
Chapter 1410: Kill Tongtian (IV)


King of Thousand Maws, King of Evil Eyes, Prince of Arcane, Remnant of the Holy Flame, Prince of Grizzly Bear.

At this critical moment, the five major demon planes descended!

In the air, the stream of light from the Nine-Tailed Scorpion King had already rushed over crazily.

"Seeking death!!" Jie Jie, the King of Evil Eyes, laughed strangely, and his cloak exploded instantly. The next second, a huge five hundred meter creature appeared in front of the city gate.

The ferocious one is also a huge eyeball, covered with bloodshot eyes made of talismans.

It's gloomy, with countless venomous snakes sticking out from behind the eyeballs, and the flames of hell spraying into the void.

Terrifying, like monsters appearing in nightmares, as long as they are living creatures, they cannot escape the gaze of evil eyes.

"Come on... little flea." In the center of the eyeball, a half-figure made of bones with outstretched wings grew out of it with a shrill smile: "Let you see how the great Demon King Tiragandis traverses the planes. !”

"Come on, tremble in the flames of hell...let me teach you what terror is! Let you know what begging is!"

no the same.

Xu Yangyi often breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the light curtain as if he had no strength left.

It's's completely different from facing yourself. This is the true appearance of these demons.

Greedy, full of murderous intent, and merciless in the face of provocateurs, he finally summoned terror into the world.

As for the future?

Who the hell cares about him!

As a leader, Song Yinfeng has to pay the price for his choice!

Lord Kusheng was also stunned, no, he was completely stunned.

how so?

Why is this kid just about to drink blood at the gate of the city, but someone suddenly comes to help him? And...and it's five Taixu?

His extremely happy heart suddenly hit the bottom, and he took a few steps back with a pale face. Finally, his eyes fell on the rushing Nine-tailed Scorpion King with incomparable hope.

"Kill him..." His eyes started to turn red, and he whispered hoarsely: "Kill him! Tear him into pieces! Taixu will definitely kill him if he takes action!"

"You have seven Taixu!"

Above the void, Taichu versus the devil.

Of course, the Nine-Tailed Scorpion King felt that the other party was really in the Taixu realm. This was a monster that he had never seen before. However, the other party's power had not fully exploded. He did not think that he was weaker than the other party. He sneered: "Get out!!"

The speed increased instead of decreasing, pulling out red flames in the air. In the eyes of Lord Kusheng with great expectation, he grabbed Xu Yangyi with one hand.

Rumble... The spiritual energy turned into a huge vortex, tangled into a vast cloud cave, and a dark hand of spiritual energy roared down from the cloud cave, facing Xu Yangyi's head.

However, with a slight flick of the hand, the hand disappeared into the void. A black figure stretched out a bony palm that looked like a mummy, as if wiping its mouth: "It's really unpalatable..."

"King Evil Eye... is procrastinating. Do you need me to help you?"

"Ha..." The Nine-Tailed Scorpion King had already rushed a thousand meters in front of the Evil Eye King. At the same time, the Evil Eye King's long-suppressed spiritual energy exploded!

boom! ! A black tide filled the sky in the void, and the karmic flames belonging to Tiragandes boiled instantly. This piece of demonic energy was so powerful, so pure, and so thick that all the planetary belts outside the city gate instantly turned into fly ash!

"Didi!" At the same time, the spiritual stele next to Lord Kusheng on the city tower suddenly shone brightly. They were lined up neatly in the sky. The monks who were waiting for help were stunned and immediately took out a compass magic weapon.

Just above it, a red line goes straight up! In an instant, it exceeded 600 million, 650 million, 80 million, 700 million...

Still rising!

730 million...60 million...90 million...

Eight hundred million! !

All the monks opened their eyes wide and looked at the compass in their hands in disbelief, their hands trembling.

"Oh my God..." A Nascent Soul leader took a breath and stared at the compass. After half a second, he raised his eyes and said in a trembling voice: "This... how is this possible..."

"Eight hundred million... 800 million!? It's still rising! Dao Ancestor is on top! Back then, Army Commander Tengebal was only half a step ahead, but he was only on the edge of a billion! 870 million... 90 million... 900 million?! Heavens! Ah! What kind of monster is this!”

Thump thump thump! Lord Kusheng on the city tower took a few steps back, opened his mouth wide, and looked at the Zhenling Stone Tablet with wide eyes.


It must be an illusion...

Surpassing the Five Kings and Two Queens... actually surpassing the peak power of the Seven Realms!

With the sudden burst of power, the Nine-tailed Scorpion King instantly seemed to be facing an endless wall. A sense of oppression that made his scalp numb came over him instantly. He didn't dare to think about it at all. He screamed and turned around in mid-air. However, ,late.

At the same time, countless poisonous snakes rushed out like lightning. The Evil Eye King was like a terrifying black hole, and the poisonous snake tentacles even formed a rotating black tide. It was obvious that the Nine-tailed Scorpion King was extremely fast, but he was entangled by these poisonous snakes. .

No reason.

It doesn't make sense.

You can see it, but you can’t hide it!


"Zi!!" A sharp scream came from the opponent's mouth. Tens of thousands of venomous snakes raised their heads, chests bulged, and a terrifying energy in their mouths made people's hair stand on end. Tens of thousands of venomous snakes and tens of thousands of red dots were as bright as stars. , the next second, thousands of snakes spit out flames, and tens of thousands of demonic breaths spurted into the void, turning the sky into a sea of ​​​​fire in purgatory.

Boom! ! A huge pillar of fire rose into the sky, with a radius of ten thousand meters, and the entire void was shaken.

The fire of karma refining the beginning!

"Not good!!" All the deputy legion commanders cried out at the same time. The change was too fast. Who could have thought that this monster was so strong! It even surpassed the five kings and two queens! How could Taichu Taixu, who was sitting on the bone chair, sit still? Six angry shouts, six magical powers rose together, and rushed towards the King of Evil Eyes.

The six deputy legion commanders attacked at the same time, the power was so terrifying that the void was torn apart and turned into eternal black spots. The resonance of the talisman shattered all obstacles in the way. At the same time, the huge body of the Grizzly Prince, like a mountain of flesh, moved, and a blood-red eye lit up under the cloak, slowly.

"One, two, three... six, seven? There are seven Taixu in total, not bad... enough for us to have a good meal."

Before he finished speaking, its cloak also exploded, and a force more terrifying than the King of the Evil Eye filled the void, layers of demonic energy and black fog were stacked up, thousands of meters high. With a roar, a three-thousand-meter-long giant bear with a bear head, eagles and vultures on its shoulders, half of its body intact, half of its body rotten, covered with barbs and black runes, rushed out.

"Grizzly's Roar!!" It raised its head and made a piercing buzzing sound, which turned into visible sound waves and spread. The void was annihilated like glass shards. Those terrifying magical powers were swallowed up in an instant as soon as they entered.

The Prince of Grizzlies stood up and let out a deterrent roar. Even the tower of Cantian City shook. In the shocked eyes of countless monks and Taichu, he licked his lips bloodthirstily: "Who wants to be my opponent?"


No one answered.

The screams of the Nine-tailed Scorpion King still lingered in the void. Facing the challenge of the Grizzly Prince, none of the Taichu dared to answer.

Because... they all saw that the light of the Ling-suppressing Stone Stele on the tower of Cantian City had turned into darkness.

900 million...

A terrifying 900 million spirits or more!

Almost the same strength as Tenggerbal back then!

Where the hell did this monster come from!

"No one?" The Grizzly Prince sneered: "Then I won't be polite..."

"I haven't eaten for a whole day. I'm really... starving..."

As soon as the voice fell, the huge body of thousands of meters suddenly flashed, and when it appeared again, it was already in front of the Taichu front line.

"Zi!!" The huge fear could not resist the instinct of devouring. The Taichu below, like ants, roared at the towering demon bear. However, in return, the grizzly bear prince swung his palms without mercy, shooting left and right. Amidst the loud bang, rows of Taichu screamed and flew up, and were then sucked into the belly by the huge, scarlet long tongue. The sound of bones breaking and flesh chewing resounded through the sky.


All stunned.

None of the cultivators in the seven realms spoke, staring at the scene in a daze.

It has always been Taichu who devoured others, but now... a terrible creature is actually devouring Taichu, and the other party has no power to resist!

Countless Taichu climbed onto the body of the grizzly bear prince, but the other party just shook, and pieces of hell flames rose up, immediately burning Taichu to ashes, not to mention devouring... even the skin could not be bitten.

On the city wall, the Reverend Kusheng looked at this scene with red eyes.

No luck, no luck that a monster that suddenly appeared and surpassed the five kings and two queens won them precious time, and countless floating boats were approaching from behind.

Only infinite hatred.

Hate... why not die? How can he not die! ?

He did not die in this situation?

"Heaven is unfair!!!" He howled to the sky, his voice was like crying blood, but no one noticed him.

"Retreat! Retreat first!" The eyes of the seven deputy legion commanders were red, they did not dare to go up, it was too scary... These monsters were too strong! This... Could this be summoned by that human?

The damage of charging head-on was too great, and there was Cangtian City behind, so the best strategy was to wait for Lord Tenggerbal to personally sweep the outer circle before attacking here.

Five five kings and two queens... Just thinking about them made their backs cold.

"Retreat?" A hoarse voice sounded with a cold smile: "I didn't even have lunch and rushed here. You little snacks actually want to run away?"

"Who gave you the courage?"

Swish... The shortest arcane prince took a step forward, his eyes flashing with hunger and greed. With a long roar, the magic energy penetrated the air, and the black tide swallowed ten thousand meters. With a roar that shook the earth, a pale bone dragon wrapped like a mummy, burning with dark magic flames, has stepped into the field.

"All the heavens and worlds will respond to the call of the king of arcane." It raised its pale hand, and countless arcane lights bloomed in the void. One after another, the deep purple light shone in the sky. As its hands moved, the void responded. Dozens and hundreds of arcane gates slowly opened.

"The truth of the devil." As the arcane prince Antonidas pressed down with his bone claws, tongues suddenly stretched out from these suddenly appearing gates. Every time a harvest was harvested, hundreds of primordial beings entered.

However, the prelude to terror had just begun.

"What a pleasant taste." The Thousand Throats King and the remnants of the Holy Flame also stepped out slowly. With two muffled sounds, the equally magnificent and vast demonic energy gushed out, opening the chapter of destruction in the desperate eyes of the Ku Sheng Reverend.

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