
Chapter 1414: Those who are held guilty should be executed! (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi glanced at him and saw that the eyes of the Kusheng Venerable were red and his Dantian was destroyed, which already explained the attitude of the Song family. The other party's mouth was blocked, his hands were tied behind his back, and he was crying. Tears were streaming down his old face. There was only boundless resentment and... deep despair in his eyes when he looked at him.

Xu Yangyi's expression did not change at all, and his consciousness transmitted: "Where is Song Yinfeng?"

"Don't worry, my friend, let's discuss everything slowly! This matter was the first to be rude by the Song family. Both sides just had a misunderstanding. Everyone is a pillar of the Seven Realms, so don't be impulsive!" Shen Chenyang was among the eleven people, his eyes twitched violently, looking at the gushing vortex in front of him, he said hoarsely: "We... will definitely give you a satisfactory answer..."

Before he finished speaking, the pupils of the eleven Taixu suddenly contracted. That finger burst into a thousand-foot light and rushed straight to the Nine Nine Profound Yellow Formation!


If I don't deal with your Song family today, there will be no negotiation!

Do you think this Saint is joking?

Do you think this Saint Lord dare not do anything to Cantian City?

Then I will tell you with facts, these... are all self-righteousness!


The sky was bright, and where the finger fell, countless runes instantly broke into talismans, and collapsed in all directions like a tide. A circle of huge rune shock waves, violent winds swept the void, thousands of miles in an instant, circles of brilliant ripples bloomed, and the world seemed to have turned into slow motion at this second.

Countless cultivators opened their mouths and eyes, watching this scene that they might never see in their lifetime.

One person suppressed the heirloom family and forced eleven Taixu to hand over people. No one in the family that had not changed for thousands of years dared to speak, and... in the end, he really attacked the Jiujiu Xuanhuang Formation as a cultivator of the Seven Realms.

They saw that in the extreme light, the seven deputy legion commanders in the back were shocked and stared at Cantian City, and countless Taichu were ready to move.

They also saw, in the sea of ​​brilliant and splendid light, the figure that was obviously small, but now towering over the entire Cantian City.

They also saw that a green light burst out from the hand of the palace-dressed woman, and instantly turned into a green dragon, roaring up, claws growing clouds, and rushing straight into the vortex. With her as the leader, Shen Chenyang's eyes were blood red, his eyes were about to burst, his sleeves were fluttering, and a clear whistle was heard, and the black and white lights were like mad dragons out of the sea, following the green dragon.

Eleven streams of light illuminated the sky, a palace lantern flew out, turned into a red bird screaming, and the sea of ​​fire filled the sky within ten thousand meters. A dry bamboo soared into the sky, scattering thousands of green lights, and another sword flew into the sky, carrying sword light like a tide... However, all of this was too pale under this finger.

Hearing thunder in silence.

The demon king's attack amazed the entire sky.

At this moment, a magnificent golden light rippled across the entire Cantian City from the city gate.

There was no place that could not be seen, no place that could not be heard, even if they were far away, every cultivator looked at the direction of the city gate in surprise, all in unison.

At the moment when the light shone, countless eyes in the city, countless Song family mansions, and countless figures stood up at the same time, looking at the place where the sky light bloomed in disbelief and shock.

"He took action?" An old man with a four-sword sun emblem on his chest stood trembling in the courtyard, trying to rise into the air but unable to do so. Then he half-knelt on the ground and cried loudly: "He took action... He really took action! Song Zu, Cantian City was humiliated! I feel ashamed of you!"

"How dare he... How dare he! How dare he take action in Cantian City!!" In another mansion, a man in brocade robes held his head with red eyes, his face was pulled a little hideous, his hands were buried in his black hair, his eyes were red, and he roared like a wounded beast: "Song Yinfeng... You idiot! Provoked such a great enemy for the Song family! Let the Song family suffer such an insult in the land of Longxing! You are to blame for your death!"

More high-level officials of the Song family did not speak, but just opened their mouths dully and looked at the edge of the sky tremblingly. The layers of brilliant light seemed to shine on their hearts, cutting their hearts with blood.

The towering city that has stood for tens of thousands of years, with the majesty of the Song family, was torn to pieces by a venerable saint today under the watchful eyes of the crowd.

This slap was so loud that they were stunned. After a long time, in a luxurious mansion, a woman slowly fell down as if exhausted, scratching the wall with her hands, and a dull scream came out of her throat after a long time: "Ah!!!"

"Damn... Damn it!!" "Tens of thousands of years of towering city! How can you really do it... Song Yinfeng! You stupid fool without eyes!!" "Song Er... You actually... Actually provoked such a great enemy for the Song family! You deserve to die!" "Oh my God... My Song family has never suffered such humiliation in the past 100,000 years! You... All deserve to die!!"

No one saw that in the center of the city, Suzaku Tower, on the 33rd floor, at the same moment when the light bloomed, a gray-haired figure suddenly stood up, and then collapsed as if exhausted.

The white robe and jade belt, with a purple gold crown on his head, was Song Yinfeng.

However, at this moment, his face was filled with panic and fear, like a frightened cat, and his hair was half white due to excessive fear.

In just one hour, from heaven to hell, at this moment, he only had an absurd feeling in his heart.

How could it be possible...

Is this a dream... Is this a nightmare? It must be...

As far as the eye can see, the end of the sky is bright, countless talismans are flying, and the unbreakable Cantian City formation is disintegrating bit by bit. Every cultivator below has a shocked face, surrendering to this overwhelming power.

These scenes formed endless fear in his heart.

How could that lowly monk have so much energy!

He thought he was an ant, but he turned out to be a dinosaur. This change was unacceptable to him. The high-ranking and ancestral family looked extremely pale at this moment. They were stepped on by a lowly ant in the face, threatening to hand over the next generation head of the family in front of hundreds of millions of people, but there was no reaction from the senior officials of the Song family.

They did not dare to react to a sage who had exerted the power of the five five kings and two queens, and to a sage who now held the power of a single step. They did not dare to react, and they could not react.

He felt so lonely, and his usual ability to control the wind and rain seemed fake. He was covered in cold sweat and couldn't stand firmly on his feet.

Will you agree...

Will Shentian City agree to hand him over?

No way... I am the next head of the Song family, and I have close friends everywhere in Towering City.

But...does any of these cronies speak for themselves now?

No, not one...

On this luxurious floor, he was now alone, and even the serving monks were quietly avoiding him, leaving him to slump in his chair.


Suddenly, a sigh sounded from the corner, and Song Yinfeng, whose eyes had lost all energy, jumped up like a needle and looked into the void: " it grandpa?"

"You...are you here to save me?"

There was hope in his eyes: "It must be... right? You... won't hand me over, right?"

There was no answer. After a few seconds, an old voice sounded: "Towering City, the place where the Song family flourished."

Song Yinfeng nodded in ecstasy, but had a bad feeling in his heart.

Grandpa didn't answer his question.

"This city was built 80,000 years ago. It has survived tens of thousands of years without falling. Its defenses have been stable step by step. Today it is worth more than one trillion."

"Do you think you are worth one trillion spiritual jade?"

Song Yinfeng trembled all over, knelt down with a plop, and hissed: "Grandpa! You can't do this! I am your most beloved grandson! I...I am extremely talented! The Song family will definitely be able to do this under my leadership I can reach higher levels! Please... please give me another chance!"

The voice sighed faintly: "Yinfeng, you disappoint me so much."

"When you encounter an opponent like this, you either have to eradicate it, kill it with one blow, or don't get involved at all. You have done neither of these things, and you have misjudged the opponent's strength. The Song family has fallen into this embarrassing situation. If you are riding a tiger and cannot get off, you should take full responsibility.”

"If you are the head of the family, this is a decision that will lead to the demise of the family."

"I misjudged you."

"Grandpa!" Song Yinfeng kowtowed violently: "I..."

However, before he could finish speaking, the old voice became firm: "As a family, no one can't sacrifice for the family, but today it's your turn, and you can still pay the price for the family."

"Go in peace."

Song Yinfeng knelt on the ground. This sentence was like a thunderbolt. His face was filled with disbelief. His body trembled slightly and he raised his head. He opened his mouth slightly, his face turned pale due to shock, and he shook his head nervously.

"! No!!" He stood up with red eyes, like a trapped animal about to die. He couldn't care about anything anymore and screamed desperately: "You can't do this!! I have been in charge for more than two hundred years. Towering City, there is no merit but hard work! I... I am the next Taoist son of the Song family! You can't sacrifice me!"

The old voice did not speak, and the huge fear tightened his heart. In the crisis of life and death, he desperately climbed two steps, no longer looking aloof as usual, and choked with sobs and cried: "Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!" Please help me! You know this! My grandson doesn’t know!”

"He is a devil...yes! He must be a devil! He is a spy from another plane! He is here to destroy the Seven Realms! Kill him and everything will be clear!"

"My grandson has been working for the Song family for hundreds of years. He is extremely talented, but you can't do that!!"

The cry finally turned into a scream, and this scream was completely broken by the great terror between life and death. On the huge thirty-third floor, only his screams of begging echoed like a ghost crying.

A hand slowly stretched out from the void and touched the top of his head. Just as Song Yinfeng's expression softened, the other party said in a cold voice: "In addition, I also want to tell you that the family will not avenge you. The other party's The strength has gone beyond the scope of the family. Because of your wrong decision, we have to guard against the other party's revenge and make every effort to make friends. "

Song Yinfeng opened his mouth slightly, with tears streaming down his face, his muscles trembled slightly, and he looked into the void in disbelief.

Abandoned son.

This word that had never appeared before quickly occupied his mind, and... he couldn't even take revenge! He can only go to hell with incomparable resentment and never be reincarnated.


Before he finished speaking, a white light flashed in the sky, his head shot up into the sky, and blood flowed all over the ground.

"However, I can give you the right not to die in his hands."

"After all, it would be too ugly to have the next nominal head of the Song family be beheaded in the Land of Longxing."

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