
Chapter 1408: Kill Tongtian (Part 2)

"What's going on?" The second son of Song's eyes turned cold, and he looked at a certain place in the void: "Didn't you say it was okay?"

"I..." The voice in the void paused, and he didn't understand at all. What happened? Why would the red message be used?

The second son of Song snorted, gritted his teeth and opened them, took a look, and immediately closed them, with fire in his eyes.

It was dead silent here. The voice in the void was about to ask a question. The second son of Song took a deep breath, turned into a light and rushed out with a bang.

As soon as he went out, he gritted his teeth. On the sky, a red talisman shone endlessly. It was a longevity tree, and below it was a misty snow mountain. Countless cultivators looked at this talisman in shock. The huge core of the Cantian City had already risen into the sky with thousands of streams of light, surrounding the mountain protection formation outside the Cantian City.

The clouds rose, and the fairy light was covered with mist. Let this giant starry city become a mountain of light and a spiritual tower.

Countless monks below have walked out of the cave in shock. The low-level monks have not received the exact order, but the discussion like a tide has swept Cantian City.

"What happened?" "This is... the immortal tree decree of the immortal saint, as if the saint came in person... he took over all the defenses of Cantian City?" "Why? Isn't the second son of Song the commander?" "Something big must have happened. Look, the mountain protection formation 'Nine Nine Xuanhuang Formation' has been fully opened. Could it be that Taichu is attacking?"

"Impossible, how could Taichu hit the inside of Cantian City? They can't even get through the third defense circle!"

Panic, astonishment, confusion, negative emotions gathered into a river, but without waiting for them to discuss, rows of monks in full armor, like mobile fortresses, riding more than ten meters long monsters, formed a steel torrent and roared out of the Suzaku Tower. At the same time, the sky was full of light, and the precious light was like a waterfall. The Suzaku Tower bloomed with thousands of brilliances, densely covering all directions.

Everyone saw the Second Young Master Song standing in the void, but no one spoke. They just nodded slightly, and then a grand voice resounded in every corner: "There is an imperial decree. All monks, the whole army is on standby, return to their respective sects, obey the command of the Great Sage, and those who disobey the order will be executed!"

No one was talking. A suffocating storm was mixed in the orderly deployment of troops. The sound of horns resounded through the sky. In the far distance, countless towering buildings have begun to slowly deform, and the talismans have become huge puppets in the shining. In the farther place, a piece of floating boat has already taken off, and the monks in the sky are guarding on both sides, overlooking the earth.

Even a fool can see that the storm is coming and the war is coming.

The crowd began to quickly enter the cave, and the Second Young Master Song closed his eyes tremblingly. The blazing fire under the ice, seemingly calm, has begun to boil from the inside...

What to do?

His heart was like a knife cutting. The defense of this area was hammered down by the Song family for tens of thousands of years, breaking into the inner circle... There was no hope of saving the outer defense base... Countless spiritual jades were wasted, and waves of dull pain made his eyes black.

"Damn bastards!" He cursed fiercely through his teeth, and rushed straight to the tower, from where he could grasp the situation first-hand.

Closer, closer, for three hours, he had approached the tower. The huge city wall, which was as high as a thousand meters, was endless, comparable to the Great Wall. At this moment, piles of beacons were all lit, and countless flags were fluttering. The heads of the major families had already received the news. Ten thousand sects raised their flags, and the monks like javelins filled the entire tower.

In front was a monk holding a giant shield, and in the back was a monk holding an immortal crossbow hiding in the gap, flashing cold light, ready to fight.

There was a tower with many restrictions on each city gate. He rushed in with a bang. The wind was howling and the gate was wide open. Eight saints and dozens of Nascent Souls had gathered here. Among them was the Reverend Ku Sheng. A suppressed undercurrent of anxiety surged. Behind the huge sand table, a 100-meter star map was hanging in the air.

In the past, these cultivators would say hello when they saw him coming, but now no one did, and he had no intention of asking, because on the star map, in addition to the green holy mountain that was like an unshakable mountain in Cantian City, all the 32 bases around it had a huge sun rising!

That was not the sun.

Those were the red dots formed by countless Taichu, which were denser and hotter than the sun!

There were also countless small light screens around, reflecting the miserable conditions of the 32 bases. Countless Taichu were raging, and there was no living person there. Almost all the cultivators chose to fight to the death to delay time for Cantian City. It was a hell on earth.

The blade was on the body, the tsunami was pressing down, it was like being wrapped in a violent storm, the feeling of suffocation was following like a shadow.

"Damn..." Second Young Master Song gritted his teeth and said, "How is this possible!"

"Any base, even the farthest base, once Taichu is discovered, the communication can reach it in a few hours. Even if the outermost base is broken, there is still the next circle to defend! At the very least, the teleportation array can be blown up! The defense of Cantian City is watertight! How could it fall from the outermost in just a few hours! And it fell at the same time!"

Ren Zun Kusheng gritted his teeth and said, "Second Young Master, there is only one answer. When Taichu first appeared, it was within the warning range, and Taixu took action personally, not giving the base time to react at all."

There is no point in saying more. Things have already happened. What we need to do now is to stabilize this rock in the storm. The second son of the Song family took a deep breath and said in a cold voice: "Report the primordial spiritual power counts of the major bases immediately."

A Yuanying immediately replied, "Base No. 7, 800 million spiritual power." "Base No. 18, 1.1 billion spiritual power." "Base No. 32, 4.1 billion spiritual power."

The heavy sound was like a cloud of lead, suppressed and low. Until the last "Total...two million and nine hundred thousand souls." sounded. Second Young Master Song slammed the table.

"Answer the call..." He spoke hoarsely like a wounded beast, then raised his head and shouted: "Let the Seven Realms answer the call immediately! No matter which plane! Let them come immediately!"

Once the outer periphery is eaten up, Towering City will only have 10 billion souls!

Facing Taichu's army of nearly 30 billion, it was only a matter of time before the city was destroyed!

This is not a mortal's war, this is a monk's war. Once the Nine-Nine Xuanhuang Formation is torn open, the monk's war will end faster than imagined!

The Song family, which has lost the land of Longxing... may immediately fall into the second-class sect!

"Sir!" At this moment, a golden elixir figure rushed in quickly. Before he could speak, the Second Young Master Song shouted angrily: "Don't you understand the rules?! What kind of place is this?! Are you allowed to break in?!"

With nowhere to vent his anger, the Golden Core cultivator was stunned for a moment before a venerable saint spoke: "Since he is so anxious, he must have something important to do. Tell me, if you trespass into the forbidden area, you will be dealt with according to military law."

"Yes!" The Golden Core cultivator immediately knelt on the ground and spoke hastily: "Your Excellency Yang Sheng opened the door under the city and said that he was coming from Tiangang No. 72 Base. Look..."

Before he finished speaking, all the saints who had taken their seats rushed out.

Xu Yangyi stood under the huge city wall, his heart also burning.

He finally set foot on the Towering City, but it was not safe. He had forgotten about the mountain-protecting formation. Because he had not been to Towering City before, he was not qualified to enter the city. Now he was blocked from the mountain-protecting formation.

Just behind him, a spiritual consciousness like a tarsal maggot was firmly nailed to him. The Nine-tailed Scorpion King's spiritual consciousness never left him for a moment, and... all the bases behind him had been completely swallowed up, and the entire Taixu Camp It's already boiling.

That was a sign that the war was about to begin and dark clouds were approaching.

Yes... Towering City will not be given time to prepare. Attack is the best defense. They have to hold on to their stronghold and wait for Tengebal to arrive in person. The best way is to attack the unprepared Towering City with all their strength. Once the two sides join forces, the real The attack will come.

The magnificent spiritual vibration can be felt across the distant starry sky, and the towering city has already shrunk its defenses. All the patrolling monks have entered the mountain-protecting formation, and layers of light curtains are rippling above it. He was the only one outside the huge, thousand-meter-high towering city. Behind him was an active volcano that could erupt at any time!

"Who is coming?" Suddenly, a spiritual consciousness came from above his head, and he took a deep breath: "Sage Ben Lei, please enter the city! Help the defense of Towering City!"

"Thunder?" Several saints' eyes lit up, and Xu Yangyi immediately popped up the waist card belonging to Tianjian Villa. At the same time, a stone tablet rose on the tower, and his spiritual energy sensed from above.

Ten seconds...twenty seconds...Every second made people anxious. Xu Yangyi didn't say much. He gritted his teeth and fully opened his consciousness to pay attention behind him. He had already felt... Taichu from several bases had formed a formation. He began to tentatively move toward Towering City.

"Not yet!!" He finally raised his head and shouted. At the same time, a golden light lit up, and the word "Ben Lei" flashed on the stone tablet.

"It is indeed Holy Lord Ben Lei." One of the sages let out a long sigh of relief: " is said that Saint Yang with 250 million souls will give him a big helping hand, and he will soon..."

"Slow down." At this moment, a cold voice came.

It was neither slow nor fast, but now every tenth of a second was equivalent to cutting a knife into Xu Yangyi's heart.

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head, slow? In this situation, it is actually slow to say?

Where he entered his eyes, a handsome young monk with eyes like cold stars intertwined with his.

He read the murderous intent in the other person's eyes.

"Ben Lei?" His voice was still calm and he said with his hands behind his back: "The entire Tiangang base No. 72 was wiped out. How did you escape?"

"There is the Nine-tailed Scorpion King, one of the seven deputy commanders, with a spiritual power index of 550 million. Why... everyone is dead? Are you the only one who came out?"

"Second Young Master!" A woman in palace attire said in astonishment: "Now is not the time to talk about this. Hurry up and let Taoist Ben Lei come in!"

"Who is the commander!!" Second Young Master Song turned around and said angrily: "Even if the power of defense is in the hands of the Great Sage, the right to open the city gate is still in my hands!"

"What time is it now! What if he is an insider? Can you handle a monk with 250 million souls forcing open the city gate? This young master is thinking about Towering City!"

"Yes..." Lord Kusheng understood immediately, took a step forward, stuck out his head, looked at Xu Yangyi across a curtain of light like a dead man, and said coldly: "Everyone on Tiangang No. 72 will die, fight with all your strength. And he died without any trace of fighting skills. How did he get here?"

"Also, why Taichu can enter the million-meter cordon, so that all major bases cannot send out information, let me see..." He suddenly drank: "There are some scum from the seven realms who are in cahoots with Taichu! !”

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