
Chapter 1412: Those who are guilty should be beheaded! (I)

"Yi." Prince Grizzly Bear smiled and said: "There is plenty of food in this plane, and I am satisfied for the time being. But..."

It looked at its feet: "This alone is not enough for us to send troops."

"Yeah, it doesn't have rich resources, and I feel that here... there is Dupo sitting in charge." Prince Arcane also said.

"These juniors have said in advance that at least they still have manpower, don't they?" Xu Yangyi glanced at the tower. The Lord Kusheng above had already turned red. He took a deep look, turned around and ran away madly.

Why not die...

Why don't you die?

This situation can lead to the birth of a dragon and completely reverse the situation...

Huge fear and fear swept through his heart like a wave. He only had one thought at the moment, which was to get out of here.

Escape, as far away as possible.

He read the emotion in the eyes.

The killing intent is unlimited.

The demon Taixu did not pay attention to this glance, and the prince of the remnants of the Holy Flame said hoarsely: " can we check the quality of these 'hard workers'?"

"It's very simple." Xu Yangyi smiled even more devilishly, ignoring all the monks in the sky, looking at the thousand-meter towering city wall and the endless mountain guarding formation in front, and said quietly: "If we can blast a gap in this restriction, I’m sure you can see everything you want to see clearly.”

"Oh?" Prince Arcana raised his head slightly: "I feel the aura of Doppo, but... it's far worse than the Eighteen Demon Lords. But it's still Doppo. Do you want us to die?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were cold and he said with a smile: "Everyone has traveled thousands of miles and I have told you seniors in advance that there is Dupou here. You are not prepared at all, right?"

"Yes, yes." The King of Thousand Throats looked at him deeply: "What will you do in return for us?"

Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "My promotion to Taixu is your best information. I am trading with a Taixu plane. Isn't this enough?"

The King of Evil Eyes said: "What do you want?"

"It's very simple." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and looked at Towering City with a murderous intent: "I want a clear idea."

"Okay." Prince Grizzly Bear was the first to speak. With a wave of his hand, a strange bone flew into Xu Yangyi's hand. He smiled evilly and said, "Then let's have the beauty of adulthood. Everyone, give it to him."

Without any objection, all the demon kings took out a piece of bone, which was ordinary and ordinary. Xu Yangyi looked at it carefully and found that it was a finger bone.

"Be careful, little guy." Prince Grizzly smiled meaningfully, and took a few steps back with the other demon kings: "This is the finger bone shed by Lord Stoffelus. As long as spiritual power is injected into it, you can If you use your power to strike from the air and stay with your consciousness for twenty hours, even if you are unable to do so, you can take the opportunity to teleport back to Tiragandes, allowing you to walk sideways in this city without any problem."

"Kill whoever you want to kill, and don't ask if the other person is willing. This is the devil's answer."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly. It's good. These guys seem to be thinking about themselves, but in fact they don't want to completely offend this unknown plane. After all, they are new here. This job naturally fell on him.

But, does he need to be afraid?

That's exactly what he needed.

The wind howled, and the scene was silent. Xu Yangyi pulled his cloak that was blown straight by the wind, and slowly walked forward.

Solid steps rustled on the ground. Looking up, the vast city wall stretches across the front like the Great Wall. The thousand-meter-high silver wall, the hundreds-meter-high vermillion-lacquered gate, and the three characters "Towering City" with dragons and phoenixes dancing above them all give off a desolate and ancient flavor.

Everything was silent, only a series of stunned eyes remained. The monks in the sky watched Xu Yangyi fly up, and watched him stand proudly in front of the towering city. Compared with this giant city, he was so small, but at this moment he was All eyes are on you.

"He... what is this master going to do?" A Nascent Soul monk swallowed his saliva and suddenly realized that the voice was so loud. He immediately asked in a low voice, not knowing who to ask.

"I don't know..." All the monks leaned closely together and took half a step back silently. For some reason, they always had a frightening premonition.

Taichu temporarily withdrew its troops, and the towering city was safe. However, there was a suffocating chill in the silence, like the whisper of a devil, which made people feel chilled.

In this oppressive silence, Xu Yangyi slowly raised his hand, pouring spiritual power into the five bones. In an instant, a vast black light bloomed in the sky.

Extremely evil.

Incomparably profound.

Like a black hole that swallows everything, or opening up the abyss of hell, the black light rotates and intersects. With a muffled sound, five bones rise into the sky, each piece blooming with mysterious talismans, forming a circle with him as the center. The halo of the talisman suddenly closed toward the center.

The cloak suddenly turned into flying ash, revealing his figure with flying black hair. The black lights merged into a majestic vortex, facing the Nine-Nine Xuanhuang Formation!


The heart-shaking sound rose without wind, and the void trembled with the vortex fluctuations, even causing ripples in the mountain-protecting formation.

"Is this... could it be..." A Nascent Soul monk looked at Xu Yangyi, who looked like an ant compared to the Towering City, then looked at the extremely tall Towering City, and gasped: "No... it can't be... …”

What answered them was a loud noise, and a terrifying demonic energy burst out from the vortex!

One person, one city, the black death god roared outside the Cantian City. The seven deputy army commanders stood up suddenly after retreating tens of thousands of meters from Taichu.

"Is he crazy?" The Nine-tailed Scorpion King opened his mouth and looked ahead in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that one person actually threatened a city!

Moreover, this is the birthplace of the Song family, Cantian City.

There are more than a dozen Taixu, and a Cantian City that is in charge alone!

"No way..." "This kid... is really going to attack Cantian City?" "Which side is he on? Can he be won over?"

All seven deputy army commanders stood up. Everything in front of them was too incredible, and what was even more incredible was all the monks in Cantian City.

The black light illuminated the heavens, mysterious and profound. The city guards facing the black vortex a thousand meters away looked at each other, their eyes widened, and the black light illuminated the solid giant shield and the sharp immortal-killing crossbow, but they didn't know what to do.

Xu Yangyi's chest rose and fell slightly, his eyes were emotionless, his hands clenched suddenly, and the whole vortex spun wildly.


Boom! ! ! The devil followed the killing thought, and the devil's abyss opened the blueprint of destruction. Several saints who had just arrived on the tower were stunned, and then suddenly screamed: "What are you going to do!!"

A Yin Zun with sparse hair suddenly pushed through the torrent of the city defense army and rushed out. His body was trembling, and he shouted hoarsely: "Stop! Stop!!"

No one paid attention.

The light of destruction soared into the sky. Several Yin Zun looked at the five demon kings who kept retreating behind them in horror. The demonic energy in front of them was constantly increasing in strength. They could no longer care about their reserve and shouted: "This Taoist friend! What are you going to do! This is the mountain protection formation of Cantian City!" "No! Once the Jiujiu Xuanhuang formation is broken, it will take a long time to heal! You can't give Taichu a chance for your own selfishness!"

So, should I repay evil with virtue?

Then... how to repay the kindness!!

Ever since arriving at the Seven Realms Chain, the Song family has stabbed him in the back. He was fighting in front, and Feng Bo Pavilion was playing behind him. Now he has to watch himself die in front of Cangtian City... This grudge has finally reached its peak. Xu Yangyi sneered, and then his eyes were stern. All the spiritual energy in his body was poured into the vortex. The rapidly rotating vortex finally reached its peak, and a great demonic energy that had never been experienced before instantly descended into the void.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Without any reaction, all the cultivators in the void cried out and knelt on the ground. The saint who had just flown out of Cangtian City was strangled in his throat with a half-scream, and fell like a stone.

If Taixu is absolutely strong and cannot be resisted at all, under this pressure, there is no thought of resistance, and can only worship.

The Great Sage has come, and all living beings bow!

"Daozu above..." A saint knelt on the tower, prostrated himself, and tried hard to raise his head, as if he was stuck by a giant in the void. He looked outside the city with red eyes and trembled: "This is... This is... Beyond, beyond the void?!"

The feeling of electricity went from the soles of the feet to the top of the head. All the monks looked at the dark vortex tremblingly. Something was about to come out of it... It was beyond people's imagination, unparalleled and extremely terrifying.

Swish... The black tide swirled and condensed, and finally, a silver-white eye quietly opened from the mist. It was not strange, nor majestic. It swept the void calmly and peacefully, taking everything into its pupils. It was obviously extremely peaceful. Everyone... Every one of them began to chatter.

De De De... If the invisible hand of the god of death brushed over the head, only the fragrance of terror would remain.

"Just now." Xu Yangyi finally spoke, his voice hoarse because of the boiling murderous intent: "I am in front of this door."

"Behind me are countless Taichu, and in front of me is Cantian City."

"I hope to open the door, just open a crack and let me in."

"This Saint has been practicing for nearly 700 years, and has achieved Yangsheng Great Perfection, with a spiritual power of 270 million. I have killed countless Taichu, and here..."

He said a word from between his teeth: "Rejected."

His voice was the only voice here, and everyone heard it. The cultivators in the sky trembled and looked at each other, with shock in their eyes.

270 million... Even the Great Saint couldn't reach this step back then!

Who refused?

Who refused such a person to enter the city?

Who dared to cut off one of his arms?

Such a Venerable Saint guards a gate. Unless Taixu is dispatched, this gate is as stable as a rock.

On the tower, all the Venerable Saints opened their mouths wide, with panic in their eyes. They had a premonition that something big was going to happen... and it was a big event that shocked the seven realms!

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