
Chapter 1411: Kill Tongtian (V)

Towering City, Suzaku Tower, Song Yinfeng has returned here through the teleportation circle. With his identity, he can naturally enter the general command room.

Ten figures behind him followed each other like shadows, passing through the crowded corridors, and came to a room full of light curtains. There was a tall door at the end. Just as he was about to enter, suddenly, there was a sound of "Didi!" resounded throughout the room.

"This is..." He was stunned, suddenly raised his head, and looked at the light curtain in disbelief.

This is the alarm of more than 4 billion spiritual energy gathered one kilometer in front of the towering city's mountain guard formation!

How can it be?

At least hundreds of millions of monks were dispatched, with defensive formations, flying boats, and mountain-protecting formations to support them, but they were broken by the opponent in an instant? Entering the kilometer cordon?

"What's going on?" He immediately turned into a escaping light and rushed over. He lifted up the monk in front of the light curtain and looked at the increasing spiritual power count above. He almost went crazy.

I just felt a little better...

That despicable bastard should have been dead, but he saw this scene in the blink of an eye!

His breathing became rapid, and a red mark soared rapidly on the light screen. Nine hundred and thirty million spiritual energy filled everyone's eyes, and suddenly, there were endless exclamations.

"Five kings and two queens?!" "No! It is impossible for five kings and two queens to reach 900 million!" "Legion Commander Tengebal had one billion and thirty million before his breakthrough. That was the devil-like Taichu... This, this There will be 930 million Taixu?" "Is there a quasi-legion commander in Taichu?"

"The five kings and two queens are too weak?" Song Yinfeng's vision went dark, and his heart spasmed with pain. He covered his chest, and there was no color on his handsome face. He said hoarsely: "Immediately... call up the corresponding picture for this young master. …”

"There is an emergency at the towering city gate, are you all dead?! Why didn't I receive the message!?"

The second son of the Song family was furious, and no one dared to say anything, even though they had just received the wave of power. With the dance of their fingers, the light curtain changed, and suddenly everything at the city gate was clearly visible.

Just after taking a look, Song Yinfeng didn't spit out any blood.


That ant is still alive!

At the first glance, he saw the figure who was about to kill and then quickly, but the other party... was actually unscathed! Do you still have the time to meditate on the mountain-protecting formation?

How is it could it be? Is the Venerable Ku Sheng living there for a living? !

This lowly ant...provoked the Song family, and thanks to the Song family's grace, he didn't die even if he wanted to die! Now Xu Yangyi is like a tenacious ant, crawling around in Song Yinfeng's heart, chewing out countless small holes, and the bites are sore.

Waves of rage surged into his heart, and he suddenly realized that his sudden good mood was all an illusion.

Nothing ever changes.

No... maybe it gets worse.

On the light screen, a demon-like figure with eyeballs tore through the sky, forcing Taichu back layer by layer, as if... protecting that human being?

If this person survives...and can control Taixu...the consequences will be unimaginable!

In this towering city, there are one five kings and two queens, plus a powerful saint with 250 million souls... unexpectedly the other party suddenly transformed and became the top force in the battle of towering city?

Who blocked this factor out?

Cold sweat dripped down. He clenched his fists and said grimly: "Where did these things come from? They are obviously monsters! Those who control them must be unforgivable evil cultivators! Who is going to do this? The monster is led to the seven realms?"

"The crime deserves death!!"

Boom! He hammered the void violently, causing spider webs to crack. However, this time, strangely, no one agreed with him.

Yes... these things look like monsters, but... they are attacking Taichu.

This reputation as a crime worthy of death and an unforgivable crime... is currently beneficial to Towering City.

Even the people behind Song Yinfeng didn't speak.

It was too hasty... Song Yinfeng gritted his teeth and walked towards the rear door with a puff of sleeves. However, his mind was already in a mess.

Standing with a summoned monster at the level of five kings and two queens, do you want to please him?

A noble heirloom family, one of the families that created the Seven Realms, to please a lowly descendant who has been favored?

But the power in the opponent's hands made him extremely jealous.

"Why don't you die..." No one heard his whimpering with pulsating veins and grinding his teeth along the way: "If you die, everything will be over... How can you not die?"

"You want me to die, how dare you live!"

At this moment, several beeping sounds suddenly sounded, and the furious Song Yinfeng suddenly turned around, something happened again, something happened again! How many unpredictable things are going to happen!

But as soon as he turned around, his mind went blank.

Not only him, but all the monks present raised their heads and looked up at the light curtain, their mouths slightly open, their faces full of disbelief.

There was dead silence.

Just above the light curtain, five pieces of data were beating desperately. The first one is impressively 930 million, the second one is 900 million, the third one is 850 million, the fourth one is 810 million, and the fifth one is 820 million.

Five Five Kings and Two Queens!

There is only a blank space in my mind.

The shock was so violent that Song Yinfeng forgot the feelings in his heart. He looked at the light curtain with some sluggishness. There, five figures exploded at the same time, and none of them were as powerful as the five kings and two queens!

These five peak Taixu rushed into Taichu, just like an anteater licking ants. Thousands of Taichu were devoured by them very quickly. Behind them was an extremely safe open space. The humble cultivator had finished his meditation and stood up. There were also the seven realms cultivators in the sky who were equally shocked.

As if sensing something, Xu Yangyi looked up and then... raised a bloodthirsty sneer.

Revenge for revenge, repay grievances with justice!

Song Yinfeng understood, this is Xu Yangyi's justice, his justice is... straight to the point, an eye for an eye.

"You..." The provocative shame and the pain in his heart were used at the same time. As soon as he said these three words, the cultivators around him panicked.

"Second Young Master!! Second Young Master?" "Second Young Master, what's wrong with you?" "Bring the elixir! Now!"

After saying these three words, huge fear and immense regret rushed into his heart at the same time, and Song Yinfeng fainted without saying a word.

The Taixu at the gate of the city burst out at the same time, and the terrifying spiritual power could no longer be concealed.

The terrifying spiritual energy rushed in all directions like a wave. Eleven eyes opened at the same time in the towering city.

"So strong!!" In a continuous palace, Shen Chenyang was meditating with his eyes closed. Suddenly, he woke up like a needle prick. Before the servants outside could ask, he saw a stream of light rising into the air, the black and white Tai Chi rotated, and his vast spiritual energy was like a deep sea.

His white eyebrows fluttered, and his old eyes immediately saw the city gate, and he turned into light without hesitation and flew away. However, almost at the same time, ten lights rose in the city at the same time, and the sky was filled with strange phenomena in an instant.

There were cranes singing, rootless lotuses growing, and hundreds of flowers swaying... Eleven figures looked at each other, nodded slightly, and flew towards the city gate at the same time.

"All eleven Taixu Lords are going out?" The cultivators below were stunned and looked in their direction: "What happened over there?"

The Taixu couldn't hear their questions at all, and even if he heard them, he didn't bother to answer them. During the flight, Shen Chenyang sent out a divine sense: "Five five kings and two queens, and they are stronger than the five kings and two queens! Am I right?"

"No." A woman in palace dress looked livid: "It's not spiritual energy, it's like the law of another sky domain, but it's very powerful, incredibly powerful."

"How did you get to the Seven Realms?" "Taichu is pressing on the realm, and this force has appeared again. I think... even the Unaged Great Sage can't sit still, right?"

No one answered, and everyone looked at the top of the Suzaku Tower with lingering fear. There, a subtle spiritual energy, like air, ordinary cultivators can't feel it at all, but it is hidden and not revealed, always covering the Cangtian City.

As still as a mountain.

Compared to the Taixu's anxiety, the city gate was already a sea of ​​shock.

Taichu was beaten back step by step. No one dared to attack the high-ranking deputy legion commander. The nine-tailed scorpion king screamed and turned into blood mist. Finally, it escaped from the cage of ten thousand snakes and hid in the depths of Taichu.

It's not that they didn't take action, but they would rather endure it and know which side these monsters are on. Even if there is a slight possibility, they don't want to be enemies with the five kings and two queens!

This was a bloody tyranny. It took half an hour before the greedy grizzly bear burped loudly. It stopped ravaging Taichu.

At about the same time, the other four princes and dukes also stopped. The tentacles of the evil eye king stretched out from the bloody corpse of Taichu, and the venomous snakes kept wriggling, swallowing the bodies of Taichu into the huge eyeballs.

It made a puzzled voice: "These things... taste unexpectedly good. Although they look too ugly."

Xu Yangyi almost laughed.

As a demon, you are qualified to say that others are not good-looking?

What about aesthetics?

The scene was filled with corpses and blood, and the sound of a pin drop could be heard. The five Taixu stopped killing, regained their human form amidst the surging demonic energy, and flew towards Cantian City together.

All the cultivators were stunned, and many leaders instinctively shouted "Meet the enemy!!" but were held tightly by the people beside them.

What a joke?

Taichu didn't want to provoke them, and now they were on their side, so why would they provoke such a monster?

The huge demonic energy devoured the world and swept through the sea of ​​people, like a typhoon passing through. In the rumbling sound, the huge demon body made people feel like a meteor passing through. Many timid cultivators even closed their eyes, and countless people held their magic weapons tightly. If the other party made any unusual moves, they would only die in Cantian City.


They didn't even look at it.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, the five five kings and two queens ignored these "low-level creatures of no use value" and flew directly to the city gate, then pressed the escape light and turned into human form.

All the cultivators from the seven realms were stunned. Many of them just realized that there was actually a... Venerable Saint at the gate?

Really a Venerable Saint?

Why did he seem to have a close relationship with the five kings and two queens?

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