
Chapter 1402: Twelve Living Beings

Xu Yangyi then said slowly: "There is a terrifying existence there. She has lived there for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years before the establishment of the Seven Realms. She follows an immortal existence who is the founder of the Seven Realms. Shishen. When you are in front of her, you won’t have the slightest chance to make your own decisions.”

"Besides, whether she can enter or not depends on whether she agrees. If she refuses, no one can see her."

Fairy Lingbo thought faster: "You mean... besides the Dubu Monkey King, there is a supreme being in the seven realms? He is the uncrowned king of the seven realms?"

"That's right." Xu Yangyi lowered his head and took a sip of wine, hiding the glint in his eyes: "She is the true master of the seven realms, but she can't come into contact with the seven realms for some reasons. Okay, that's it in general, but how about the specifics? It's up to you, if you decide, I will tell you how to enter after leaving now..."

He put down his wine glass and said in a deep voice: "Don't tell me who harmed you, I won't avenge you. Now, I have two questions. First, how did you know that that place existed?"

"Second, if your place of incarnation is in Towering City..." When he said this, he kept paying attention to the expressions of the two people. Sure enough, Lord Kong Kong raised his eyebrows slightly, and then calmed down.

"Then please change it."

Fairy Lingbo narrowed her phoenix eyes and said, "Is it...that being who told you the place where he is buried?"

Xu Yangyi nodded, and Lord Kong Kong said hoarsely: "I believe your words even more now. Yes, if I die without saving, I will indeed be in Towering City. I only said this to her, but you can actually know ”

He looked up at the starry sky: "Do you think...does God really exist?"

"No matter how high our cultivation is, in the eyes of the gods, we are nothing more than clay. So...he only used the most ordinary yellow clay when he created me, right?"

Xu Yangyi ignored his feelings. Now that the offensive and defensive positions were changing, he took the initiative and asked first: "Towering City... There are now more than 800 million soldiers on both sides. The war is about to break out. According to the inference of that existence, you will be in twenty-three days." The worst case scenario is that a war breaks out between the two sides, and the battle in the world is too risky. I hope you change it."

"Is this a condition?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi didn't shy away from it. He knew how to use all his advantages to deceive others and get benefits. This was the reason why he specifically sought out Lord Kong Kong. After all, to participate in the Great Road to Immortality, one must go through the Age of Great Struggle, and the qualification for the Age of Great Struggle is to obtain the Void Crystal of Lord Kong Kong.

Towering City is too dangerous, and he never wants to get involved if necessary.

"Twenty-three days...Actually, you are worrying too much. Since this war has not happened for so long, it is very likely that the outbreak period will be postponed." It has to be said that the heart of Lord Kong is strong, even if he hears When he received this kind of news, he didn't lose his composure, but a flash of sadness flashed in his eyes, and he sighed: "It's not that I won't change, it's that I can't change."

"Your two questions are actually one." He stood up again. This time, with a shake of his hands, the entire shirt fell off. Xu Yangyi's eyes focused. Sure enough... the other person's entire body, all the way to his elbows, turned into dry soil. ! The essence of Yangjiu's life force turned into green aura and kept repairing it, which made the other party feel better.

Except for his limbs and head, he has almost completely become a clay figure. Even the wine that restores Yang cannot make up for the loss of life.

He turned around, Xu Yangyi took a closer look, his eyes flashed suddenly, he stepped forward in disbelief, and gently touched the mud body on the other person's back.

"This..." He touched little by little and gasped: "This is... Emperor Wa?"

Behind the other party, there is a huge fingerprint!

The clay is yellow clay and the hands are fingers. When the fingers pinch the clay figurine, of course the palm prints will be printed on it.

This palm print was passed down from generation to generation along with the blood of the monks from the Seven Realms, and was finally deciphered by someone unknown!

There really are creatures that dare to challenge Emperor Wa!

Xu Yangyi now only felt that it was too wise not to ask him about the origin of the Immortal Destroyer Seed. This kind of thing... was definitely not something he could touch. It is best to use the existing resources wisely. If we have to look forward to Shu, we may have endless troubles.

What's even weirder is that this fingerprint actually formed a talisman of its own, crookedly forming a lifelike picture, imprinted on the back of Lord Kong Kong.

It was an all too familiar, yet different scene.

Heavy rain fell from the sky, and underworld surged from the ground. A huge creature with the body of a snake and a tail supported the sky with a stone in one hand, and its lower body was submerged in the underworld.

It's familiar.

But the difference is... around her, there are twelve creatures!

There are dragons, phoenixes, other strange creatures, and...

When the genes in his body collapsed, huge ants flew out of the ethereal fairy body!

There is also a woodpecker.

On top of these things is a huge castle, and below the castle is an even bigger gourd.

This castle is very unique. It is built around a gourd, just like the earth, and is pulled by the "gravity" of the gourd. Beneath the underworld.

"Emperor Wa?" He exclaimed in a low voice in surprise. How could he hide it in front of the two Taixu? Fairy Lingbo's eyes flickered and she bit her red lips: "Who is Emperor Wa? That giant half-snake girl? Or?"

Xu Yangyi shut his mouth and glanced at the twelve creatures. There were everything except butterflies!

This killing angel, Xila, Jumang, does not seem to be the most trusted person by Emperor Wa. She's not even portrayed on it.

"Can't you say it?" After Xu Yangyi's consciousness calmed down, Lord Kong flew over with his clothes and continued: "When this picture appeared, my life entered a countdown. And, every day, Every minute, as long as I close my eyes, there is a voice and a set of pictures that tell me to go to Towering City."

He looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "It is irresistible. It is a woman's voice, majestic and irresistible, even more irresistible than the Great Sage Guanghan... No, it's not that I can't, it's that I'm unwilling. Just like the call of the soul, the blood The pull. I...can only go here."

He closed his eyes and trembled a little: "My body... is mostly out of my control. I have to use 90% of my consciousness to act according to my own thoughts. My legs move on their own. ...Can you imagine this feeling? My consciousness is still alive and my soul is not damaged, but my body can't help but walk towards Towering City."

"It's like a dead person being summoned by the underworld and heading towards the underworld, and it's like there's an extra person in the body... It's so scary... If the body and soul weren't separated like this, how could you catch up with us without becoming insubstantial? You must know that every step Taixu takes is shrinking into inches."

Xu Yangyi sighed.

He was now certain that this was definitely Emperor Wa's handiwork. Unfortunately, he desperately tried to meet him just to change the vortex that was involved in Towering City, and now he was still involved.

This city... I'm afraid there are some serious secrets, secrets that even the Song family has not discovered.

"Moreover, you may have a third thing." Fairy Lingbo suddenly said: "Venerable Kong's disciple will go to the world of great struggle with you, and his name... is Liu Mianfeng, Master Mianfeng. "

Xu Yangyi raised his gaze and said, "I don't want to hear about this."

"No...please listen to me!" Fairy Lingbo seemed a little excited and stood up: "Do you know why we learned your name?"

"We don't have the energy to focus on other places now. The Seven Realms don't care at all. The only one who pays a little attention is this villain with a human face and a beast heart. His people... have rushed to Towering City twenty-three days ago!"

Twenty-three days ago?

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes, and then his murderous intent surged.

It's time to kill the Palm Treasurer yourself!

"They mentioned your name." Lord Kong Kong also said: "He... has a very close relationship with the Song family. I also know that he once sent six saints to intercept and kill you... Don't look at me like this, although That villain has covered the sky with his hands at the Mahayana Gate of Nothingness, but this is the world that I conquered, so you can’t hide this news from me.”

"Because of this, we learned that an amazing and talented monk has emerged from the Seven Realms."

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "I won't care about this matter. If he wants to go into a world of great strife, he will. It has nothing to do with me."

"Anyway, I will win."

"If you don't feel relieved, you can kill him with one sword."

Fairy Lingbo smiled bitterly and said, "If it can be done."

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, she looked at the other person, and her voice was soft but extremely firm: "If you don't want to hear it, we won't tell you. But you have to know that he... can't be killed now."

"He has a being who you absolutely don't want to know is protecting him. Only the world of great conflict can separate this kind of protection. If you meet him..."

"Then you think I will help you kill him?" Xu Yangyi said calmly and seriously: "Our deal does not include this, and I will not touch him. At least not now."

Lord Kong Kong poured a glass of wine and said with a smile: "I sent the six great saints to assassinate you, and you just tolerate it like this?"

Xu Yangyi also smiled: "Yes, I'll bear with it."

The water in this matter was too deep and he didn't want to touch it.

"I will wait for you in Towering City." He stood up, waved his hand, and put on another cloak. He was about to leave, but paused: "It is said that the World of Great Conflict wants to get your virtual crystal. ?”

"Don't worry." Lord Kong Kong smiled: "I will send one of them to you as a reward for today."

Xu Yangyi nodded and turned into a stream of light and flew away. At the same time, the aura quickly left a line of words on the table. Fairy Lingbo moved several times, but finally did not catch up.

"Very cautious." Lord Kong Kong narrowed his eyes and restrained his smile: "His attitude towards us, from being respectful at the beginning to becoming more comfortable later, he adapts very quickly. He is the kind of person who will not give you time to breathe once he has an advantage. A born monk."

"When I left at the end, I slowly left a message. By the time the message was finished, we couldn't find him."

Fairy Lingbo sighed: "I do have the idea of ​​forcing him to stay. I feel that his Taixu state cannot be activated continuously. This kid has unlimited potential. If he can really kill Liu Mianfeng, a hundred years later, I will really be called He is a Taoist friend."

"Let's get in touch with him. This person is not simple." Lord Kong Kong closed his eyes: "He has a very strong grasp of people's hearts and can move forward and retreat freely. If you think about it carefully, we really don't dare to do anything to him because of various worries and taboos. "

Neither of them spoke again. After dozens of minutes, the slow spiritual light finally finished writing. Lord Kong Kong glanced at it, was stunned, and then laughed.

"Whether the dragon is trapped in the sea or the tiger returns to the forest, it all depends on this. I no longer have the strength to fight with this body. Let's go, let's see if this generous gift can reverse this period. yin and yang."

There are only a few words on the table.

Enter the holy realm and call Emperor Wa.

Xu Yangyi sold the Nanhua butterfly mother thoroughly without any psychological burden.

I just like the way you are so angry but can't do anything to me.


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