
Chapter 1401: Destroying the Immortal Race


Xu Yangyi's heartbeat quickened and he hid the light in his eyes: "How do you know... you are a piece of mud?"

Venerable Void laughed, and laughed miserably. Finally, he looked up to the sky and laughed. Some crazy laughter echoed in the void. After a long time, he looked at the empty starry sky and said slowly: "I have been seeking the Tao for a lifetime, but in the end I found that I am no better than a dog in the white clouds. In a blink of an eye, It’s so fleeting that no name can be left behind, and it’s no longer in human form…”

Not wanting to express anything, he just sighed in vain. After a few seconds, he lowered his head and looked at Xu Yangyi, and asked instead of answering: "I have answered your question, and you should also answer my question. What is... in that place?"

He didn't ask where it was because he knew the other person wouldn't answer until the end.

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment and then spoke slowly: "There is an existence beyond Doppo, and... reality."

"Okay!" Lord Kong Kong took a sip of wine: "Let's go, this is too conspicuous, not a place to talk."

After saying that, he flew towards a nearby broken plane. Fairy Lingbo took a deep look at Xu Yangyi, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't and turned into a stream of light and followed him.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Yangyi also arrived at the plane. The Taixu time had passed and he returned to his human form.

"Does your Taixu have a time limit?" Fairy Lingbo was covering an ivy chair with soft fur, like a quiet maid. Lord Kong Kong stood aside and looked at the woman with a complex smile. . Feeling Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy approaching, Fairy Lingbo said without looking back.

"Do you want to try it?" Xu Yangyi replied with a smile.

No one answered. Fairy Lingbo helped Lord Kong sit on the chair. With a wave of her hand, two other chairs and an antique table appeared.

"Come, my king's wine is not available in the Seven Realms." The three of them sat down. Lord Kong Kong took a long breath and laughed. He slapped the gourd with his hand, and a wine dragon flew out, and then he grabbed it out of thin air. , grabbed a jasper cup, the wine dragon flew into it, and the fragrance suddenly hit his nostrils.

Xu Yangyi did not refuse, stretched out his hand to take it, and took a bite. He felt that his whole life became more vigorous, like wild flowers in winter blooming all over the hills in summer.

"This is..." He looked at the wine glass in astonishment. This wine could no longer be described as good or bad, but a treasure for delaying life!

"Nine-Nine Returning Yang Wine, a specialty of Bulao Mountain, weighs a thousand pounds and a hundred pounds. If the wine continues, a person will never die. It was given by the Great Sage. Isn't it magical?" Lord Kong Kong said with a smile. But in exchange for a cold snort from Fairy Lingbo next to her.

She rubbed the jasper cup in her hand, and a murderous look appeared on her delicate face: "If you hadn't been unclear about people, how could you have ended up using Huanyang Wine to extend your life?"

A large hand held her hand. Fairy Lingbo's face turned slightly red but she did not break away. He didn't speak again.

"Do you think I don't want to kill him with one sword?" Lord Kong Kong took a sip of wine and said: "He is my disciple of the Void Mahayana Sect. Who will take over this class? Although he is vicious, I have to admit that he is more suitable. I have no time to survive in the world of spiritual practice. The Mahayana Gate of Nothingness is where I have devoted my life. People are not grass and trees, so who can care less about it? "

"Unfortunately, people's hearts are also the most fickle."

"Cut the knife to cut off the water, the water will flow more, raise a glass to relieve the sorrow, the sorrow will become more... Borrowing the wine to relieve the sorrow... is indeed the stupidest way..." He changed the topic and said lightly: "Only now do I realize that people... …Sometimes you still have to live for yourself.”

Xu Yangyi didn't answer. He already understood the general story. Lord Kong Kong was harmed by his disciple, but he didn't care.

"Didn't you ask me how I knew I was mud?" He smiled and opened his clothes. Xu Yangyi took a quick look and saw a finger-sized crystal piercing his chest, emitting a dark brilliance. And with this brilliance, all the life in Lord Kong Kong's body was rapidly passing away - including what was brought about by the Huanyang Wine just now.

The area near the chest has completely turned into soil. No...not just on the chest, this piece of soil has already penetrated into the other party's skirt and hem, and there are signs of dryness and cracking. As he moves, yellow soil falls rustlingly. No matter how much the Lord Kong holds it back, his face shows great pain. color.

"You..." He glanced at the other party in shock, and finally understood that the other party did not like to drink, but this thing was devouring life all the time! He must drink!

What is so vicious? Even Taixu cannot be avoided?

Lord Kong Kong laughed coldly: "The Immortal Destruction Seed... I checked countless books before I saw its name. It became extinct a hundred thousand years ago. It wiped out all illusions, leaving only the real. In other words , it destroys the body, leaving only the soul, and is finally included in the Immortal Destroyer Seed and returned to the hands of the person in charge. Even an immortal must die, let alone me? "

"And when the nothingness dissipated, I realized that I... was actually a piece of mud. I wonder who kneaded the mud? This is a creation of a true immortal. He won't lie to me. Who would have thought that under the flesh and blood, there is actually the sole of the foot that is usually stepped on? The soil? And you can’t even see it from the inside?”

He pulled up his clothes tremblingly, with awe in his voice: "What a power..."

Xu Yangyi rationally did not ask further. There is an answer to why Lord Void became like this - he himself is a clay figure made by Emperor Wa!

This answer made him shudder. He thought that, combined with Butterfly Mother's words, Emperor Wa would move the Seven Realms here, but... there was no one there either.

She may have done the same thing as on earth, recreating people, giving them spirituality, and reproducing themselves. But who can actually break the magical power of Emperor Wa? Destroy each other's world? He was actually able to restore magical powers that cost hundreds of thousands or millions of years to their origins! Let one of the Five Kings spot Ni Duan!

He thought again of the Bridge between Heaven and Earth.

Who refined it?

Who touched Emperor Wa’s bones after her death?

Who can get the approval of Emperor Wa and use his own bridge of heaven and earth to forge the backbone of the Seven Realms?

He couldn't ask further. The matter was too involved. However, the other party did not want to give him a chance to shirk: "Do you know... who penetrated my body?"

"I don't want to." Xu Yangyi frowned and said, "Senior, we'd better talk about business."

Lord Kong Kong did not speak. He looked at him deeply for a long time, as if he had not heard what he said, and continued: "Of course he is my good disciple. I brought him up from the time he was born, and I saw his time spirit at that time. He tried his best to hide Ze's talent when he was growing up, but in the end he thought he was strong enough to attack Taixu, so he kicked me away and burned the bridge. "

Xu Yangyi stood up with a sigh, grinding his teeth and said: "Why are you doing this? Do you think that if you tell me, I will avenge you?"

Both Taixu raised their eyes and looked at him deeply. After a long time, Lord Kong Kong suddenly said: "Do you know why I turned into mud?"

"have no idea!"

"No... you know!" Fairy Lingbo also stood up, holding back all her spiritual power: "You are refusing, refusing to hear this. There must be a huge secret hidden in this matter, so you can't Listen, I don’t want to touch it. There are too few things in the Seven Realms that can scare someone with your level of cultivation. But... I did see lingering fear in you just now."

Lord Kong was pressing the table tightly and wanted to stand up. Fairy Lingbo bit her red lips and turned around to help him up. Lord Kong put his hands on the table, breathing heavily, and his eyes had a hint of despair: "I don't ask you why..."

"But... please tell me, can I... be saved?"

After saying that, he actually pushed the golden mountain over the jade pillar and bowed deeply. Even his head touched the table.

One of the five kings and two queens bowed down.

The begging of a top authority figure in the seven realms.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he weighed it countless times in his mind at this moment. Lord Kong Kong remained in that posture without moving. After a full five minutes, Xu Yangyi said: "It's probably hopeless."

"It's very possible?" Fairy Lingbo suddenly raised her eyes: "That means there is still a slight possibility?"

"Tell me, fellow Taoist, as long as you say it, no matter whether it is possible or not, I, Fairy Lingbo, will accept you as a favor on behalf of the Nether Sea Dragon King's Palace! Moreover, in this time of great competition, I, Mandala Nether Sea Dragon King's Palace, will withdraw from the competition! I will give you my full support You ascend the throne!”

Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately. He had thought about it. The Nanhua Butterfly Mother was beating him, telling him that she knew everything in the seven realms and that she was the real uncrowned king. So couldn't he beat the other person?

Strength is not eternal, he has experienced too much. If he only believed in strength, he would have died countless times in Danxia Palace. The Void Pyramid faces the source of dusk in the entire universe. He is afraid that he will also disappear and follow in the footsteps of New Luyard.

However, he survived.

What he is good at is meticulous observation, keen sixth sense, and taking the wrong approach in impossible situations.

The Nanhua Butterfly Mother is certainly extremely powerful, but... can she come out?

The strength of the two people is completely unequal, but they are testing from a distance without direct means of killing. Why can't he give the other party a cushion and try to find out what the other party is hiding?

A monk who was deprived of the "Tao" of Emperor Wa, a monk who returned to his original nature and became a clay figurine, if she really hides "there is someone from Emperor Wa in the Seven Realms," and it is very likely that she is a person who is more trusted than her, so that she can The message "Move the Bones of Emperor Wa" was sent to Lord Kong, which meant that he had guessed something.

And the Butterfly Mother, who is eager to ascend to the throne, will choose when she sees this silent temptation?

"I can tell you." Xu Yangyi's eyes became deep: "However, I must first explain clearly that the way of heaven in your body has been completely destroyed by this Immortal-Destroying Seed. It is almost impossible to survive, but it can make you go to heaven. Wen Dao, whether Xi Ke dies or not depends on your luck."

"I thank you Taoist friend." From now on, Fairy Lingbo became acquainted with Taoist friend. When she heard these words, she immediately became blessed.

Lord Kong Kong also straightened up. It could be seen that his expression was a little more relaxed. He should probably die... He heard that the other party did not want to save him because there was no way to save him, but...

At least you can understand!

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