
Chapter 1407: Kill Tongtian (I)

He shouted and used his spiritual power, which spread in all directions. Then he flew away without caring about anything.

There is no teleportation array that leads directly to Cantian City.

Because... this is the moat of Cantian City.

Just millions of meters in front of him, a huge city in the starry sky is emitting the brilliance of spiritual power under the starry sky.

Indescribable grandeur.

Indescribable majesty.

Pieces of silver-white light overflowed from the giant city, and the surrounding void trembled, showing how powerful its restrictions were. Silver-white spheres were suspended in the void, surrounding this infinite city that was one-third the size of the earth like a pearl chain, and each one carried a terrifying spiritual pressure.

The gate of the star-destroying star, and it was in a fully open state.

Even though Taichu disappeared, Cantian City did not relax its vigilance. A team of monks like a planetary belt could be seen at any time. I don’t know how many there were, surrounding Cantian City, forming a dazzling nebula.

It is a city built on two peaks, not one, and the peaks are very thin, like a strangely shaped sword. There are countless faint fluorescent rainbow bridges connected in series, and giant golden shields appear in the void from time to time, and then disappear in the darkness. The surrounding star fields are all reflected in colorful brilliance by this majestic giant city.

It is the only starry sky and the only sun in this star field.

However, Xu Yangyi did not continue to appreciate it at all, and rushed over at full speed, not to mention how the people behind him reacted.

The war is imminent, and if you don’t enter the Cantian City, you will die without a complete corpse!

Seeing his streamer flying away, the people behind him blinked, and then an old monk gasped: "Taichu...Taichu is attacking?!"

"Detect the space channel immediately!" He shouted to the surroundings with a sullen face. Suddenly, dozens of monks flew out, holding a crystal eyeball-shaped magic weapon in their hands, and with a wave of their hands, they turned into a light and rushed in.

Swish... a cylindrical light curtain appeared around the teleportation array, starting to blur, then becoming clearer and clearer. However, the clearer it became, the stiffer the faces of the people on the scene became, and finally... turned into boundless terror.

Just above the light curtain, in the passage, countless black tides rushed at lightning speed, and rows of data flashed rapidly on the light curtain.

That was a number enough to make people despair.

"Two billion... three billion... three and a half billion... three and a half billion..." The monks around were completely sluggish, staring at the light curtain, and the old Yuanying in the lead had red eyes. When a huge red light spot rose on the light curtain, his hair stood up and his breathing almost stopped.

"Five hundred and fifty million... This is... the Nine-tailed Scorpion King!!"

"Meet the enemy!!!" His hoarse roar sounded immediately. The other party has at most fifteen minutes to come! They can only and must stop the other party here!

Otherwise... with the help of the inside and the outside, none of the bases in the circle outside can be saved! The tens of thousands of years of defense of Cantian City will be destroyed!

Swish... a light bomb was launched into the air and exploded into a huge talisman, which could be seen everywhere in the entire base. Then, "Woo woo woo..." the desolate horn sounded through the sky, and the thumping of the war drums made people's blood boil. The monks here had obviously undergone long-term training and reacted very quickly. In an instant, tens of thousands of people responded, and countless streams of light were desperately transmitting information between the buildings.

"The Taichu army is coming! More than 3.7 billion spiritual power legions! The person coming is the deputy legion commander Nine-tailed Scorpion King! Everyone, the life and death of Kui No. 53 Base, we share the honor and disgrace!"

The voices of the Yuanying spread quickly, and the Yuanying elder in the lead asked people to send messages while desperately instructing: "Quick! Send a message to Cantian City immediately! Tell them that the army is coming! The whole city is under martial law! No one is allowed to enter or leave!"

"Second, close the space transmission array immediately! Blow it up immediately!"

"Third, Kui No. 53 Base, all monks, fight together! Regardless of the foundation Or practice Qi! Those who retreat will die! "

"Four..." He was about to speak, but suddenly froze, grabbing the monks around him like crazy, and the words he spoke were trembling, and his voice was hoarse: "Hurry, immediately... immediately contact all the bases in the inner circle..."

The Jindan monk he caught was stunned, and then his pupils shrank like needles, his mouth opened wide, his whole body trembled, and he couldn't speak: " mean..."

No one spoke, and all the monks on the scene stood in place like clay sculptures and wooden sculptures, and there was a dead silence here.

The moat of Cantian City, the 32 bases in the inner circle, Kui No. 53 was attacked, and Taichu went deep into the hinterland, but even the 4 billion Taichu could not lay down any base in front of Cantian City!

The Unaging Great Sage was in charge, the 12 treasure envoys of the heirloom family came in person, and all the branches of the Song family and the main family participated in the battle. The Linghu family of Liuhuo River, the Tianyin Temple of Xiaoleiyin, joined the war, as well as countless forces from Xu Kunlun, and the eleven authentic Taixu who were high above...

Who dared to attack here under the nose of such a behemoth?

Who could defeat it?

But why did the other party do this?

There was only one answer.

An answer that made them shudder.

All bases... were attacked at the same time. This was Taichu's full-scale attack! A counterattack after disappearing for a month!

The Jindan monk rushed over like crazy. In two minutes, all the talismans outside the teleportation array had lit up, and the desperate voice of the Jindan monk was transmitted back at the same time.

"My Lord... My Lord! Two of the thirty-two bases have completely lost contact! In the others... all the teleportation arrays, hundreds of millions of spiritual power fluctuations were found! And... and..."

"Speak!" The eyes of the Nascent Soul cultivator were red, and the huge fear turned him into nameless anger, and he shouted.

"And..." The Golden Core cultivator said in despair: "Among them... the spiritual power of seven channels... is more than 3 billion..."

Clang... The Nascent Soul cultivator took a few steps back, his body twitching like a nervous person, and only a gray face remained.

The seven deputy legion commanders... all went out...

Tenggerbal... is in the galaxy outside...

It's too late... It's over... This moat can't be defended at all!

The battle of Cantian City will break out in a completely unexpected way!

"What are you waiting for!" His eyes suddenly became clear, and he shouted: "Blow up the teleport..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice was stuck in his throat.

Not only him, but everyone... all the cultivators around the teleportation array, all stared at the teleportation array in a daze.

Right there, hundreds of tentacles, burning with flames caused by extremely fast friction, covered with blood swallowed by the void, and covered with scars, rushed out of the teleportation array like a devil, rolling up all the monks around in mid-air.

Pah pah pah... A dozen muffled sounds, these monks turned into meat paste.

Nine-tailed Scorpion King...

This name that shocked the seven realms appeared in everyone's mind. The next second, a strong wind sounded in the passage, and a huge scorpion tail rushed out at an unimaginable speed, instantly piercing dozens of people. The people who blocked the way immediately turned into powder, pulling a deep gully on the ground.


"Since that kid has escaped, you will be the first to sacrifice... Anyway, you will meet in the underground."

The old man in the Nascent Soul was also strung on the hook tail, his consciousness gradually blurred, but he also understood that this was the other party's attempt to break through the passage, and the damage caused by the turbulent flow of the void protected the teleportation array. Now, they have no choice.

How could this happen...

The remaining consciousness saw the black fog gushing out, and the scarlet light breaking through the black fog. A tall figure rushed into the area they had never set foot on with a murderous intent, like the death god descending.

As the scorpion claws like iron pincers were waving, this camp that had never been affected by the war was like being swept by a strong wind. The huge death god was invincible, and the Taixu spiritual power burst out, turning the Kui No. 53 base into a hell of killing. The sky was full of blood and the wind swept the ground. Right behind him, the endless Taichu army, those familiar piercing Taichu, the strong shield Taichu, formed a black torrent, and rushed out like a tsunami under the domination of countless masters.

Swallowing the heavens.

He also saw the overwhelming sword light and treasure light coming from the sky, rushing towards the Nine-tailed Scorpion King with a momentum that could not be returned, but he could not get close at all and was torn into pieces.

"Song Zu..." The old man choked silently: "I'm sorry for you..."

Boom! ! All the monks pierced by the Nine-tailed Scorpion King's tail exploded, and the red spider lilies bloomed in the sky, gorgeous and heroic. Unfortunately, the Nine-tailed Scorpion King just shook his tail and didn't care.

"Kill them all!!" In the blood rain, the Nine-tailed Scorpion King roared bloodthirstily: "Support other bases immediately! Start the teleportation array! When the other six deputy legion commanders arrive, it will be the time for us to set foot in the interior of the Seven Realms!!"

"Zizizizi!!" Behind him, the Taichu that covered the sky with clouds and the sun spread across the sky, and after a sharp whistle, it flew in all directions. The Nine-tailed Scorpion King looked at the giant city not far away with red eyes, and laughed hoarsely: "Cantian City..."

"We finally meet."

"Soon, your name will become-Hell."


"Heh..." Cantian City, Central Suzaku Tower, 33rd floor, Second Young Master Song suddenly raised his eyes. With palpitations, he wiped his forehead and felt cold sweat.

"What's going on?" He frowned and picked up the silk beside him to wipe it: "This sudden feeling of shock... Is something big going to happen?"

This room is magnificent, typical of the ancient Chinese style, with carved beams and painted buildings, and incense burners made of various natural materials emit curling green smoke, and from time to time a leisurely bell rings, which seems quiet and peaceful.

He slowly stood up, put on his brocade clothes in a snap, took a sip of the warm tea on the table, and said lightly: "Old Eight."

"I'm here." A voice came from the void, and the second son of Song frowned and said: "Did anything happen while I was sleeping?"

"No, you rested for less than an hour in total, how could something big happen?" The voice said indifferently.

At this moment, a red light rushed into the room, and the ban could not stop it at all. The window shattered with a snap. The second son of Song looked up and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Red communication paper crane...

Above black, it can only be used in special emergencies! Moreover, it cannot be used without Taixu!

Once it appears, it means that Cantian City is at the critical moment of life and death!

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