
Chapter 1403: Footsteps of Killing (I)

Xu Yangyi's figure has already flown towards Tiangang No. 72 Base. It took another three days to find the Lord of the Void. Now there are only seven days left, which is the focus moment of the great battle.

The Song family, Liu Mianfeng, and the Taichu Legion who are eyeing them... Towering City has long been an unstable barrel of explosives and will explode at any time.

"I don't have to worry about the Void Crystal of Lord Kong, the outer body is my real target." His eyes moved slightly: "He is right, since no one is willing to take the first shot in this war, then it will drag on It will only take longer. Recharge your batteries and wait for seven days.”

He quickly arrived outside the base, deliberately hiding his figure this time, and found a patrol team. He learned that there was indeed a teleportation circle leading to the Towering City, and it took four hours to travel through space. Then he left quietly.

But he didn't go too far. He found a broken plane nearby. He pressed it with his palm, and the ground sunk in like butter, slowly swallowing his body.

One day, two days... time passed slowly, and no one noticed his existence. Six days later, underground, he slowly opened his eyes.

With cold eyes like stars, he gently clenched his fists, and the ground nearby was trembling. The energy and spirit have climbed to the peak, and a powerful feeling slowly spreads throughout the body.

"Taixu won't take action. The only thing left in Towering City is the fight for the saint... I don't believe there is anyone stronger than me among the saints!" He stood up slowly, moved away like the surface of the earth and water, and took out the sun, moon and hourglass took a look.

no change.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Lord Void finally did not escape his fate, and the time on the hourglass accurately pointed to twenty-four hours later.

At that time... the entire Towering City will be boiling because of that moment.

Witnessing with his own eyes the fall of the five kings and two queens, and the beginning of the age of great strife... He took a deep breath and turned into a stream of light that shot straight into the sky.

Rumble... The vast power of the Saint spurted out, and almost at the same time, all the patrolling monks on Tiangang No. 72 looked over. His face looked neither sad nor happy: "Who is guarding here?"

The words were like thunder, resounding through the sky, and a ray of light suddenly rushed out. A Nascent Soul monk rushed over in fear, knelt down in front of Xu Yangyi, and shouted with a red face: "The Qin family of a well-known cultivating family..."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi waved his hand: "I just received news from a friend and rushed back from outside the territory. I ask you if there is any special news recently."

"Sir, no."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. Sure enough, the Song family could not cover the sky with one hand in Shentian City. After all, it was a family without Taixu. The other party did not dare to tell the truth about secretly sending out the treasure envoy. That means we want to resolve it privately.

in private?

A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth. He said, "Kill as many as the sage can kill. He doesn't believe how many fake Taixu opponents at the level of Palm Treasurer can still send out!"

"Open the teleportation circle. I am going to the Towering City." He said calmly. He wrapped the Yuanying monk in his spiritual power and went straight to the base. Within ten minutes, he landed outside the teleportation circle in the center.

However, as soon as he arrived, his eyes froze slightly. Outside the teleportation array, dozens of monks were gathering at the moment, with four swords piercing the sun on their chests. Their realm was no higher than the Golden Pill. They all held something that looked like a dossier in their hands, from which strips of blue spiritual light swirled, condensing into a cylindrical light curtain around the teleportation array. A scene with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles clearly appeared above.

In the center are fourteen monks with golden elixir perfection. Their heads are extremely large, and their age is unknown. They all have the same appearance, full of wrinkles, all bald, with white hair about one meter long on both sides, draped over their shoulders and back like a cloak.

They were suspended in the air in a strange arrangement. There was a blue eye with condensed spiritual light above their heads, which was lifelike. Every second, circles of spiritual energy ripples flew into the light curtain with countless talismans, and they were flying quickly on the light curtain. Sweep something. As lines of spiritual energy passed by, rows of data emerged quickly, turning into golden rune ribbons and gathering into fourteen spiritual energy eyes.

"Didn't you say it's okay?" Xu Yangyi's voice already had a hint of murderous intent. The Song family... are so brave!

What can they find?

The commander-in-chief was killed in battle, and he kept it secret. Now I'm afraid he hates him to the core! Besides himself, what else could the Song family look for?

His figure was hidden, and he looked silently at the Song family monks below. If this was really the case, then he wouldn't mind sending these people to heaven.

The Nascent Soul cultivator was covered in cold sweat. He knelt down with a plop and said in a trembling voice: "How dare Tiangang No. 72 deceive you? There is indeed nothing serious here, but..."

"You'd better finish it in one breath." Xu Yangyi said calmly.

Although his words were extremely calm, they made Monk Yuanying tremble: "This is the puppet of the Song family with clairvoyance. Just a month ago, Taichu retreated! The city of Shentian is safe! At present, the first batch of sects have returned to the Seventh Realm. This For a month, the Song family's Sky Eyes searched all the star fields near Shentian City, and Tiangang No. 72 was the last one. "

Xu Yangyi did not answer. It was impossible for Jindan to find his traces. His eyes slowly swept over and saw green light spots on each plane. The Yuanying monk was always paying attention to the expression of the unknown sage. He saw his brows slightly frowning and immediately said: "This is the Star Map of the Seven Realms, which was refined by the Great Sage Guanghan himself. Anyone under the Great Sage, the Seven Realms The world forces will appear green on it, and Taichu will appear red.”

"A month ago, the spiritual power of both sides reached a total of more than 40 billion, the second highest in history. Now the Taichu side has been weakened to 7 billion, and 13 billion troops have withdrawn from the scope of Cangtian City and immersed in the Seven Realms Chain, suspected of retreat."

"Twenty days after the Taichu retreat, the garrison in Cangtian City was too heavy, and the Song family could no longer bear it. With the approval of the Great Saint, the first batch of cultivators with a total of 2 billion spiritual power left first. This battle will not be fought after all, after all, such a decisive battle has only happened once in the entire history. No one dares to take the responsibility of defeat."

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, and the eyes of the Venerable Kongxu were very accurate. This was good news. The complicated fuse finally lost the biggest one. The bad side is that without the pressure of Taichu, the second son of Song can completely let go and search for his traces. Maybe these people also carry such secret orders.

Looking around, there are dots of green light on the cylindrical light curtain that keeps changing, like fireflies in the dark night, and there is nothing red except a thin layer outside Cangtian City. He withdrew his gaze from the Song family cultivator and sneered.

Now is not the right time to tease the nerves of the second son of Song who is on the verge of exploding.

Tomorrow... is the time for everyone to see the real results.

"Nothing was found in the northwest. The southeast area is safe. The west area is safe." At this moment, fourteen Sky Eye puppets stood up. Except for a circle of seams at the joints, they were no different from ordinary people.

"Open the ban." A Song family cultivator finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to the Jindan cultivator who was guarding the teleportation array of Tiangang No. 72.

The battle of Cantian City, which everyone's heart was in their throat, finally died down under the concerns of all parties. This is the farthest place from Cantian City, and it takes six hours to go back and forth. After checking here, all the surrounding star fields are safe, and Taichu can finally announce the withdrawal of troops.

Swish... The layer of light curtain faded like a tide, but at this moment, a creepy hissing suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

"Zi!!!" The sound was so loud that it shook the starry sky. Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head, but to his surprise, there was no feedback after his spiritual sense swept over!

No one... no living creature!

But the sound was probably only hundreds of thousands of meters away from Tiangang No. 72!

The entire base fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at the starry sky in surprise. The deep starry sky was endless, quiet and deep. In this depth, it seemed as if they could smell the precursor of a storm.

Swish! Ten thousand rays of light suddenly bloomed in the fourteen eyes of the spiritual energy of the sky. These rays of light seemed to never fade, and instantly illuminated the planes of the heavens. Even these planes were transparent under their eyes, and even the few star beasts hiding in them were clearly visible.



Still no!

In just ten minutes, the star field around Tiangang No. 72 was completely swept away. There were no star beasts that could pose a threat, let alone Taichu, as if the cry just now was just an illusion.

However... no one was relaxed! Because... a sense of oppression that a storm is about to come, like a thick black cloud, surrounds this place and makes it impossible to get out!

That is the cultivator's sense of great danger. This danger has touched the instinct of the foundation-building and even Qi-training cultivators. Any cultivator in the Tiangang No. 72 base clenched the magic weapon, as if the invisible death god spread his wings in the depths of the starry sky.

"What is this...?" The Yuanying cultivator breathed rapidly and looked around the void nervously, while Xu Yangyi's eyes were already extremely cold.

Something is wrong...

At that moment just now, the Sky Eye swept through the heavens, and there were indeed no other creatures, but... they may not have noticed, but he saw... those star beasts hiding in the plane, all huddled in place, and none of them dared to move!

There is something... extremely terrifying, approaching here quickly!

"Open the teleportation array!" His figure suddenly flashed out. As a respected saint, he was more sensitive to the foresight of danger. He felt... this danger was completely insurmountable to him! Just like a lone boat in a tsunami, it will be swallowed up in an instant!

A venerable saint suddenly appeared, and everyone gasped. The Nascent Soul cultivator had a hard time speaking. At this time, why didn't the other party stay? He should have stayed... This is the base of the Seven Realms...

"Didn't you hear it!" Xu Yangyi's voice had already risen: "Open the portal to Cantian City immediately! Now!"

The Nascent Soul cultivator gritted his teeth secretly and waved his hand: "Open the door!"

The surrounding garrisoned cultivators immediately began to lift the ban, but just as they started, a cultivator suddenly screamed: "The teleportation array... No, the surrounding void is blocked!"


A stone stirred up a thousand waves. At this moment, the suppressed nameless fear of Tiangang No. 72 finally turned into an exclamation. A series of stunned voices ran through the base, boiling in an instant!

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