
Chapter 1409: Kill Tongtian (Part 3)


Venerable Kusheng almost wanted to shout to the sky, Benlei, Benlei, you have come to this day!

Killing someone with a borrowed knife, let you die at the gate of Cantian City, watching Cantian City not open, 250 million... How long can you last under the frenzy of Taichu?

Xu Yangyi's eyes turned cold, and then he actually lowered his head and sneered.

Sure enough...

Sure enough, it's human...

In this case, not winning over the main force, but pushing it out, it's really ugly and disgusting... Although I didn't think about helping Cantian City to work hard.

"Fellow Daoist Kusheng?" All the surrounding Venerable Saints looked over, with astonishment in their eyes. Although this sentence makes sense, it's not good to locate the other party from the beginning, right?

At the same time, they did have questions in their hearts, why would a Yang Saint be at Tiangang Base No. 72? Don't blame them for thinking too much, at this time, everything is very sensitive, especially... when the Venerable Saint should be on standby in Cantian City.

"Although the words are unpleasant to hear, they are all true." The second son of Song's voice sounded like ice, and his fingers gently tapped the city wall, still not hurried or slow. He knew very well that if he added one more second, the other party would take one more step on the line of death. This person... must die!

He robbed me of my opportunity, killed the treasure maker, and then rushed to me when I was full of anger. Ben Lei, Ben Lei, it's not that I want to kill you, but you put yourself on the edge of the knife.

Then... let me give you a merciful knife. Although no one will be left with a complete body...

He glanced at the various bases that had been quickly lined up behind him, with black clouds rising into the sky, and suddenly raised his voice: "I ask you!"

"Why are you not in Cantian City!"

"Why are you at Tiangang No. 72!"

"You are a saint, but you disobeyed the orders of the generals and left your post without reporting! But when the No. 72 base fell into the hands of Taichu, you were unscathed. What on earth are you..."

He stepped forward and lowered his head. No one saw the bloodthirsty murderous intent on his face: "Whose man is it?"

No saint spoke, indeed, there were too many doubts, and if Ben Lei was allowed to enter the city rashly, 250 million cultivators would go on a killing spree, and no one could stop him, especially when Taixu had to fly for an hour or so to Cantian City, and the city gate was Ben Lei's territory.

"Who are you?" Xu Yangyi suddenly spoke, with murderous intent in his eyes. .

"Second Young Master Song, Song Yinfeng." Song Yinfeng smiled slightly, raised his eyebrows, and said in a cold voice: "If you don't answer clearly, you can't come in."

"So it's you." Xu Yangyi nodded, suppressed the tyranny in his heart, and engraved the other party's figure into his heart: "I only ask you once, will you open it or not."

"Get out!!" Before Song Yinfeng could speak, Venerable Kusheng spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

Boom! ! At this moment, the void shook, and all the towers bloomed with thousands of rays of light!

Every ten thousand meters, there is a small tower. At this moment, the light is overwhelming, and the beacon fire rises to the sky. On the main gate, a black stone tablet quickly turns red. These lights rush into the sky and merge into the mountain protection formation. In an instant, the mountain protection formation shines with brilliant golden light.

If it was the Fairy Cloud Island just now, it is even more magnificent now. A series of talismans linger in the sky, Tai Chi is divided into two yin and yang, the two yin and yang are transformed into four images, and the four images perform the eight trigrams... The entire mountain protection formation is fully activated!

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. Xu Yangyi breathed silently, almost biting his lips to bleed, and turned around stiffly.

Right behind him, a thousand-foot black cloud engulfed the sky, covering the starlight. One by one, crab-like Taichu crows flew up from various bases, guarded by strange Taichu like wasps. Countless centipede-like Taichu with wings on their backs hissed and turned into black fountains to rush up to the starry sky, boundless, as if destroying the world.

Above the starry sky, the black torrent gathered into a tide that spread across the sky, rushing towards Cantian City from all directions. Hissing and roaring, there were countless human-like aggregates with huge teeth, with dense Taichu eggs hanging on their bodies.

"Boom boom boom!" In the far distance, the rumbling sound shocked the starry sky. Rows of meteors, like fireworks at the end of the world, rushed into the sky with long tails of light, drew a parabola of death, burned the void, and fell towards the Cantian City.

However, the most terrifying thing was the seven majestic figures, each of which was a hundred meters tall, sitting on the bone chairs carried by countless Taichu, with a roar of spiritual energy, shooting towards the Cantian City.

Taichu's full-scale attack!

"Yu'er..." Seeing this scene, the Kusheng Venerable was not surprised but happy, almost wanting to roar to the sky, looking at this doomsday scene with a distorted face, and said hoarsely: "I'll avenge you..."

Taichu attacked the city, and the mountain protection formation would never be opened again!

There was silence on the tower for half a second, and then countless flags swayed, rows of monks densely covered the tower, and a door of spiritual energy cannons shone brilliantly. The eight saints on the tower were stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned around and said, "Taichu attack! Defend Cantian City to the death!"

Swish, swish, swish! Endless sword lights instantly rose into the sky, and no one looked down. The monks in various clothes stepped on various magic weapons, and the precious light penetrated the sky, and the auspicious aura was thousands of lines. Like a yellow dragon coming out of the sea, the mountain protection formation set off ripples like raindrops entering the lake, and all the treasures came out at once.

So, no one saw that there was another figure at the gate of the city.

The hot war was ignited instantly. Song Yinfeng looked for a second, retracted his gaze, and lip-synced to the bottom when no one saw it.

That was... go to hell, three words.

Then, he waved his long sleeves, turned around and left.

Reverend Kusheng did not leave. He stared at Xu Yangyi. He would not be willing to see him torn into pieces by Taichu.

All the saints also came back to their senses. There was a complicated look in their eyes when they looked at Xu Yangyi. They knew that this man was finished and it was impossible to open the ban now. The entrance of the cultivator was related to his spiritual power. The higher the spiritual power, the larger the exit opened and the slower it closed. With his spiritual power, it would not be closed in one or two minutes. It would take at least more than 20 minutes.

"Success and failure are all due to Xiao He." A saint sighed, bowed to Xu Yangyi, and turned away without being able to bear to watch this scene.

Xu Yangyi's teeth were grinding. The killing intent behind him was stronger than the other wave. The frenzy formed by countless Taichu was simply destroying the world! However, what was more terrifying was the consciousness of the Nine-tailed Scorpion King.

The other party was always looking at him...

What to do?

He would not beg like a beggar to open the door, because he knew that the other party would never open it. So what can we do now to withstand the impact of Taichu?

In his anxious eyes, the black tide came one after another, approaching here visibly with the naked eye. After dozens of minutes, the endless Taichu approached, and he... had no way to survive.

The iron hoofs of killing trampled the void, and the space was trembling under the spiritual power of tens of billions. Ten minutes... twenty minutes... thirty minutes! The Taichu in the front has entered the 300,000-meter range of Cantian City!

He could almost see the bloodthirsty and ugly face of Taichu.

"Little guy... dare to pretend to be Taixu in front of this king?!" With a loud laugh, a huge figure, a claw crossed the void, and it hit out with a bang!

Nine-tailed Scorpion King.

Swish! ! Thousands of black lights shone under Xu Yangyi's feet, and the killing broke out of the ground and crossed the city gate. The funny thing is that he, who was abandoned by the Song family, seemed to be guarding the city gate he didn't want to guard.

The cloak flew up, the black hair fluttered, the spiritual energy had reached the peak, but the heart was gloomy.

Unable to stop...

He couldn't stop this attack.

Too strong... Taixu and Zunsheng are qualitatively different. This claw in the void scratched countless cultivators' precious lights, and its power did not decrease, leaving cracks. On the tower, Zun Kusheng almost groaned with excitement. Three hundred thousand meters... outside the attack range of Taixu, but... it was enough to crush this homeless wild dog to his knees!

Then... welcome the bloodthirsty Taichu's feast of flesh and blood!

How can I be willing to see you become a monster that is neither human nor ghost, and to see you dismembered by Taichu!

"Get out!!" Facing this claw, Xu Yangyi condensed all his spiritual power and struck out suddenly. Then, there was a violent vibration, and countless cracks appeared in the void like glass slag. His body crashed into the Jiujiu Xuanhuang Formation with a bang, and blood spurted out.

"Hehehe... Come and die for me!!" The Nine-tailed Scorpion King laughed loudly, tapped his foot on the bone chair, and his body and long sword broke through the air, rushing straight towards the Cantian City.

How fast is Taixu? In an instant, he had already penetrated 200,000 meters, and there was no one around him who could stop him. Xu Yangyi could even see the hideous dark patterns on the opponent's hard skin.

The figure of the god of death in his pupils became bigger and bigger, and he actually felt that time slowed down, and even glanced at the top of his head.

Outside the magic circle, countless monks formed a long river of precious light, densely packed but orderly, relying on each other, and supporting each other, but no one looked down and saw this lonely figure.

One person's city gate, 100,000 people's sky, indifference and abandonment.

At this moment, a voice suddenly resounded through the void.

" looks like you're in trouble."

Then, a second voice sounded: "Why did the king summon us? Is this what you called 'inspection?' Excuse me, Mr. Yi, you really lack sincerity and integrity."

"What a big pit...No one has dared to dig a pit for me like this for hundreds of years."

Xu Yangyi's mood, which had already fallen to the bottom, suddenly ignited. The ecstasy of surviving the disaster made his chest beat desperately, and his face flushed slightly.

Never before...

Never before has he been so close to death!

This is the kind of destruction that cannot be resisted even with all his wisdom, and it is the ash and smoke that exceeds his power countless times. Although he is fighting with all his strength, he also knows in his heart that this is too difficult.

However, the beauty of life is that you don't know when a miracle will happen.

The Taichu group was stunned.

Then, the Taichu who rushed forward shrank back, frightened by the vast and boundless spiritual power and dared not move forward, and was shocked by the demonic energy that was completely different from the Seven Realms system and could not move.

All the monks on the tower were also stunned.

Evil, greedy, full of murderous intent, but not creatures of the Seven Realms! They clearly felt out of place.

They appeared abruptly like a river in the sky, dividing Cantian City and Taichu.

Five figures, the shortest was three meters tall, the tallest was at least thirty meters tall, shrouded in luxurious cloaks of either black or white, with demonic energy sweeping across the sky!

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