
Chapter 1404: Footsteps of Killing (Part 2)

There was a roar of people, and a series of surprised and uncertain voices passed through the air: "What's going on?!" "Is something coming?" "It's so scary... You can't even feel it... but it makes people... make people shiver all over. "Is it space turbulence?"

Xu Yangyi rushed over without saying a word. The surrounding Song family monks screamed and were blown away. His hand immediately touched the talisman that transmitted the magic circle.

Runes gathered from all directions on a two-meter-high golden crystal in the middle, which is called the Space God Stone. Once the teleportation array is activated, these runes will light up and then converge on the space sacred stone. The sacred stone will explode and open the teleportation array. However, now that he inputs his spiritual power, there is no reaction at all.

And just outside the Space God Stone, pieces of black talismans were swimming, actually blocking his spiritual power!

"Shashasha..." At this moment, a strange sound filled everyone's ears, and the commotion that had just been boiling suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's face was filled with horror. Unseen terror was the most terrifying thing, not to mention that this situation had never been recorded in the history books of the Chain of Seven Realms. It was like... countless centipedes crawling in the void, or like an invisible giant snake coiling up the entire base. The sound was right next to my ears, and it was chilling.

"Zi!!" With an earth-shattering scream, the entire starry sky suddenly shook. Xu Yangyi turned around and finally saw the source of the sound.

Right there, a huge creature... probably a million meters in size, broke through the void with a bang and appeared in everyone's sight.

The Tiangang No. 72 Base, which is only less than 100,000 to 100,000 meters away from here, is simply more exaggerated than the comparison between an adult and a baby compared to this behemoth. Compared to him alone, he is like an earthworm and a big tree. It rises higher and higher like a giant pillar in the sky, its lower body disappears into the cracks in the void, and its upper body is endless, spreading unbridled, forming an endless snake coiling in the starry sky!

Rumble, rumble... The majestic black shadow covered the surrounding starry sky. The contrast between the extremely large and the extremely small was so shocking that none of the monks in the shadow of this monster could speak. Xu Yangyi took a breath, and all the spiritual energy in his body was gathering.

Just now, a blood-red sun rose above the green retina in his eyes!

It is far more majestic than Taixu, and is the most magnificent existence I have ever seen! Moreover... this is not a whole, but a life form condensed by countless densely packed and countless primordial beings!

The ultimate form of Taichu?

The moment this "giant snake" appeared, a terrifying divine consciousness had been firmly locked on Tiangang No. 72. It was Taixu...the real Taixu! Taixu in the beginning! At least more than 500 million souls! There is no comparison with Taixu who holds Tianhai!

Violent and cruel, locking everyone in place, this place is like a ground full of gunpowder, and as long as there is a spark, it will explode instantly.

There was no need to rush... Although his heart was already beating wildly, his expression was calm and unobtrusive. His right hand's spiritual power was condensed, and he desperately gathered all his strength under the cordon of the terrifying existence's consciousness.

one strike……

With only one chance to strike, the spiritual energy climbed to its peak and defeated the blockade of the Space God Stone with one strike.

Not too many, as too much will arouse the opponent's alert. From a distance of tens of thousands of meters, the genuine Taixu with more than 500 million spirits can arrive in an instant.

It is also indispensable. The invisible restriction that blocks the space sacred stone is very strong and cannot be broken by one blow. The second blow is the violent storm of Taixu Supreme.

"Zizzizi!!" At the same time, the majestic giant snake roared up into the sky, and everyone saw clearly that it was not a snake at all, but a centipede-like monster with each segment. There is a kilometer-sized eye on each node, which opens at the same time, like thousands of red stars, the Death Omen Star stares at everyone.

"Oh my God..." The Yuanying monk's legs weakened and he almost collapsed in the void. He shook his head in disbelief and said: "This... this... what kind of monster is this..."

"Call the police..." A hoarse voice came from behind him. As soon as he turned around, a monk from the Song family grabbed his clothes like crazy and shouted: "Call the police! Call the police in Shentian City immediately! Let the whole army of Yaoguang City reinforce!"


The Nascent Soul monk's reaction was several times slower at this moment, and he was confused. Suddenly, he saw the scene behind him through the gaping monk.

The fourteen clairvoyances have been suspended with their whole bodies trembling, floating in the air like fourteen corpses, their facial features distorted, and blue light burst out of their pores, interweaving into a despairing light curtain.

Just above, a red sun had risen that had never been seen before, as majestic as the sea.

Day of death.

"This, this, this, this..." Everyone saw it, but they all stood there blankly. The Nascent Soul cultivator opened his mouth several times, and finally the string of reason was broken, and he screamed: "Taichu!! "

"Notify Shentian City! Send a special alert immediately!!"

"Screen capture will be sent immediately..."

His crazy screams were so harsh in the sudden silence at this moment. However, before he could say goodbye, a black light flew from the sky and spanned tens of thousands of meters in an instant. It was impossible to see how he moved. Fourteen The clairvoyance collapsed instantly.

"Ha..." A ghostly voice echoed through the void: "You still want to send a letter in front of me, the Nine-tailed Scorpion King? You look down on me too much."

So fast……

Xu Yangyi's heart was beating in his ears. This was definitely an existence above the level of the Taichu Warlord. He was not far behind the Five Kings and Two Queens. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He silently slowed down the speed of condensing his spiritual energy.

A little impatience can ruin a big plan. This steel wire has been stretched to its limit. Any more force will cause a violent rebound.

Deathly silence.

Deathly silence.

The next second, the Nascent Soul cultivator shouted hoarsely: "Meet... Meet the enemy! Meet the enemy! Meet the enemy immediately!"

Swish! The entire Tiangang No. 72 base was fully opened, and a series of spiritual lights rose up the starry sky. One by one, the cultivators stepped on the magic weapons and turned into countless precious lights and rushed out of the plane. Although their hands were shaking and their hearts stopped beating because of the huge terror, this was their fate.

Facing such a terrifying, at least billions of spirits, they had no power to resist except being crushed.

"Are you dreaming?" The hoarse voice of the Nine-tailed Scorpion King spread throughout the void. It seemed that it had seen the ruined Cantian City lying at its feet. It roared in an excited voice: "Go... kids, kill them all!"

"Zizizizi!!!" Another roar resounded through the starry sky. The huge monster was like a swaying demon flower, and its head split into more than a dozen pieces and opened. The next second, endless clouds of death exploded! Countless Taichu spread their wings, forming a black tide covering the star field, and suddenly burst out!

New species...

Everyone's heart was cold. The appearance of Taichu's new species represented the disappearance of another species. This new species can hide spiritual energy, shuttle through the void, dig wormholes, and then break out of the ground from an unexpected place.

Taichu did not leave, but hid. They were waiting...

The Yuanying cultivator trembled suddenly and screamed: "Destroy the teleportation array!!"

Everyone was stunned. The Song family cultivator was in a trance for a moment, and then rushed towards the teleportation array like crazy.

"Get out!" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he shouted softly, the sound waves exploded like a sea tide, and all the cultivators were blown away and screamed.

"Sir... Sir!!" A Song family cultivator hurriedly got up from the ground and kowtowed desperately: "Sir! Taichu's goal is the teleportation array!!"

Xu Yangyi's expression was cold, and he said nothing. The spiritual power in his body was about to rise to the peak.

The monk choked up and said, "Sir! If the defense of Cantian City is described as a flat circle, the center circle is Cantian City, the outside is a circle of buffer zone, and the outside is the major bases, and the outside is Taichu with its troops pressing in!"

"And the teleportation arrays of these small bases...are all in the circle of the buffer zone! In other words, as long as Taichu takes down this teleportation array, it will immediately break through the "circle" of the base and directly enter the buffer zone. The defense lines of the major bases may not last for half a day with the cooperation between the inside and the outside!"

"By then...Cantian City will be in danger! Please consider Cantian City! Consider the overall situation!!"

Boom boom boom...Before he finished speaking, screams all over the sky followed by the explosion of the red spider lily. Taichu with its dark clouds pressing in was unstoppable. In all directions, everything was dead silent black. The patrol team that rushed out was like a stone thrown into the ocean, disappearing into the void without any sound. Only the boundless and desperate torrent of death remained.

The explosion of the red spider lily and the flash of precious light were so dazzling that no ripples could be seen. They were like an isolated island in the sea, and they would be completely swallowed up by the black tide in more than ten minutes!

"My Lord..." Seeing the patrol team disappear in the rear, the Song family cultivators were in a state of panic. Just as they were about to say something, Xu Yangyi said coldly, "If you don't want to die, stay quiet."

He wanted to sweep these idiots with a sword. The Nine-tailed Scorpion King's consciousness was sweeping Tiangang No. 72 all the time. Once he found any movement, he would go out in person. He didn't want to help the Song family do anything. But now the defense troops were coming in and out, and the area near the teleportation array was extremely conspicuous. If they continued to entangle... they would definitely be discovered by the other party.

"My Lord..." Everyone around looked at Xu Yangyi in amazement. The distance was so close that the powerful spiritual power on the other party was already very clear. They felt that all the spiritual power was gathered in their right hands. The other party... was going to destroy the ban? Forced to step onto the teleportation array?

How could this happen?

The cultivators of the Seven Realms should die for their beliefs at this time! How could they live in disgrace? Destroying a teleportation array can relieve the huge pressure on Cantian City! How could he do this!

"You..." The Song family cultivator's eyes turned red, and he suddenly turned into a light and rushed up: "Traitor on the battlefield! Everyone, follow me to kill this traitor!!"

Swish! The spiritual light around the teleportation array suddenly surged, and dozens of rays of light shot up into the sky, which was extremely eye-catching under the black tide of Taichu. At this moment, Xu Yangyi clearly felt that a majestic spiritual consciousness like the sea was instantly nailed here.

Nine-tailed Scorpion King!

"Yang Sheng of the Seven Realms?" The towering voice was a little surprised: "It's well hidden... I didn't expect there would be such a snack. Die for this king!"

Before the voice fell, a majestic black tide passed through Taichu at a lightning speed, and black clouds lingered, forming a terrifying black giant hand, so fast that the naked eye could not catch it at all, and it grabbed Xu Yangyi with a bang.

Damn it!

The spiritual power has not yet condensed to the peak, but it was still discovered... Xu Yangyi's murderous intent burst out, and he sneered through his teeth: "Since you are looking for death, then go and die!"

Bang! The right fist was swung out suddenly, and there was a burst of sound in the air. At the same time, a surging demonic energy exploded completely, turning into a demon kingdom that devoured everything.

Do it once and for all!

Taixuhua's trump card was originally intended to be used in the fight for the body outside the body. In the current situation, the guillotine is approaching, and he can't wait any longer!

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