No one spoke anymore. Uncle Wuxiang sighed silently and was about to move forward. Suddenly, a red light bloomed in his arms.

"Could it be..." He was stunned for a second, then stood up suddenly, his robes fluttering in the wind, no longer looking like a high monk, and shouted: "All teams alert! There are creatures above the Nascent Soul coming!"

All the monks stood up and arranged in a circle in an orderly manner. The robes, wooden fish, drumsticks... seven magic weapons shone brightly, forming what they thought was the strongest defense. And Uncle Wuxiang had already taken out a Bagua, and the pointer on it was shaking wildly. His face also changed from red to pale, and then to iron blue.

"One hundred million... two hundred million... two hundred and fifty million... two hundred and sixty million... two hundred and seventy million? Two hundred and seventy-eight million?! It's 470 million meters away from us?"

His voice changed from exclamation to screaming, and all the monks who heard this number were stunned.

"Two, two, two hundred and seventy-eight million?" Huineng trembled all over, and his voice changed: "Tai, Tai, Tai, Taixu?"

"Not Taixu! Two hundred million can enter Taixu, but once you enter, at least four hundred million!" Uncle Wuxiang's eyes were a little red, and his chest was heaving violently: "Forty-seven kilometers... No, now it's only forty-three kilometers... God... Four thousand meters in an instant... We can't escape this distance!"

"Hui Gen!"

"Disciple is here!"

"Open the paper crane immediately! Once you find that the momentum is not right, you must pass the message to Tianyin Temple at all costs!"


After giving orders one by one, Uncle Wuxiang didn't feel at ease at all. Two hundred and seventy-eight million... What kind of monster is this? Even if his team calls other teams to come, it will be a dead end. In front of this great power, they are simply moths in the wind.

Who is it?

Taichu's team?

Or the passing saints... No, no, the saints can't reach this level at all! Even the two great saints back then were far inferior!

Closer... Closer... Worried, as if waiting for the judgment of the god of death, finally, at the end of the sky, a figure appeared.

Uncle Wuxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

It was not Taichu...

It was not Taixu either, without the kind of pressure that could destroy the world.

At least it was in human form, and if it was a high-level Taichu, they would have already entered the 10,000-meter range and turned into ashes.

"I am Wuxiang, the 870th generation disciple of Tianyin Temple, the younger generation of the Little Leiyin family. I am honored to meet you, senior." With a sense of relief, he immediately knelt down and immediately signaled with his eyes to let all the cultivators put down their magic weapons.

But he was confused in his heart, which Venerable Saint was this? The situation in Cantian City was so tense, and there were more than 250 million Venerable Saints outside... outside, outside?

"Venerable Saint?!" He almost shouted again, his eyes popped out.

In a hurry, he almost forgot that the one who came was a Venerable Saint...

Nearly 300 million Venerable Saints? !

This... How is this possible! !

The heart that had just been put down was lifted up in an instant, and his whole body trembled like a leaf in the wind. At this moment, his whole body shook suddenly, and a piece of the hem of the cloak appeared in front of him.

"Get up." Xu Yangyi's voice sounded from the cloak, very peaceful. His pounding heart fell again, but he didn't dare to get up. He said hoarsely: "I didn't know that the Venerable Saint had arrived. I didn't welcome you from afar. I don't know who you are... Forgive me for my poor eyesight. I... I have never heard of a Venerable Saint with such spiritual power as you. This... This is really... Too incredible..."

"You don't need to know." The voice of the person who came slowly said: "I ask you, have you ever seen Venerable Kongxu?"

It is indeed a cultivator from the Seven Realms...

Wuxiang's heart was finally completely put down. If he dared to go to the Five Kings with spiritual power of more than 700 million, Taichu would be courting death.

"I have met you." His voice calmed down, and he spoke respectfully: "Half a day ago, Venerable Kongxu came in person and asked us some questions."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi moved slightly and immediately asked: "One person? What did he ask you?"

"My lord, the Venerable asked us... whether we can see the sea of ​​peach blossoms in full bloom."

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief: "Where did he go?"

Wuxiang nodded again: "Further north, we will step into the range of the Little Leiyin Realm and enter the radiation area of ​​Yaoguang City. My lord should be going to Yaoguang City. Lord... Lord, my lord?"

Before he finished speaking, the figure in front of him had disappeared. Wuxiang knelt there blankly for a long while, until Huineng's voice trembled behind him: "Master... Mo, did you see a ghost?"

"Hui Neng..." Wuxiang paused and said in a deep voice: "Bodhi Tranquil Heart Sutra, copy it five times!"

"A 270 million spirit saint, do you know what this concept is! We... saw the next five kings... He must have come for Venerable Kongxu! Such a person, how can you and I discuss it!"

Xu Yangyi didn't know what they were thinking, and his speed was not fast, or rather, he kept this speed. Until he left Base 72 and could no longer see the Fuyao Holy Land, his body suddenly surged, and he did not hide his figure, pulling out a blazing wave of fire in the starry sky.

That's right, his target was Venerable Kongxu! I don't know why, he always felt that the other party was a variable!

How did he know about Bu Tianchi?

What else did he know?

These speculations made him come out of the twelve planes in advance, and he had another idea.

His hand slowly touched the storage ring. There were only eight days left in the sun and moon hourglass inside. He smiled: "Interesting..."

"How did Mother Die know that Venerable Kongxu would fall in Cangtian City?"

"I learned in Lantian Sea that no matter who wants to enter the world of great contention, they need the other party's virtual crystal. It should be the process of the other party falling, the virtual crystal breaking, and the arrival of the outer body of Emperor Wa. Wherever he fell, the outer body would appear there. This kind of thing is top secret. He can't have told anyone. How did Mother Die know it?"

"Is he mumbling in a certain holy realm? Was this information captured by Mother Die? Mother Die is also knocking me. As long as she wants, there is nothing she doesn't know in the Seven Realms?"

Once you can get the other party's consent, then there is no need to snatch the virtual crystal. Otherwise, you have to snatch the virtual crystal and catch the outer body. Thinking about it makes your scalp numb.

The arrival of the outer body will add the last fire to the situation in Cangtian City, which is already close to the boiling point, and it will boil completely!

The worst situation... is that the entire army of Taichu attacks the city, and the outer body descends at the same time. Nothing is worse than this.

If possible, he will take the reward from Venerable Kongxu in exchange for the other party to choose another place to sit and die. This is the best outcome. It can even avoid the possible battle of Cantian City.

One: Determine the location of the other party's fall and be prepared. Two, there is a possibility of changing the location of the other party's sitting and dying to avoid the worst situation. Meeting Venerable Kongxu is imperative.

The peach blossoms taken from the Butterfly Mother were specially prepared for the reward from Venerable Kongxu.

"I hope... it's enough to make you tempted." He moved his body and rushed forward at full speed.

In the distance, he had already felt a vast spiritual power.

It was far more powerful than him, boundless, full of death's grayness and unwillingness, but reached the peak of his life before dying.

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