
Chapter 1405: Footsteps of Killing (Part 3)

The demonic energy burst out like a tide, and at the same time, Xu Yangyi opened the box that Antonidas gave him.

Inside was a bone similar to a sheep's head. He immediately crushed the bone, and an invisible ripple passed through the void, spreading at the speed of light, and then became larger and larger. After a few seconds, it reached superluminal speed with a whoosh, and the space jumped. Rushing to the distant and ancient Tiragangdis.

The black giant hand of the Nine-tailed Scorpion King rushed into the demonic energy with a roar of death, and the Taichu Ocean was only 50,000 meters away from here.

Race against time!

In the wormhole Taichu like a giant snake, a pair of red eyes suddenly opened, looking at the teleportation array with some disbelief.

That piece of power was something he had never felt before, the power of the other dimension. But with his strength, if he clawed it down, a saint would be wiped out. His spiritual power reached 570 million spirits, and he was only a hair's breadth away from the five kings and two queens. However, what shocked him was... this claw... couldn't be pressed down!

On the side of the teleportation array, there were screams. All the monks of the Song family who rushed over were like eggs hitting stones. They spit out blood and flew hundreds of meters away. Most of them fell unconscious on the ground and could not get up again. The other monks around were all dazed.

The surging black clouds covered everything, and the mountains and peaks rose to the sky. The Nine-tailed Scorpion King's seemingly devastating attack was blocked outside the black clouds! It was as if an invisible giant held the opponent's fist.

Taixu's attack...

This is Taixu's attack...

Everyone opened their mouths slightly, gasped, and looked at the teleportation array with shocked eyes. The Yuanying cultivator was trembling all over, and there was only a blank in his mind. After a second, he trembled and said: "Tai, Tai, Taixu?"

"Taixu... You, you are Taixu!?"

There was no answer, only the sound of kakakaka... The sound of bones cracking sounded from the surging black tide, and two scarlet eyeballs, like dazzling rubies, were extremely conspicuous in the tide of demonic energy.

The sleeping demon was awakened from the genes.

"Taixu?!" At this moment, a shrill laugh with excitement shook the sky. The snake-shaped giant mouth like the abyss of hell was madly spewing tens of thousands of Taichu, and thousands of feet of red light gushed out from it. A huge figure with a human upper body and a scorpion lower body, stepped on the bloody red, and soared into the sky in the thousands of feet of black clouds.

The black clouds spun, as if a storm was about to come, and the red light was clear, like a blood dragon turning over the sea. With a strange laugh, a pitch-black hand of dozens of meters stretched out from the black and red clouds, "Zizizizi!!" The surrounding Taichu burst into sharp hisses, and spread out in circles around the black hand, just like... the crows of death lingering around the sun of doomsday.

The demons bowed their heads and ruled the world!

"But you are just in the early stage of Taixu, and you dare to stop the chariot with your arms?"

Very fast, but very slow. The void left only a residual image, and the hand transformed into three spells at a speed that people could not understand, and suddenly pressed down.

One after another, the pitch-black light came from the void, and all the streams returned to the origin and merged into the spiritual hand. The giant claws instantly bloomed circles of runes, which were even more mysterious and vast. The five fingers that had been gradually stretched out by the demonic energy seemed to be helped by God, and they clenched with all their strength!


Damn it! !

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, feeling the overwhelming pressure outside the black mist of demonic energy, resisting with all his strength, sweat dripping down.

He was completely noticed... The real Taixu made a full-strength attack, he should have appeared long ago and killed the idiot of the Song family with one knife!

But it is meaningless to regret now. He opened his mouth, and the flames belonging to Tiragangdis ignited the seven realms. A little red light suddenly bloomed in the demonic energy. Around this bright red, the entire demonic energy boiled, forming a rapidly rotating vortex, the eight wastelands and six directions were buzzing, and the horizon was already blurred.

"Roar!!" With a roar, a red flame pierced the sky, thousands of miles away in an instant, all the Taichu along the way turned into ashes, hundreds of meters thick fire pillars rushed straight into the sky, and the spiritual hand was instantly annihilated.

"How brave!!" The nine-tailed scorpion king's hundred-meter-tall figure made a sharp cry, and the scorpion body stepped slightly in the sky. He rushed straight to the teleportation array at an incredibly fast speed, and at the same time, the power beside the teleportation array was swept away by this terrifying shock wave, finally revealing a three-meter-tall body in the center.

"You..." The Song family cultivator stood up with the magic weapon and immediately gasped. Not only him, but all the cultivators around him were stunned.

Red horns all over his body, blood-red talismans all over his body, black body, ferocious face, majestic wings, disproportionate upper and lower body, and flames belonging to different spaces boiling up the sky. At a glance, one can only feel evil, chaos, and violent power.

"It's really Taixu..." This was everyone's first reaction. The distance was so close, and the pressure of the same Taixu made them unable to stand up. The next second, the Song family cultivator gasped and stepped back several steps, hoarsely speaking: "You, you! You... You are not a human! You are not a cultivator of the Seventh Realm! Who are you! What are you doing here..."

He didn't finish.

Everyone only saw the wings of this unknown creature move slightly, at an incredibly fast speed, as if it was just a slight vibration, and all the Song family cultivators and the Sky Eye Puppet immediately turned into bloody fragments.

The blood flower bloomed with Xu Yangyi as the center.

As the blood flower bloomed, the space god stone behind him suddenly burst into a thousand-foot light.

It's about to open!

"This..." The Yuanying cultivator trembled all over and rushed forward frantically: "You can't do this! You can't!!"

"Cantian City is in danger! Taichu is probably attacking all small bases with teleportation arrays at the same time. Closing one can also relieve great pressure! Sacrificing our lives is our duty..."

Before he could get close to a hundred meters, he was bounced off by the aura shield with a bang.

Swish... countless golden lights opened from behind the demon, pulling out his hideous shadow. He looked around like a dead man and laughed, "Idiot..."

"Seven Realms are worthy of my martyrdom?"

"Since you are so loyal, you will be buried with Tiangang No. 72."

The wings shook, and circles of invisible shock waves exploded in the air. Everyone was blown a thousand meters away. The surrounding buildings collapsed and countless cracks appeared on the ground. In the ruins, the dark demonic energy soared into the sky, facing the raging aura on the other side.

His heart was beating beside his ears. It would take another 25 seconds for the Space Divine Stone to open, and another 20 seconds for the Nine-tailed Scorpion King's true body to arrive. He... had to stop a real Taixu for five seconds!

"What courage, what strength... A Taixu in its early stage dares to be so rampant in front of this king, and he is proud enough!" His hoarse and sharp laughter had already sounded in the air. Wherever the light passed, all the Taichu retreated together, forming a passage for all the demons. The huge figure with a human body and a scorpion tail carried a blazing flame, forming a falling meteor, sweeping the tide of death, and rushing towards the teleportation array.

The void was wailing because of this great power. In the roar of the flames, the golden light was like a curtain of quicksand, and a curved bone knife was instantly transformed. On the handle of the knife was a huge eyeball, which was ten thousand meters in size. With the swaying golden light, it suddenly slashed towards the Tiangang No. 72 base!

One knife to open the sky!

The sea tide rose from the ground, and the raging wind was split in half. The sharp power and sharp feeling came to his face. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the runes on his body lit up. Ten thousand golden lights bloomed on his chest. A layer of material that seemed to be there and not there covered his whole body. Bone spurs grew wildly, forming a majestic hell armor on his body.

Colonized into the armor.

When he closed his hands and pulled them apart, the red lotus of karma lingered in his fists, condensing the magic energy of his whole body and swinging it at the golden knife with all his strength.

There was a muffled sound in the void, a circle of red ripples swept, and countless sonic booms sounded. It was as if the invisible thunder dragon was galloping. With a loud bang, the strong collided with each other, and the black and red shock waves swept the void. The Taichu that was close to him turned into ashes in an instant.

After a few seconds, the void swallowed up the endless brilliance, and the silent fist and the sword of destruction were annihilated at the same time, leaving a huge black hole at the collision. But then, with a muffled sound, the black hole shattered, and a majestic figure wrapped in black mist and dazzling blood light broke through the black hole like a meteor, laughing up to the sky and rushing straight to the base.

"Hehe... In front of this king, you just leave when you say so? Can you, a Taixu in the early stage, do that?" The Nine-tailed Scorpion King laughed up to the sky. A Taixu... Once he can be stopped, there are too many benefits. Not to mention that Cangtian City cut off an arm, even if he does not stand on the side of Cangtian City, this... is a new species!

Devour the other party, it is very likely to evolve to a higher stage!

Can't let the other party escape!

"The posture of ten thousand demons!" It screamed and opened its arms, without any delay, and the Taichu beside it rushed towards him like a collapse of the starry sky as if it had heard some order, and attached to him, and he was just like a weird quagmire, absorbing all the Taichu around him, and the spiritual power was rising with a crazy force!

"Hmph..." Xu Yangyi retreated several meters with a muffled voice, and the ground was pulled into deep gullies. So strong... Taixuhua was still quite far away from the opponent. He looked around, dark clouds filled the sky, Taichu was still 40,000 meters away, and the Nine-tailed Scorpion King would probably arrive in ten seconds!

Five seconds...

Just hold on for five seconds!

The overwhelming pressure in front of him was at the gate of the city, and behind him was a steep cliff. He took a deep breath, and the demonic energy burst out in full force, without any reservation!

The monstrous black fog surged up, becoming the kingdom of death, and exploded with a shock wave visible to the naked eye. The entire Tiangang No. 72 base, all the remaining buildings instantly turned into ashes. With a long cry, the red line rushed into the void, the red sun was hanging high, and a huge tree phantom rose from the ground behind him, with branches and leaves swaying. Under the tree, a human who looked like a monk sat cross-legged.

Buzz... There was a sudden stabbing pain in his mind, and Xu Yangyi suddenly felt dizzy. The illusion of Hong Xian was completely supported by his imagination and his consciousness. In order to stop the opponent from coming and to block this boundless Taichu frenzy, he had mobilized all his consciousness and was ready to create the most powerful illusion in history.

However... his consciousness could not support it.

Facing the Taichu Empire and the torrent of killing, his consciousness was still not enough!

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